65th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

COL. W. F. Berens of the 65th Regiment, was presented with a fine horse and saddle on Friday evening, at the Arsenal by the officers of the regiment and a few friends. The presentation speech was made by Captain Shaeffer, and it may be questioned whether any oration ever embarrassed the Colonel so seriously as did the few remarks of the Captain.
The compliment involved in the presentation was no more than the Colonel deserved. The gift cost, we understand, $344.

The First Regiment United States Chasseurs, Colonel John Cochrane, (formerly the Twentieth United States Infantry,) having been accepted by the government, is now making considerable progress in the enrolment. The volunteers are quartered and will be equipped by the United States, outside of state regulations and without the aid of any committee, and will be mustered in as fast as enlisted. 
The Palace Garden buildings and grounds in Fourteenth street have been fitted up as the rendezvous of the regiment, and a thousand men may be comfortably fed and quartered there. The large hall where the performances were formerly held will be used as a sleeping apartment. Some small buildings at the rear of the grounds contain immense stores, and all the apparatus for cooking, as well as a quantity of very excellent provisions, which are prepared in good style; and the tables on which refreshments have been served to the public will answer the better purpose of serving the nation's soldiers. 
The rolls from the several recruiting stations not having been sent in the number enrolled is not definitely known, but is understood to be four or five hundred.

The following are the recruiting stations so far established:
COMPANY A--Captain Lewis A. Philipoteaux—Division Armory, corner of White and Elm streets; corner of Third avenue and Twenty ninth street; City Hall Park.
Company B--Lieutenant Bowerman—272 Greenwich street.
Company C--Captain Garney; Lieutenant E. H. L...., corner of Third avenue and Sixth street, and corner of Eighth avenue and Forty-eighth street.
Company D--Captain Halstead; Lieutenant Dyer -- 245 Eighth avenue.
Company E--Lieutenant Holder—Fireman's Hall, Mercer street.
The following are the principal officers: John Cochrane, Colonel; Alexander Shaler, Lieutenant-Colonel; William H. Riblet, Major.
It is intended that the officers shall consist principally of members of the Seventh Regiment.

AN IMMEDIATE CALL FOR BUFFALO REGIMENTS.—Gen. Lansing has received orders from Gen. Randall, now in Albany, to have the 65th and 74th Regiments got in readiness to move to Harrisburg immediately, to serve for the term of three months. Col. Forbes' Regiment, at Fredonia, will also be sent to the same place.

SISTY-FIFTH REGIMENT.—Captain Louis Krettner of the 65th has returned from New York, and requests us to notify all officers and members of the regiment, and all desirous to join, to report to him at the Arsenal this (Monday) morning, at 8 o'clock, to proceed to Harrisburg.

SURGEON OF THE 65TH REGIMENT.—Dr. Joseph A. Peters, of this city, formerly Assistant Surgeon of the 21st regiment and subsequently Surgeon of the 6th N. Y. Cavalry, from which service he was discharged last March on account of ill-health, has accepted the appointment of Surgeon of the 65th Regiment, Colonel Krettner, in place of Dr. Farmer, who has resigned because of ill-health.

— In our report of the names of officers of the 65th Regiment published in our Saturday's issue, we learn of some mistakes for which we are not ourselves responsible. Dr. Charles T. Fanner is te Surgeon of this regiment, and has held this office for the last three years, while Dr. Sonneck, who we reported as Surgeon, is a Lieutenant in one of the companies. Dr. Fanner is to join his regiment immediately. In connection with the report of the names of the officers of the 74th, we also published that Dr. Miner was Surgeon, and on furlough for ten days, when he would join the regiment; which we learn is not according to the arrangements made with Col. Fox and the other officers. The Assistant Surgeon, Dr. Whitaker, is with the regiment and will act as Surgeon, until either disease or service shall make it necessary to have assistance, in which case Dr. Miner consents to report for duty immediately, and will hold himself ready at notice, to render any temporary service required; mean-while he remains at home confidently hoping and expecting that neither disease nor accident in the regiment will require his leaving duties which require his constant attention.

