121st New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

From the 121st Regiment,
Capt. Casler, of the 121st N. Y. Volunteers, writes to the Herkimer Journal from camp near Warrenton, under date of July 29. He says:
"I have just eaten a hearty dinner of Quails, Stewed Apples, Quail Soup and Hard-tack. We live on the fat of the land now. Quails come right in front of our tents, like chickens around a barn, and with my little pistol I can soon have a mess. They don't fly more than two or three rods after one shoots at them, and we can approach to within 10 feet of them. We get plenty of apples to stew, in the orchards in this vicinity. Our crackerbox table, with a newspaper for a tablecloth and four sticks driven perpendicularly in the ground for legs to support, holds a good large dish of sweetened blackberries at breakfast, dinner and supper.—The chairs we sit on are a mess box, and stool made from a cracker box, four blankets folded and piled up. As this makes the third chair, so the fourth person can either sit on his thumbs or knees, or stand as the Paddy's "smart childer" did in the door. But be patient to-night. Hard bread rations will be issued to the men again, and then our "cabinet jour" will make us another chair or two. The whole army is well supplied with fresh beef. In addition to what we had on hand, our forces, while we lay at White Plains, captured 15,000 head of fat cattle from the Rebs. near Chester Gap, so that they cannot have much left of what they drove from Pennsylvania. This will supply the army for the next five months, unless it is augmented in numbers by the "hungry" conscripts from the "Northern Wilderness."
What sheep are found belong to us by right of discovery, and whole families of swine are killed, so that they will "stop squealing and not keep us awake at night." It wont answer to leave those bee-hives, for some one else might go too near them and get badly stung! So to prevent future harm, we take care of them for the present. Milk is sold here for twenty-five cents per canteen full, that is, about ten cents per pint. But we cannot buy it more than once. The cows leak all the milk sometimes and then the gray-backed farmer, who likes greenbacks better than "his wife," don't have any to sell. They like to exchange anything they have for coffee and sugar. The men sometimes save their coffee and sell it at S1,50 to $2 per pound, and their sugar for 6 shillings or $1 per pound. Vinegar sells at $4 per gallon, and flour $27 per barrel. No wonder they wish this war may end soon, for although rich, they have been deprived of all the luxuries a southern man so much appreciates."

The 121st Regiment, from the Otsego and Herkimer District, Col. FRANCHOT, reached this city Saturday evening soon after five o'clock. Its ranks were full. It is a splendid Regiment. After partaking of Refreshments at the Committee Room, the companies were marched to the New World and embarked for New York. (Journal, Sept. 1, 1862)
The following is a complete
Colonel—Richard Franchot
Lieut Colonel—Charles H. Clark.
Major—Egbert Olcott
Adjutant—Alonzo Ferguson.
Surgeon—William Bassett.
1st Assistant Surgeon—S. B. Valentine.
2d Assistant Surgeon— ____ Holt
Quarter-Master—Albert Story.
Chaplain—J. R. Sage.
Sergeant Major—G.M. Bradt.
Quarter Master Sergt.—S. J. Cook.
Commissary Sergeant—G. H. Snell.
Hospital Steward—O. F. Chatfield.
Drum Major—R. A. Jackson.
Fife Major—I. B. Barney.
Company A—Captain, H. M. Galpin; First Lieutenant, J. Burrell; Second Lieutenant G. W. Davis.
Company B—Captain, J. Holcomb; First Lieutenant, H. C. Keith; Second Lieutenant G. W. May.
Company C—Captain, C. A. Moon; First Lieutenant, T. S. Arnold; Second Lieutenant, A. Cameron.
Company D—Captain, J. D. Fish; First Lieutenant, D. W. Kenyon; Second Lieutenant C. H. Sterling.
Company E—Captain, D. Campbell; First Lieutenant, F. Sternberg; Second Lieutenant, H. Van Horn.
Company F—Captain, N. O. Wendell; First Lieutenant B. F. Park; Second Lieutenant, F. G. Bolles.
Company G—Captain, E. Clark; First Lieutenant, J. D. Clyde; Second Lieutenant, C. F. Ferguson.
Company H—Captain, J. Ramsey; First Lieutenant U. F. Doubleday; Second Lieutenant, M. K. Casler.
Company I—Captain, J. S. Kidder; 1st Lieutenant, J. D. P. Douw; Second Lieutenant, D. Bates.
Company K—Captain, S. M. Olin; First Lieutenant, A. E. Mather; Second Lieutenant, F. Gorton.

From the 121st.
Our readers have already become somewhat familiar with the excellent letters written home by Capt. M. R. CASLER, of the 121st regiment. We are permitted to make extracts from two more, the first dated July 27th, as follows:—
"To all appearances, this Rebellion has received its death-wound, the Rebel Army knows hardly what direction to turn. They are out off from all the world and with despair upon their visages, they look back to their homes and families, but dare not go. Their families are poorly supplied with the necessaries of life, judging from the many letters we have picked up. Woman praying that this war might end, saying they know not how to live the coming winter. Food is very scarce. The army dares not go South neither can they safely go North. We have an army in their front and rear, and we flank them on the west. Neither can they go eastward. The ocean, bearing our gunboats and iron-clads proudly upon its ruffled bosom is not inviting to them—they cannot cross the seas.—Would it not be the best policy for them to concentrate their force, and make a last endeavor to break through Maryland and Pennsylvania and New York, gaining additions to their ranks. Although this plan looks feasible in theory, still the task would prove a difficult one for them. But have they any other resource left than this of reaching Canada; or to make a dash southward, attempt to force their way through the barriers with which we would oppose them and go to Mexico, in order to save their necks from the rope that is already manufactured to hang them? They will be compelled to do one or the other of these or very soon lay down their arms and beg for quarter and mercy, from the "mudsills" they pretend to hate. I tell you that this time through Virginia we will show them no leniency. Their sheep and swine, and whatever would give them aid, should we move in another direction, are seized and consumed, or put in such a shape that they will be of no use to any person, after we have done with them.—But there is one thing more we should do. We should force their women and children to go to their friends in the South that they might the sooner consume the scanty amount of provisions they have on hand. Then let them all beg for mercy together, and if they should still be obstinate, let them all starve together.
If this war had been commenced with the terrible earnestness that is necessary to put down a mob of such gigantic proportions, we should ere now have forced them into a submission, and the prime mover in this act of treason would have been suspended between the earth and skies a year ago. We are getting to be in earnest now and see the result? They move at our mercy now. Where will they be three months from now?
"We had quite a thunderstorm again this P. M. But to night (it is now 9 at night) the moon shines brightly, the stars twinkle with as much modesty as ever, and all around us looks like a city, vast in circumference, all its streets lit up with thousands of candles, and the contented inmates of its tented houses sleeping, laughing, joking, telling stories, or talking over for the hundredth time the events of the last four weeks. How pleased we are that Morgan has been caught! So will all soon be caught when they least expect it!"
Again from camp near Warrenton under date of July 29th, he says:—
I have just eaten a hearty dinner of Quails, Stewed Apples, Quail Soup and Hard-tack. We live on the fat of the land now. Quails come right in front of our tents, like chickens around a barn, and with my little pistol I can soon have a mess. They don't fly more than two or three rods after one shoots at them, and we can approach to within 10 feet of them. We get plenty of apples to stew in the orchards in this vicinity. Our cracker-box table, with a newspaper for a table-cloth and four sticks driven perpendicularly in the ground for legs to support holds a good large dish of sweetened black berries at breakfast, dinner and supper.—The chairs we sit on are a mess box, and stool made from a cracker box, four blankets folded and piled up. As this makes the third chair, so the fourth person can either sit on his thumbs or knees, or stand as the Paddy's "smart childer" did in the door. But be patient to-night. Hard bread rations will be issued to the men again, and then our "cabinet jour" will make us another chair or two. The whole army is well supplied with fresh beef. In addition to what we had on hand, our forces, while we lay at White Plains, captured 15,000 head of fat cattle from the Rebs near Chester Gap, so that they can not have much left of what they drove from Pennsylvania. This will supply the army for the next five months, unless it is augmented in numbers by the "hungry conscripts from the "Northern Wilderness."
What sheep are found belong to us by right of discovery, and whole families of swine are killed, so that they will "stop squealing and not keep us awake at night." It wont answer to leave those bee-hives for some one else might go too near them and get badly stung! So to prevent future harm, we take care of them for the present. Milk is sold here for twenty-five cents per canteen full, that is, about ten cents per pint. But we cannot buy it more than once. The cows leak all the milk sometimes and then the gray-backed farmer, who likes greenbacks better than "his wife," don't have any to sell.—They like to exchange anything they have for coffee and sugar. The men sometimes save their coffee and sell it at $1 1-2 to 2 dollars per pound, and their sugar for 6   shillings or $1 per pound. Vinegar sells at $4 dollars per gallon and flour for $27 per barrel. No wonder they wish that this war may end soon, for although rich they have been deprived of all the luxuries a southern man so much appreciates.
The weather is cool to-day, the sky cloudy. I often think how differently I go dressed here from what I did at home. During the hot weather I wore linen pants, went without coat and vest and supposed that the thinner my clothing was the cooler it would be. Here we wear coats daily, and woolen pants and drawers and I think I can bear the heat just as well with such clothing as with that which is lighter and thinner.
Then again since the nights are so cool woolen is far preferable. We are taking the world "just as easy," as none but soldiers know how, after long and weary marches and hard campaigns. The friend at home will get letters more frequently. Go through our camp and you will see 7 men out of every 10, writing letters. All my Reports are made out and my Company matters all straight. All I have to do now is to await orders, write home, and wait for your letters. The mail goes out and comes in daily."

CAMP OF 121st N. Y. V., ON THE SUBURBS OF HARINGTON, VA., July 29th, 1863.
Friend Stebbins:
It is a long time since I have written you by reason of not having time. We have been on the trot ever since we left the old Slaughter Pen at Fredericksburg, and are about ready to call on that doomed height again; but never mind, we are thankful for the late victory over Lee's army, and may, too, the Almighty so order that this time we cross the Rappahannock we may nor come back until Peace is Restored to this once happy Land.
But, Stebb., we are in hopes and look forward for that day when we shall have them on full retreat and so follow them up, that the last traces of this accursed rebellion shall be buried with them in that "last ditch" in which we hope to cover them. Our boys are bringing in a great many prisoners every day—guerillas as they call themselves, those who harass and pick at our wagon trains—scoundrels who ought to suffer the severest penalties of their treachery and wickedness. The weather is rather stormy at present. The boys are looking out for Capt. GALPIN with those conscripts.
How are you Home Guards? I just came up from CHAS. HAMMAN'S and Jim SMITH'S mansion. Of course the usual routine there. They sat with GEO. SNELL devouring a quarter of lamb, for of course, we all live high since we came in Virginia. I expect my boys in every minute, that is PETE EMMEL, CHAS SNELL, BEN COVEL and BILLY HOUSE, with a couple of sheep or turkeys. Truly,

Colonel J. W. Harcourt and the 121st Regiment.
The following correspondence between the officers of the 121st Regiment and Col J. W. Harcourt will explain itself:
Headquarters 121st Regiment N. Y. S. V.,
New York, August 31st, 1862.
Tom Col. Harcourt—Sir: We, the undersigned, commissioned officers of the 121st Regiment N. Y. S. V., in behalf of the men under command, as well as ourselves, return our heartfelt thanks for the many kind attentions shown to us on our trip from Albany to new York, in your splendid steamer.
R. Franchot, Colone; Chas. H. Clark, Lieutenant-Colonel; Egbert Olcutt, Major; John D. Fish, Captain Co. D; S. M. Olin, Captain Co. K; James D. Clyde, 1st Lieut., Co. G; Frank G. Bolles, 2d Lieut, Co. F; A. E. Mather, 1st Lieut., Co. K; D. Bates, 2d Lieut., Co. I; J. R. Sage, Chaplain; D. Campbell, Captain, Co. E; J. D. P. Douw, 1st Lieut., Co. I; C. T. Ferguson, 2d Lieut., Co. G; M. R. Casier, 2d Lieut., Co. H; J. Burrell, 1st Lieut., Co. A; Albert Story, Quartermaster; W. F. Doubleday, 1st Lieut.; and others.

ALBANY, September 2, 1862.
Col. RICHARD FRANCHOT and Officers of the 121st Regiment N. Y. S. V.--Gentlemen: Your very kind letter is at hand. You are pleased to allude, in complimentary terms, to the care and attention your regiment received at my hands, on the occasion of its transportation to New York by the steamer New World, Aug. 30, 1862. Permit me, in acknowledging your courtesy, to say that I do not deem myself entitles to special praise, for I merely discharged my duty, and to have gained your approbation is all that I can desire. It was a pride and pleasure to witness so noble a body of young men therewith.
Permit me to renew my assurance of high respect, and to express the hope for your future welfare and success. Yours, respectfully,

From the 121st.
Letter from Capt. M. R. Casler—The History of the Regiment to July 8th—The 12lst not in the Fight—Heavy Marching, &c., &c.
A very interesting private letter from Capt. CASLER, gives the following history of the recent operations of the 121st regiment:
"I write this morning from the battle field of Thursday and Friday, July 2d and 3d. We left Germantown on Wednesday evening last, at 9 P. M., and marched all night, and arrived at Gettysburg at 3 a. m. of Thursday, having marched nineteen hours and made thirty-three miles in all. Heavy cannonading commenced at 4 p. m. The Pennsylvania reserves and Bucktail of the 5th corps were on the left, the 1st division of the 6th corps in the center supporting batteries and forming part of the third line of battle. Our troops advanced in splendid order, driving rebels before them, like chaff before the wind, retaking for the fourth time, a very prominent position from which the rebels had repeatedly repulsed our troops. But there is no such thing as keeping the 1st division of the 6th corps back. They carried the hill on the double quick. Night coming on, the firing ceased on both sides. Friday morning we all awoke at the same time, from the same cause, viz: the heavy firing between our pickets. We had slept on our arms all night, without blankets under or over us, suffering nothing, as we were very tired and could have slept well anywhere. On Friday morning at 8 o'clock the heavy thunder of the artillery commenced and was kept up incessantly for the greater part of the day. The 12th corps was on our right, and sustained and repelled the shock of 25,000 rebels, and in the P. M. our troops made a charge and took 6000 prisoners. It was a splendid sight to see our men advance—our batteries pouring their iron hail and shell among the rebel ranks, leaving great gaps, and blowing up their caissons, killing their horses and putting all to route. The batteries kept firing along the whole line, but not so steadily as on the right. It was indeed a perfect thunder. Shortly after our skirmishers advanced, and a couple of regiments supporting them drove the rebels directly in our front more than two miles, taking a great many prisoners, from the appearance this morning, by hundreds. In some places the rebels lost 100 to 1 of ours, and in others one might count 25 of our dead to 1 rebel, where the scamps had taken protection behind walls, &c., and fired upon our troops as they steadily advanced. The citizens in this vicinity cried for joy when our army came up. I must now close as our division is ordered out on a reconnoisance [sic].

