Minutes of Meetings and Special Meetings, Soldier’s Lyceum

11th Independent Battery
Minutes Of Meetings And Special Meetings
Soldier's Lyceum
Transcribed By Brendan Murphy

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1st Regular Meeting, Soldiers Lyceum
11th N.Y Battery Jan. 14 1864

A number of members of the 11th New York Battery, being assembled, proceed to Organize a Society for mutual improvement.
A Constitution and By-Laws were passed upon an adopted with some amendments. The Constitution was their signed by those wishing to become members, and the Society proceeded to the Election of Officers.
Mr. John Kilmer was elected President, Mr. Vandenburg Vice President, and Wm. A. Dalton Secretary and Treasurer. Messrs. Crounse, Kelly and Groesbeck were appointed by the President as Committee on Questions, for two weeks. Question resolved on for next meeting was “Resolved, that it is the best policy of the Soldiers now in the Union Army to enlist for the war.” Mr. Patterson on the affirmative and Mr. Roles on the negative. The disputants then chose their colleagues. Messrs. Badger, Pearce and Grubb were appointed a committee of ways and means. The Society then adjourned until Monday evening, jan. 18. 1864

(Signed) Wm. A. Dalton

2d Regular Meeting of the Soldiers Lyceum of the 11th N.Y. Battery
In Camp Near Brandy Station
Jan 18, 1864

The Society met pursuant to adjournment and was called to Order by the President. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A motion was then carried that the Disputants be allowed to designate their colleagues as they wished them to speak. Mr. Benton was appointed a committee to invite Mr. Draper-citizen of Troy, N.Y. to attend the meeting. The Society then proceeded to debate the question-Resolved “that this is the best policy of soldiers now in the Union Army to reenlist for the war.” It was decided in favor of the affirmative. The Society then passed a vote of thanks to the committee on questions. The Question Selected for the next debate was “Resolved, that women should allowed the electoral franchise in the same manner as accorded to men.” Disputants appointed men, Mr. Groesbeck on the affirmative, & Mr. Kelly on the negative. 
Messrs. Vandenburg, Patterson and Roper were appointed a committee of questions. Mr. Crounse was appointed Critic. Meyers, Briggs, Reynolds and Oudenkirk were appointed a committee of ways & means. Motion made & carried that Honorary members be allowed to join the Society and a clause be inserted in the Constitution to that effect. A motion authorizing the President to appoint a Janitor. Mr. Hastings was appointed as such. 
Motion carried that hereafter the meeting shall commence at ¼ before 6 o’clock and that debate shall close ¼ before 8 o’clock.
Some amendments to the By-Laws were then passed and the Society adjourned until ¼ before 6 P.M. Monday January 26,1864.

(Signed) Wm. A. Dalton

1st Special Meeting of the Soldier Lyceum of the 11th N.Y. Battery, 
in Camp Near Brandy Station Va.

The members being assembled were called to order by the President.
Motion carried to proceed to the Election of Officers. Election resulted in Mr. Vandenburg being elected President. Mr. Kelly Vice President; Mr. Roper Sec. and Treasurer. By vote of the Society the Elections were made unanimous. Motion carried that the Janitor be instructed to give to members of the choice of seats. Motion made that all committees appointed by the President shall serve during the term of his office. Motion carried that the committee of ways, & means be instructed to procure Blank books and other necessaries for the use of the Society, and upon so doing report amount of funds expended.
Society then heard the report of the Critic of last meeting which was accepted. 
Motion then carried that a clause be inserted in the Constitution requiring members absenting themselves without sufficient excuse to pay a fine of 25 cts. 
Society then adjourned.

(Signed) Wm. A. Dalton

3rd Regular Meeting of the Soldiers Lyceum of the 11th N.Y. Battery. 
In Camp Near Brandy Station Va. Jan 25th, 1864

The Society met pursuant to the adjournment-was called to order by the President.
The Minutes of the last meeting were read an approved. The Society then proceeded to debate the question “Resolved that women should be allowed to elective franchise in the same manner as is accorded to men”. It was decided in the negative. The Critics report was then made and accepted. The question selected for the next debate was “Resolved that the $300.00 commutation clause should be stricken out of the present enrollment bill, lately before Congress.”
The newly elected President then took his seat, a vote of thanks to the President vacating the chain was passed. Disputants appointed were Mr. Badger on the Aff. and Mr. Pearce on the Neg. Messrs. Robertson, Dalton and Fitzpatrick were appointed Com. Of Ways & Means. Mr. Broughton appt. Janitor. Com. of Questions Messrs Pearce, Badger and Gillett. Mr. Kelly appt. Critic.
The Society then adjourned till 15 minutes before 6. P.M. Monday, Feb 1st, 1864.