ONE OF THE 65TH ARRESTED.—Mr. George Hoffer, a well known German citizen, was arrested yesterday upon the order of Adjutant Johnson, on charge of desertion from the 65th Regiment. Mr. Hoffer denies that he is a deserter and urges in vindication of himself, that he belongs to a cavalry company in the 65th, that he went to Harrisburg with his regiment, found his company without organization or immediate hope of organization, and that having been compelled to leave his business and family at a time when he was wholly unprepared, he had the divine right to return home without waiting the operations of red tape. His friends and himself propose, we understand to raise legal issue with the right assumed to order his arrest. We hope the affair will be settled satisfactorily to all parties concerned.
Since the above was put in type for the Courier & Republic of yesterday, we learn that Mr. Hoffer has concluded to join his regiment at once, and to furnish a substitute, his own business making it a very embarrassing matter for him to render service to Pennsylvania at this time.

The name of the Captain of Company E, of this regiment was incorrectly stated in our list published a few days since. The name should have been Thomas H. Higenbotham.
(July 21, 1861)

This regiment is now about 1,046 strong, and expects to go to the seat of war in two or three days. The men are encamped at Willet's Point, where they have undergone quite a severe and thorough system of military training. Being under so energetic a commander as Col. Cochrane, the regiment will go forth ranking among the best equipped and finest body of volunteer soldiers that has yet left the city of New York. They are fully equipped and uniformed, and Colonel Cochrane but awaits an additional supply of one or two hundred men, in order to be perfectly ready to march in defence of the Union.

Company A of the above regiment was sworn to yesterday by Captain Hayward, of the United States Army. They numbered one hundred and one men, and are commanded by the following officers:—Captain, L. A. Philipeteaux; First Lieutenant, S. Tibsdell; Second Lieutenant, James A. King. The headquarters of the regiment, Palace Garden, is about being altered, so as to give the men more accommodation. A large number were yesterday sworn in, Lieutenant G. W. Bernard acting as officer of the day.

One of the best, if not the best military man in New-York, Lieut.-Col. Alexander Shaler, is actively engaged in perfecting this thoroughly and effectively officered regiment, in company and battalion drill. Over 600 hardy men are upon its muster rolls under pay, uniformed and fully equipped. Their quarters (Palace Garden) have been a favorite Summer resort of our citizens; and here the soldiers are carefully provided with rations and clothing, and in all respects made comfortable. Those who, of the returning three months' regiments, are desirous of re-enlisting, can have no better opportunity. They will be immediately mustered into the service, and be thence under pay, with their $30 or $50 United States bounty in addition, and will be permitted also as long a furlough, before the regiment leaves, as they please, in which to visit their families. These are advantages which no other regiment offers.

