25th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

Mr. L. A. Hendrick's Letters.
From the New York Herald of June 23d.
ON THE FIELD, June 18.
Lieut. Col. Gleason, Twenty-fifth New York, died this morning from the effects of a sunstroke. He was an able, gallant and popular officer, and his death is deeply lamented. He lived in Rochester, where his body will be sent for interment by his friends. 
In my last letter I mentioned the death of Lieut. Col. Gleason from sunstroke. It had then been arranged to send his remains home; but subsequently it was decided to bury him in this place, and his remains now lie in the graveyard of the old church here. His burial was an impressive scene: for no more gallant, efficient and popular officer was ever in this corps. Although raining violently, there was a large attendance of officers, besides the entire regiment, attended by the Second United States infantry band. Chaplain Edwards conducted the funeral ceremonies. The deceased enlisted in the regiment as a private, and by his talents, which were of a high and brilliant order, and his gallantry, shown in every action, rose to the position he held at the time of his decease. Excepting at Shepherdstown, he took part in every battle in which this army has participated. His name and services, high accomplishments and courtesy will ever remain green in the memory of his old comrades in arms.

This regiment, Col. C. A. Johnson, leaves here to-morrow. They have served their time well and faithfully, and go away carrying the respect and admiration of all the regiments of the corps. They go back with about two hundred and fifty men, having lost while in the service seventy-eight killed and two hundred and eleven wounded. Three staff officers have been killed and every one wounded. In every fight in which the corps has been engaged they have taken an active and gallant part. For some time past, and at repeated intervals during the past year, Col. Johnson has commanded the First brigade of the First division, and in his capacity as brigade commander has shown the same ability and daring characterizing him as regimental commander. 
Since writing the above, an order came to move. Previous to moving, the First division formed in columns by battalion, face to the front, to give the Twenty-fifth New York a parting salute, the latter regiment being ordered to start for home to-day. The General made a feeling and eloquent speech. He complimented officers and men for the faithful manner in which in the past two years they had discharged their duties as soldiers, told them their record was unsurpassed by any in the service, and that they were going home, and would receive, as they were entitled to, the congratulations of a grateful country.

A Tribute to Col. Gleason.
The following letter to Prof. N. W. Benedict, of this city, explains itself, and will be read with interest:
NEW YORK, June 26, 1863.
MY DEAR PROFESSOR:—You will, of course, remember Mr. Gleason who was a member of your class in 1856, when we were reading Cicero. Yesterday's paper has the announcement of his death from exhaustion or from sun stroke during the late march of his regiment, the 25th N. Y. V. His death was sudden and quite unexpected by his fellow soldiers. He was found dead on the morning of last Thursday. I saw the Colonel under whom he served (Johnson) and he seemed much affected by the death of one for whom his fellow officers and men entertained so much respect and esteem. I have spoken to several of the officers and men of his regiment, and they all, without exception, speak in terms of unbounded praise, not only of the brilliancy and efficiency as an officer, but speak of him also as a true man and courteous gentleman. One of them said to me to-day, that had Mr. Gleason lived, he must certainly have risen to a position of eminence; for in him were displayed those rare qualities of mind, temper and manner, which go to make up the chivalrous soldier and the able officer.
When I learned two years ago that he had enlisted as a private in the old 13th Regiment of Rochester, I could not but feel sad, while I volunteered the prediction that he would not be long in the ranks. I was not disappointed. His talents raised him through all the grades of Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, till, at his death he held the responsible and honorable position of Lieut. Colonel. I am told also that only his modesty forbid him from going another step higher, having refused the position of Colonel but a few weeks since.
I like to remember and keep track of the old members of the Collegiate, and I always consider it a treat when I see one. Among them all there is not one for whom my respect and affection is more profoundly sincere than for Shepherd Gleason. During our acquaintance in Rochester as fellow students I loved to admire the many noble qualities of his nature, and have always felt proud in being a sharer in his courteous and generous friendship. I feel that in his decease the United States army has lost one of its best officers and the community one of its best citizens.
Sed ne longum sit: You will pardon me if I have taken too much of your attention with this scribble, for I could not withhold my tribute of respect to the memory of one for whom my affection is equaled only by the exalted opinion I have ever held for his manly excellence and various genius.
Very truly and with the assurance of hearty consideration,
15 Catherine st. N. W.

Washington Dispatch to the N. Y. Times.
The Case of Colonel and Congressman Kerrigan.
Col. James F. Kerrigan, of the New York 25th is still confined in room No. 18, of the old Capitol Building, it is rumored on a charge of treason. I learn from a commissioned officer of a regiment encamped in the vicinity of the twenty-fifth, that Col. Kerrigan has been in the habit of riding out frequently late at night and long distances from his camp and in the most mysterious manner. Gen. McDowel and other officers, who have been out on duty, have met Col. Kerrigan in out of the way places, when he failed to give a good account of himself; that Kerrigan has boasted of having dined across the lines with Col. Frank Anderson, of Nicaragua notoriety, and he has been heard to say in a Washington bar-room that he would not draw his sword against his brethren in the South. 
These rumors, in connection with his efforts to organize that mysterious regiment in New York, have given color to the charge of treason. Certainly the rebels have been able to learn from some well-informed source of the position and movement, of the Union troops. It must, however, in justice to Col. Kerrigan be stated that he represents that he was arrested by the rebel pickets, and being recognized by Col. Anderson as an old friend, was dined, wined, and set at liberty. A story is told of Kerrigan's manner of revenging himself for some imagined injury received from Gen. McDowell, which illustrates the eccentric Congressman's humor. It appears that General McDowell's headquarters were in the vicinity of Kerrigan's camp; so the Colonel ordered out his drum corps about 2:30 A. M., stationed them as near the General's bedroom window as he could, and kept them drumming until daylight. Perhaps this is the insubordination with which he is charged, and the treason story all a myth.