Elihu K. Roles

4th Regular Meeting of the Soldiers Lyceum of the 11th N.Y. Battery 
In Camp near Brandy Station Va. 
February 1st, 1864.

The Society met pursuant to the adjournment and called to order by the Prest. The Sec’y Mr. Roles being absent, the Prest. appointed Mr. Paterson Sec’y pro. tem.
Minutes of the last meeting were read & approved. 
The debate came next in order. The question “Resolved that 300 dollar commutation clause should be stricken from the present enrollment bill now before Congress” was decided in favor of the Negative. An essay was then read by Mr. Paterson-Subject- “Uncle Sam”.
Critic’s report was then made and accepted. The question chosen for the next debate was “Resolved: that it is for the future good of the country to re-elect Abraham Lincoln as the next President of the United States.” Disputants-Mr. Robertson on the aff.-Mr. Briggs on the Neg. The following committees were appointed on the questions Messrs. Kilmer, Davis and Oudenkirk. Com. on Ways & Means Messrs Crounse, Hill & Reynolds. Janitor Mr. Gillett. Critic Mr. Groesbeck. Mr. Briggs withdrew motion he laid before the Society at the previous meeting. The Society then adjourned till Monday evening February 8th.

Elihu K. Roles

5th Regular Meeting of the Soldiers Lyceum of the 11th N.Y. Battery 
In Camp near Brandy Station Va. 
Feb 8th, 1864

The Society met pursuant to the adjournment and was called to order by the President. The following members were fined by the Prest. for absence Messrs. Grubb, Hastings, Putnam Hollis, Gale, Barnes.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The debate was next in order & was taken up. Motion made and carried that new members be allowed to speak in place of absent colleagues. On motion adjourned till after roll-call. met again, called to order by the Prest. and debate resumed. Mr. Kelly by motion was allowed 2 minutes over his time. Mr. Pearse Sr. was by motion invited to speak. The debate was decided in favor of the Affirmative. Critics report was then made and accepted. question chosen for debate at next reg. meeting- Resolved that Congress should repeal the Homestead Bill and only grant land, whether confiscated or otherwise, to those who have served in the Army of the U.S. Disputant on the Aff. Mr. Broughton. On the Neg. Mr. Dalton.
It was moved & carried that the election of officers take place, between the last Monday evening of their term , and the next regular meeting.
The President announced a special meeting on Friday evening, Feb 12th. 
On motion adjourned.

Elihu K. Roles

Second Special Meeting of the soldiers lyceum. 11th N.Y. Battery. 
In camp near Brandy Station Va.

The Society met pursuant to the adjournment and was called to order by the President. The roll was called and fines against absence were announced. The meeting then proceeded to the election of officers. Mr. Crounse was elected President; Mr. Gillet was elected V.P. Mr. Briggs elected Secretary and Treasurer. The President was escorted to the chair by Mr. Groesbeck and delivered his inaugural address. The President made the following appointments. Committee on questions; Messrs. Vandenburgh, Patterson and Kelly. Committee on ways and means Messrs. Kilmer, Wissell and Groesbeck. Motion carried that the committee on ways and means be appointed as their occur on the roll. Mr. Robertson was appointed Janitor. On motion the question before the house to be discussed was done away with, and the following one substituted in its stead. “Resolved that the Southern states will present stronger inducements for immigration than the western territories at the close of the war”. On motion the Glee Club was invited to sing and did so, receiving The Thanks of the Society for so doing. On Motion the Society adjourned.