The above regiment, under command of Colonel John Cochrane, last evening marched down Broadway, from fourteenth street to pier No. 1, where the men were put on board the steamer Atlas and conveyed to Camden en route to Washington. The regiment has been in course of organization for two months, and under the supervision of such officers as Colonel Cochrane and Lieut.-Colonel Shaler, it could not help advancing to that state of high proficiency which it so well exhibited while marching through our streets yesterday. The Chasseurs have been encamped at Willet's Point, a short distance from Fort Schuyler, for the past week, where Lieut. Colonel Shaler has been untiring in his exertions to bring the men to that standard of discipline which is so necessary to make the fighting soldier, and well has the gallant officer succeeded in his efforts. The steamboats running to Willet's Point were crowded to overflowing yesterday, on their morning trip, with the friends of the soldiers, most of whom were of the gentler sex. Then and there were enacted the departing scenes of sorrow and heart-break which, of late, alas! have become so common among us. One year ago, although the horizon of our national prosperity was dimmed by a few threatening clouds, we did not dream that these scenes would be so frequent among us. We did not think that our hearts would flutter and palpitate with agony as some loved one had donned in the soldier's uniform, disappeared from our vision, to meet amid the shock of battle the enemies of his country—and those enemies his own very brethren and countrymen. We did not think that the din of traffic in our streets would be drowned by the tramp of the departing soldier, and the social joys of the home circle clouded with the melancholy of lost relatives. No, we did not; but still the dreadful truth flashes upon us, and though we may grow cold at the frequency of departing friends, yet it must be remembered, as our men file swiftly through our streets to confront the foe, that file of throbbing humanity may, in a few short months, be mingled with the earth on which they stand— martyrs to the cause of liberty. It is these reflections which cast around the circumstance of a departing regiment so much of the sacredness and solemnity which all must feel.
From an early hour in the morning Col. Cochrane was on the camp grounds at Willet's Point, in order to superintend the preparations for the departure of his regiment. Of course there was considerable bustle and confusion, as the regiment brings with it its entire equipage, camp equipments, &c., which had all to be placed on board the boat for transportation. The camp was, crowded by friends of the soldiers, and sad whisperings, bitter tears, and encouraging words mingled with the noise of hasty preparation. As a soldier hastened to the boat, incumbered with some burthen of no minor weight, he was unconsciously clasped around the neck by some fair arm, or grasped in the hand by some steadfast friend, who came to take his last interview. Then there would be the loving interchange of conversation:—"Take care of yourself, Jim;" one lady remarking very sarcastically, "Whatever you do, Billy, remember never to run," &c. This delayed the regiment some considerable time beyond the hour appointed for their arrival in New York, and they did not land at the foot of Fourteenth street, East river, until about five o'clock. The trip down the river, from Willet's Point, was occupied by the men in singing snatches of military songs, cracking suggestive jokes, and cheering every craft which might happen to pass them, their cheers being responded to in turn. On disembarking at the foot of Fourteenth street the regiment were formed in line of march, headed by a body of police and a fine drum corps, and proceeded up the street to Broadway, and down Broadway to pier No. 1. Their march down Broadway was characterized with enthusiasm on the part of the thousands who turned out to give the regiment a brilliant departing cheer. Col. Cochrane marched at the head of his men, looking "every inch a soldier," a little behind and to the left of whom towered the tall form of Lieut. Col. Shaler. Every one is well acquainted with John Cochrane, M. C., as an American statesman, and it is unnecessary to go into any detailed account of his career. His record as a public man has been a brilliantly successful one; and if we are to take that as a criterion to judge of his future achievements as a soldier, the American Union army will have no cause to blush for Col. John Cochrane. Lieut. Col. Shaler's life, as a soldier in our militia regiments, is equally well worthy of notice, his connection with the Seventh regiment, in which he so distinguished himself as an officer and tactician of talent, being known to all. The regiment followed those two officers yesterday down Broadway, with steady determined step, evidently proud of their leaders. The privates themselves also looked remarkably well, and a finer or better equipped body of men has not yet left the city of New York. Not a single man was to be seen in the ranks laboring under the effects of liquor, and every one moved as though he was doing so through the impulse of duty, and not from the hasty passion of the moment. Every feature spoke the honorable feeling of the man, and the regiment moved silently and steadily down Broadway, without a word or a look to disturb the harmony of the departure. It was at a time when that street is most crowded that the regiment marched down our great thoroughfare, and cheer upon cheer of encouragement burst from the lips of thousands. The uniform of the men, being nearly the same as that of the French Chasseurs, looked quite picturesque, and their good marching added greatly to their personal appearance on this occasion. At the Park an immense crowd congregated to see them, and hearty cheers were given for Colonel Cochrane, Lieutenant Colonel Shaler, and the First regiment United States Chasseurs. Hundreds, on the route, rushed to shake hands with the two distinguished officers, and a lady dressed in black confronted Colonel Cochrane and extended her hand, which that gentleman cordially grasped.
On the arrival at pier No. 1 North river, the same incidents of leave taking were enacted as at Willet's Point. A very affecting incident occurred between Colonel Cochrane and a little boy of about six years old, which is worthy of remark. The little fellow rushed up to the Colonel, with a bundle of wearing apparel, and while tears choked his utterance, said:—"Sir, will you please give that to my brother, who is a drummer boy, and going to be killed." Colonel Cochrane put his hand on the fine little fellow's head, and assured him that he would see that his brother would be well taken care of. The boy seemed pleased at the assurance, and though the scalding tears flowed down his innocent cheeks, his youthful eyes lit up with the fire of thanks to the tall soldier who addressed him so affectionately. His brother's name the Colonel ascertained to be John Fry, of Company G. The regiment were then put on board the steamboat Atlas, and amid the waving of handkerchiefs, the cries of distress, the cheers of the multitude, and the merry roll of the drum, the First regiment United States Chasseurs left New York to take part in the defence of our common honor. The following are the officers of the regiment:—
Colonel, John Cochrane; Lieutenant Colonel, Alexander Shaler; Major, W. H. Reblet; Adjutant, M. A. Stearnes; Quartermaster, G. W. Ford; Surgeon, Dr. Petherbridge; Chaplain, Rev. M. Buchardt; Commissary, ____ Levy.
Company A—Captain, Louis A. Philopoteau; First Lieu-tenant, Samuel Treadwell; Second Lieutenant, James King.
Company B—Captain, David Miller; First Lieutenant, A. Baker; Second Lieutenant, W. D. Morton.
Company C—Captain, Wm. Gurney; First Lieutenant. Edward H. Little; Second Lieutenant, R. B. Scott. Company D—Captain, W. P. Halsted; First Lieutenant, H. B. Dyer; Second Lieutenant, R. B. Hathaway.
Company E—Captain, C. Bernard; First Lieutenant, ____ Holder; Second Lieutenant, vacant.
Company F—Captain, H. G. Healy; First Lieutenant, ____ Draper; Second Lieutenant, W. S. Roome.
Company G—Captain, ____ Kettle; First Lieutenant, G. Bernard; Second Lieutenant, A. Kellinger.
Company H—Captain, J. S. Walker; First Lieutenant ____ Selover; Second Lieutenant, vacant.
Company I—Captain, David Muller; Lieutenants, vacant.
Company K—Captain, ____ Higgenbottom; First Lieutenant, Leroy Cockren; Second Lieutenant, Jacob Butell.
The regiment will be armed with the Enfield rifle and numbers 850 men. Their headquarters will still remain at Palace Garden in order to provide the necessary number of men, who, on enlisting, will be at once despatched to join their regiment.

