8th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

PHILADELPHIA, May 28,1861.
The Ninth Regiment of New York, and the Eighth Regiment of German Rifles, of the same city passed through here early this morning. They were handsomely entertained by the residents on Washington street.

The whole of the reserve brigade of Mc- Dowell's army, under Col. Blenker of the Eighth New York, are trained soldiers. Every officer has commanded in actual service in Europe. Many have been in ten, twelve or eighteen pitched battles, while Col. Blenker himself has seen twenty-eight such encounters.

Mustered Out.
Albany, April 22. — The 8th regiment New York State Volunteers, two years' regiment, will be mustered out of service to-morrow, and will take the steamer at Aquia Creek for New York on Friday.

The eighth regiment New York volunteers, Col. Blenker, broke their camp, near the Park, yesterday morning, and marched over into "Dixie''. The men men went off in fine style, and were enthusiastic at the prospect of soon meeting the enemy. A train of thirty wagons brought up the rear, which took over their camp equipage.

(May 1861)
At noon yesterday the German Rifle regiment, Colonel Louis Blenker, quartered at Palace Garden, had what in their language is termed a wacht-parade, which was the occasion of a very pleasant reunion of the lady and gentlemen friends of the officers and members. It was expected that Governor Morgan would be present; but he was absent for some reason. The ceremonies consisted of reading the daily reports by the officers to the Colonel, promulgating the bulletin for the ensuing twenty-four hours, and inspecting the company whose turn had arrived for guard mounting, subsequent to which Colonel Blenker announced his appointment of Arthur Brandt to the ensigncy of Company H, vice August Gouse, removed. The men were then dismissed, and the visitors promenaded the hall to the inspiriting strains of the excellent regimental band, which discoursed a number of operatic patriotic and national airs. The regiment will receive their arms on Wednesday, and proceed to Staten Island for encampment.
In our report on Saturday of the parade and presentation of banners to this noble regiment, we inadvertently stated that Lieutenant Colonel Staehl proposed three cheers for the president of the United States. It was Colonel Louis Blenker, whose place it really is to honor the Chief Magistrate of this country, in proposing any cheers for, and he is too good and experienced a commandant not to understand his duties in this respect. In justice to Colonel Blenker we make this correction.

The following dispatch has been received in New York:
Baltimore, Tuesday May 14
The Eighth Regiment of New York State troops, escorted by the Sixth regiment of Massachusetts, bore the Stars and Stripes through Baltimore for the first time since the l9th of April
D.B. Keeler, Jr.,
Adjutant Eighth Regiment, N.Y.S.M.

PRESENTATION TO THE COLONEL OF A RETURNED VOLUNTEER REGIMENT. -- On Friday afternoon the members of the 8th regiment New York Volunteers, who returned in the early part of this week from the seat of war were entertained at Landman's Park by their former sutler. During the afternoon their late commandant, Col. Prince Salm Salm came upon the ground, and soon afterward, Sergeant Schaen, on behalf of the sergeants, corporals and privates of the regiment, presented him with an elegant sword, sash, belt and order box. The recipient of this costly gift responded briefly and told the men that if any of them thought of enlisting again to remember the old 8th Regiment - that he would be their leader. Several of the officers had already spoken to him, and he should reorganize the 8th at an early date. The Colonel's remarks were received with loud cheers.