THE 25TH REGIMENT.—The regiment which Col. Kerrigan took from New York city to the war some two years ago—the 25th—has recently returned to be mustered out of service. It contained about 300 men, having lost many by the usual causes, not a few upon the battle fields where engaged. The regiment had much to contend with in the outset, and became somewhat demoralized, but when it received new officers, it became an excellent regiment and fought bravely to the end of its time. Among those selected to take the commissions in this regiment, when it was reorganized, after the dismissal of Kerrigan, were a number of Rochester men from the 13th, and some of them are with the 25th now in New York waiting to be mustered out. They are Captains Harris, Bishop, Graham, and Lieut. Coglan. Capt. Conner, of Brockport, is also there. These officers all were from the old 13th, and they have fully demonstrated the wisdom of the selection made. On a recent visit to New York we saw the 25th and its officers. The men testified the confidence they felt in the officers, and it was gratifying to find that our young townsmen holding commissions in the regiment were so popular. These officers will shortly return to this city, but will, no doubt, soon be in the service again.

The Twenty-fifth regiment, "Union Rangers," Colonel James Kerrigan, received orders to leave yesterday for the seat of war, but were not able to go owing to the fact of their not having the proper equipments. There is a great deal of complaint among the men as to the quality of the clothes that have been furnished them. They appear to be all made of a size, and of course are totally unfit for a regiment of different sized men. This fault will, however, soon be remedied, and Colonel Kerrigan expects to be able to get his men off by the early part of next week.
The regiment numbers about nine hundred, and are as fine a set of men as have been mustered into the United States service. As soon as the necessary camp equipage and arms arrive the Rangers will without further delay, start for the war. (June 28, 1861)

The 25th New York, whose time has expired, left Washington for home on Friday They number about two hundred and fifty men be ended.

THE TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT.—A Falmouth correspondent, writing under date of May 10th, states that Col. Johnson last evening refused to do further duty, alleging that their time was up, and insisting that they should be sent home. Colonel Johnson is not a man to be trifled with. The regiment was put under guard, and are now occupying a tentless plain, with nothing to shelter them from the damp air of night or shield them from the terrific heat of midday. This course of treatment, with only hard tack to live on, will probably restore them to allgiance.

COMPLIMENTARY.—The following notice of the part taken by Col. C. A. Johnson in the series of battles near Chancellorsville, is taken from the correspondence of the Rochester Union:
" Col. Johnson, of the 25th New York, who commanded the brigade, Gen. Barnes being sick, has been specially complimented for the handsome manner in which the work was done—a service which it was supposed would be beset with most perilous danger to all engaged.