Wednesday, July 8th, 1863.
You may perhaps have thought me dead, for the reason I did not write as usual, but I can assure you, this is the first opportunity I have had to write since I commenced this on July 4th. Last 4th of July was the most quiet Independence Day I ever witnessed. All the hard fighting was done on the 2d and 3d, and all the fighting and great battles of former history bear no comparison to this. I cannot describe the awful thunder of the 160 guns on the part of the rebels and about 30 on our side. One would have thought the heavens were about to burst with the tremendous peals. How lucky that the   6th corps was not in this battle! Still the artillery of our brigade did the enemy the most damage. The enemy threw shells and solid shot among us (that is our regiment,) but thank God, no one was injur­ed. Whole divisions of them were put to rout by our artillery and infantry—every time our batteries sent a shell among them they would leave a vacant place in their ranks. They fought with desperation, but freemen can hold their own against   these myriads of liberty-tramplers, and their defeat was certain and they retreated in confusion. Such cheers as we sent forth when they retreated and were pur­sued you can imagine better than I can describe. A whole brigade numbering 6000 threw down their arms and surrend­ered. What a glorious day for us was that 3d day of July! It saved the nation and killed rebellion. Lee's army is demoralized. On Sunday last our corps chased up the retreating rebels—and what a sight we saw—wagon after wagon of ammunition and arms were destroyed by them. All their killed were left unburied, and I can assure you the ground was covered in places with them. I have kept a  perfect diary of all the events which I will  read you when I next see you; so I will  now give you but an imperfect sketch of  events as they transpired. The barns and buildings near the Pennsylvania line, are completely filled with their wounded and dying. I saw this with my own eyes. The barns and houses for 5 miles around their rear, are filled with them. We found in our chase after them, 5000 wounded in one place—in barns and houses and large hospital tents. And such a sight I never want to witness again. Wounded men, imploring death to relieve them from their sufferings—praying for the care of nurses and physicians and surgeons whom the rebel Generals, in their inhumanity, neglected to leave them, wounded in every part of the body. We took a great many prisoners in our chase, and came upon them at Fairfield, Pennsylvania, firing shells among them and making them skedaddle at double quick.
My health is tip-top, but I can assure you never were more severe hardships endured by any men, then we endured during our march from the Rappahannock to Pennsylvania. All the Little Falls boys are well and safe."

Local Record.
THURSDAY, May 14.--12 o'clock, M. 
Under our present system of mailing, the date to which each subscriber has paid, appears on the printed slip attached to his paper. Those who make payments will be credited on the next paper.

The 121st Regiment.
This Regiment fought most nobly in the recent engagements on the Rappahannock, and has suffered terribly in killed and wounded. Many of the brave boys from the county have sealed their devotion to the old flag with their blood. Among the noblest of the slain is Lt. Doubleday, of this town, and a host of others are among the wounded. Sheriff Mather's two sons are wounded—Capt. A. E. Mather in the shoulder and E. C. Mather in the arm. Robt. Caldwell, ot this village, who had won a reputation as a brave, prompt and gallant soldier, was killed. We subjoin the following imperfect list of killed and wounded.
Elliot Barnes and Willis Ceperly, Co. K, killed; Orlando Walden, J. Williams, J. G. Sheldon, A. T. Cowne, J. M. Denton, Co. K; David Merrihew, Wm. Edwards, Sergeant L. Terry, Co. I; A. J. Stevens, E. C. Irons, D. W. Bailey, G. J. Quackenbush, N. Martin, A. Davison, Co. E; H. E. Palmer; Thos. McGowan, A. N. Cook, P. C. Sharp, B. Gifford, Co. H; Jas. W. Chapman, Sergeant John D. Gray, Co. A; W. Mickel, Fred. Albright, W. D. Ackerman, St. J. S. Scott, Co. F; W. H. Craine, Co. G; W. J. Applegate, W. H. Chapman, W. Chapman, Co. B; D. A. Putnam, J. P. Kenyon, Sergeant D. W. Green, Co. C;—wounded.
Col. Upton had two horses shot under him, and a piece of shell through his hat; Capt. N. O. Wendall, badly wounded and a prisoner; Major Olcott left a sick bunk and fought gallantly. Adj't. Morse had a shot through his boot.
In addition to the above, H. Whitford, Thos. Emons, ____ Hoag, and Corporal Fitch, all of New Lisbon, are reported killed. 
The following list has also come to hand:—Orderly Sergeant E. C. Master, K; J. Shepard, H; U. R. Bruce, J. Sherman, C. Butterfield, S. W. Wilson, G; J. P. Woolsey, I; P. Simons, J. C. Jacob, G; B. Winebecker, D; M. Barron, H; Corporal J. O. Modler, C; William Di__man, William A. Renglio, H; Sergeant T. Gray, A; W. H. Whitehead, C; W. Chauncey, B; P. A. Perkins, H; L. W. Williams, F; Meushere, I; 1st Sergeant Andrew Dawson, E; J. Diefenback, E ; A. H. Fuller, R. Bennett, I; Corporal A. H. Clarke, A; Corporal P. C. Sharp, H ; Sergeant Ely Oaks, G; Sergeant Thomas M. Kermal, H; S. Wermuth, A; O. Gifford, K; Corporal C. C. Peck, F; W. Oady, T. Mamyard, C; Corporal O. Waldsey, K; Corp. N. A. Lamphere, H ; C. Clark, B; S. Carter, C; C.Thompkins, H; Geo, Richardson, I.

Death of Lieutenant Doubleday.
Mr. DOUBLEDAY, Dear Sir:—With much regret I write you on this occasion. 
We left camp, (at White Oak Church,) the 28th, and marched to Fredericksburg. Was ordered to cross the river at 11 o'clock P. M. The 16th New York crossed first in boats, forty-five in each boat. The 121st was the next to cross.
The fire upon us was pretty sharp, but not many of our men were injured. We skirmished until the 2d of May. We were ordered to take Fredericksburg and the heights, which we did with perfect success. The fire was a continual ring of cannon and musketry. We succeeded in scaling the heights at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the 3d. Then we marched on, the 121st in advance, with the supporters of a line of skirmishers. We approached a long line of woodland and shrubbery, and the enemy commenced firing again on us. We were ordered to charge while a heavy fire was opened upon us through the lines, throughout the whole battalion. On the second volley our Captain, T. S. Arnold, was killed. The third, Lieutenant Doubleday was shot through the head, the ball piercing his forehead, and coming out upon the back side of his head. He fell instantly, and exclaimed to his company, ''Go on boys, you are driving them." He stood at his post until the last moment—had his sword drawn and was urging on his men. He has died for his country; has done his duty as a soldier and an officer. He was beloved by his company and regiment.
To-day has been a sad time to the 121st. We approached the battlefield with fifty-seven men in Co. H, and came out with twenty-one—had five killed, and the rest were wounded and missing. Some of the other companies were cut up worse than ours. The battle is still going on, and the shells are flying all around us. We are relieved for to-day, as we were in the advance ever since the 29th ult. Our officers were badly cut up. Capt. Wendall is missing. The ground we were fighting on the enemy now have possession of. As we are liable to be called upon any moment, I must close. I will write you of what success we have if I live to see it through. I remain yours,
Sergt. R. G. FIRMAN,
Co. H., 121st Reg., N. Y. V.
P. S. I have Lieut. Doubleday's sword in my possession. I will send it to you as soon as I get a chance. As we started to retreat I seized his sword, belt and cap. Coming through the thick brush I lost his cap. R. G. F.

Near Kelley's Ford, Va., May 7, 1863.
MRS. CALDWELL:—It becomes my duty to inform you of the death of your husband, Robert Caldwell, who was killed while defending his flag, at the battle of Fredericksburg, Va., Sunday night, May 3d, 1863. He was a noble and brave soldier, and his loss is lamented by all who knew him, as a prompt and energetic soldier. He was shot through the head by a rifle ball and died soon after. He was buried on the field. Yours respectfully,
1st Lt. Comd'g. Co. E, 121st Reg't.

From the 121st.
May 25th, 1862.
Friend Stebbins;
I am able to-day to set up for a short time and so thought to write a few lines in regard to the late battle. I am not able to write much as I cannot sit up very long and I have only the use of one arm. I will not give you any description [sic] previous to the engagement as Capt. Galpin has done so, I was one of the unfortunate ones and was wounded as well as taken prisoner. I did not hear the order to fall back, and upon gazing around, I saw no one near me and upon turning to see where they were I was hit in the center of the back of the neck. The ball came out just in front of my left ear. After I fell, as the force of the ball knocked me down, I suddenly recovered and found I was in a very dangerous place, as the balls and pieces of shell were falling all around me. I got up on my knees and, upon looking in front of me, I saw Lt. FORD. I looked at him a few moments, but from some cause could not speak; so I crawled on a little further and then got upon my feet. When looking around I saw several of our boys lying dead and dying upon the ground from where our Regiment had retreated.—I was going up to speak with some of them when a rebel came up and said I had better go with him, I told him, if he would give me some water and lead me I would go, for I had bled so much I was quite faint and the blood dried upon my face and I could scarcely see, so he unclasped my cartridge belt for me and relieved me of my knapsack. It was but a short distance to where the rebs had established a hospital. To this place they took me, where I lay until about 8 o'clock when the prisoners who were not wounded began to come in. I remained there until morning when I was removed with others to their General Hospital about three miles from the battle field. I stayed there two days, when I was removed to what is called Salem Church. It rained the day I went to the Church, and the next day, but the 3d day after I went out to look after the dead as they had not yet been buried. Among the dead I found Warren D. Spencer, U. H. Harrington, Oliver C. Gransbury, Frederick Starring and John Brasamby, all of Co. A. I also recognized Lt. F. E. FORD, our Correspondent, and upon further search, found Capt. N. O. Wendell, Co. F. There were many others, but I did not know their names. On Thursday the rebs buried all of our dead. Sergt. Geo. Huertson died in the Church, wounded. On Thursday we were all paroled. Our treatment while over in the rebel lines was of the best—that is they did all they could for us, after we were in the Hospital, but they took every thing most of the boys had, not even leaving them their clothes. The wounded from our Regiment here in the Hospital are doing very well. They, the boys, who have visited us from the Regiment say they are all doing well and are in good spirits.
Respectfully Yours, 

From the 121st.
May 29th, 1863.
Friend Stebbins:—
Dear Sir: Having subscribed for your paper for my family, and being a reader of its valuable contents while here in the gallant 121st, I often wished myself capable of contributing a few lines, suitable for the perusal of its readers. But I feel incapable. However, I shall write a few lines and present them at your disposal for publication.
The health of the regiment is unusually well, I believe, as well or better than if we were all at home at our various occupations. Yesterday we just returned from three days' picketing at our left, on a line extending from the Rappahannock to the Potomac line about six miles above King George Court House, in the most broken section of country I ever saw either in New York or Virginia. We generally enjoy ourselves better on picket than is any other part of our warfare. We occasionally come in contact with citizens and servants (principally the weaker sex) and if we can engage in conversation with them it is quite interesting to us soldiers. I visited two or three plantations in the vicinity of our lines. The first was owned by an old man named Randall. His family consists of a wife and two daughters, apparently 23 and 25 years old. Also five grown contrabands and two litters of groups of small ones of 5 or 6 in each group and of nearly the same age. This old gentleman, and family once enjoyed the pleasures of quite a large estate. But how changed! All seem depressed with sadness and gloom, brought on by this wicked rebellion. No steps seem to be taken even to cultivate a few vegetables. For the old man has given up in dispair [sic] and can be seen wandering, crying, "I am a ruined man" as all advocates of treason eventually will exclaim. And I believe it the beginning of a judgment pronounced against them for the oppression of the colored race and the poorer class of whites in their midst, who are now rising high above their once aristocratic rulers, in worldly happiness. Previous to my enlistment, I was neutral in regard to slavery, but my short experience here, I confess, has made me an abolitionist, (if you may term it so). In the first place, slavery is morally unjust. It has been the great hindrance to civilization and cultivation of a great portion of the fertile soil of the south, held so by the ruling or slave power. The poorer class of whites, who are the majority in the country, are inferior in capabilities to the blacks. I will not say much in regard to the treatment of slaves here. But, what I have been told both by whites and blacks, confirms what has already been said.
Some of your readers might naturally ask what is the writer's opinion in regard to soldiering and a prospect of peace.—Soldiering in the Union army is very honorable and just in the sight of both men and God. And it is the duty of every man who seeks protection under the Government to do all in his power to resist treason either in the north or south while his health or money lasts. I felt it my duty. Therefore I sacrificed the society of wife and child, parents and friends, to fight as a private in defence of a free government—the best on earth, and because it is just, it is not hard for me; while many complain, I am not deceived in war nor do I wish to complain, for I think I weighed well the sacrifices and hardships incident to war. But I do say too much lenity is shown to traitors when passing by their property about to engage them face to face. I believe in shelling every place of shelter, whether house or barn and shatter it to ruins, where so many secrete and pour volleys of shot into us as we advance. Take a man's dairy of cows away and he has to look out for another and perhaps loses the avails of his farm for one year. So if we destroy the property of traitors and deprive their families of shelter, they will soon come to their relief and the rebellion is ended and many lives saved on both sides.
I presume you have the full particulars of the late battle at Wilderness Church where the 121st displayed great heroism. 
Our men did nobly and some who always did their duty like veterans, won, by cool and determined bravery, names worthy of praise. But such I find do not at all times gain the honors due them. I remember and will speak of the case of a Sergeant who fought bravely in front, unconcerned of what was transpiring around him and after receiving a slight wound in the leg, when all fell back, he did not rush by the flag as many did who had not even a scratch, but was one of the 50 or 60 to stand by the flag and fought until his gun was useless and when nearly exhausted fell to the rear to ascertain the nature of his wound. While he was gone the names were taken of those present. But this one arrived just too late. However he told his officer, but we saw no mention of it with   the rest so well spoken of through your paper. Although we soldiers are contented and make the best of everything, we notice such things. And now I speak of it more especially because I see so much wrong in the selection of so many of our officers, and I fear it will be a detriment to us if not stopped in some way. Too many privates from some Co's not capable are given commissions too, while other Co's have Sergeants superior and more capable and who according to rank, should receive them. We have promotions made through some influences (not necessary to state) who are not at all deserving and may yet be the means of the demoralizing of this noble but small regiment. I hope not! And recently a Major has been made above a number of senior Captains, to which office Captain GALPIN of Co. A, should have been promoted, for he is admired by all in the regiment, and I fear it will be the means of losing many good men who have already sent in their resignations, claiming that justice is not done. I am sorry that the influence of families and home organizations, Church and Free Mason Societies have such a weight even among the Captains in the selection of officers in this time of rebellion. It is discouraging sometimes. But I will not write much the first time for there may be others to contribute who are capable.
The weather has been fine but very warm and dusty in camp. All seems quiet along the lines now and we are patiently awaiting the news of the capture of Vicksburg. I sometimes think we should attack here for fear they might profit by withdrawing some of Lee's force away to reinforce Gen. Johnson. The boys feel in good spirits and ready to again try to make the striking blow of this rebellion. Our regiment has been recruited some by 75 men the 16th, 18th, and 32d N. Y., who enlisted last fall for the unexpired term of 2 years, but are yet held as three years men. I hope, while we are exposing our lives to traitors here, that those who have been discharged will do their duty in putting down all who even say we cannot conquer the south and shoot or hang all sympathizers of Rebels who are equal to double their number of rebels against us in arms in the south. And I hope if a man says he will resist the conscription act, the soldier at home will treat him as all traitors deserve. Let one soldier attend to two cowards and I guess all will be well.