R. B. Briggs Sec.

Sixth Regular Meeting of the Soldier’s Lyceum of the 11th N.Y. Battery 
In Camp near Brandy Station Va. 
Feb. 13th 1864

The Society met pursuant to the adjournment and was called to order by the President. The roll was called and the Following members were absent. Dalton, Roper, Oudenkirk, Kilmer, Pearce, Benton. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and accepted. The Minutes of the last special meeting were read and rejected. An amendment was made to the house by Vandenburgh, where they were accepted. An essay was furnished by Mr. Crounse and read by Mr. Reynolds. The Debate being next in order, was opined on the Aff by Mr. Kelly. The question was decided in favor of the affirmative. The Critics report was made and accepted. The committee on questions reported and following one was accepted. “Resolved that the pains to which the human race is subject in this life come to balance the pleasures”. Mr. Wissell was appointed disputant on the Affirmative. And Mr. Reynolds disputant on the negative. Mr. Patterson was requested to deliver an oration; and Mr. Reynolds to furnish an essay at the next regular meeting. On motion of Mr. Groosebeck, a committee of three was appointed to wait on the formal committee on questions and assess them, that the Society intended no disrespect to them regarding the series of questions which they had furnished to the Society; and further more, the Society have full confidence in their integrity, talents and fitness for any position to which they may be assigned. On motion the Society adjourned.

R.B Briggs Sec.

Seventh Regular Meeting of the soldiers lyceum of the 11th N.Y. Battery 
In Camp near Brandy Station, Va. 
Feb. 22, 1864.

The society met pursuant to the adjournment and was called to order by the President. The roll was called, and the following members were absent: Dalton and Pearse. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. Patterson delivered an oration and Mr. Reynolds read an essay. Mr. Gillet was appointed critic. The Debate being next in order was opened on the affirmative by Mr. Wessell. During the debate, a motion was made and carried that the Society adjourn until after roll call. After roll call the house was called to order by the President and debate continued. On motion Mr. Guardinier was allowed to speak on either side. The question was decided in favor of the affirmative. The critic made his report, which was accepted. A motion was made and carried that the thanks of the Society be tendered to Messrs Reynolds and Patterson for their able oratory and essays. On motion, the house adjourned until Feb. 29.

R. B Briggs Sec.

Eighth Regular Meeting of the Soldier’s Lyceum of the 11th N.Y. Battery 
In Camp near Brandy Station Va
Feb 29th 1864.

The Society met pursuant to adjournment and was called to order by the President. The roll was called. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and after being amended were accepted. The Treasurer’s report was called for, and being made was accepted. A motion was made and carried, that the chairman of the committee on ways and means be reprimanded for absenting himself. Mr. Vandenburgh read a poem and was rendered the thanks of the Society. The Committee on questions reported and the following question was chosen for the next debate “Resolved, that the present system of State Government should be broken up, and all power vested in the General Government” The debate was then broke up, when the VP bring one of the colleagues. Mr. Briggs was appointed to preside during the debate. On motion, the society adjourned till after roll call. Having again met a motion was made and carried that Mr. Roper be requested to speak on either side, Mr. Roper declining the question was not put. The debate being concluded, the critic made his report which was accepted, and the thanks of the Society tendered to him for the impartial manner in which he criticized members. The President, gave his decision in favor of the affirmative. The following disputants were then appointed. Affirmative, Mr. Briggs: Negative Mr. Hill. The Thanks of the Society were tendered to Mr. Crounse for the use of his house; also to Mr. Roper for his able address. Messrs Lay and Salsbury were admitted members of the Society before the house adjourned.

Charles. A. Meynes

Ninth Regular Meeting of the Soldiers Lyceum of the 11th N.Y. Battery,
In Camp near Brandy Station Va 
March 1, 64

The Society having met was called to order by the President. The roll was called, and the minutes of the previous meeting read and accepted. A motion passed the house that all persons who had delivered orations or read Essays be required to hand a copy of the same to the Secretary, to be kept on file. One of the Disputants and several of the colleagues being absent, Mr. Reynolds took the place of the absent disputant. The Society adjourned till after roll call. After having met the President gave his decision in favor of the negative. The Critics report was made and accepted. The Committee on questions made their report and the following question was adopted. “Resolved, that Slavery as it existed before the war, with the exceptions of breaking up of families and the cohabiting of the master with his chattel, was a wise and benevolent institution, and better adapted to that region than free labor.” The President appointed the disputants. Affirmative Mr. Gillet, negative Mr. Meyers. A motion was made and carried that the senior Mr. Roper be made an honorary member of the Society and the Secretary be instructed to inform him of the fact. The Society then adjourned until the 11th of the month.

Charles. A. Meynes

Fourth Special Meeting of the Soldiers Lyceum of the 11th N.Y. Battery, 
In Camp near Brandy Station Va. 
March 11th 1864.