The Twenty-fifth regiment New York Volunteers, Col. Johnson, was ahead. The Colonel had thrown ahead skirmishers on the right and left, himself leading the right wing, Lieut. Col. Savage the left wing, and Maj. Gilbert commanding the reserve. Leaving the main road, the right wing advanced to reconnoiter a piece of wood on the road, and the left pushed through a wheat field opposite, to cut through some woods beyond the wheat field, further to the left. 
The enemy, who lay concealed in Dr. Kinney's house, and in the woods opposite, allowed the left wing to get well advanced, and then opened fire upon them. A few shots were first fired from Dr. Kinney's house, and from behind the barns. Col. Johnson left the woods, and came on with his skirmishers, at the same time ordering up the reserve and forming them in line of battle. A quick volley of musketry was opened upon them from the woods on the right. The balls whistled furiously above the heads of the men. At the first volley several fell dead, and others became helpless from wounds. Notwithstanding this and their own exposed position, and the enemy being concealed in the woods, the men showed the pluck of true soldiers. They never faltered, but closed ranks and returned volley after volley in quick succession. The field officers were the special mark of the enemy's bullets.
At the first volley from the enemy Dr. Wells received a bullet through the left knee, inflicting a severe wound. He was obliged immediately to leave the field, which he did, his horse flying, and the bullets flying after him. Seeing that he must soon faint from the loss of blood, he stopped his horse in the midst of the iron hail showered upon him, coolly tied up his leg with his handkerchief, and then resumed his flight. His wound, though severe, is not dangerous.
The second volley made the Lieutenant Colonel one of its victims. A bullet passed through his right arm, just below the elbow. He bandaged his arm with the end of his sash, determined not to forsake his regiment, and with the arm thus bandaged, rode back and forth, up and down the regiment several times. Suddenly a rebel horse, whose rider had doubtless been killed, came dashing from the woods whence the firing proceeded, darted by the regiment, and ran at the height of its speed for the farther wood, across the wheat field. The Lieutenant Colonel's horse, a spirited animal, followed in the tracks of the flying horse, and it was impossible with one hand to hold him. The next thing the Lieutenant Colonel remembers was lying in a marsh by the edge of the wood. He had fainted from loss of blood and had fallen from his horse. He crept into the wood and worked his way to an ambulance, whence he was conveyed to Mrs. Sloughter's house and his wound dressed. It was two hours after receiving the wound before he reached the hospital.
Only a few volleys had been exchanged when the enemy opened fire from their field pieces stationed on the road fronting Dr. Kinney's house. The 25th regiment having stood under the enemy's galling fire for some time, now withdrew at command of the Colonel, who saw the fruitlessness of contending further with the odds against him. Our advance artillery now wheeled their guns into position, and Berdan's Sharpshooters took their places as support, being in front, a little on the left. The batteries fired vigorously. Those of the enemy threw shell, canister and grape. Ours responded with shell and solid shot. Soon the shells flew fast and furious.
Opened their deadly fire, lying, in their usual style, on their stomachs. A rebel had no sooner showed himself from behind a tree than one of their unerring bullets would strike another from the list of fighting rebels. It was hot work for a time. During the progress of the fight they made a brilliant charge, taking one of the enemy's cannon.
The sharp crack of musketry and roar of artillery sent back intelligence to the regiments behind that an engagement was going on in front. The effect was magical. Bent backs were straightened, wearied limbs became suddenly invigorated with new strength, and eyes glistened with eagerness. Gen. Butterfield, whose brigade was next behind, ordered his regiments forward at double quick time. Gen. Martindale's brigade, as also the brigade commanded by Col. McQuade, 14th New York regiment, came following after.
The engagement now became general. Gen. Morell, commanding the division, ordered the brigades in position to support our batteries, who were directed to shell the woods on the right of the road, where the enemy were ambuscaded. The roar of artillery was without intermission for some time. Our men, too, poured volley after volley of musketry into the woods.
For nearly two hours a sheet of fire blazed from our column. The rebels returned the fire, but their bullets, and grape, and cannister went too high. It was evident that they fired their muskets at random, probably from behind trees, keeping their bodies concealed and not daring to take aim. When they retreated, as our firing compelled them to do at length, our musketry told upon them with most deadly effect. Meantime the work of shelling them out went on vigorously. It was nearly two hours before they were driven from the woods. The work of expulsion had been determined upon, and it was carried out to most victorious results.
For about an hour and a half there was a cessation of firing. It was time not idly spent; Gen. Fitz John Porter was by this time on the ground. He ordered a pursuit of the enemy by Gen. Butterfield's and Col. McQuade's brigades, Gen. Morell and staff joining in the chase. Through grain fields, marshes, and thick woods, our men pushed after the retreating foe. They moved with the vigor of fresh troops. This chase gave our men nearly six miles additional travel, including their return. The cause of this will be explained in due order.
While the above pursuit was in progress the regiments of General Martindale's brigade were ordered to take a look at the Virginia Central Railroad.—Headed by a detachment of the regular cavalry, the regiments entered upon the execution of their difficult and dangerous mission. On the way they were fired upon and one of the cavalrymen killed. His name I could not learn. This was all the loss sustained. Marching up to the railroad, they could not have made a more daring demonstration if the whole army of the Potomac had been at their heels. 
A rebel train was just coming from the direction of Richmond and appeared in sight as our men reached the road. The engineer, in obedience, no doubt, to the order of some frightened rebel general—for it must have been, as subsequent events showed, an arrival of reinforcements from Richmond—reversed the engine in double quick time and backed the train out of sight. It was well for our regiments that they did so; for they at once proceeded without molestation to do good work in the Union cause by destroying about forty rods of the railroad, burning a bridge, and putting an end to further immediate telegraphic communication between Fredericksburg and Richmond. This accomplished, they withdrew to their brigade.
After the lapse of two hours firing was again resumed. The scene of the second engagement was in the open field and woods below Mrs. Harris' house and the woods adjacent to the right. Foremostly the rebels—the reinforcements undoubtedly brought from Richmond on the railroad—commenced firing upon Mr. Sloughter's house, used as a hospital, disregarding, as usual, the flag floating from the roof. Happily none of the shots took effect. Satisfied with the demonstration, they moved down in the direction of Mrs. Harris' house. On their way they fired into the woods bordering the road, in which there was a large number of our soldiers. Mrs. Harris' house, although having a red flag on it, came in likewise for a volley at their hands. It happened, however, that at the time there were no wounded in it, having all been removed during the first engagement to Mr. Sloughter's house, on account of the flying grape and canister thrown from the enemy's guns coming about the place with a frequency and violence that caused it to be an unsafe place for the wounded to remain in. I know that while I was hitching my horse to a tree in the yard a round shot from rebel battery struck about two feet over my head, producing a whistling sound, scattering of leaves, and impinging effect upon the body of the tree, whose combination gave rise to a capillary excitation the reverse of agreeable. 
" I don't like that," said Dr. Bentley. 
" Nor do I," was my response.
" The wounded must be removed from here," he continued, and they were removed forthwith. Had the rebel shots taken effect the victims would have been Mrs. Harris, who is said to have two sons in the rebel army, and a maidenly sister somewhere between eighteen and eighty, and reported a strong secessionist. These two unprotected females were the sole occupants of the house.
The rebel firing upon the two dwellings and on our soldiers in the woods started Gen. Martindale's brigade to their feet, for they had been resting on their arms, and the artillerists to their guns, for they, too, had been enjoying a respite. The 44th New York regiment, Col. Stryker, was ordered to advance as skirmishers upon the woods in front. They had not gone far before they saw that the woods were filled with rebels. And now began the second engagement with earnestness. Gen. Martindale's regiment, including the gallant 25th New York, which looked like a skeleton after the ordeal of iron hail it had passed through, were drawn up in line of battle. The contest waxed hotter and hotter. Our men poured a volley into the thick woods, while the batteries fired broadsides from their guns. The enemy returned the fire with vigor, but they did not dare come from the woods, and they found every attempt to break our lines unavailing. Not a man on our side flinched. Every officer faced the music with heroic valor.—The firing on both sides was tremendous. As fast as one of our men fell he was conveyed to the ambulances in the rear, and the ranks closed up. The 44th behaved most handsomely.
" Well done, my boys," said Captain Griffin, slapping one of his Parrotts in hearty approval, as an equine worshipper would slap his horse. And his guns did do well, as also Captain Benson's. They sent their shells scattering over the enemy's ambuscade with a liveliness that inspired certainty of greatly destructive results. The brigade and batteries had it all to themselves for nearly an hour, giving cheer after as they fired, and firing with the regularity of clock work.
Our galling fire was too much for the enemy.—They retreated from their position, and we were masters of the field. As in the first fight the enemy wasted most of their musketry, while the range of their cannon was too high. Our loss was accordingly light for the time our men were engaged and considering their exposure to the enemy's fire. The rebel loss was heavy as seen from subsequent examination of the woods.
And here I come to the record of the largest and most decisive, if not most brillant, demonstration of the day. The revival of artillery and musketry roar, with intelligence sent by Gen. Martindale to Gen. Porter that there had been a large arrival of reinforcements, brought back the absent brigades. And they came back with impetuous and joyous haste, advancing through the field of wheat in the rear of Dr. Kinney’s house. The enemy, it was ascertained, had shifted his position into the woods, by the road bordering this field.
A prisoner who had been captured in the last engagement said there were twenty thousand rebels in this wood and along the railroad. The same programme was adopted to drive out the enemy—viz: a free use of musketry and shell. Gen. Porter ordered the artillery to plant themselves in the road facing the wood, and on the right of the field, each pouring in diagonal fires, while the infantry filled up the center. Gen. Butterfield's brigade headed the infantry column.
The cheering of the men as they advanced on double quick, and steady, undaunted and incessant firing of musketry and shell, were never surpassed on any battle field. It was a little after five o'clock when the firing commenced. It was kept up with unequaled vigor and fearful slaughter of the enemy until night closed upon the scene. The enemy had a third time been driven back, and the day was ours. He did not dare to come out and take the chance of a fair open field engagement, but in the retreat stuck to the woods with stereotyped obstinacy.—How shall I describe these two hours' fighting? If there were ever fiery ardor and brilliancy of combat, it was then. If ever fearlessness was shown on the field, it was then. Gen. Porter displayed conspicuous gallantry during the entire engagement, and so did Gen. Morrell, conducting the division, and Gens. Butterfield and Martindale, who headed their brigades. I could not speak too praisingly of the different staff officers; Capts. Locke, Auchmuty, and Powers, and Lieuts. McQuade, Monteith, Seymour, Butterfield, Martindale, and Williams, in the transmission of orders, rode fearlessly back and forth amid the showers of the enemy's bullets. The men, too, stood firmly under fire—stood as it was known they would. The sky was cloudless as the sun went down. A calmer sunset was never witnessed. The cool breath of evening gave comfort to our wearied men, while a vail of smoke skirted the forest edges, the scene of the recent heavy firing. What gave greatest comfort was knowing the fact that our loss had been light.