Complete List of Killed and Wounded in the 121st Regiment.
We are under great obligations to that excellent officer, Adjutant FRANCIS W. MORSE, of the 121st. for the following complete list of killed, wounded and missing in that regiment:—
COMPANY A.—Serg, George Huartson, Corp. U. H. B. Harrington, Corp. W. D. Seencer, Privates John Brasemby, A. K. Huntley.
COMPANY B.—Privates Benton West, Zacob Cristman.
COMPANY C—Privates Henry S. Crittenden, Julius A. Jones, Chas. Williams, Geo Westcott.
COMPANY E,—Privates James H. Barrett, Robert Caldwell.
COMPANY F.—Capt. N. O. Wendall, Privates Freeman Alger, John Bush, J. M. Linsay, Aaron Stevens, C. W. Warriner.
COMPANY G.—2d Lieut. F. E. Ford, 1st Serg. John Daniels, Privates John Lansing, Walter Seebor, John W. Ballard, Joseph B. Howe.
COMPANY H.—1st Lieut. U. F. Doubleday, Privates W. P. Babcock.
COMPANY I.—Corp. Reuben Card, Privates Samuel Fenton, Benjamin Fannier, George Persons, Matthew Rockefellow, Julius H. Tracy, Fletcher Webb.
COMPANY K.—Privates Elliot E. Barnes, Willis Cipperly, Geo. W. Hastings, Ransom P. Hoag, James M. Simmons, Martin Bettendorf, Eugene Doliver.

COMPANY A.—Serg. J. D. Gray, hand Corp. A. H. Clark, finger; Privates J. W. Chapin, thigh; J. Wormouth, breast; L. Lepper, breast; W. H. Barnes, leg; J. Nabinger, hand; G. W. Seeley, side; H. B. Lewis, head; F. W. Wright, neck; A. A. Smith, finger; P. Hunt, back; H. Carpenter.
COMPANY B.—Serg L S Jones, shoulder; Serg R C Holmes; Corp Edmund Yeoman, arm; Corp R Boothroyd, arm; Privates Wm Applegate, hand; Wm Coady, hand; Wilbur Champney, legs; Chester C Catlin, leg; Wm H Chapman, legs; S. H. Goodrich; Philip Goodman, arm; Andrew J. Hubbard, arm; Amos Lamb, knee; Thomas Marriott, hand; A B Proctor, leg; Richard Turner, abdomen; John Tucker; John Dain, thigh.
COMPANY C—Serg Daniel W Green, arm; Privates George Farrington, head; David D Griffiths, elbow; Sidney S Carter, head; James P Kinyon, leg; Jacob H Miller, hand and arm; David A Putman, leg; Wm H Whitehead, heel; Frank Reynolds, shoulder; Henry S Carpenter, F. Smith.
COMPANY D—Private Benj Winbocker, breast.
COMPANY E.—Serg Andrew Davidson, legs; Corp Clark A Farr; Corp Granville J Quackenbush; Corp Dewitt Wells, side and arm; Privates Emmet Trous, cheek; Elliott Trous, legs; Henry Sudlam, arm; Wm G Palmer, face; Kindrick Hecok, face; David W Bailey, hip; Wm Oliver, arm; Nelson Martin, bowels; Morgan D Peck, arm; John F Wood, nose; Adrian J Stevens, head; David J Brown.
COMPANY F.—Privates Wm A Johnson, Edward Kidder, James A Mason, Alonzo Olds, Milo Olds, N T Shutts, Lyman Williams, Charles Yorke.
COMPANY G.—Capt A E Mather, shoulder; Serg Eli Oaks, head; Privates Wm H Crane, thigh; John Skinneon, shoulder; Peter Simmons, hand; John O Jaycox, leg; Chas M Butterfield, arm; James Sherman, breast; Albert W Willson, hip; Jacob Kent, shoulder.
COMPANY H.—Serg Thomas M Kenna, wrist; Serg Isaac O Miner, cheek; Color Serg John Bahen; Corp G Harrington, shoulder; Corp N A Lamphere, arm; Privates John McGuire, thigh; M D Barrus, arm; A V Cook, thigh; Wm Dingman, arm; H E Palmer, ankle; R Mathews, leg; Wm Renyolds, hand; M S Tanner, neck and thigh; Thomas McGowan, abdomen; P C Sharp, hand; James W Gaige, leg; Benj Gifford, mouth; John Shepard, wrist; Jeks R Perkins, arm; C Tompkins.
COMPANY I.—Serg Leroy Terry; Corp Philip Potter; Privates Richard Bennett, Joseph Edson, Wm H Edwards, Albert Fuller, Henry Heniker, David J Merihue, Gilbert Olds, Joseph Roberts, Moses T Wright, Cyrus J Westcott, John Wilsey, Charles Wilsey, George Richardson.
COMPANY K.—Serg Elias A Mather, arm; Serg Andrew J Cowan, arm; Corp Smith S Sheldon, side; Corp Orlando Waldron; Corp Joel M Denton, arm; Privates Jesse P Austin, arm; Orrin Gifford, head; John T Lout, leg; Fitz H Yonng [sic], hand; Wm. Michel, hip; Charles H Snow, hip; John Williams, leg.

COMPANY A.—Privates M Fagan, O C Gransbury, F Stauring.
COMPANY B.—Corp W H Widrick, Corp Ira D Warren; Privates John Ashpole, Irving Pierce, John Steinfort.
COMPANY C—2d Lieut Henry Upton, shoulder; Privates Oliver Westcott, Chas A Morehouse, thigh.
COMPANY E.—Serg Samuel Denison; Privates Adrian J Bartlett, Levi Cuppernall.
COMPANY F.—Capt N O Wendell; Serg Wm D Ackerman; Serg John S L Scott; Serg S B Kelley; Corp D W Babbett; Corp Wm Hassett; Corp C C Peet; Corp J T Morton; Privates Eugene Alger, Fredrick Albright, John H Briston, Elijah Butts, F L Benzimet.
COMPANY J.—Privates Wm H Cole, Lory J Hoogeboom, Harrison Lathimer, Charles Nichols, Eli H Powers, Austin Tiel.
COMPANY K.—Serg Horatio G Whitford; Corp Edgar E Stevens; Corp Isaac H Fitch; Privates Thomas R Emmerson, Chas B Niles, John E Bowe, Elvin Farmer, William Kilty.

COMPANY A.—Serg H A Timmerman; Privates B Ash, C Etherton, I T Helligass, W B Judd, Frank Price, Milton Snell, J C Young, M Timmerman.
COMPANY B.—Privates Francis M Carran, Benj F Matherson.
COMPANY C.—Serg Johnson W Stoors; Serg George H Gray; Privates Isaac N Backus, George P Borden, Richard Lewis, William Myers, Alva T Orvis, Willington Harter, George Westcott.
COMPANY D.—Privates Ludway Lahan, Milo B Farmer, Nicholas Johnson, Levi Helmer, John Krick.
COMPANY E.—Serg John C Gates; Corp Chas W Compton; Corp Lester Martin; Privates Wm H Berst, Jonathan Childs, Mathew Flansburgh, James Garland, Washington Joslin, Samuel Page, Albert Waller, Adrian Cass, Homer H. Graham. COMPANY F.—Privates Van Renssaellaer, Bennett, Alvin Clyde.
COMPANY G.—Corp N P Herdman; Privates D A Finch, George Crippen, Geo G Herdman, Rienzi Walradt; Drummer R H Bates.
COMPANY H.—Corp O M Hinds; Corp Alphonzo Casler; Corp Alvord Harrington; Privates Albert Bullis, A J Eysaman, Geo E Minor, Jesse Matteson.
COMPANY I.—Privates Robinson F Fox, William P Greggs; Drummer Leroy Hall.
COMPANY K.—Privates Adelbert Babcock, William H Chapin, Jacob Gould, Orvin Gould, William H Gardner, Deville Perry, Frank Strait, Sidney S Stevens, Kuruel S Thair, Elisha Wolhart.

Interesting Details.
The 121st Regiment was under Gen. Sedgwick during the recent engagements and suffered most severely. They have been greatly complimented for their coolness and bravery while under a fire which disabled nearly one half of them. We have been unable to obtain a full list of killed and wounded, but give below as many names as we have been able to collect from the daily papers to this date; 
COMPANY A.—A complete list of the casualities [sic] in this company will be found below in a letter from Capt. GALPIN.
COMPANY B.—A. B. Proctim, knee; C. Clark, leg; T. Maynard, finger; W. Cody, thumb; W. J. Applegate, hand; Wm. Chauncey, leg and arm; J. Hibbard, J. Tucker, E. J. Hubbard.
COMPANY C.—Serg. D. W. Green, arm; W. H. Whitehead, heel; 2d Lieut. F. E. Ford. seriously; Capt. T. S. Arnold, seriously; J. R. Kinyon, thigh; Corp. S. S. Sheldon, side; S. Carter, head; D. A. Putnam, leg; J. S Cartner.
COMPANY D.—D. Winniebecker, chest.
COMPANY E.—E. C. Trous, both legs; Wm. Oliver, arm; D W. Bailey, hip; 1st Serg. A Dawson, both sides; G. F. Diefenback, hip; N. Martin, leg; W. S. Palmer, S. S. Cartner, W. H. Burns, Corp. C. A. Tull.
COMPANY F.—F. Albright, leg; Corp. C. C. Peck, frac. herm.; L. W. Williams, thigh; Serg J. S. L. Scott, leg; Serg. T. M. Kelley. 
COMPANY G.—U. R. Bruce, hand; J. Sherman, side; C. Butterfield, hand; A. W. Wilson, thigh; Capt. A. E. Moshier, shoulder; J. C. Jacob, leg; P. Simons, finger; W. H. Crane, leg; Serg. Ely Oaks, forehead.
COMPANY H.—M. Barnes, hand and leg; Wm. Dingman, arm; Wm. A. Renglio, hand; H. E. Palmer, ancle [sic]; F McGowan, hand; A. D. Cook, shoulder; C. Tomkins, arm; Corp. N. A. Lamphere, arm; Serg. T. M. Kena, hand; Corp. P. C. Sharp, finger; P. A. Perkins, leg; A. V. Cook, shoulder; M. Kelley, Lieut, Collins.
COMPANY I.—D. Meushure, privates, Geo. Richardson, thigh; B. Bennett, chest; A. H. Fuller, head and elbow; Serg. Terry, leg; Albert Toombs, J. P. Wilson, Moses Wright, George Wilsey, G. Poles.
COMPANY J.—J. P. Woolsey, head; W. Edwards, arm and leg.
COMPANY K.—Corp. O. Waldsey, shoulder; B. Gifford, chin; O. Gifford, head; Corp. O. C. Waldron, shoulder; Wm. Mickle, hand and hip; A. J . Cowan, Joe. M. Benton, Smith Sheldon, Wm. Nichol, Arnold Waldron, Ord. Serg. E. C. Mastier, arm.
SERG. MAJ., W. B. Walker.