The Society met pursuant to the adjournment and was called to order by the president . The roll was called, and the minutes of the previous meeting read and accepted. The report of the Treasurer was called for, which was made an accepted. Amount of funds on hand $4.05. The meeting then proceeded to the election of officers, which resulted in the choice of Mr. Briggs as President; Robertson V.P. and Davis Secretary and Treasurer. By motion, the elections were made unanimous. The President appointed the following committee on ways and means, Hollis, Roper Benton and Hill, Committee on questions Messrs Kelly, Groesbeck and Crounse. Motion made and carried that the Secretary enter the Constitution, By-laws and Minutes of the society in his book, appropriated for that purpose, and the former secretarys be assessed to the amount of $1.00 to pay for the same. Motion made and carried the house adjourn until the 4th of the month. Adjourned.

Charles. A. Meynes

Tenth Regular Meeting Soldiers Lyceum 11th N.Y. Batt. 
In Camp near Brandy Station Va. 
March 14 1864

The Society met pursuant to the adjournment and was called to order by the President. The roll was called and the absent members noted. The House proceeded to debate the following question; “Resolved that Slavery, as it was before the Wars with the exceptions of breaking up of families and the cohabiting of the Master with his chattels, was a wise and benevolent institution, and better adapted to that region than free labor.”. Mr. Kilmer was appointed Critic. The debate was decided in favor of the Affirmative. The house then took up the orders of Special Business. Mr. Crounse made a motion that the Secretary read the resignations of certain members, Motion Carried. Some discussion followed, when the following committee was appointed; Messrs Reynolds, Kilmer and Gillett, to prevail on the Gentlemen and endeavor to reclaim them-to ease their own Indgement, but not in any manner compromise the dignity of the Society, Mr. Reynolds gave notice that at next meeting he would read an article to be incorporated into the Constitution, denying the right of any members to canvas for any office in the gift of the Society. The Committee on questions reported and presented 6 questions for discussion of which number the following was selected for the next meeting of the Society. “Resolved that celibacy is more delightful than the married State.” The President appointed as disputants, affirmative Mr. Davis; negative, Mr. Rowlands. On motion the House adjourned to meet on the evening of March 21st.

Wm Davis

11th Regular Meeting Soldiers Lyceum, 11th N.Y. Battery
In Camp near Brandy Station Va.
March 21st, 64

The President being in the chair, the meeting was called to order. Minutes of the last meeting were read an accepted. Mr. Meynes, was appointed Critic for the evening. The debate was then taken up. Questions, “Resolved, that celibacy is more delightful than the married state.” was argued by the disputants and the colleagues. Previous to the decision, Motions were made by Mr. Crounse that the delinquent members on the negative side of the question be fined. Amended by Mr. Corliss, to be fined unless sufficient reasons be adduced. Mr. Briggs being present, was requested by the call of the House to speak on either side of the question. Mr. Badger, a returning Veteran member was invited to speak. The debate then closed the decision in favor of the negative. Motion made and carried that the Houses adjourn until after Roll Call. The meeting having again met., proceeded to business, where the Critic made his report which was accepted. The following question was then adopted, for the next debate “Resolved, that Republicanism is the only true system of Government.” The disputants were then appointed affirmative, Mr. Robinson, Negative, Mr. Pearce. The House then proceeded to special business. The Committee appointed to wait on Resigning members reported progress. Few of the Gentlemen, Mess. Vandenburgh and Patterson being present, stated reasons for resigning which the meeting accepted. Mr. Reynolds offered his amendment to the Constitution which the Society rejected. On motion, the House then adjourned to meet March 25ht,. The President appointing a Special meeting for that night.