CAMP Morgan six miles from BALTIMORE.
May 15, 1861.
Want of Proper Management in the Commissariat—Surrender of the secessionists—The Change of Feeling Among the People of Maryland ~ The City of Annapolis and its Surroundings-- The disposition of the Various Regiments— The Seizure of the Steam Gun and Arrest of Ross Winans— The March through Baltimore—Seizure of Muskets and Ammunition in the City, &c.
From the moment we started we have experienced the greatest hardships, in consequence of the disarrangement in the commissariat department. On board the steamship we lay all night on deck, with no other covering than a blanket; the provisions were miserable—salt junk and sea biscuit. Arriving at Annapolis, the regiment quartered and lay all night in an open field. The engineer corps, to which I belong, were favored, and consequently received a bed on the wet brick pavement. Singular as it may appear, still it is so, not a single man was affected by it, showing conclusively that there is a Higher Power on our side, who watches over us. A few days before we arrived the secessionists held possession of the station; but hearing of our coming, they surrendered the place, or rather, as the Boston men came in they went out, after spiking and destroying every cannon and mortar in the place. In the town they acted very cautious and shy; but finding that we were different men to what they had previously supposed us to be, they suddenly changed, and from raving secessionists they have changed to quite respectable Unionists. Annapolis is one of the oldest towns of Maryland, and contains in its venerable State House reminiscences of the past and relics, with paintings of the great men of the Revolution, which are very interesting to behold. One, a painting, taken from life of Charles Carroll, of Carrollton; another of Patrick Henry, and one immense painting representing Washington, large as life, resigning his commission. This painting is hung up in the room and placed over the table the commission was laid on. Other than this the town is a one horse place—a hundred years behind the age: no pavements, no gaslight or business; and this, too, the capital of the State. The Catholic cathedral I visited, and was handsomely entertained. It is a magnificent building, and well worthy of notice. After we had been on the ground two days, we the engineer corps, we detailed to build a fort on a God-forsaken place called Mount Misery, which we completed, and were glad to leave in the hands of the regular troops. If the enemy try to take it they will have a glorious time of it, for they will no doubt get handsomely whipped. We have to lay the track that the secessionists tore up. They sent some persons into the camp with poisoned cakes, etc.; so we were obliged to forbid the men purchasing those little luxuries, which seemed very hard. The glorious Sixty-ninth gave them a sample of their prowess, that quenched the traitors' ardor, and virtually put them out. The Sixty-ninth garrisons the road to the Relay House and bridge, the most important military strategic station in this section of the country in fact, it would prove to the enemy what Bunker Hill proved to the British forces—a purchase too dear by half. We are on a hill next to another which is occupied by the Sixth regiment of Massachusetts—the same who were so brutally treated in their passage through Baltimore. On another hill, commanding the railroad to Baltimore, are the Boston Light Artillery— a perfect set of tigers. On another, commanding. the approach to the station, are the Zouaves of Salem, Massachusetts. We have had a lively time, not a night passing without an alarm, and being obliged to sleep on our pieces and in full uniform. Some spies of ours reported a force of the enemy close at hand, and in eight minutes a force of three thousand men were ready to march; and this, too, in the middle of a dark night and a perfect deluge of rain. The enemy discovered by some means that we were ready for them, and kept at a safe distance. Yesterday we seized the famous steam gun belonging to Ross Winans, of Baltimore, and for several days previous we have intercepted and religiously appropriated dozens of car loads of provisions and stores, sent to the secessionists at Harper's Ferry. Last night we captured at the Relay House Ross Winans himself. The mob attempted to rescue him: but the Sixth, of Massachusetts, came across the bridge like a streak of lightning to our rescue, and, after a little squabble, they retreated, leaving our prisoner in our hands. We shot a spy the other night, and the Sixty-ninth shot a brace of them a week ago. We make short work of any stranger found inside the pickets; he is liable to have his brains blown out at any moment. We marched through Baltimore yesterday, and encamped in the middle of the city during the night, and a portion of us returned to-day to our camp, expecting an attack. During the night we obtained information that the secessionists had stored a large quantity of arms, stolen from Harper's Ferry, in a house in the city. We marched a company to the house, battered the door in and seized several thousand stand of arms which were ready for use and delivery to the rebels. From what I have seen there seem to be strong signs of returning reason and sense. The Baltimoreans profess to be Unionists now; but whether it is a blind to deceive us so they can rise some night and massacre us, we don't know. At all events we are ready for them; if they succeed they will have to kill every man. We hope, for the sake of the innocent people of the city, they will not try it.
Our correspondent intimates in his letter that Winans' famous steam gun was captured by the New York Eighth regiment. Such was not the case, however, as our despatch at the time, and the official correspondence from the War Department clearly proved. The gun was captured by the sixth Massachusetts regiment, under Colonel Jones, and a detachment from the Boston Flying Artillery. [Ed.]