The following interesting letter from Capt. GALPIN, dated May 6th, will deserve attentive perusal:
* * * *
Sunday morning we arose at half past one, moved forward a few rods in line of battle and then awaited the coming of daylight. As soon as that came, our brigade moved into a ravine and thence to our left, the rebels being in force with a battery a few hundred yards in our front. The shells whistled over us quite briskly, injuring no one of our Regiment, but two were wounded by bullets. About noon the troops on our right charged and carried the Heights back of Fredericksburg. Our division was then ordered to the right, the 27th Regiment and Co. D, of our Regiment being left as pickets. We passed through Fredericksburg and took the plank road. When we had gone nearly four miles, a rebel battery opened on our advance. Our batteries got in position and silenced them. We filed on off from the road and our brigade advanced cautiously in line of battle through the woods and fields. After advancing over a mile in this manner, it was ascertained by our pickets thrown out in front that the rebels had made a stand in rear of a narrow strip of woods directly in our front. Now comes the most sad and eventful hour the 121st ever witnessed; now were we to receive our baptismal fire. 
We were ordered to advance. Steadily we entered the woods, the underbrush somewhat impeding our progress; but not a man faltered. As we reached the edge of the woods towards the rebels, the firing commenced. There was a brick house about a rod to the front and right of our regiment and two log out-houses along the line of the regiment, and they were filled with rebels. The rebel line lay behind a little bank, and we were within six or eight rods of their line when they poured volley after volley into our ranks and we returned it with equal fury. At one time they turned their backs upon us and ran, but the first line was too well supported by others in their rear to render this advantage permanent and we had to fall back. Speaking from what little experience I have had, I think the men of the 121st did nobly. They advanced steadily, received and returned volley after volley with great coolness and bravery. Though my company was the only one that came under my immediate notice, yet what I say for them I think can apply to every company; I am proud that I can say every enlisted man in my company, while face to face with the foe, acquitted himself in a most creditable manner. I was informed that one commissioned officer said that the men behaved shamefully. I say any one making that assertion tells a base lie! I wish to be candid and claim for our Regiment only the credit to which we are entitled. 
After falling back and coming out of the woods, though, we did better than either Regiment on our right and left; yet we did not rally on the colors as we should. In that respect I know of regiments that have done much better under similar circumstances than we did. However, there were fifty or sixty who rallied and made a stand with the colors and remained until dark. The following are the names of those who rallied belonging to Co. A: Lieut. Burrell, Corp. W. H. House, privates, Jas. Hendrix, Chas. Snell, C. Raynor, Geo. Eaton, and M. Zoller. One word respecting our commanding officers: Col. Upton and Lieut-Col. Olcott behaved splendidly and their conduct elicited the admiration of every man in the Regiment. 
The following is a list of Co. A, who fell on the field and could not be brought off: Serg. Geo. Huartson, *Corp, U. H. B. Harrington, *Corp. W. D. Spencer, privates, *John Brasemby, *A K. Huntley, H. Carpenter, M. Fagan, F. W. Wright, O. C. Gransbury, Frederick Staring. 
Those marked with a * I have no doubt died immediately.
There is a bare possibility that the others may be yet alive, and finally recover, but it is very doubtful if we are ever permitted to see them again. It is a mere shadow on which to base hope.
The following is a list of wounded: Serg. J. D. Gray, hand; Corp. A. H. Clark, finger; privates, J. Nabinger, finger; H. B. Lewis, head; John Wormouth, breast; J. W. Chapin, back; A. A. Smith, finger; W. H. Barnes, side; S. Lepper, breast; G. W. Seeley, breast; P. Hunt, back.
Monday we held our ground and the rebels received reinforcements. They came very near gobbling up our whole corps, but at night we fell back and crossed the pontoon at Bank's Ford.
The following is a list of those who were missing when we reached this side of the river in the morning. I have no doubt they were taken prisoners; Serg. H. A. Timmerman, privates, B. Ash, C. Etherton, Milton Snell, Frank Price, Murton Timmerman, I. F. Helligass, and W. B. Judd. Our Regiment lost 273 in killed, wounded and missing. We have 307 men here this morning and they are in very good spirits. I do not feel like writing but felt that I must give an account as soon as I could to the friends. It is sad that so many brave and gallant comrades must fall. J. C. Young and C. G. Young were in the fight with the company, rallied at the fence and fought the rebels. I have not seen them since, but heard from them as being with the 18th N. Y., out skirmishing on Monday. They may have been taken prisoners.
The following extracts are made from a private letter from Lieut. CASLER, of this village, and dated the 6th inst.: 
On Sunday morning last, we arose at 1 o'clock, and marched in the direction of the enemy—from the River—about a mile. At daylight our pickets commenced firing all round our outposts, bringing on general engagements with the enemy, but mostly confined to artillery. We supported a battery for about 1 1/2 hours, until it had silenced the enemy's, when pickets again commenced firing, the enemy's pickets attempt­ing to drive ours in, when we were ordered to their relief and the 5th Maine Reg't of our brig­ade, were pushed forward into a ravine, Gcn. Bartlett at their head, A concealed battery of the enemy opened a deadly fire of grape and cannister—killed a great many—wounding Adjt. Bicknell—but they pushed forward nobly and drove the enemy back to their main defences. In the mean time we were firing on the enemy on their left, exposed to their batteries on the Heights, but they were soon silenced by our large seige guns at or near the city. During this time we had 5 or 6 wounded in our Reg't. Now commenced a perfect thunder of artillery on the Heights, our forces having forced the enemy from their entrenchments, and, assisted by our siege guns, soon drove the Rebs.  and took possession of their fortifications. It was a splendid sight to see our troops charge with fixed bayonets, from where we were. This caused the enemy in our front to withdraw in large force, to the assistance of those on the Heights, but we, together with our artillery soon drove them back, leaving a small picket force. Our Reg't and Brigade then moved to the right, through ravines, so that the enemy would not find out our intention.
We pushed quickly forward to Frederick city which we reached at 11 o'clock. All our troops highly elated with the forenoon's victory, we having carried the strongest entrenchments by storm. At the city, which was deserted by its inhabitants, we found a great many houses already fitted up as Hospitals, our wounded conveyed there, and receiving all the assistance that surgeons, and the sanitary commission could furnish. All this I saw at a glance, for we did not halt, hut continued marching until 1 o'clock, when we rested about 1/2 an hour. Now, I can assure you we were tired, having been up since 1 o'clock. We were sent out as the advance guard in force, and were to advance and chase up the retreating Rebs., and if they made a stand, to force them out or find out how strong they were, and we were to be followed up by the rest of our Division.
We had gone but about two miles back of Fredericksburg Heights, when we were saluted by a shell from the enemy, they having a battery planted in a dense thicket, a little ahead of us. But the battery belonging to our brigade was soon in position, and after firing 8 or 9 shots and shells, the enemy skedaddled. About one half of our brigade were now deployed as skirmishers, the 121st going to the left, towards the Heights, yet in possession of the Rebs., and the 16th N. Y. to the right. We thus searched the woods and thickets for two hours, when our pickets were fired on by the Rebs., and a general engagement was soon brought on. We found out soon where the enemy's forces were posted, and leaving the 16th to skirmish, Gen. Bartlett was ordered by Gen. Brooks, who commands our division, to follow the skirmishers up closely and drive the Rebs. from their Rifle Pits, if  possible.  The 27th N. Y. was on the right, next the 5th Maine, then the 121st N. Y., and to our left and rear, the 96th Penn. followed.
After having formed in line of battle, our skirmishers advanced quickly, forcing those of the enemy to retire suddenly. Soon they came to a dense thicket, but did not halt advancing in order, driving the enemy's pickets, and fol­lowed closely by us, in line of battle. When we came to this thicket, Gen. Bartlett halted us but was immediately commanded by Gen. Brooks to push us forward rapidly, which he did. We entered the thicket, the enemy's shot flying over our heads, not a man having yet been hit. The distance through the thicket was about 30 rods. Then a road ran through it, where the Rebs. were lying flat on their bellies, waiting to give us a volley as soon as we stuck our heads out, but our skirmishers advanced, and found out how they were posted. We matched up directly in their front, when they opened a volley on us, that would have killed every man in our brigade, if they had not fired so high, all their balls going over our heads. When they commenced firing, I ordered my company to kneel, for I knew, from casting eyes to the right, that the Rebs. were shooting pretty high. There they were, not more than two or three rods ahead of us. Our men never flinched at all, but poured a volley into them, that filled the road with their dead, and took a great many prisoners. But they had a whole corps drawn up in line battle back of this, and about four rods from the road, a brigade were lying in rifle pits. After firing two rounds our Regiment advanced into road, when the Rebs. in the pits poured a volley into us, mowing us down like grass. We held the road about fifteen minutes, when having fired nearly all our caridges [sic], we were ordered to fall back, which we did in good order. But on getting our Regiment in line again and looking, we found it only half as large as it was before the fight. Those who wounded left for rear, and thus our wounded, who could in any way help themselves, all are now in Hospitals and doing well. I can't imagine how any of us escaped such perfect hail-storm of balls, and the only reason was, because the enemy aimed so high. Lieut. DOUBLEDAY fell, shot through the head, while bravely encouraging his men; Capt. ARNOLD was first wounded in the arm, continued to cheer his men, when he received another ball his breast, and fell; Lieut. FORD was mortally wounded; Capt. MATHER was wounded in the shoulder; Lieut. BATES, killed; Capt. WENDELL, killed or taken prisoner. A great many of the Little Falls boys were wounded and all came from the field. Poor WASH. BABCOCK received a wound in the abdomen, near the hip, the ball passing out near the spine. ALFRED CASLER helped him to house, where wounded were taken cared for. He was quite comfortable that night, but did not wish to talk much, as it pained him. He died the next morning. He was best kind of a soldier, brave as a lion, and did his duty, without a murmur. He is buried with some others near there. did not get a scratch, but the balls flew about my head so thick, that there would have been no use of dodging, if I had been so inclined. One passed through my blanket, that is nearest I came to being hit. Our killed, wounded and missing amount to 273 —half of number. It was bloody and sorrowful baptism for us, but Regiment what was required of it honorably, and has praises of the corps. The Colonel's horse was shot from under him, when he took ground and fought like perfect demon. He don't know what fear is. Out of perhaps forty or fifty thousand bullets fired at us only 273 took effect. We don't know how long we shall remain here. We may perhaps cross the River again before a great while. The move we made was but a demonstration to withdraw the reinforcements the Rebs. were sending to oppose Hooker.

From the 121st.
We are again permitted to extract from a letter from Capt. M. R. CASLER as follows:—
"I have nothing of importance to communicate, although there has been a change of officers since I wrote you last. General Terry now commands the 3d Division of the 6th Corps. This returns General Bartlett to the command of our Brigade, and also returns Col. Upton to our Regiment. Lieut. Col. Olcott returned to the Regiment to-day. He has been absent on sick leave for the last twenty days. We are having very regular weather—rain every day, and thunderstorms each afternoon, and hot enough when the sun shines to cook our meals with but little fire. The themometer [sic] ranges among the 100'ds in the shade. Our Brigade forms the extreme right wing of the Army of the Potomac. 
To-day I heard a well-informed and intelligent citizen remark, that "Slavery and negroes had been nothing but a curse to them and the United States; that the sons and daughters of those who owned slaves were brought up in indolence, grew to be tyrannical and, worst of all, that they sold their own children into bondage; also that we had known five cases where the Slaveholder had sent his daughter, the offspring of his intercourse with a female slave, to be educated at our Northern Institutes on account of her beauty and talent; that one could hardly perceive that there was negro blood  in her veins &c—that she possessed that rare beauty so much admired in the _est and most chivairic circles of the F. F. _'s. He mentioned the names of the men, if they are entitled to that appellation.—One of them in particular, a judge of Fanier County, Va., after his illegitimate daughter had completed her education at our Northern schools, was informed by her father that he would visit her at such a time and convey her home, and that after taking her from the school, he took her to a Hotel and compelled her to be his mistress. In a short time after he brought her home, still retaining her as his mistress, and "there" said he "are some of the offspring," pointing to a couple of "lilac colored" young negroes who passed us on their way to freedom. At the approach of our Army, this judge, (may he be judged and jugged) who dares not meet the gaze of any honest man, fled to his traitorous and inhuman associates in crime and degradation. Such instances as these are common in this Sodom of Slavery and crime and I have been informed of even worse cases than the one I have narrated. With such a knowledge of the crimes of a land cursed with slavery, crimes and abuses too horrid to be written, and in view of their attempt to cover the whole of these United States with the black pall of Slavery, who would not glory in the name of Abolitionist or Emancipationist? Let us, in conquering this Rebellion, strike at the root of the evil which produced it, and wipe Slavery from the category of crimes for which the inhabitants of this once God-favored land are guilty. There is not a real, genuine negro to be found in Virginia. They are the offspring of white men and slave mothers, which is manifest by their lemon color, blue eyes, almost straight hair and a certain degree of inborn independence or a higher-duty-to-perform manner than is noticeable in the full blooded African.
To-morrow is the day set apart by the President as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer for the victories vouchsafed us by the Giver of all good. What cause for rejoicing and Thanksgiving from our hearts! What would have been the fate of our Liberty-crowned land had we been dedicated at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Port Hudson and New York City? I shall always believe that there was a preconcerted plan of action between Lee and Davis and their friends and sympathizers in the North and in New York City. Seymour and Wood and all of that class of politicians, and the supporters of such opinions and principles as they profess, have been giving aid and comfort to those in arms against this Government. I wish Gen. Burnside might be assigned to command the Department of New York. Then, I think, Seymour, Wood & Co. would either go the way of Vallandigham, or perchance a more ignominious one. These are the men who have counseled and incited soldiers to desertion by their disloyal speeches, and if deserters are punished with death for their crimes, why should not their councelors [sic] and inciters at the north also be punished in a like summary manner? The army in the field is already tired of resting, and grumbles at their inactivity. We don't require a rest or six or eight weeks after a campaign however hard. If the authorities only had been half in earnest and displayed half the energy in raising troops that the Army has in raising the devil with the Rebs., we should now have Lee and his Army ready to hang for I know the ropes are ready. If we could have had 20,000 fresh men at Hagerstown or Williamsport, our Corps Generals would all have been of one mind and instead of a "Council of War" &c., Meade could have telegraphed Halleck in this wise "What shall I do with Lee and Army. I have killed 20,000 &c. and taken all the rest prisoners, Lee included?" But instead of such a glorious result we submitted to his almost unmolested crossing the Potomac, he taking his course down south on one side of the Blue Ridge and our "Victorious" Army on the other like the race between the dog and the wolf. It was nip and tuck" but in this case the wolf was "about a leetle ahead," and we are now snappin and snarling and showing our teeth at each other, "one-afraid-and the-other-dare-not," aspect on both sides, satisfied with picking what few ''sheep" stray from either fold. Thus it has been with the Army of the Potomac ever since the war began. The Rebels know very well we cannot subdue nor drive them out of Virginia with an equal number of men. Why, a good and strong position for defence may be had every five miles in the State of Virginia. If we succeed in forcing them, as we sometimes have done, from one position, all they have to do is to fall back to a stronger one. If at such a crisis we had ten or twenty thousand more than they—yes, if we had 40,000 more, when we forced them from a chosen position how easily we could annihilate the chivalry. I admit that the record of victories for the last two months is a glorious one, but although they are victories they are not decisive. We could have made them very decisive if we had employed the means the God of battles has placed in our power. I don't want this war to last two or three years longer, and it need not, if that earnestness so necessary to the accomplishment of all great undertakings, be at this time and henceforth displayed and brought to bear with all the terror of annihilation, against these hell-doomed traitors.
For the last year we have been fighting a people and the remark that Marshal Ney made to Napoleon in his Spanish is true at the present time. Said he, "It is not an army we have to fight, it is a people," who are obstinate and self-willed as we are; and men that will not be put down by soundness of reasoning, are certainly obstinate enough to require at least more than equal numbers to bring them to terms and under the rule of the National authorities.
To-day I was fortunate enough to get a table—one that these lazy negro-working farmers would call the latest pattern. It resembles the old one in our cellar, with this difference—this one has a drawer but has never boasted the luxury of paint or varnish. I can return it or not, as I please. I am writing on a table for the first time since I made out my pay rolls in that parlor in Berlin, Maryland. Neither have I been inside a house since then. I am getting tired of the every-day-alike camp life and if I could only prevail on General Meade to grant leaves of absence, I would get one very soon. But that "luxury" is denied us, so that we must still do our visiting by letter. It is very healthy here. There are but four cases of sickness in our Regimental Hospital. The Little Falls boys are all well."

From the 121st.
We are again favored with the perusal of a letter from a gallant officer of the
121st, and are permitted to give the following extracts to our readers:—
CAMP OF THE 121st REG'T N. Y. V.,
August 12th, 1863.
I have talked with a few intelligent Southern women, and have heard details of conversation with such, by my brother officers who have talked with them more often than I have, and I would give anything in the world which I have, that is mine to give, if Northern women appreciated their side of the struggle as Southern women, blinded and infatuated though they are, show that they do. How many—alas! how many—of the thousands of desertions from our army have been caused and prompted, solely by letters from wives, and sisters, and mothers, whose love has been so much stronger than their patriotism. Yea, and how many have been, and will be caught and returned to the army, tried and shot perhaps, or subjected to some other ignominious punishment, through the weakness, the thoughtlessness, and the want of real loyalty of those who love them. On Friday next a soldier of our Brigade is to be publicly shot to death, according to the sentence of a Court Martial, for deserting from his Regiment and trying to get home. Oh how much rather would I that my brother, or father, or friend should fall upon the field of battle, with his face to the foe, and his honor untarnished, for I know it then would be said to him, and of him, "well done thou good and faithful servant."
Southern women banish from their society, and from their smiles, all able-bodied men young or old, who will not go and fight for the confederacy, that political abortion whose Corner Stone is Human Slavery—but the Northern women, with tears and remonstrances [sic], prevail upon their friends to stay at home, or, if already enlisted, with intreaties [sic] and complainings [sic] allure them to desert, and withhold them from aiding a cause both good and just, involving the very existence of the best government in the world, and involving also the triumph or defeat of those principles upon which hang the hopes of humanity, and of that higher civilization which we hope to see prevail throughout the world. The energy and zeal of the women of the South have forced many thousands into the ranks of the traitor army, who else would never have been there, and it is just as true, that the fear, the weakness, and the lack of appreciation of Northern women have kept many more thousands from battling under the "Stars and Stripes of Liberty" the proudest and to me the dearest emblem in the world, and who, but for the fear and weakness influencing them, would have "Fought the good fight, and kept the "faith" of their Fathers, I have witnessed noble exceptions to these remarks, but I do know that as a general rule what I say is only truth.
I know you will believe me, when I say that I never should have come to this war, but for a feeling of duty. I did feel that I ought to come. And I feel now more zealous and more anxious for the determined prosecution of this war, than I ever did before, and that feeling grows in my mind every day. I have felt as though injustice had been done by the "Powers that be," and under the influence of that feeling did tender my resignation, but it was disapproved and returned to me, which, under the circumstances pleased me. If it had been accepted, I should not have participated in the last and most successful campaign of the Army of the Potomac. I should have felt ashamed of myself
if I had happened to have come home, just as our army, by those days and nights of terrible marching, and days of murderous fighting, were heading off and defeating the Rebel hordes at Gettysburg. My feet bled and my bones ached, but my heart was made glad. I wrote you, I think, that I should tender another resignation, and that is still my intention; I am not sick of the war, although I do hope for its speedy ending, but I would sooner see it continue ten years, rather than that any peace inconsistent with our honor or unity should be made. I have felt as though I could not serve longer with this Regiment if I could get honorably discharged from it, but I could not leave it in a dishonorable manner. If I cannot get an honorable discharge, upon tender of resignation, I shall solace myself with the thought that I am fighting in a good cause, and that I can at least, do, or try to do, that cause some good.  
You speak of Capt. Galpin &c. I know him intimately and am cognizant of all the circumstances of which you speak in regard to his resignation. His case and mine are almost identical in facts. He is my friend and I am his. He is a good, honest, and brave man, and I am proud to call him friend.
I wrote you that our Colonel was for some time commanding the Brigade, while Gen. Bartlett had command temporarily of a Division. They have both returned to their former positions, where they are always welcome. They are brave, true, competent officers, and are popular with their respective commands. I only wish both might be permanently, instead of temporarily, promoted to the commands which they held for a season. They would do honor to themselves, and could be of more service to the country. I have not seen two officers since I have been in the army who challenged my admiration more, as real brave men, than Gen. J. J. Bartlett and Col. E. Upton—Long may they live and flourish."