This regiment is under orders and will march to-day for Washington. It has upon its rolls more than men enough to compose a regiment of the minimum grade, many of its companies numbering their full maximum, so that although it leaves with nine numbered companies, these contain men more than sufficient to organize ten companies at the minimum limit. The object undoubtedly is to incite, by the desire of position, officers, the accomplishment of whose wishes is probably thus made to depend on their success in recruiting men. The regiment has been now for nearly a week in Camp Tompkins, at Willett's Point, where it has undergone the inexorable drill of Lieutenant Colonel Shaler. It has been remarked by officers of the regular army that their camp exceeds in military order, organization and cleanliness, any camp of volunteers they have ever seen. A steamboat chartered by the United States Assistant Quartermaster will transport the regiment to-day from their camp to Amboy, whence it will disembark for Washington. Its camp and garrison equipage, the baggage and all its attendant appointments, will be transported with it. The boat will arrive at about two o'clock, land the troops at the foot of East Fourteenth street, from which point they will move to Broadway, and down Broadway to pier No. 1 North river, where the boat again meeting them, they will re-embark for Amboy. This regiment has been organizing about two months. Colonel John Cochrane commenced just as the excitement which filled the earlier regiments was subsiding, and when all the usual impediments to recruiting under ordinary circumstances began to reappear. He persisted, however, and collecting into his regiment the best military material unemployed, he has organized a regiment which com-pares favorably with any heretofore organized. It is noteworthy also that Colonel Cochrane's regiment has not been the favored object of any public assistance. The United States government having authorized men to raise it, furnished the requisite rations, clothing, arms and equipments. But for those innumerable expenses attendant upon recruiting and collecting from points perhaps five hundred miles apart, a thousand men, he has been cast, we understand, entirely upon his own resources. It may, therefore, be inferred that his regiment, as it has not been, will not be a burden upon the taxed citizens of New York. The short time, too, within which the regiment has been prepared, is commendable. When it did not number a single man, other regiments which have but just left—such as the Brooklyn Phalanx and the Anderson Zouaves—were nearly complete. No doubt that insuperable obstacles opposed the more rapid progress of these excellent regiments; still, the early completion of the United Slates Chasseurs is the no less laudable. The regimental headquarters in this city will still be held as a recruiting station, from which the men enrolled and mustered into service will be immediately sent, when received, forward to Washington, uniformed and equipped.