Wm. Davis

5th Special Meeting Soldier Lyceum 11th N.Y. Battery.
In Camp near Brandy Station Va.
March 25, 64

The Society met pursuant to the adjournment and was called to order by the President, and then proceeded to the election of Officers, Mr. Reynolds was elected President, Mr. Wessells, Vice President, and Mr. Corliss Sec’y. On motion the elections were made unanimous. A motion was made by Mr. Gillett, and adopted, that a committee on of one be appointed to collect the fines as assessed-against the delinquent Secretary was amended by Mr. Meynes, to the effect that the committee remained in office until pay day. The President appointed Mr. Kelly, as the Committee. A motion made by Mr. Crounse, and adopted that the fines assessed against the delinquent members on debate at last meeting be remitted; also, that all fines assessed against members heretofore be canceled, a motion made by Mr. Kelly and adopted that all disputants, and colleagues, who absent themselves form debate without sufficient reasons, be deprived of all privileges of the Society for two weeks after the same.
A motion made by Mr. Crounse and adopted, that a committee of one be appointed to wait upon the disputants and colleagues chosen at the last meeting, and ascertain if they have been informed of their selection. The President appointed as such committee Mr. Oudenkirk. A motion was made that Mr. Pearse be expelled, amended by Mr. Davis that a committee of three be appointed to wait upon the Gentlemen who are in the habit of absenting themselves and ascertain their reasons for so doing. The President appointed as such committee Messr Corliss, Benton and Hastings. A motion made by Mr. Crounse and adopted that a disputant be appointed in place of Mr. Pearse, and a colleague in place of Mr. Reynolds. The President appointed as disputants Mr. Broughton, and as colleague Mr. Wessell. The President, appointed, as committee on questions, Messrs Davis, Davey and Kilmer. Committee on Ways and Means, Messrs Robertson, Salsbury and Putnam. Janitor Mr. Crounse. On motion, the House adjourned, until Monday evening March 28th. Amount of funds in Treasury $3.45.

Wm Davis,

12th Regular Meeting, Soldier’s Lyceum 11th N. Y. Battery, 
In camp, near Brandy Station Va. 
March 28th 1864

A quorum being present, the Society was called to order by the President. The roll was called and the following named members were absent. Armington, Badger, Davey, Dalton, Hollis, Kilmer, Leonard, Oudenkirk, Pearse, Putnam. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The President appointed Mr. Crounse as Critic. The debate being next in order, was opened in the affirmative by Mr. Robertson. The debate being concluded, the critics report was made and accepted. The question was decided in the affirmative.
Mr. Roper gave notice that he should at the next meeting present to be accepted up, by the Society, an additional clause, to be inserted into the By-Laws, regulating the system of Honorary Membership. Mr. Corliss gave notice of additional clauses to be inserted in the By-Laws regulating the system of fines and absence.
Mr. Kelly, gave notice of a article for be instead in the By Laws regarding the invitation of members. The question adopted for debate, at the next meetings is “Resolved, that the amnesty proclamation of the President of the United States, will restore the Union sooner than acts of warfare.”
The President appointed as disputants for the affirmative Mr. Gillett, Colleague Mr. Crounse, Badger and Armington. Disputant-Negative, Mr. Briggs, Colleagues Mr. Corliss, Hill and Benton.
Communication was read by the Secretary, from Mr. Ropes of Elizabethport, New Jersey, an honorary member of our Society. The President requested Mr. Crounse to furnish an oration and Mr. Meynes to read such selections as he may deem proper at the next meeting. 
On motion, the Society adjourned until Monday evening, April 4th, 1864.

Stephen. Corliss.

13th Regular Meeting. Soldiers Lyceum, 11th N.Y. Battery, 
In camp, near Brandy Station, Va. 
April 4th, 1864.

The Society met pursuant to the adjournment, was called to order by the President; the roll being called, the following named members were absent, Davey, Dalton, Hollis, Leonard, Kilmer, Oudenkirk, Pearse, Putnam. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The President, as Critic, Mr. Broughton, an oration was delivered by Mr. Crounse, the debate being next in order, was opened in the affirmative by Mr. Gillett. The Critics report was made and accepted. The question debated was decided in the negative. Question selected for the next debate is “Resolved, That religion has caused more discord among nations than political differences.”
The President appointed as disputant upon the affirmative Mr. Kelly, Colleagues Mr. Meynes, Kilmer and Rowland. Disputant-Negative Mr. Davis, Colleagues Mr. Broughton, Hastings and Lay. The additional articles to be added to the By-laws as proposed by Mr. Corliss, were adopted. The articles proposed by Mr. Kelly and Roles were also adopted.
On Motion of Mr. Crounse, the vote upon Mr. Roles amendment to the same, which was adopted. Mr. Corliss gave notice of a proposition to be presented, changing the fines article of the By Laws.
The Treasurer’s report was made and accepted. On Motion the Society adjourned until Friday evening, April 8th, 1864.