WOUNDED.—The following list comprises the names of those wounded in the late Battles at Fredericksburgh [sic], belonging to the 121st Regiment, and is as full as we can make it from the lists published by the New York papers: 
James Garland, Co. E; Sergt. D. W. Green, C; S. B. Kenyon, C; J. H.
Miller, C; B. Gifford, H; P. C. Sharp, H; J. P. Moses, H; M. B. Chapman,
K; D. A. Putnam, K; A. J. Cowan, K; J. M. Benton, K; S. Sheldon, K;
W. Nichols, K; A. Waldron, K; Ord. Sergt. E. C. Mastiers, Sergt J. S. L. Scott, F; Sergt. L. Ferry, F; N. Martin, E; H. Champany, B; W. H. Chapman,
B; A. B. Proctor, B; W. D. Ackerman, F; O. Waldrey, K; W. J. Applegate,
B; J. M. Denton, K, G. J. Quackenbeck, E; D. W. Bailey, E; W. Michel, F; A. Davidson, E; A. D. Cook, H; Sergt. J. D. Gray, A; J. W. Chapin, A; Thos. McGowan, H; E. C. Irons, E; H. E. Palmer, H; J. S.Sheldon, K; A. J. Stevens, E; J. Williams, K; W. Edwards, I; W. H. Bums, E; I. Wormouth, A; M. Wright, I; W. S. Palmer, E; G. Wilsey, I; Corp. C. C. Peck, F; D. Brown, E; F. E. Ford, C; J. Shepard, H; J. Sherman, G; G. Butterfield, G; J. P. Woolsey, J ; A. W. Wilson, G; J. C. Jacob, G; P Simons, G; W. Dingman, H; W. A. Renglio, H; W. H. Whitehead, C; L. W. Williams, F ; A. H. Fuller, I; Sergt E. Oaks, G; Sergt T. M. Kermac, H; G. Richardson, I; Corp N. A. Lamphere, H; C. Clark, B; S Carter, C; C Thompkins, H; W H Crane, G; D Maryburgh, I; A Albright, F; J Nebenger, A; P Hunt, A; W Chauncey, B; P A Perkins, H; Lieut B Bennett, I; M Barnes, H; I Tucker, B; W Oliver, E;
Sergt W B Walker, Corp C A Tail, E; Corp H Clark, A; E J Hubbard, B;
A Toombs, I; J. P.Wilson, I; J S Cartner, C; G Poles, I; D Manat, I; Capt A E Mosher, G; E E Mather, K; A D Berry, K; T Marriott, B; W Cody, B; W. P. Buddington, K; J. Gibens, A; M Kelley, K; F Albright, K; D Meshere, I; 1st Sergt A Dawson, E; G J Difenback, E.

... pair; Pork and Beef, not to be had; and so on through the entire market catalogue.

—Capt. Galpin, of the 121st has been on a visit home, under orders to take charge of some three or four hundred new conscripts and conduct them to the regiment.

ISAAC C. MINER, Sergeant in Co. H., 121st Reg't, was killed at the late battle of Fredericksburg, while in the act of assisting a wounded comrade from the field. He was a son of Erastus Miner of this town, 20 years of age, and with the reputation of a good soldier, he honorably fell in fighting his country's battles. 
DESERTER ARRESTED.—We learn that on Saturday last, Sheriff Mather arrested Erastus Green a member of Co. K, 121st regiment. He was found in the town of Otego. Green deserted from the regiment soon after it arrived in Washington. The boys of the 121st will be pleased to learn that he has at last been arrested. He was handed over to the Provost Marshal at Unadilla.
This will give the Copperheads another opportunity to howl against the Sheriff.—They can put in another "count" of  "arbitary [sic] arrest" in their complaint to Gov. Seymour.

Sheriff Mather arrested Erastus Green a member of Co. K, 121st regiment. He was found in the town of Otego. Green deserted from the regiment soon after it arrived in Washington.

THE WOUNDED.—We are pained to announce that our correspondent, Lieut. F. E. FORD, of the 121st, was seriously wounded at the recent engagement near Fredericksburg and that there is little evidence on which to found a hope that he is still living. He was struck by a bullet in the groin or thigh and was conducted from the field, bleeding profusely. Since that time, so far as we can learn, he has not been heard from. He was one of the finest, most promising young men we ever knew, whose life was without a blot and whose character was above reproach. Let us trust that he may have been taken prisoner by the enemy and so cared for that he will recover. His father has gone to search for him.
LATER.—A dispatch was received here last evening from Mr. FORD, announcing that FRED., alas! is dead, and that he will immediately return with the body. We have no heart this morning to express our deep feelings of sadness at this sorrowful announcement.
A telegram on Tuesday from the Colonel of the 121st announced that Capt. T. S. ARNOLD, of Herkimer, who was reported killed, was only wounded (though very badly) and that he would be taken to a Washington hospital. NATHAN ARNOLD, Esq., his father, is doubtless with him ere this and although we have no late intelligence, we hope to see the brave fellow once more among us. He was wounded first in the arm and soon afterwards, still cheering on his company, was struck in the breast.

THE 121ST REGIMENT.—The following letter, announcing the death of Lieut. U. F. DOUBLEDAY, was received by his brother, and is dated. Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 1863.
DEAR SIR—With much regret, I write you on this occasion.
We left camp at White Oak Church on the 28th, and marched to Fredericksburg, and were ordered to cross the river at 11 o'clock P. M. The 16th N. Y. crossed first, in boats, 45 in each boat. The 121st was the next to cross. The fire upon us was pretty sharp, but not many of our men were injured. We skirmished until the 2d of May. We were ordered to take Fredericksburg and the heights, which we did with perfect success. The fire was a continual ring of cannon and musketry. We succeeded in scaling the heights at 1 o'clock P. M., on the 3d. Then we marched on, the 121st in advance, with the exception of a line of skirmishers. We approached a long line of woodland and shrubbery, and the enemy commenced firing again on us. We were ordered to charge while a heavy fire was opened upon us through the lines—throughout the whole battalion. At the second volley, our Captain, T. S. Arnold, was killed. The third, Lieutenant Doubleday was shot through the head, the ball piercing his forehead, and coming out upon the back side of his head. He fell instantly, exclaiming to his company, "Go on, boys, you are driving them." He stood at his post until the last moment—had his sword drawn and was urging on his men. He has died for his country; has done his duty as a soldier and an officer. He was beloved by his company and his regiment.
To-day has been a sad time to the 121st.—We approached the battlefield with 57 men in Co. H, and came out with 21—had 5 killed, and the rest were wounded and missing. Some of the other companies were cut up worse than ours. The battle is still going on, and the shells are flying all around us. We are relieved for to-day, as we were in the advance ever since the 29th ult. Our officers were badly cut up. Capt. Wendell is missing. The ground we were fighting on the enemy now have possession of. As we are liable to be called upon any moment, I must close. I will write you what success we have if I live to see it thro.' 
I remain Yours, Serg't R. G. FIRMAN.
Co. H, 121st Reg't N. Y.V.
P. S. I have Lieut. Doubleday's sword in my possession. I will send it to you as soon as I get a chance. As we started to retreat, I seized his sword, belt and cap. Coming through the thick brush I lost his cap. R. G. F.
Lieut. D. was the youngest son of the late Demas A. Doubleday, of this town, and cousin to Gen. Doubleday who fired the first gun in defence of the Stars and Stripes at fort Sumter.

Departure of the 121st regiment.
Last Saturday afternoon at half-past one o'clock, the 121st Regiment, raised in this Senatorial District, passed through the village on its way to Washington. 
A large assemblage had gathered at the Depot, and extended for some distance up and down the railroad track. As the train came slowly down, hundreds of handkerchiefs were waved by the brave soldiers, as friends were recognized, and the salutations were acknowledged in like manner by the people. The train stopped for a few minutes, giving an opportunity to many to wring the hand of a loved one in silence, or to say a few words of love and encouragement. Fathers and mothers grasped the hands of sons with a feeling that it was for the last time on earth,—wives held their babes up that the soldier husband might imprint upon its cheek a last token of affection, and sisters struggled to repress their tears as they uttered "Good-bye,—God bless you." There were few dry eyes in that assemblage, and though the majority attempted to conceal the anguish felt, it was a solemn and impressive parting. It is a type only of hundreds of similar scenes which our country is called to witness, in consequence of the infernal ambition of a slave oligarchy that would ruin if they can not rule. Thus it is that the sorrows of war are being brought to our doors, and it is one of the strongest and sternest arguments in favor of supporting the Government in its efforts to suppress the rebellion, that these troubles were brought upon us because the liberal and benign laws of our nation have been trampeled [sic] upon by desperadoes. It is a reason why we should be more resolute, more active and more willing to give money, influence and men, that a lasting peace may be restored and our posterity be saved the desolation that afflicts us.
As we looked upon the countenances of those men, we thought that they were heroes and patriots in the noblest sense of the term. They had voluntarily left homes of affluence and severed ties that were as dear as life. They were offering every hope,—life itself, a sacrifice to their country. God bless them, and all others who are to-day struggling in the cause of Liberty.—May they be sustained in their day of trial, be spared unnecessary suffering, and if consonant with God's will, be restored unharmed to the families they have left.
A beautiful flag was presented to Co. H, Capt, J. RAMSEY, by some of our citizens. The presentation was made by Mr. READY, who made a short and becoming speech, which was responded to in behalf of the Company by Capt, RAMSEY, in a very graceful and appropriate manner.

A Soldiers Letter.
CAMP 121st N. Y. VOLS.,
NEAR NEW BALTIMORE, VA., August 11th, 1863.
FRIEND HENDRYX: Every one here is sighing for some shady, cool retreat, as it is excessively warm, and scarcely a breeze fans us in our shelter tents on the hills at New Baltimore. We have come to the conclusion that this is the "Sunny South."
Last Thursday was appropriately observed in the army. Our brigade assembled in the afternoon and listened to fitting and eloquent remarks from the chaplain of the 5th Maine. The soldier felt it to be his duty to render thanksgiving and praise to the God of battles for the success that has crowned the efforts of the Union armies. The services were closed by singing "My Country 'tis of thee," &c., and splendid martial airs by the brigade band. 
The Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel are with the regiment again.
Last Saturday morning the regiment was aroused by the reveille at three o'clock, when we were informed that a guerrilla hunt was the order of the day. At daylight we started, and were at White Plains before noon, where a halt was made until nine o'clock, P. M., when the right wing, under command of the Colonel, took the route for Middleburg in Loudon County, and the left wing, under the Lieutenant Colonel, for Salem, in the northern part of Fauquier County. Just before daylight the next morning, these different places were surrounded by our men. The consternation of the inhabitants was great when they awoke, to find a guard at every door. Some of the citizens not knowing that the Yankees were near, came on their doorsteps and displayed the white flag, in the shape of the tails of their under garments, as they fluttered in the breeze. Several captures were made at each of these places. The regiment made its grand entree into camp on Monday, with seventy-five horses, twenty guerrillas, contrabands, geese, turkies [sic], chickens, pots of butter, &c, &c. The inhabitants wish that Moseby may be caught, as he causes them a great many inconveniences.
Yesterday we were paid off, and the boys felt quite happy in possession of their "green-backs." By the way, Uncle Sam is now quite prompt in paying his laborers here.
We now get the daily papers quite regular; and to see how the news-boy disposes of them, you would conclude that the army read some. As the mail leaves in a few minutes I will close. A. D.

—COL. FRANCHOT.—The Herkimer Journal says: "We cannot forbear saying a merited good word for this gentleman. His course in the organization of the 121st regiment and during its journey to Washington, was such that, if fully known, would gain for him the highest esteem of all the people of this regimental district. He stands nobly by the brave boys of the regiment and we believe he will ever stand by them."

DEATH OF CAPT. ARNOLD.—On Tuesday a telegram was received here announcing the death of Capt. T. S. ARNOLD, of the 121st regiment, at Potomac Creek Hospital. Hopes that he would eventually recover had been whispered among his anxious friends, only to be blasted by the short, hurried words of sadness which that dispatch contained. Of the particulars of his sufferings and death we have nothing and if we had should scarcely have the heart to write them.
The story of his manly bearing and determined bravery has already been told by correspondents in these columns. Near the commencement of that terrible fight which baptized the regiment in blood, his arm was struck by a rifle ball. He retained his place at the head of his company and was loudly cheering his men forward again, presenting a prominent mark to the enemy's sharpshooters, when he was struck in the back and borne from the field. Upon the withdrawal of the Union forces he was taken prisoner, then paroled and conveyed to Potomac Creek Hospital, where he died. His father was with him for several days, before his death and has procured the body to be embalmed and forwarded home. It was expected to arrive last evening or this morning.
And thus from the same neighborhood are taken two officers, brilliant, virtuous and beloved by large circles of friends and relatives—Capt. ARNOLD and Lieut FORD—both falling as became true men to fall! No man ever fell a victim to a worthier cause; no man has written a brighter, nobler example upon the page of Freedom's history. Tablets of honor are reared in the hearts of community and tears are shed in memory of two whose virtues will ever remain an incentive and inspiration for the generous and good. Alas! how fearfully near is this terrible war bringing tears and sorrow and death to our every hearthstone! 
We are informed of the death of Sephus Irons, formerly of this town, and only child of Thos. E. Irons, who died at Camp Tyler, Baltimore Md. Said deceased was 22 years of age, a member of Co. E, 121st reg.—was a good soldier, highly esteemed by his comrades, and a worthy young man.

Personal.—CAPT. GALPIN, of the 121st has been on a visit home, under orders to take charge of some three or four hundred new conscritps and conduct them to the ....

—The 121st (Otsego and Herkimer) Regi­ment, we are informed, are connected with Bartlett's brigade, Slocum's division, and Franklin's corps.