Editors of the Sunday Mercury:—As an ... Company A, Eighth Regiment. N. Y. S. V.... friend of Col. C. H. Burtis, I feel it my duty to ... notice the communication, with letter, from Col. C... Graham, and accompanying documents, published from your paper of the 2d inst. To those who have known Col. Burtis as a gentleman and soldier, a reply to these unjust charges and attempt to injure his character would be entirely unnecessary. To those who are not acquainted with him, and who may have read the article in question, it is proper to say, that owing to Col. Burtis having been absent from the city, he did not see the communication until too late an hour to prepare a reply for insertion in today's Sunday Mercury. With your kind permission, however he will, in the succeeding issue of your paper, make a plain simple statement of facts concerning his connection with the Seventy-fourth Regiment, N. Y. S. V. by which the injustice of these charges will be shown and the public enabled to form an estimate as to the manner in which he has performed his duty in this regiment.
For myself and for Company A, Eighth Regiment (for whom I am authorized to speak), I desire to say that we despise the disguised effort to control the action of this company in making such presentation to Colonel Burtis as they might consider proper, and that the high estimation in which we have always held Colonel Burtis, both as a soldier and gentleman, is not in the slightest degree impaired by the communication referred to, notwithstanding its author evidently intended that its effect should be of the most severe and damaging character. 
Respectfully yours,
C. J. Blauvelt,

— General Louis Blenker sends Gen. Scott the following: 
Hunter's Chapel, Nov. 6, 1861.
To His Excellency Winfield Scott, Lieut. General of the Army of the United States:
SIR: Arriving at Washington with my regiment in the month of May, and being inspected by you and your staff, you uttered to me the most flattering words, "Colonel, your regiment is the finest of all I saw parade through Washington." These encouraging words acted upon me, upon my officers, upon my men, like the spur of a good rider upon a good horse. I went ahead, proud of the expression of the satisfaction of a man who is the greatest military leader on this continent. My regiment grew up to a brigade, my brigade to a division, which, I hope, will be in the van guard for attack quite as brave as my brigade was in the rear guard.
Strangers in this country, although loving our adopted fatherland like our own we left behind on the other side of the ocean, your kind regards and the expressions of your high satisfaction, gave us confidence, not only in the military leader that commanded us, but confidence in ourselves, the want of which very often shakens the "go-ahead spirit" of men who feel themselves foreigners on the soil where they have to act. I am, therefore, obliged, deeply obliged, to express to you the highest praise and thanks in my name and in the name of my officers and soldiers.
We will keep your words and your memory in the shrine of our hearts, and hoping that you will live long enough to see the triumph of justice over sneaking ambitious rebellion against the best Constitution ever framed for mankind; we hope also, and will do our best, under the guide of our new and gallant commander, Major General McClellan, to justify the flattering words expressed by you, and to show to our American brethren in the Union, that the spirit of Steuben and De Kalb is not yet dead, and that the German Division will do its duty to pay, by good conduct and blood, what we owe to our adopted fatherland. I am General, your most obedient and respectful servant H. BLENKER,
Brigadier General, Commanding Division.