THE SIXTY-FIFTH NEW-YORK was organized in July, 1861, and is better known as the "First United States Chasseurs." They first reached Washington in August, 1861, and were at once thrown across the Chain Bridge, where they participated in the action at Drainsville. Col. John Cochrane (now Attorney-General of this State) was in command, with Lieut-Col. Alex. Shaler, Maj. Joe Hamblin, (of the Fifth New-York Zouaves,) and senior Capt. Gurney, all members of the gallant Seventh, and all since promoted to the rank of General. The Sixty-fifth participated with McClellan in the campaign on the Peninsula, distinguished itself at Fair Oaks and Malvern Hill, and was the last to leave the latter battle-field. Through all the succeeding battles of South Mountain, Antietam, Rappahannock Station and Mine Run, the regiment was eminently conspicuous. This was especially the case at the second Fredericksburgh, where the "Chasseurs" alone at midnight, stormed the place and made way for the column of the Sixth Corps that took Lee’s Heights on the following day.
In December, 1863, most of the old members re-enlisted, and after the expiration of the veteran furlough were ordered to Johnson's Island, Lake Erie. There they remained until Gen. Grant ordered all the old troops to the front, when they returned to Brandy Station, On the 4th of May, 1864, the regiment lost heavily in the Wilderness, and in the succeeding engagements of Spotsylvania, Laurel Hill, Cold Harbor, after which they crossed the James, and took part in the first assault upon the Weldon Railroad. By this time the original members were reduced to less than 200, out of 900, who went out in '61. A majority of the old officers had been killed and wounded. Shaler was taken prisoner in the Wilderness, Gurney had a brigade, Hamblin had a brigade, Higginbotham was in Richmond, Cochrane was Attorney-General of New-York State, so that old things had become new, nevertheless, the organization kept up to its former reputation, and added to its previous laurels by vigorous action around the defences of Washington, and in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill and Cedar Creek, in the Shenandoah Valley, under Sheridan. Thence they were transported again to Petersburgh, and participated in the campaigns that signalized the last throes of the rebellion. Of the whole 960 members, it is certainly known that 700 have been either killed, wounded or taken prisoners. All the old non-commissioned officers have either a grave in Virginia or a commission from the State, while many of them have distinguished themselves more than common on all occasions.
The Sixty-fifth will be formally received by the Seventh Regiment to-day, as the following order will show:
S. N. Y. , NEW-YORK, July 19, 1865.
GENERAL ORDER NO. 15.—I. This regiment will parade in full fatigue, gray trousers, (without knapsacks,) on Saturday, 22d instant, to receive and escort the Sixty-fifth Regiment, New-York Volunteers, on its return from long and distinguished service in the field.
Roll-call of companies at 7 3/4 o'clock A. M.
Field and staff (dismounted) will report to Lieut.Col. Haws at same hour.
Non-commissioned staff, band and drum-corps will re-port to the Adjutant at same hour. 
II. The nation owes a debt of gratitude to it gallant defenders, which it can never repay, and every member of the Seventh should unite in this humble tribute of welcome to the brave and patriotic soldiers of the republic. The Sixty-fifth Regiment New-York Volunteers (United States Chasseurs) was, at its organization, almost entirely officered by members of the Seventh. Their brilliant career reflects honor on our organization, and the names of Gens. Shaler, Hamblin, Gurney and many others, will live forever upon the pages of American history. Let them realize, by a warm and generous reception, that they have not been forgotten by their comrades, and that patriotism never fails to receive the affection and respect of the young men of New-York. By order of Col. EMMONS CLARK.
J. H. Liebenau, Adjutant.

The 65th regiment, N. Y. S. V., (1st U. S. Chasseurs) returned to the city at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. This regiment left in 1861, having been organized by the Hon. John Cochrane, who went out as Colonel, and Major Alex. Shaler, of the 7th Regiment, went out as Lieut.-Colonel, and was subsequently promoted to the Colonelcy, vice Cochrane, appointed Brigadier-General. The strength of the regiment on leaving New York was 1,040, and its ranks were subsequently increased by 350 recruits. Only 10 officers and 92 enlisted men have returned, under the command of Capt. J. Milne. Two hundred and fifty re-enlisted men have been left in the field. This regiment was in all the battles in which the Army of the Potomac fought. A large number of the Seventh Regiment joined the 65th when they went to the war, and it was officered mainly by that corps. Yesterday two companies of the Seventh escorted the regiment through the city, and they were entertained by the entire regiment at the armory last evening.