EXCHANGED.—Lieut. Frank Foot, of the 121st N. Y., who lost a leg in the battles of the Wilderness, and was captured, has been exchanged, and is on his way home. His brother Morris is still a prisoner at Charleston, having been placed there under our fire.

RETURNED.—We are pleased to see Mr. A. P. Wright, a member of the 121st Regiment, again in our village. He was formerly a compositor in the Journal office, and enlisted in the 121st Regiment,—was severely wounded at Chancellorville, May 2d, the ball entering the back of his neck and coming out just below his left ear. A fragment of a shell struck him under the shoulder blade, and a spent ball hit him in the back. His left arm is paralized [sic] in consequence of the first mentioned wound, and his neck will doubtless remain stiff as long as he lives.—He was a prisoner in the rebel hospital four weeks, and is now on parole.—We congratulate him on his return home, and feel that he has just cause for feeling proud of his wounds. It is to such men that the homage of the nation is due. We wish him a long and happy life.

Died of His Wounds.—It is with feeling of deep sorrow that we learn that Capt. THOMAS S. ARNOLD, 121st regiment, died of his wounds in Washington last Sunday. His remains were expected by his friends yesterday.

MILITARY.—The following changes and promotions have been made by the Governor in the 121st Regiment N. Y. S. V.:—Sergt. Frederick B. Ford to be 2d Lieut. April 10, 1863, vice J. Conkhite, promoted. 
Sergt. Sheldon J. Redeway to be 2d Lieut. April 10, 1863, vice C. A. Butts, promoted.
Major Egbert Olcott to be Lt. Col., April 10, 1863, vice C. H. Clark, resigned.
Capt. U. S. V. Robert P. Wilson to be Maj. April 10, 1863, vice E. Olcott, promoted.
Adjutant 152d N. Y. S. V., Cleaveland J. Campbell to be Capt. April 10, 1863, vice E. Clark, discharged.
1st Lieut, John D. P. Dow to be Captain, April 10, 1863, vice C. A. Moon, resigned.
2d Lieut. Charles A. Butts to be 1st Lieut., April 10, 1863, vice T. W. Sternberg, promoted.
2d Lieut. A. Clark Rice to be 1st Lieutenant, April 10, 1863, vice F. W. Morse, promoted.
Sergeant Lansing B. Paine to be 2d Lieut. April 10, 1863, vice C. M. Bradt, promoted. 
Sergt. Silas E. Pierce to be 2d Lieut. April 10, 1863, vice G. A. May, resigned.
Sergt. Thomas C. Adams to be 2d Lieut. April 10, 1863, vice J. V. N. Kent, declined.
2d Lieut. James Conkhite to be 1st Lieut. April 10, 1863, vice J. D. P. Dow, promoted.

FUNERAL DISCOURSE.—Rev. Dolphus Skinner will deliver the funeral sermon of Lieut. F. E. Ford, Co. G, 121st regiment, who was killed May 3d, at the battle of Fredericksburg, at the church in Eatonville next Sunday at one o'clock P. M.

RETURNED SOLDIERS.—Wm. Mickle, of Co. K 121st Regiment, who was wounded at the last battle of Fredericksburg, is at home, and looking as well as circumstances will permit, having been in the hospital since the fight.
Raymond L. Ford and James Roberts, of the 3d N. Y. Cavalry, are also in town on a furlough, looking hale and hearty. They report the boys all right.

KILLED.—Among the slain at the battle of Fredericksburg, on Sunday, the 3d inst., was Capt. Nelson O. Wendall, Company F, 121st New York. Capt. Wendall enlisted first in the 44th New York (Ellsworth's) as a private, was soon promoted to a sergeant, and in August, 1862, was promoted to a   Captaincy, and transferred to the 121st. He was a brave and able officer, and his loss is deeply mourned by his soldiers and the friends at home.

The 121st.—From private letters from the 121st regiment we learn the reasons why no correspondence has of late reached us. The regiment, for the past three weeks has been almost constantly on the march, and so wearied out that it has been almost impossible to find opportunities to write even short notes to friends. But again: No mails hare left the regiment at regular periods and, indeed, none have been received by it for a long time. As yet the regiment has not suffered ....

FROM PRISONERS.—Surgeon HOLT and Hospital Stewart Phelps, of the 121st, were on the field of battle near Fredericksburg when the Union forces were withdrawn and were taken prisoners by the enemy. They were detained ten days at Salem Church and were busied in caring for the wounded. They saw the burial of our dead soldiers by the rebels and estimate the enemy's loss as large in that part of the field, if not larger than our own. Our dead were all buried together in one deep pit and these prisoners recognized among them many of their old comrades, of whom were Lieut. FORD, CAPT. WENDALL, Private West and others. Their account of the rebel situation is most interesting. For the first four days they had scarcely anything to eat, but the rebel soldiers fared no better. They were well treated and suffered to depart without molestation.
They give the prices of provisions and other articles in the rebel lines as follows: Potatoes, $15 per bushel; Tea, $6 per pound; Coffee, not to be had; The doctor paid $1,50 for half a pound of candles; Ham $1,35 per pound; Eggs, $2 per doz.; Flour, to the Government, $24 per barrel; Butter, $3 per pound; Whisky, $20 per quart or $1 per drink (a positive fact!); Calico, $4 per yard; Army boots, $60 per ...

Death of New York Soldiers.
NEW YORK, June 6.
The following New York soldiers have died in Washington hospitals since the third: Edward Horton, Eighth; H. Higbee, One Hundred and Twenty-first; Geo. Stark, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth; Charles Sandford, Fourth Artillery; Sergeant Lourman, Fifty-ninth; Sergeant Daly, Eighty-second; Thomas Mulchers, Forty-third; William Case, Fifteenth; Squire Gardner, Seventy-sixth.

Obituary.—Lieut. EDWARD P. JOHNSON, son of NATHAN JOHNSON, of Russia, New York, was killed in a charge upon the enemy's works in the memorable battle of May 10th, 1864, near Spottsylvania Court House, Virginia.. A correspondent furnishes the Little Falls Courier with the following in relation to the Lieutenant:
In the spring of 1858 he entered Falley Seminary to prepare for college. While here he manifested a deep interest in his studies, was very gentlemanly in his deportment and faithful in the performance of his duties and won the confidence and esteem of his teachers and fellow students. In the fall of 1860, after spending nearly two years in his preparatory studies, he entered Hamilton College. In July 1864, while at home during vacation, he felt it his duty to obey his long cherished patriotic impulses, and assist in putting down the rebellion. He accordingly enlisted in the one hundred and twenty-first Regiment of N. Y. V., and by his influence and persevering efforts secured for his country the services of many others. Just before the recent campaign, a First Lieutenant's commission was offered him and gratefully accepted. While performing his duty as a bold and courageous officer, he fell, only about 26 years of age, a sacrifice on the altar of his bleeding country. In his death, a father's fond hopes are blighted, and the cause of freedom and universal liberty loses one of its faithful but noble defenders.
Lieut. JOHNSON was a brother-in-law of JOHN LLOYD, jr., formerly of this city.

THE 121ST AND 152D.—The C. V. Gazette compiles the following list of killed and wounded in these two regiments:—121st, Killed—Capt. C.A. Butts, E. Lawrence A; Lieut. Johnson, Lieut. Foote, Lieut. Pierce, and Capt. Fish.
Wounded—V. J. Eune, A. Old, Maj. Galpin, A. A. Smith, Nelson Shults, Louis Dupee, Captain Bidder, Captain Cronkbite, Benj. Gillord, Corp. Lobstel, Marcus Koller, Corp. Barnes, Sergt. Gage, Sergrt. Kana, Wm. Mc-
Intyre, W. H. Green, A. D. Berry, G. W. Pierson, L. H. Rock, John Corone, John Walkheart, 2d Lieut. S. Holden, 1st Lieut. Freeman, James Robinson, J. G. Bush, F. Hunt, O. C. Parsons, H. N. Timmerman, L. H. Rock, S. Harper, W. Mungcr, C. Westcott, R. Shaw, Jay Coe, N. Manser, R. Fisher, T. Fisher, H. O. Eason, J. S. Morris, William P. Smith, A. M. Jennings, Thomas Seth.
152d, Killed—Captains Hulser and Fish, and Corp. Wm. Lackay.
Wounded—2d Lieut S. Holden, Lieut. J. C. Freeman, Jas. Robison, A. S. Howard, Lieut. Col. T. O'Brien, P. Garnett, Capt. Hill, Willard Moss, Lieut. Townsend, Rice Platt, Augustus Murray, W. H. Hall, Nicholas O'Brien, J. D. Smith, Wm. P. Agin, A. Vedder, C. S. Kelley, C. Alger, Corp. C. S. Whiting, John Welch.

HERKIMER COUNTY.—Maj. Galpin sends the following list of killed and wounded in the 121st regiment, in a skirmish in the Shenandoah valley, on Sunday, Aug. 21st: Killed—S. Babcock, Co. I; Champney, Co. B. Wounded—Lieut. H. C. C. Van Scoy, left leg; O. King, Co. A, side, watch saved his life; corp. Quackenbush, Co. E, thigh; J. S. Lovejoy, Co. G, ankle; M. A. Van Schaick, Co. H, finger.

Names of the New York Wounded.
Special Despatch to the N. Y. Tribune.
Washington, Nov. 7.
The following are the names of the wounded officers and soldiers who arrived here from the Rappahannock to-night:—
J. Bell, 122d New York.
E. Strong, 1st New York.
Adj. Wilson, 27th New York.
Capt. Russell.
Geo. H. Burst, 121st New York.
Albert Comstock, 44th New York.
Jas. McCormick, Co. G, 44th New York.
David Johnson, 43d New York.
Geo. G. Hardman, Co. G, 121st New York.
M. Zeller, Co. A, 121st New York.
Jas. W. Chapin, Co. A, 121st New York.
Geo. Mower, Co D, 121st New York.
Capt. M. R. Castler, Co. B, 121st New York.
Sergt. J. B. Round, Co. B, 121st New York.
Thos. H. Oslander, Co. C, 121st New York.
James Daggerty, Co. E, 43d New York.
Henry Simmons, Co. I , 43d New York.
Walter Davis, Co. K, 43d New York.
John Spencer, Co. E, 43d New York.
M. Foley, Co. C, 44th New York.
C. Miller, Co. B, 44th New York.
John Girodet, Co. K, 44th New York.
R. R. Semmonds, Co. K, 44th New York.
A. P. Kemp, Co. B, 22d New York.
Amos C. Vincent, Co. E, 44th New York.
Jas. More, Co. C, 44th New York.
Lieut. R. H. McCormick, Co. H, 44th New
York—hip, slight.

LIEUT. F. W. FOOT, of the 121st Regt., reported killed, is alive and prisoner in Libby Prison Hospital, Richmond. He was wounded in an engagement on the 10th of May, captured, and was obliged to have a leg amputated above the knee. In a letter to his Mother, dated the 29th of May, he says:—
"I passed through everything safely until the 10th inst., when about sunset eight picked regiments selected from our corps were detached to charge a position of the enemy's works, consisting of strong rifle pits with a battery of 12-pound howitzers. We formed under cover of the woods, without being observed. The 5th Maine and 121st N. Y. formed the first line of battle. Between us and the enemy was an open plain 300 yards across. We broke from the woods with one cheer, and then advanced at a steady double quick, without firing or cheering until close to the works, when we fired a volley and went over them with a yell. It was nobly done, and we did not stop here, but carried a second range of rifle pits and captured their battery. By this time our little force was considerably scattered and broken up; we were without supports; the enemy advanced on us with fresh troops, and we were forced back. Just before we started, I received a minnieball through my thigh, which bro't me down. The next day I was carried to one of the enemy's hospitals; the bone was found to be shattered, and my leg was amputated.—At the end of a week I was removed here, where we have comfortable quarters, with all that is necessary to keep us from suffering."

THE LATE MAJOR ELLIS.—The army correspondent of the N. Y. Herald gives quite an extended notice of the death of Major Wm. Ellis, and describes the funeral services as follows:
"The funeral service was one of the most imposing ever witnessed in the Army of the Potomac. Four companies of the 121st Regiment New York Volunteers formed the escort, and the 49th regiment New York Volunteers—the Major's own regiment—acted as mourners. The whole of the First division was drawn up in two lines, facing inwards. Through this long line of hardy, sun-browned veterans the funeral cortege proceeded at a slow pace to Buckeyestown. Gen. Russell and staff and many other officers of the corps accompanied the remains to Buckeyestown. Capt. Barnard then took charge of the remains and proceeded to Baltimore, where the body will be embalmed and afterwards forwarded to Buffalo, where the Major's mother resides. Major Ellis was one of the most popular men in the corps. He was beloved by both officers and men, to whom he had endeared himself by his unassuming demeanour [sic] and great bravery. To his immediate associates his loss is irrepairable [sic], by whom, together with his numberless friends in the Sixth corps, his death will long be regretted.

A SOLDIER'S SENTMENTS.—A member of the 121st regiment, N. Y. S. V. thus writes home to the men who are endeavoring to prevent the reinforcement of the Union armies: 
So it seems that we are not to have any men from our section of country after all.—Well, if this is not discouraging I don't know what is. Do you all expect us here to do all the fighting—loose half our men in battle, and have the rest die from exposure and sickness, and after all put down the rebellion? It seems to me that you are crazy or wish us all to die, and the quicker Old Scratch gobbles us up and the Southern confederacy is acknowledged, the better it will suit you. Even for J____ I understand an amazing sympathy has sprung up, and you are trying to keep him at home to cheer and enliven your fire circles. Well, work on in your laudable efforts and the army of the Potomac will soon be known as among the things that were, and your most sanguine hopes and aspirations will be realized.
As for me, I feel that I never want to see the North again, and would not were it not for my family. The time will come when you will see yourselves in your own light—enemies to your country and false to your faith—when all good men will look upon you as more justly deserving the hemp than those who are now in arms opposing us. And I hope the thumb screws of oppression will wring out of you as bitter shrieks and waitings, as ever was heard in this benighted region over which we are contending. I have no patience with you. You have sent us here to die, and apparently rejoice over our death. So be it. On your heads, not ours, falls the resposibility [sic] if any foreign or other power compels us ingloriously to retire from an almost conquered [sic] enemy and a perpetual happy peace.