Stehphen P. Corliss

6th Special Meeting Soldiers Lyceum, 11th N.Y. Battery
In camp, near Brandy Station, Va.,
April 8th 1864

The Society met pursuant to adjournment, was called to order by the President, The roll was called. All the members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The society then proceeded to the election of Officers. On motion of Mr. Crounse, members voting would as the Secretrary called their name, deposit their votes . Mr Broughton was elected Pres. Mr. Badger, Vice. Pres, Mr. Hastings, Secretary and Treasurer. On motion the elections were made unanimous.
The exaugural and inaugural address were then listened to. On motion of Mr. Crounse, a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Reynolds, for the manner which he had conducted himself while in the chair. On motion of Mr. Kelly a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Corliss for the efficient manner in which he conducted himself as Secretary. Mr. Henry Rowland’s resignation was read and accepted. 
A motion made and carried that a committee of one be appointed to wait upon Mr. Vandenburg and Paterson, and obtain the oration and essays they had delivered before the Society. The President appointed Mr. Reynolds as such committee.
Motion made by Mr. Corliss and adopted, that a committee of three be appointed for the purpose of correcting mistakes etc. etc. in the copy of proceedings before being sent away. The President appointed as such committee Mr. Crounse, Kelly and Corliss.
Motion made and adopted that the books containing the proceedings of the Society be sent to the Bureau of Military Statistics at Albany, in the name of the Soldiers Lyceum, 11th Battery.
The President appointed as committee on questions Mr. Meynes, Fuley and Briggs. Committee on Ways and Means, Mr. Armington, Benton and Barnes. Janitor, Mr. Gillette. The Pres. invited Mr. Reynolds to read a selection at the next meeting. On motion the Society adjourned until Monday evening, April 11th, 1864.

Stephen. P. Corliss.

14th Regular Meeting Soldiers Lyceum, 11th N.Y. Battery 
In Camp near Brandy Station Va. 
April 16th 1864

The Society met pursuant to the adjournment was called to order by the President. The roll was called and the following named members were absent, Kilmer Oudekirk & Putnam. The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. An extract was read by Mr. Reynolds on learning and wisdom from Dr. Holland’s Gold Foil. The President appointed Mr. Corliss as Critic. The debate being next in order was opened in the affirmative by Mr. Kelly. Motion made and carried by Mr. Gillett, the meeting adjourn until after roll call.
After roll call, the members assembled and were called to order by their President. The debate was then resumed and finished. The Critic made his report, Mr. Reynolds made a motion which was adopted, that the Critics report be accepted with a vote of thanks from the Society. The question was decided in the affirmative. The question selected for the next debate is Resolved “that Rural life is more conducive to morality than City life”. The President appointed as disputants for the affirmative, Mr. Corliss, Colleagues, Mr. Briggs, Davey and Badger, Disputants on the negat. Mr. Crounse, Colleagues Armington, Davies and Benton. Motion made and carried by Mr. Gillett that Mr. Shephard become an active member of the Society. Motion made and adopted by Mr. Corliss that the first article of the By Laws be so changed, as to admit honorary members without paying the initiation fee. On motion, the house adjourned until Monday Evening, April 18th 1864.

William Hastings

7th Special Meeting Soldiers Lyceum 11th N.Y. Battery 
In Camp near Brandy Station, Va. 
April 14th 1864

The Society and pursuant to adjournment was called to order by the President. The roll was called and the following members were absent, Kilmer, Pearse, Roper and Putnam. Minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. The Society then proceeded to special business. Motion read by Mr. Kelly, and adopted, that the original constitution and By Laws be read and compared with the revised form. Motion made and carried by Mr. Corliss, that the last motion be reconsidered. Motion made and adopted by Mr. Corliss, that the President appoint a person, to read the original Constitution and By Laws, the President appointed Mr. Kelly, to read them. The revised work was read by Mr. Crounse Chairman of the committee on that business. Motion by Mr. Reynolds and adopted, that each article read and compared should be accepted, except if any of the members should object. The reading of the Constitution and By Laws being finished, Mr. Robertson made a motion which was adopted, that they be accepted in the revised form. Motion made and carried, by Mr. Crounse, that the Glee Club be invited to favor the society, with two or more songs. The Secretarys report was then called for, which was given, and accepted. Amount of funds $3.60. Motion made and carried that the Society adjourn.
William Hastings.