Military Movements in New York and Vicinity.
The Second regiment of Corcoran's Irish Legion, Lieutenant Colonel McIver commanding, will be mustered into the United States service at Camp Scott, S. I., today. All the officers of the regiment are expected to be present. This regiment expects to get off for the seat of war in the latter part of next week. A grand dress parade and review of the entire command will take place to-morrow (Sunday) at the camp.
The necessary measures for the recruiting of a brigade or the assignment of a brigade already raised, to be under the command of the Prussian Prince Salm-Salm are about being consummated. These measures are under the patronage of Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State; ex-Governor Chase, Secretary of the Treasury; Hon. Hiram Barney, Collector of the Port of New York; Hon. Ira Harris, United States Senator, and Mr. Withaus, of the German Benevolent Society. Prince Salm-Salm is a cousin of the King of Prussia, and until a year ago was connected with the Prussian army. He came to this country a little over one year ago. He was born on the 25th of December, 1828, and is consequently thirty-four years of age. As it is usual in Germany with baronets or princely families for one or more of the sons to become soldiers, Prince Felix Salm, when of proper age, entered the army, and in 1847 he was a lieutenant in the Prussian Garde de Cuirrassieurs, in 1852 lieutenant in the Prussian Eleventh regiment Hussars, and in 1855 lieutenant in the Ninth Prussian Hussars. In 1856 he withdrew from the Prussian service and entered the Austrian army as lieutenant in the First regiment Uhlans. In 1858 he withdrew from the service, and in 1860 he appears on the retired list as premier Lieutenant in the Austrian army. Having in his military capacity participated in the battles fought during the European revolutions, he has seen considerable active service, and, with his ten or twelve years experience, will prove a great auxiliary to the federal army. On his arrival in this country he was introduced to Mr. Seward by the Prussian Minister at Washington, and subsequently the Prince was appointed to command a regiment of Kentucky cavalry. Soon after entering upon his duties he discovered to his mortification that his limited knowledge of the English language forbade him in justice to himself or his command to continue in office and subsequently he resigned, determined at once to apply himself to perfect his studies in the English branches. While doing this he was attached to Major General Blenker's staff, and for nearly one year has done the country good service. At the battle of Cross Keys he commanded a brigade, where, by his skill and personal courage, he won golden opinions of his troops. He has in the meantime acquired a knowledge of our language, so that he speaks it fluently, and is now in every respect qualified for his new sphere of duties. A brigade under the command of a soldier like the subject of this notice would achieve honor for our flag and country, while one under the command of a political general—too many of whom are now in our army—with no military experience or education, would be cut up ignominiously, or in other words, legally murdered. It is then for the interest of the country and the State to patronize the claims of experienced military men. In a few days Prince Salm-Salm will have full authorization to consolidate any four of the regiments now raising in this State for the war into his brigade Colonels of regiments desirous of putting their commands under the guardianship of a skilful general, and to get to the seat of war without unnecessary delay, would do well to address the Prince, at his residence, Maillard's, No. 61 Broadway, New York.
THE DEAD OFFICERS OF THE IRISH BRIGADE. The committee appointed to carry out the obsequies of the late officers of the Irish Brigade:—Captains Kavanagh and Joyce, and Lieut. Lynch, will meet at three o'clock to-day at room No. 20 Astor House on special business relative to the funeral ceremonies. We understood that a project is on foot to erect a handsome monument to all the officers of the brigade who fell in defence of the Union.

PERSONAL--Felix Prince Salm, Colonel of the 8th Regiment N. Y. S. V., was in town Saturday. His regiment returned to New York two weeks ago, their time of service having expired.

Military DEPOT, Northern Army.
Annapolis, April 29, 1861.
Every officer and soldier in the Eighth is in sound health with not a hair injured, and judging from present symptoms, not likely to be. All are cheerful and contented, and never in better condition for duty.
Annapolis has been converted into a military depot for the Northern Army, with Brigadier General B. F. Butler, of Lowell, Mass., commandant. The Naval School has been ordered hence to Providence, R. I., and orders are issued for immediate removal; and in three or four days every public building upon those grounds will be converted into officers' and soldiers' quarters.
This afternoon 500 men were detailed from the ranks to place cars upon the track between here and Washington, several of which arrived here this morning per steamer. It is in contemplation to build a military railroad from the junction of the Baltimore and Washington railroad directly into the camp at Annapolis, and there is no doubt but it will be done. We have force enough to spare to accomplish it in a single day, if necessary.
There have been no deaths in the camp since we arrived. No time to write more.
Please send me a paper. Direct to Company B, Eighth regiment, Captain Swaney. 