Otsego Republican.
Soldier's Letter.
Sept. 21st, 1863,
FRIEND HENDRYX: Having satifactorily [sic] perused the Republican, which comes every Monday evening, I thought that I would let you know in what portion of the Old Dominion the 121st holds forth.
Last week, on Tuesday afternoon we left New Baltimore and halted at Warrenton that night, and remained there until all commissary stores were removed, which was until the evening of the next day, when we left for Sulphur Springs, arriving there at 10:30 P. M.
If we had remained in New Baltimore a few hours longer, we would have witnessed a horserace, as some of the sporting class had a fine track in readiness. Races were becoming quite prevalent just before we trotted for Culpepper. 
Sulphur Springs is a little village situated on Hedgeman river; it is noted for its mineral water, and formerly was a great resort of the F. F. V's. The principal hotel is in ruins. We left the Springs nest morning at five o'clock, and arrived here at four P. M., having traveled twenty miles, crossed three rivers, fording two of them. The boys were weary and footsore as the roads were rough and hilly, and the day warm.
We are now lying on a turnpike leading to Culpepper, and three miles from it. Trains run through from Alevandria [sic] to Culpepper. The 3d and 6th Corps lie betwixt this place and the railroad.
The rebels are in force on the Rapidan to dispute our crossing.
The country here is very uneven, being a succession of hill and dale. West of us the Blue ridge looms up "high in air." There have been no crops raised here; occasionally we see a few acres of corn, and when we halt they are not seen very long, Teamsters make requisitions on the fields, for corn, and the boys find that the stalks make tolerable soft beds.
We were gratified to find the list in the county papers, of those who drew "prizes" at the recent draft; and as the names were read they were welcomed with cries of "good," "bully for him;" and if a copperhead's name was announced, it was received with uproarous joy. 
Soon New York will pass through the excitement of another election, and we hope to hear that she has retrieved what was lost last Fall, and that the Union army at the polls will go hand in hand with the Union army in the field--on to victory. The success of the Union ticket will cheer us; the success of the Seymour and Wood ticket will encourage Jeff. Davis & Co.

Otsego Republican.
SATURDAY MORNING, Oct. 17, 1863.
Soldier's Letter.
CAMP OF THE 12lst N. Y. VOLS.,
NEAR THE RAPIDAN, October 9th, 1863.
FRIEND HENDRYX: Since I wrote you last, we have changed our position from the rear to the front. Last Sunday orders came to be ready to move early on the following Monday. At the time appointed, the 8th corps was en route for the banks of the Rapidan river. We passed through Culpepper and followed the railroad, which runs in a southwesterly direction until we came to the camp of the 2d corps; this corps was doing the picketing here. As soon as they were relieved by us, they struck tents, packed knapsacks, and marched toward Culpepper.
The 121st, as soon as it arrived here, was ordered to the picket line. Yesterday we were relieved and returned to our camp, situated a mile from the pickets.
The Rapidan is very narrow at this place. The pickets occupy the banks of the river, and are within talking distance of each other; sometimes paying visits across the line. 
Rebel deserters come into our lines every day; one night an entire post, consisting of nine men and a corporal, deserted and came over; they all seem to be highly pleased with the change, and express a desire to do all they can for the government they were laboring to destroy. We can see the rebel encampments on the low hills south of the river, together with a long line of rifle-pits and embankments. The other day I saw about one hundred of them as busy as they could be, digging rifle-pits about sixty rods from the picket line. I think this is done as a blind, and that the hills will soon be evacuated by them.
This forenoon we witnessed the execution of a deserter from the 1st brigade of this corps; the 1st division, to which our brigade belongs, was present—a hollow square was formed, open on one side; at the hour appointed the wagon appeared, containing the deserter, seated upon his coffin and in conversation with the minister by his side. As the wagon entered the square, the division band commenced playing the "Dead March; and as the team   passed along in front of the different brigades, their bands joined in the solemn music. On arriving in the center of the open side of the square, the coffin was removed, placed upon the ground, the unfortunate man placed upon it, his hands were then tied behind him, a handkerchief placed over his eyes, and in a few minutes his body was pierced with bullets and life was extinct. Such is the reward of those who desert their country's flag in the day of her affliction. To prevent any more desertions into Queen Victoria's dominions, Seymour had better call out the militia to do picket duty along the Canadian frontier. 
Our camp is very pleasantly situated in the corner of a white oak grove, on the Somerville plantation. This plantation is a large, level tract of land, containing severel [sic] thousand acres; the Orange and Alexandria railroad running through it. The principal dwelling on the estate is now the headquarters of Gen. Wright, commanding the 1st division of the 6th corps. The health of the regiment is good, and all are enjoying a soldier's life finely. Dr. Slocum, brother of Maj. Gen Slocum, is the Chief Surgeon of the 121st.
Those who were captured and paroled at Fredericksburgh [sic] on the 3d of May, are now exchanged, and have been returned to their respective regiments.
For the present, all is quiet on the Rapidan, and if there is anything that occurs of any note, I will transmit it to you. A. D.

Otsego Republican
SATURDAY MORNING, Oct. 31, 1863.
Soldier's Letter.
CAMP 121ST REG'T, N. Y. V.
WARRENTON, VA., October 21st, 1863.
Dear Parents:—We have passed through another campaign and so far I am all safe. It is just five weeks ago to-day since we passed through this place and we have been very busy ever since. I received yours of the 11th while we laid in line of battle near Centreville, waiting very patiently for Gen. Lee to give us a call; I guess that he thought we would give him a warmer reception than he would like, for he postponed the visit for a more convenient place. While at, or near Centreville, I made a visit to a family by the name of Pierce, formerly from Burlington, Otsego Co. The family consisted of an old lady, her daughter and son, though the son had not been at home for about a month. They were good Union people, and for being so they have suffered much. The old lady's husband was taken by the rebels to Richmond, where from bad treatment he died.—They came south some forty years ago. They heard from some of the officers that I was there, and they sent me an invitation to come and dine with them; I had a very pleasant visit. They are coming north this winter, and you need not be surprised if they give you a call. I left them your address.
The draft does not amount to much, as you say, through copperhead influence it has proved a failure, though I think it is for the best; the first Bull Run was a sad mistake, but we were the wiser. I think the next draft that is made the three hundred dollar clause will be left out thereby shutting out such means as the copperheads can bring forth to stop it.
Father, what kind of a thing have the copperheads nominated for Senator? I see by his letter of acceptance that he talks of restoring the Union as it was, and the Constitution as it is. He has certainly been asleep for the last five years, or he don't know anything. He might as well try to stop the waters of a Mississippi, or hush the roar of a Niagara as to restore the Union as it was. Can he ever restore to us the treasure we have expended, or the blood we have shed, or repay us for the hardships and privations we have endured?—No! Why then should he talk in that manner, unless it be to deceive the people? Would he be so ungrateful for the services of thousands of his fellow men as to send them back to slavery? Men who have prayed and fought for their liberty, and now when their star of hope glimmers in the east, no one but a traitor and a villain would darken it. Could every man at the North, who thinks of voting the Copperhead ticket, have stood where the 121st was when I received your letter, I'll wager my right arm that they would have hung their heads in shame, like men who had been caught  stealing, and were obliged to own it. Let every young man of Otsego rally around the old Flag, and with the starry Banner in one hand, the Constitution in the other, stand by the Administration and give the copperheads a lasting rebuke by voting the Union ticket. The news is good from every quarter, each State giving a large Union majority. Now is the time for the Empire state to wipe out that disgrace she incurred last fall, by giving us a Union victory. The men in the field will do their duty, let the men at home do theirs. I remain your son, 
S. E. P.

Otsego Republican.
SATURDAY MORNING, Nov. 14, 1863.
Soldier's Letters.
WARRENTON, Va., Nov. 7, 1863.
FRIEND HENDRYX:—This is a beautiful day. The sun shines ... and bright, with not a cloud to dim the blue expanse above us. The trees of the field and forest are clothed with their autumn garb of red and yellow. Scarcely a breeze stirs the withered leaf; it is one of Autum's [sic] lovely, dreamy days. 
There is nothing transpiring with us to disturb the monotony of camp life. Our regiment is encamped in a pine grove, about half a mile from Warrenton. There is a brickyard near us, and the boys are availing themselves of its contents, as may be seen by the chimnies [sic] attached to their log huts. For mortar, we use the red, sticky mud peculiar to Virginia soil, and is easily obtained, especially after a rain. Company and battalion drills have again commenced. The commanding officer of the regiment understands how to bring it to a high state of drill and discipline [sic], and to retain the same; for efficincy [sic] in these, the regiment is acknowledged to be second to none.
The 152d is encamped a short distance from us; we see some of them every day; they are in the 2d corps. We do not expect to remain long in this place, and rumors are rife among us, as they always are in an army. It is stated, that we are going forward here, or are to be sent to Tennessee; either would be acceptable.
We have heard that the Empire State has repented of her last years' decision, about-faced and wheeled into the Union column. This is glorious news, and the soldiers, without distinction of party, are greatly rejoiced at the result. We see in the verdict of the people, that New York will stand by her sons in the field, that "the Union must and shall be preserved." If the soldiers had been permitted to vote, the result would have been grander still—of course there would be no consistency in a soldier voting other than the Union ticket. Seymour is politically dead and should be entombed with the man that "watched over the border." We will not forget the veto on the bill allowing the soldiers to vote.
Now that the election is over, let the people devote themselves to the cause of the Union in another direction—let volunteering be attended to. The inducements for enlisting are great, if bounties are any object; but to the truly patriotic, there is a greater than this; our liberties are assailed and must be maintained. Traitors wishing to overthrow the Government and establish one whole corner stone shall be Slavery, must be put down, and hope that their corner stone shall be consigned to the waters of Oblivion, with them. If the quotas are not filled by the appointed time, the draft that will follow, we hope, will be of a more cooling nature than the first. When we look at the result of the late conscription, we are led to notice some of the methods adopted by individuals to have the examining Board pronounce them unsound. We were not aware that so many or our friends were among the "lame, halt and blind," and afflicted with so many of the "numerous ills that flesh is heir to;" and hope for the benefit of generations yet to be, that the soldier may soon return. 
We are informed that some men with M. D. attached to their names, for a fee, did endeavor to procure the exemption of several from military duty. Various modes were resorted to--one was, washing the eyes with a lotion that irritated them, making men sick by doctoring them for diseases that they never had, &c., thus bringing to light many weak-eyed, weak-backed, and a great number of weak-minded individuals. People who boast that they are American citizens, thus sneaked out of duty; three hundred dollars were paid, and love of country completely ignored. The patriotism that should be burning in their bosoms, has been extinguished by self-interest. They wore the patriots garb, but like the pseudo Democracy, it was only done to serve the devil in. During the coming winter we hope to see our armies so augmented that the Spring will witness the telling and final blow to this accursed rebellion. The end will come; "it is a long night that has no morning;" and the dark clouds that hang over our national existence, through the efforts of her patriotic sons, trusting in the God of battles, will effectually be dispelled, and the sunshine of Peace again illumine our Nation's pathway.

From the One Hundred and Twenty-first.
To the Editor of the Utica Morning Herald:
At an early hour on the morning of the 7th ult., we broke camp near Warrenton and took up our line of march towards Rappahannock Station. At about 1:30 P. M. we halted in a grove within a mile of the Station, where, after resting a few moments and taking a hasty lunch from our well filled haversacks, our Company, with a portion of Company B, were marched out into the clearing a short distance and deployed as skirmishes on the right of a line already formed.
On the brow of a hill directly in our front, at the distance of about 500 yards, were to be seen the enemy's pickets watching our movements. It was then that we first became aware of our close proximity to the enemy. After remaining stationary for about an hour, we were ordered to advance to take possession of the hill occupied by the enemy, which we did—they firing and retreating as we were almost upon them. Captain J. D. Fish, of our Company, was assigned the command of the right of the line, and nobly did he acquit himself; Captain Casler, of Company B, a brave and excellent officer, and Lieut. D. D. Jackson, of Company D, both displayed great bravery and coolness. After gaining the hill, Captain Fish pushed on still further, under a severe and galling fire from the retreating skirmishers and likewise from behind the entrenchments of the enemy, which could be seen at several hundred yards distance. The murderous fire of the rebs compelled us to take shelter in ditches and behind such projections as would afford protection, the men firing at the Butternuts as they showed their heads above the breastworks. Soon their batteries opened, and were promptly responded to by our own. For some little time this artillery duel was kept up, also the musketry on both sides, until near dusk, when the 6th Maine was deployed as a double skirmish, they being on the left and we going farther to the right. Thus our line charged upon the enemy's works. It was a trying ordeal for our little band to pass through, facing as we did a perfect storm of bullets. Captain Casler, of Company B, was wounded in the arm before reaching the works, also Sergeant Round, of the same Company; Corporal Platt, of our Company, was shot dead, and five of our Company badly wounded and several slightly. On arriving at the entrenchments my attention was attracted by the sound of Captain Fish's voice, who by taking an oblique direction had gained the entrenchments a little in advance of me, although at starting he was 80 yards to my left. Leaping into the entrenchments, the first object that met my gaze was the Captain; there he stood, dressed in full uniform—a prominent mark for the rebel hordes that were standing three deep in the ditch at his feet. To see him there, almost single-handed, confronting that long line of rebels, was enough to remind one of Leonidas and his 300 Spartans. One rebel leveled his gun at the gallant Captain, but quick as thought he drew his revolver and sent a ball whizzing through his brain; two others shared the same fate. "Men, this way with your bayonets," shouted the captain in tones loud enough to be heard to say the least. Having not only a bayonet but a loaded gun behind it, and a face by no means handsome in the rear of that, I rushed forward with my programme all laid out. It consisted of but one performance, and that was the cleaning out of that ditch, and my success was far ahead of all my expectations. In an incredibly short space of time there was not a grey coat to be seen except those who were killed and wounded, and we were masters of the field. I do not know the exact number of our men in the ditch, but of one thing I am sure, we were not more than 1 to their 10. Lieut. Jackson and Sergeant Youker were there, and fought bravely, but as my mind was not on anything else but the enemy in front I had no time for observation; neither can I select any as worthy of special notice; I can only speak of such as came under my immediate obser­vation. Corporal James Hough of Schuyler being on my left all the afternoon and very near me, I had an opportunity to notice his bravery and coolness; likewise Sergeant Post who was near me for some time. It is sufficient to say that all did nobly. The spot where we found privates Watson and Eastwood, from its close proximity to where the main body of the rebels were, is sufficient evidence of his bravery.
Soon after we had driven the enemy out of the first line of entrenchments up came the 5th Maine and 121st N. Y. charging past us and making one of the most brilliant and successful charges on re­cord—the 6th Maine and 5th Wisconsin having al­ready so gallantly charged on the left. With the details of that brilliant charge you are already fam­iliar. Although not a native of New York, having been born in the sturdy hills of New Hampshire, I am nevertheless proud of the fact that I belong to the gallant 121st. And of one other fact I am a little proud, and you will pardon me (for Isay it modestly), that is, although not myself a native of New York, I am the possessor of one of Herkimer county's best and fairest daughters, whose patriotic letters have contributed in no small degree to keep up my spirits during my long absence from home with all its endearments. One thing more and I will close, having already written too much. It is impossible to say too much in praise of Col. Upton. Such daring coolness and judgment as he displays are as wonderful as rare, and the more so when we take into consideration his youth. Long live our gallant Colonel. We are expecting a move soon in the direction of the enemy. Yours truly,
Co. D, 121st N. Y. V.