Movements of Troops.
The Twenty-fifth regiment of New York state volunteers, Colonel Kerrigan, expect to leave their encampment at Staten Island this afternoon for Washington. 
The Mozart regiment, Colonel Riley, will, it is understood, start for the war to-morrow. The regiment numbers about one thousand men.
The Thirty-fourth regiment, Colonel Ladew, from Albany, will arrive to-day, and proceed by way of Elizabethport and the New Jersey Central Railroad this evening to Washington.
The 25th Regiment, under the command of Col. JOHNSON, arrived in New York Sunday evening. The regiment returns with about 300 men. It has been in fifteen engagements, and brings back its war colors—torn with bullets, but without a stain of dishonor.

INTO BUSINESS.—The many friends of Captain Thomas E. Bishop, late of the 25th N. Y. Vols., will be pleased to learn that having abandoned the "stern pursuits of war," he has concluded to adopt a business which, to be properly kept up, will require the same energy and "attention to biz" manifested by our friend in his former avocation. He has associated himself with that popular and well established Grocer, R. C. Smith, (successor to Crombie) 43 State street. The straightforward dealing and attentiveness of Smith needs no extended comment. Smith and Bishop are now prepared with a full and complete stock of choice groceries, can fruit. pickles, wines, liquors and cigars, to supply the trade and numerous customers with goods at wholesale or retail. The best stock of choice provisions will be kept constantly, together with the various assoortment of goods to be found at a first class grocery house. We commend these merchants to an extensive and profitable patronage, and really believe that householders will find it to their advantage to purchase their groceries at this establishment.

OUR UTICA VOLUNTEERS.—The Twenty-fifth New York Regiment was unfortunate in its commander, Hon. Wm. E. KERRIGAN, who was suspected of treason, is now under arrest, and has a fair prospect of getting the hanging he deserves. The command of this Regiment has been given to CHARLES A. JOHNSON, formerly of Utica, and recently Major of the 17th N. Y. V. Several vacant Lieutenancies in the same Regiment have been filled by the appointment of non-commissioned officers from the Fourteenth Regiment. Among those thus promoted are SAMUEL STOCKING, Orderly Sergeant of Company A., and Sergeant HENRY S. STORRS, and Corporal CRUMWELL, of the same company. A private letter from a member of the Fourteenth says that private THOMAS SAWYER, of Company A., has been appointed to a Captaincy in a Regiment now at Fortress Monroe. We are told that eight or ten more commissions are awaiting as many of the gallant boys of the Fourteenth. The commissions will be taken as soon as the ranks of the Fourteenth are filled up, so that the men can be spared. No Regiment in the service can furnish more good material for officers than Col. MCQUADE'S, and no Regiment has more friends to rejoice over the promotion of its members.
— The New York Herald gives the following excessively inaccurate list of the casualties: 
Twenty-fifth New York.—Killed: Capt. McMahon, Lieut. Thompson, Lieut. Geo. E. Fiske (formerly of the 71st regiment), Sergeant McCue, Sergeant Clark, Sergeant Costello, Privates Dominick, Farrell, John Cox.
Wounded: Lieut. Col. Savage, rifle ball through right arm; Sergeant Weed, shot in left leg; Adjutant O. C. Houghton, musket ball through left leg, ball did not touch the bone; Lieuts. Savery and Nixey; Lieut. Halpin, two wounds, in arm and, abdomen; Lieut. Thomas Colgan, dangerously; Sergeant Tuomey; Privates Hugh Denin, Thomas Riley, John O. Piper, Owen Flood; Sergeant P. Ruger; Privates Ed. Hozar, John Parley, M. Garraty, John McKee; Sergeant George Lackey; Privates Anthony Benedict, Thomas Kane, John McDonough, Christopher Wicht, James O'Neil, James Clancey, Michael Young.
The Herald's list does not mention Col. C. A. Johnson, severely wounded in the thigh; and it makes numerous other omissions. The Twenty-fifth also lost about thirty prisoners. This regiment is in the brigade of Gen. Martindale, of Rochester.

NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS.—The New York Colonel arrested for insubordination, and suspected of furnishing treasonable information to the enemy, is James E. Kerrigan, Member of Congress from the Fourth District, New York city. In December last Kerrigan advertised for men to join him in a secret military expedition, whose objects were editorially explained by the New York Herald to be "the protection of the municipal rights of this metropolis from further Republican encroachments;" stating that Legislative
intermeddling would be resisted by Kerrigan's organization vi et armis; and that the organization would be "pro-slavery in principle, and would "take prompt action in case of secession." Kerrigan, himself, stated that he had three thousand men enrolled, and that, in certain contingencies, they might go South. After the popular Union uprising in April, Kerrigan commenced raising a regiment. The attention of Gen. Dix and the Union Defence Committee was directed to Kerrigan's operations, but their fear did not seem to be excited, and he was permitted to take the field as Colonel of the 25th New York. How much mischief he may have accomplished, it is impossible to tell.

THE VERDICT IN KERRIGAN'S CASE.—The judgment of the court-martial in the case of Colonel James E. Kerrigan has been approved by Maj. Gen. McClellan, and a general order issued carrying it into effect. The court did not find Kerrigan guilty of treason, but of inefficiency, and of conduct unbecoming an officer in the gross neglect of his military duty, as manifested in the disorganized and disgraceful condition of his regiment. Kerrigan was adjudged to be dismissed the service, and General McClellan approves the sentence, and orders him to be dismissed.

The Twenty-fifth Regiment, Col. KERRIGAN, is under marching orders for Saturday next. As the Government has declined to furnish a band, the officers have determined to organize and support one at their own expense. A capable leader and twenty musicians are needed at once. Good pay and rations are guaranteed. Apply at Camp Arthur, Quarantine, Staten Island to Col. KERRIGAN or to Lieut.-Col. E. C. CHARLES, NO. 91 Liberty street. Company K, of this Regiment, needs 17 able-bodied men. (June 21, 1861)
Col. CHARLES A. JOHNSON, of the Twenty-fifth New York Volunteers, wounded in the thigh at Hanover Court House, is on his way to his home in this city.

NEW YORK VOLUNTEERS.—Second Lieutenants George C. Brown and James G. Howell, of the 25th (Jefferson county) regiment, have resigned.

A Rumor Probably True.
NEW YORK, Dec. 2.
It is reported that Col. Kerrigan, New York 25th regiment, has been tried by court martial, sentenced to be shot, and that the warrant is signed by the President. Kerrigan is a Member of Congress from this city.
The charges against Col. Kerrigan are of the gravest character, and he will probably be summoned soon before a court martial. It is said that he held regular interviews with the enemy while in command of his regiment, passed through the lines without obstruction. His conduct is said to warrant the belief that he entered the service only to carry out certain plans he had devised before the commencement of hostilities for giving aid and comfort to the rebels.

PERSONAL.—A letter has been received from CHARLES A. JOHNSON, formerly of this city, and concerning whom rumors not complimentary have been in circulation, stating that he has received and accepted a commission as Lieutenant-Colonel in one of the New York regiments that move to-day. (Aug. 23, 1861)

Colonel Kerrigan, through his advocate, Hon. Reverdy Johnson, submitted his defence to the Court Martial today. The Judge Advocate, Lieutenant McCool, was absent in consequence of illness. The defence opens with a brief statement of the opening scenes of the rebellion, and the motives which actuated the accused in raising a regiment to assist in the defence of the country. It was with no other desire than to vindicate the cause of the government that he expended his small means and exerted his energies to enlist the men of his regiment. The second set of charges, relating to the alleged treasonable communication with the enemy, abandonment of his post, &c., were considered first and separately, the accused premising his argument by stating that at the time of his arrest, upon a single charge of disobedience of an order, he solicited an opportunity to make an explanation to the officer who ordered the arrest, and was denied, when he was confident that his explanation must have been satisfactory. He was, however, put in confinement, and charges in addition have from time to time been preferred, and he has been for several weeks compelled to rest under the imputation of disloyalty. The first of these charges is a shameful abandonment of duty, in leaving his station on Munson's Hill. He denied that any evidence is produced to show that he was ever stationed at Munson's Hill, and claimed that, in fact, he was not stationed there at all. One witness only, Samuel Benjamin, testified vaguely that he supposed the New York Twenty-fifth regiment was on duty there. It was also charged that he withdrew his pickets unnecessarily from the hill. His men had been upon harassing picket duty and work in intrenchments, and he simply ordered the pickets to camp when they were relieved. If they were not relieved the fault rested with some other officer, and he denied emphatically that the removal of the pickets was in consequence of an anticipated attack by the rebels. The rebels took Munson's Hill on August 27, and no one had thought of bringing this charge against the accused until after this trial was commenced. In reference to the charge, that on the 25th of July, and at various times between that date and August 27, the accused left his camp, in Fairfax county, and communicated with the rebels, the accused asks where was the vigilance of the loyal officers of the sentinels, and of government detectives, who must have known the fact, unless they were derelict in duty? This charge, also, was not made until after the accused had been placed on trial on other charges. Major Savage had testified that Colonel Kerrigan was often out of camp at night, and that he stated sometimes that he had been scouting, and at others that he had been visiting Colonel Murphy's camp; but the facts were all known at the time, and it was also known that he was always accompanied by two or three other officers. It had been charged that the accused allowed two men to pass through his lines, who were rebels, upon passes that had expired; but it was proved for the defence that the men were not rebels, and the passes had not expired. The other testimony, in regard to his conversation with Corbitt, alleged to be a rebel, was disposed of by stating that it was, and had been so proved, an attempt to draw from the latter his opinions of the war. The defence upon this set of charges closes with a strong attestation of loyalty on the part of the accused, who stated that he has not determined whether in future he shall serve his country in the field or in the position to which he had been chosen with great unanimity by a constituency with whom he had passed the greater part of his life. But whether in the field or the council chamber, he will stand by the honor of the country. 
The first set of charges were examined in their order and the testimony reviewed. The defence against the charge of neglecting to instruct his officers and men in the battalion and school of tactics is, that he, like other officers called from a civil life in the great crisis which demanded all the available force of the country, was not himself schooled in military knowledge; that under the circumstances all that could be required was a reasonable capacity to acquire such knowledge, proper diligence in its attainment, and courage to use it in the field. To have delayed until officers were educated would have consigned the capital to the rebels. He claimed that his regiment, up to the time of his arrest, was efficient, and urged that this charge had not been raised until after his arrest for disobedience of a single and distinct order. He argues that the charges of drunkenness on duty and of restoring a deserter to duty, were unsupported by evidence, and were not thought of until the attempt to break him down had been commenced. Upon the charge which led to Colonel Kerrigan's arrest at first, and to which was added, subsequently, all the others, with a new set of charges of treasonable acts, brought against him after his trial had commenced—namely, of disobedience of an order of General Martindale—he says the order was given him in the form of a request simply to come to the tent where the General was instructing his officers; that he did not dream that he was breaking any military rule in leaving the tent temporarily, and that he returned to it when he understood that the General desired his presence. He was for this placed in arrest, and when he asked the reason for it the information was denied him, and he has suffered confinement for two months in consequence. 
The defence prepared by Hon. Reverdy Johnson in this case is an elaborate and well written paper. To-morrow the Judge Advocate will have an opportunity to be heard, and this closes the case.