The 8th Regiment of New York, left here at noon and will arrive at Philadelphia at 4 P.M. and in New York at 9:30 P.M.

Among the foreign officers who seem anxious to hold a commission in our army, and are at present in Washington to obtain such, is the Prince Salm- Salm, late of the Prussian army, who was presented to Secretary Seward on Saturday, by the Prussian Minister. The Prince is highly recommended by the Prussian government as an experienced and capable military officer, who has distinguished himself on the field in his own country. He will probably be commissioned and detailed upon the staff of one of our generals in order that his military experience and skill may be made available. The family to which the Prince belongs is probably one of the oldest in Prussia, dating back as far as 1475. It is described as a Catholic family, belonging to the upper house of Salm, whose palace or castle is at Anholt, near Bocholt. The subject of our sketch, Prince Felix Constantine Alexander Jean Nopomucene, is the third and youngest son of Prince Florentine, and second Prince of the present family. His eldest brother, the hereditary Prince, is Alfred Constantine Alexandre, born December 26, 1814; the second eldest is Prince Emile Maximilian George Joseph, born April 16, 1820.
Prince Felix (our present visitor) first saw light on the 25th of December, 1823, and is consequently thirty-three years of age. As it is usual in Germany with baronets or princely families for one or more of the sons to become soldiers. Prince Felix Salm, when of proper age, entered the army, and in 1847 we find him a Lieutenant in the Prussian Garde de Cuirrassieurs, in 1852 lieutenant in the Prussian Eleventh regiment Hussars, and in 1855 Lieutenant in the Ninth Prussian Hussars. In 1858 he withdrew from the Prussian service, and entered the Austrian army as Lieutenant in the First regiment Uhlans. In 1858 he withdrew from the service, and in 1860 he appears on the retired list as Premier Lieutenant in the Austrian army. Having in his military capacity participated in the battles fought during the European revolutions, he has seen considerable active service, and with his ten or twelve years' experience, will prove a great auxiliary to the federals.

City Intelligence. Arrest of Prince Salm Salm -- Prince Salm Salm, formerly commander of one of the German volunteer regiments from this city , was taken into custody yesterday by officer Young, one of the government detectives The order for the apprehension of the Prince emanated from the headquarters of General Dix, information having been received there that his Highness was practicing certain manoeuvres not consistent with the welfare of the public service. Among the things preferred against the Prince are the grave charges that he has been representing himself as the Colonel of the Sixty eighth regiment New York Volunteers, and raising funds from verdant young officers desirous of obtaining commissions in the same regiment. The officials at General Hays' office are not very communicative relative to the cause of Prince Salm Salm's arrest: but it is believed that the above charges have been the principal reasons why he has been deprived of his liberty for the present. The charges will be duly examined without delay and if not substantiated, of course the Prince will be allowed to go free once more, and have an opportunity of punishing his defamers.

Death of Gen. Blenker.
(Nov. 1863)
General Louis Blenker, a native of Worms, Hesse-Darmstadt, born in 1812, a jeweller by trade; subsequent an enlisted soldier in the Bavarian Legion raised to accompany King Otho to Greece, then a sergeant, then a lieutenant with which rank he left the service, then a student of medicine, then a wine trader, then in 1849 burgomaster and commander of the national guard under the revolutionary government at Worms, then fighting under Sigel in war engagements, then a refugee, in Switzerland from which country he came to the United States, died on Saturday last at his residence in New Jersey of consumption. Blenker raised the 8th N. Y. Volunteers in this war and very soon after going to the field was made a Brigadier General. At the first Bull Run his brigade brought up the rear on the retirement of our forces. He was afterwards transferred to Fremont in the Mountain and with his command was lost for some time until found by Rosecrans. Last fall his name was in bad odor at the War Office and he was relieved of command. In March he was discharged and mustered out of service, since which but little had been heard of him until the time of his death.