THE UNION RANGERS. (June 8, 1861)
This regiment, under command of Col. Kerrigan, still occupy the old quarentine barracks at Staten Island. it is not known when the men will get away, although all express an earnest desire to be summoned to active duty. The regiment continues full, as it has been for some time. If the Union Defense Committee pay the $10,000 as requested by resolution passing the Board of Aldermen at their last session, Col. Kerrigan says he will speedily have his men in readiness to proceed to the seat of war. All the men enjoy excellent health, and daily are perfecting themselves in the drill.
— The remaining companies, of the Twenty- Fifth regiment, were paid off at Albany on Saturday.

RECEPTION OK THE 25TH REGIMENT OF N. Y., VOLUNTEERS.—This regiment was, this afternoon, officially received on their return from the war by the city authorities. 
At 3 o'clock, P. M., the regimental line of the 25th was formed in the Park, where about 290 men were present; the 3d N. Y. N. G. (Cavalry) soon after arrived, when a procession was formed in the following order:
3d Regiment N. Y. N. G., Col. Postley, numbering 300 men.
25th Regiment New York Volunteers, Col. Johnson.
Wounded men of the 25th Regiment in carriages.
In this order they marched through Broadway, Park Row and the East gate into the Park, where they were reviewed by Alderman Farley and the Committee on National Affairs. They thence marched through Broadway, Duane street, Chatham street, Bowery, Bond st. and Broadway, to the City Assembly Rooms, where the parade was dismissed.
The veteran soldiers of the 25th looked very well, and were the recipients of loud applause along the route of march.

The announcement having been publicly made for some days that this fine corps would be inspected yesterday at their present encampment on Staten Island, a large number of persons from this city and Brooklyn made an excursion to witness what they confidently expected would be a first rate affair. It was understood that an inspection was to have been made by the State authorities, but this did not take place; a very fine inspection, however, took place before the Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment. The regiment, which mustered six hundred men, was assembled on parade at two o'clock P. M., and presented a front as creditable to themselves as it was satisfactory to the general public. In fact the competency and military intelligence exhibited by the men took most persons by surprise, especially those who were not aware of the active routine of drill to which they have for some time past been submitted. The officers have not been idle since the organization of the regiment, and the men, fully impressed with the importance of the work which is before them, have cheerfully submitted to all the hardships of a soldier's life, and have attended so well and so regularly to their drill that they have now arrived at a point very near perfection.
It is very unfortunate to think that these promising hale and hearty recruits for the armies of our country, should, in so large a measure be destitute of shoes and clothing. What are the authorities and the people about, it may well be asked, that such good and brave men, after giving all they can to their country, perilling their lives and the welfare of their families, cannot even get the outfit necessary for entering decently upon their duties? There is something clearly wrong about this, and it is right to mention that many of the men of this regiment are in a totally destitute condition, in want of everything that a soldier can require. They have the bone and the muscle, the courage and the determination, and all they ask for are the outside necessities to complete their equipments. With the men in a condition to move wherever necessary, but a very short time will be required to fit them for active service. The Lieut. Colonel says if he can only get as many days for preparation as other regiments have had weeks, he will be prepared to turn out as fine a body of men as have yet left the State.
The uniform of the corps, when complete, will be precisely like that of the United States Army, with the addition of gaiters, such as are worn by the chasseurs a peid. Lieutenant Colonel Edmund C. Charles was for fourteen years Lieutenant Colonel of the Fourth regiment of Artillery. He is a very distinguished and able officer, and will, no doubt, be of great use to the service. Colonel Kerrigan, who commands the regiment, has seen a good deal of active service, having accompanied the United States expedition to Mexico, and participated in the assaults of Gen. Walker in Nicaragua and other places. A particular advantage resulting from this latter portion of his experience, is, that it has inured him to a Southern climate, and fitted him to fight in the very places where our armies are now called.
Recruiting for the regiment is now going on vigorously, recruits falling in at the rate of fifty a day. The drill sergeant has a busy time of it, for with so many new additions to the regiment he has scarcely a moment to spare.
The headquarters of the Union Rangers still continue at the old Bowery theatre, and the recruiting stations are at 444 and 452 Broadway.
It is to be hoped that the clothing and equipments of this fine body of men will be hurried up, and that no further obstacle will be thrown in the way of their progress.

TWENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT—It was rumored about the streets last evening that the 25th Regiment had received marching orders, but on enquiry, it was ascertained that the rumor was unfounded. As will be seen by our telegraphic column some of the New York city militia regiments took their departure for Washington last evening.

The Twenty-fifth regiment, "Union Rangers," Colonel James Kerrigan, received orders to leave yesterday for the seat of war, but were not able to go owing to the fact of their not having the proper equipments. There is a great deal of complaint among the men as to the quality of the clothes that have been furnished them. They appear to be all made of a size, and of course are totally unfit for a regiment of different sized men. This fault will, however, soon be remedied, and Colonel Kerrigan expects to be able to get his men off by the early part of next week.
The regiment numbers about nine hundred and are as fine a set of men as have been mustered into the United States service. As soon as the necessary camp equipage and arms arrive the Rangers will, without further delay, start for the war.

This regiment, consisting of 800 men, commanded by Col. James E. Kerrigan, now occupying the old Quarantine grounds at Staten island, has received orders to proceed to Washington immediately, and will doubtless leave this afternoon. Within the last two or three days, the regiment has been supplied with good new muskets, knapsacks, and other accouterments, so that it is fully prepared to take the field. The men have been drilling constantly while in quarters, and now execute the various company evolutions with passable precision. They have yet to learn the manual of arms, however, as they have not until now had any to drill with. The regiment is composed of hard-working mechanics of various nationalities, but all anxious to proceed to the seat of war. While at Quarantine, they have behaved in a perfectly orderly manner, giving the inhabitants in the vicinity no ground for complaint. Nearly all the officers of the regiment have had military experience, and take much pains in instructing the men under them. The following are the names of the officers:
Colonel—The Hon. James E. Kerrigan; Lieut.-Colonel—Edmund C. Charles; Major—Henry Johnson; Adjutant—Henry F. Savage; Quartermaster—John McCook; Surgeon—Daniel Fisk; Chaplain—T. De Walden; Assistant Quartermaster—James Nicholson.
Company A—Captain Holly, Lieutenants Johnson and Devoy.
Company B—Captain Smith, Lieutenants Fay and Edgeworth.
Company C—Captain McMahon, Lieutenants Connolly and Bactine.
Company D—Captain Norton, Lieutenants Abbott and Allen.
Company E—Captain Graham, Lieutenants Sturgess and Lee.
Company F—Captain Doremus, Lieutenants Webb and Barclay.
Company G—Captain Wallace, Lieutenants Willoughby and Barclay.
Company H—Captain McManus, Lieutenants Barrett and Weall.
Company I—Captain Grover, Lieutenants McGaff and Kelly.
Company K—Captain Kerrigan, Lieutenants ____ ____ and McTear.

Contrary to general expectation, Colonel Kerrigan's regiment was unable to start for the seat of the war yesterday. It is thought that everything will be in readiness to insure the departure of the regiment to-day.

This regiment, under command of Col. James E. Kerrigan, and now stationed at Camp Arthur, on Staten Island will receive their advance pay to-day, and leave for the seat of war this afternoon.

AGAIN POSTPONED. (July 3, 1861)
The Twenty-fifth regiment, Colonel Kerrigan, now encamped at Staten Island, was unable to proceed to the seat of war yesterday, and it is doubtful if the troops will be ready to depart to-day even, The men have all to be paid yet, and then there are some 220 jackets needed for the recruits. General Arthur, the Quartermaster General, says the regiment was furnished with a full complement of jackets, and cannot account for the absence of so much clothing. He has telegraphed to the Governor in relation to the matter, and if the Executive at Albany orders a second requisition, the regiment may probably get away this evening.

This regiment yesterday left their quarters on Staten Island, and taking the Staten Island railroad, proceeded to Amboy (crossing the Raritan in small boats), and took the cars for Washington direct. It was understood that the men are greatly disappointed at not being permitted to show their splendid marching to the citizens of New York, prior to leaving for the seat of war. The appearance of the men is very flattering to the officers, and when the "Bowery Boys" are heard from, there will be grief among the Secessionists and traitors generally.

We try to be very careful not to do injustice to any of the brave fellows who are now fighting the battles of the country. But in spite of the utmost care, we are not always able to scan, with sufficient deliberation, all that we publish. We were not, therefore, surprised to learn that, in the first published accounts of the battle of Hanover, wrong was done the gallant 25th, Col. JOHNSON, in a letter which found its way into our columns some days since. This letter was followed, the next day, by another which corrected the first, and did ample justice to the 25th. But it is proper that the following correspondence should also be published:—

CAMP NEAR NEW BRIDGE, June 12, 1862.
Editors Evening Journal:
We were somewhat surprised to-night, in looking over your valuable paper, to find the statement that the 25th New York Volunteers at the battle of Hanover Court House "ran away." Learning that the writer of the article (signing himself "Van") was a Captain in the 44th New York Volunteers, we immediately called upon him for an explanation. It seems that the author had already written an article refuting the statement, as his sober second thought told him that such a statement was untrue. I will use no severe expression in regard to the author. Let his own conscience punish him. But you will very much oblige us (I mean the whole regiment) by publishing this explanation, together with his article refuting his former statement. We do not seek any praise for doing our duty; but we do not wish that men who stood up and fought bravely, leaving nearly half of their number dead, wounded or prisoners, should be stigmatized as men who "ran away." A soldier's honor is as dear as his life.
E. S. GILBERT, Major Commanding,
25th Regiment, New York Volunteers.

PERSONAL.—Capt. H. W. Gifford, formerly of the 13th Regiment, and now of the 25th N. Y. V., is spending a few days in Rochester. As usual he is in the enjoyment of first rate health, physical, moral and intellectual, and will promptly report for duty at the expiration of his "ten days." Capt. G. is Judge Advocate on the staff of Gen. Howe, commanding the 2d division of the 6th corps.
Capt. S. D. Holmes, of t h e 111th Regiment, was also in town yesterday. He goes to Lyons on recruiting service for his own regiment.

This Board met last evening, President Henry W. Genet in the chair.
A communication was received from Colonel James A. Kerrigan, stating that many of the men of his (Twenty-fifth) regiment, were suffering from sore feet, for want of shoes, and that they were otherwise badly clad Alderman TUOMEY offered a resolution to the effect that the Committee on Military Affairs should visit the Twenty-fifth volunteers at their encampment, and that the Union Defence Committee be requested to equip that regiment immediately for the war.
Alderman FROMENT had no doubt teat this was not the only regiment that was suffering in a similar way, but he submitted that the fault did not lie with the Common Council; it was either with the Union Defence Committee the general government, or the government of this State. 
Alderman TUOMEY said there was no excuse for the Union Defence Committee. These soldiers had left the city badly clad. If they had sent them out well provided then it would have been the duty of the general government to see that they were subsequently well taken care of. He contended that the Common Council had a right to see that those volunteers were well provided with befitting equipments. The resolution was adopted.
A communication was also received from Colonel Wm. Wilson, asking for an appropriation of $10,000, so as to enable his Zouaves to proceed to the war untrammeled by debt.
A resolution was presented by Alderman FARLEY requesting the Union Defence Committee to make the required appropriation. Adopted.
A petition was received from Howland & Aspinwall and others, for $5,000 for harbor defence, and was referred to the committee having charge of the national affairs. 
A resolution to suspend all street openings for the pre-

FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1861.

sent—during the depressed state of affairs—was presented by Aldeirman FROMENT. 
Alderman GENET opposed the resolution, because he did not see why the laborers that remained at home should be left to starve or become a burthen upon the taxpayers of the city of New York.
Alderman DAYTON contended that the city of New York should put a stop to all attempts to open streets, and that the whole energies of the city and all the resources of the city should be devoted to maintaining the supremacy of the flag of our Union.
Alderman GENET was not surprised to hear Alderman Dayton advocate the stopping of all public works in the city, or that he should make a political speech and enshrine himself under the "Star Spangled Banner," whilst he was advocating a measure for the starvation of the laboring classes.
In reply to some further remarks of Alderman Dayton, in which he insinuated that Alderman Genet had sympathies with the secessionists, the PRESIDENT (Alderman Genet) defied him to show or name one republican for every ninety-nine democrats who had gone to the defence of their country. With regard to Mr. Dayton's insinuation that he (Alderman Genet) had sympathies with the secession party, he hurled it back as a base, a cowardly, damnable and pusillanimous lie, into the teeth of the Alderman of the Ninth.
Alderman DAYTON defended the republicans, and said, that without reference to party, he and others had done much for the cause of the Union. Look to Maine, Ohio. Indiana and Illinois, who had sent forward their tens of thousands each, and then who would say that the republican party was not doing its duty in the present emergency. He undertook to say that the republicans were heart to heart and shoulder to shoulder with the democrats, who he gladly admitted had unanimously stepped forward for the support of the constitution, but they were different democrats from the class to which the gentleman of the Seventeenth (Genet) belongs. If the defence of the country was in the hands of such democrats, he (Ald. Dayton) would have very little faith in them.
The matter was referred to the Committee on Roads.
After some routine business the Board adjourned to Monday next.
The chair of Ald. Bagley, Major of the Sixty-ninth regiment, at present at the seat of war, was gracefully canopied with the flag of the Union.

Dennis Nihill. 
H. Allsolph.
Hugh Clark. 
John H. O'Neill
Maj. E. S. Gilbert, leg. 
William Gross.
Capt. Wm. Bulls. 
A. Flaick.
Capt A. W. Preston. 
F. Hartman.
Lieut. Fairman. 
M. Lee.
Lieut. Bishop. 
____ McNulty.
Cor. Mich. Hefferts, leg. 
Frederick Gamitt
Michael Wimess, arm. 
Sergt. J. Long.
Robt. Gobey, head & leg. 
P. O'Oonnell.
Capt C H Phillips, leg. 
William Devany.
Corp. Geo. Lostrange, Breast.
Roger Burk.
Dennis Downey.
Wm. Gallagher, breast. 
Michael O'Connor.
John Magill, side. 
Michael Logan.
E. M. McConkey, sho'r. 
Jeremiah O'Brien.
Capt Patrick Callahan. 
Thomas Kerry.
Sergt H. V. Toomey. 
Thomas Senior.
John Costello. 
James Burk.
George A. Coles. 
Barney McDonnell.
Samuel Crawford. 
Capt Thos. O'Connor.
Michael Gleason. 
Sergt. Thomas Davis.
Henry Herman. 
Morris Sheehan.
Edward Lively. 
John Callens.
Theodore Mulligan. 
Michael Flaherty.
James Ramsey. 
Wm. Gantz.
Capt. James Haskins.
Killed ………………………………….. 4
Wounded ............................................. 49
Total..................................................... 53
(Official List, July 12, 1862;
Battle of July 1st, 1862)