Presentation to General Meade.
Washington, November 11.
A very interesting ceremony took place at General Meade's headquarters to-day. The stand of colors captured from the rebels at Rappahannock Station on Saturday were presented to him by the soldiers who captured them. I am    not aware that there is a precedent for this event in the course of the war.
The troops who took the colors presented them to General Meade, with nine cheers. They were composed of the One Hundred and Twenty-first New-York, Fifth and Sixth Maine, and the Fifth Wisconsin, belonging to the brigades of General Russel, and Colonel Upton, First division, Sixth army corps. General Meade surrounded by his staff, received the troops upon their arrival. Colonel Upton, in a short but very appropriate speech, presented the colors. General Meade in accepting them, spoke so clearly and distinctly that every word could be heard from one end of the line to the other. In language admirably suited to the occasion he assured both officers and men that he accepted the colors with great satisfaction. He had informed the President that their capture was one of the most brilliant acts of the war. And with such trophies of their courage before him he had every confidence that they would be prepared to encounter, if need be, even greater obstacles and more imminent danger, should be call upon them to do so. 
Major-General Sedgwick, of the Sixth corps, with Generals Wright, Russell, Talbot, Howe, Neil, and their respective staffs, were present at the presentation.

November 11—8:30 P. M.
Yesterday afternoon Colonel Upton, who commanded the brigade which last Saturday so successfully charged and captured the enemy's works at Rappahannock Station, accompanied by deputations from each of the regiments participating in the assault, presented General Meade with eight battle flags taken at that time. No previous notice had been given, and the affair was entirely unexpected and unprovided for.
Colonel Upton presented the flags in the name of his command, naming the regiments—the Fifth and Sixth Maine, the Fifth Wisconsin, and One Hundred and Twenty-first New-York (the latter Colonel Upton's own regiment). General Meade replied as follows:
I receive with great satisfaction the battle-flags, evidences of the good conduct and gallantry you displayed on the 7th inst. in the assault upon the enemy's position at Rappahannock station, intrenched with redoubts and rifle-pits, and defended by artillery and infantry. Carried as it was, at the point of the bayonet, it was a work which could only be executed by the best of soldiers, and the result, of which you may justly proud, gives me great confidence that in future operations I can implicitily [sic] rely on the men under my command doing, when called on, all that men can do; and although it is my desire to place you in such positions as to avoid, if possible, recurring to such severe tests, yet there are occasions, such as the recent one, when it is the only and the best course to pursue, and to fell, as I do now, that I command men able and willing to meet and overcome such obstacles, is a source of great satisfaction. I shall transmit these flags to the war Department. I have already reported your good conduct, and received and transmitted to your commanders the approval of the President. I shall prepare, as soon as I receive the requisite information, a general order, in which it is my desire to do justice to all the troops who have distinguished themselves. And it is my purpose by every means in my power to have those soldiers rewarded who have merited such distinction. In the name of the army and the country I thank you for the services you have rendered, particularly for the example you have set, which I doubt not, on future occasions will be followed and emulated. 
A band of music accompanied the deputation. After a few moments of congratulation and social intercourse the deputation took leave and returned to camp.

Letter from the 121st.
We publish below a description of the engagement at Rappahannock Station, from the pen of our gifted townsman, Capt. CLEAVELAND J. CAMPBELL. The reader will see that his description of it is far superior to any yet published. It would be better for the future history of our country, and more encouraging to our gallant army, were such lucid descriptions of all our engagements furnished by those who participate in them, and from their military knowledge, able to appreciate the various manoeuvres which so often decide the most important battles.

Camp 121st., N. Y. Vols., Near Brandy Station. Nov. 20th, 1863.
To the Editor of the Cherry Valley Gazette:
SIR: I t is all important in a war like the present, that the newspaper reports of gallant achievements should be exact, just and reliable. Not only will the historian be dependent, to great extent, upon them for his materials, but the men who are making history look to the press for such a record of their hard-earned victories, as shall satisfy their own ideas of justice, and recompense their families and themselves for the sacrifices all have undergone. With the true soldier a desire for military reputation is second only to love of country, and an army which, like this, has felt the gloom of so many reverses, requires the influence of every ray of glory which favoring Providence may cast upon its path. I have as yet seen no description of the late engagement at Rappahannock Station which, in my opinion, conveys a correct idea of what is universally conceded to have been one of the most brilliant actions of the war; and I am thereby induced to send to your journal the following statement of facts. Honor to whom honor is due:
The Sixth Army Corps broke camp at Warrenton about day-break, on the 7th of November, marched upon the Fayetteville road toward the Rappahannock, the distance to which, at the point where the railroad crosses, is about twelve miles. A plain about a mile in width, stretches from the north bank of the river back to a wood large and dense enough to cover the movement of an army. This wood was reached by the Sixth Corps, at about 1 o'clock. The several regiments marching by left flank doubled, as they came up, in such a manner that, by simply facing to the front, they formed two lines of battle toward the enemy, but concealed from their observation. In this order of battle, General Terry with the Third Division, was upon the right; Gen. Howe, with the Second Division, in the center, and General Wright's Division, (the first) commanded that day by General Russell, on the left of the Corps. The Fifth Corps (General Sykes) had advanced upon the Bealton road, and took up position to the left of the Sixth, just after the formation of the line. The railroad embankment divided the corps. The whole force was commanded by General Sedgwick, whose corps (the Sixth) was temporari­ly placed in command of Gen. Wright of the First Division. The north bank of the river above the railroad crossing and opposite the position of the First Division of the Sixth Corps, above de­scribed, commands the plain except at one point, about seven hundred yards from the stream where a slight undula­tion affords a partial protection against artillery. In order to effect a crossing it became necessary to advance over this plain, in full view and within easy range of the enemy's guns planted upon the elevation in the north bank, as well as of the heavy pieces on the further side of the river. The natural advantages of the rebel position had been greatly improved by the construction of a work composed of bastions and curtains open to the rear, and covering a pontoon bridge which afforded the only means of communication; the railroad bridge having been totally destroyed. The right of this work rested upon the river just above the railway embankment, and the left was protected by a senated line of rifle-pits, some seven hundred yards in length, extending from the heavy work to a point upon the river bank where the hill slopes gradually in­to the plain. The position was held as was afterwards ascertained by Col. Godwin's Brigade, (formerly General Hope's,) composed of the 6th, 7th and 54th North Carolina regiments, rein­forced during the afternoon, by General Hayes' Louisiana Brigade, composed of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th regiments from that State. The Louisiana Guard Battery of five pieces, was in position in the work, and two twenty-pound parrots captured by the rebels at Win­chester, were so placed as to sweep the whole plain. This position was to be carried. General Russell commanding, as above stated, the First Division of the Sixth Corps, asked permission to take it. The work was done as follows:
At about 3 p. m. skirmishers were called for from the Second and Third Brigades. From the former, two companies of the 121st N. Y.; from the latter, six companies of the 6th Maine, were detailed. The line followed by their supports, consisting of about half of the detail, advanced across the plain over the ridge before alluded to, and up to within three hundred yards of the pit, driving before them the rebel skirmishers, who had been thrown out upon their appearance. Our line here halted, and seeking such cover as they might, kept up a brisk firing for more than two hours. At about 5 o'clock the whole division was ordered to advance. In two lines of battle, and with their customary steadiness, they marched through the iron storm which fell before, behind, among them, and halted about a thousand yards nearer the enemy's works than before, under partial cover, and having suffered but a slight loss. By this time the sun had nearly set. As his last beams were falling athwart the plain. General Russell ordered forward the 3d brigade, commanded by Col. Ellmaker of the 119th Pa., and consisting of that regiment the 6th Maine, the 5th Wisconsin, and the 49th Pa. The 6th Maine supported by the 5th Wisconsin, led the attack. The skirmishers of the brigade fell in as their regiment came up, and joined in the charge. Capt. Fish, with his fifty-three men of the 121st N. Y., advanced with the 3d brigade, exclaiming, as they came up, "by ____ you shall not take the fort alone; we have been help­ing to drive them all the afternoon, and we want our share of the glory." On went the charging party, their path marked by their dead and dying,—up to the pit,—over the wall,—into the ri­fle-pit. Hand to hand,—using the bay­onet,—they drove the North Carolinians out of their own stronghold, and cap­tured the rebel gunners at their guns Sergeant Roberts of the 6th Maine, tears the rebel colors from the hands of the standard-bearer, unwilling to relin­quish them; another young hero of that regiment brains a rebel officer still trying to sight a cannon on the "Yankees," and the fort is in our possession within fifteen minutes after the attack commenced.
But the long line of rifle-pits is still filled with the famous (in southern hearts) Louisiana Tigers, carrying on their banners, the name of every battle field from West Point to Bristol, in which the Stonewall Division has taken part, for they were the pet brigade of the misguided enthusiast Jackson. They knew the ground thoroughly, until now they supposed themselves able to hold a position against twenty thousand men; almost total darkness has fallen upon the scene; they have been made aware of the loss of the fort, by the fugitives whom they are accusing as "cowardly tar-heels." Twice they have driven Captain Fisk and his men into the fort from the rifle-pit, into which, his being on the right of the attack, led him, and now they can be dimly seen forming line of battle perpendicular to the line of their works, in order to attack the fort upon the unprotected flank, and upon the open rear. Gen. Russell ever among his troops, when not before them, sees the desperate state of affairs, and sends an order to Colonel Upton, commanding the 2d brigade, to bring up two regiments and occupy the rifle-pits to the first angle. The skirmishers of the 5th Corps advanced at the same time with those of the 6th, had been checked at the railway embankment as they were coming up on the left, and although a few brave fellows had joined the 3d brigade and were with them in the fort, the main body were too far off to render the immediate assistance required. So General Russell ordered two regiments up from the 2d brigade. The 5th Maine and the 121st N. Y., were in the first line; the 95th and the 96th Pa., in the second. The first line was selected for the attack. Upton told the men what was expected of them by Gen. Russell and by him­self; said some of us will fall,—those   who do will go to Heaven; those who remain will take the work forward: 5th Maine and 121st. The two regiments advanced; the former commanded by Col. Edwards, the latter (Col. Upton's) commanded by Major Mather; Col. Upton in command of the line. Double columns were formed; muskets were loaded, the step changed to dou­ble quick. Fifty rods from the works the columns were deployed; twenty-five rods farther halt was ordered; knapsacks were unsprung; bayonets fixed; "charge bayonets;" "forward, double quick, march," shouted the Colonel, and the two regiments had, in five minutes, more accomplished their work without firing a shot, and thanks to the   darkness with slight loss. But the rebel line of battle had been formed still further to the right than the angle of the rifle-pit indicated, by Gen. Russell, and at which the right of the 5th   Maine rested. The main body of the enemy were still there, sa... defiant. They had changed from ... were doing so, prepared to defend themselves to the last in their pits, if obliged to forego the pleasure of retaking the forts. Information had been sent to Gen. Russell, that the prescribed portion of the rifle-pit, was in our pos­session, and orders were asked for. The General directed that the two regiments hold their ground and thus protect the fort. Before these orders reached Col. Upton, however, that officer had determined that the moment was propitious for a more brilliant manoeuvre. Reforming the line on the outside of the rifle-pits, the regiments moved by the right flank, and at a double quick right along the works. When nearly opposite the rebel force, Col. Upton shouted, "don't fire a shot; if   they fire at you, lie down; there are three lines of battle behind; let them march over you, and storm the works." Capt. Wilson, Assistant Adjutant Gen­eral, though wounded through the   right arm, waved a captured color in his lap, and shouted, "Forward every lover of his Country." Major Mather cried, "Remember Salem Chapel," and the line formed in an instant by the left flank, for the second time went over the works. This time they were crowded  with the enemy, but confused by their  recent change of front, supposing as they afterwards strongly expressed  it, that "all hell was corning," and thinking that their only chance for mercy, lay in non-resistance to our over­whelming force, over fourteen hundred rebels surrendered to five hundred and  sixty-eight loyal men, and throwing down their arms begged for that quarter, which the Louisiana brigade is  charged with having often refused to the unfortunate prisoners they have taken. The left of the 121st was swung around to the river, cutting off all retreat, and nothing remained but to gather the spoils. They were even beyond expectation. As the result of less than an hour's engagement, the 3d brigade had captured a fort, four pieces of artillery, a battle-flag, and many prisoners. The 2d brigade had captured a long line of rifle-pits, a bridge train, a hundred and three officers, thirteen hundred and thirty-seven enlisted men, six battle flags, one color lance from which the flag had been torn, and about fifteen hundred stands of small arms. The rebel General Hayes, unfortunately escaped, having important business to transact on the other side of the river, just after the commencement of the attack. Col. Penn who took command of the Louisiana brigade, upon Hayes' retreat, being called upon by Col. Edwards of the 5th Maine, to surrender, in a manner somewhat peremptory, asked time for deliberation. "Not a moment" said Colonel E., "this way guard." "Then here is my sword," said Col. Penn. "And your men?" "I am no longer in command. You must ask the commanding officer." So each surrendered for himself, and very anxious each was to do it,—and very much mortified was each, the next morning, to learn that they—the invincibles—behind entrenchments, had surrendered to a force of less than half their number. There can scarcely be a question but that the two regiments were saved from annihilation by Col. Upton's masterly handling of his small force, and by the skillful manner in which he conveyed to the enemy the idea that they were to be overwhelmed. No words of praise are too strong to be applied to the gallant men, who, that night, so distinguished themselves by their cool, determined courage. The loss so slight, (about two hundred in the 3d Brigade, and only sixty in the 2d,) in comparison with that, in so many hard-fought, but fruitless struggles, does not obscure the victory of the living with the blood of the dead. Those who survive will cherish the memory of that proud moment of their lives, and those who fell will be still more honored for having taken part in the glorious struggle in which they met their deaths.
Capt. 121st, N. Y. Vols.

SATURDAY MORNING, April 9, 1864.
From the 121st Regiment.
NEAR BRANDY STATION, VA., March 28th, 1884.
MR. EDITOR, Dear Sir: Being a private of this regiment and an admirer of the Republican, I take the liberty of addressing you a few lines, knowing you be the soldiers' friend, and hoping you will not be offended. I hope you will insert this in your paper, which is valued very highly by the boys that represent old Otsego in this regiment.
We have had some very unpleasant weather for the last few days. On Tuesday evening, the 22d, snow fell to the depth of 10 inches, but it has nearly all disappeared, and bad roads or mud are the fruits of a snow storm in Virginia.
Our camp is very beautifully located on the banks of the Hazel river, about three miles from Brandy Station. And let me say that it is admitted by every one that has seen our camp, to be one of the finest in the army of the Potomac.
The health of the regiment is excellent, only two deaths have occurred this winter. 
Lieut. Col. Olcott is in command of the regiment, and wherever he leads the 121st will follow him. He is a splendid officer, and is well liked by both officers and men. 
Col. Upton is in command of this brigade. Major Mather is assigned to a colored regiment; also Capt. Campbell of company C, and Lieut. Bates of Company I.
Lieut. S. E. Pierce is in command of company F, and makes a good officer, although the boys of company F. regret the loss of the bold and gallant Capt. Wendell, who they all worshipped; but they find in Lieut. Pierce a noble and generous officer, and he has the confidence of the company. He is always looking out for the wants of his men, and ever ready to benefit a private to the extent of his ability.
Capt. Cronkhite has just returned from old Otsego, where he has been on a short leave of absence. He is looking hale and hearty. One of the great features of our camp, is a cottage house that was built for Col. Olcott by members of the regiment. It excels anything in the army; and I think the Colonel appreciates its value.
You would be surprised to see with what eagerness the boys look for the Republican.
York State has proclaimed that her soldiers shall have the right of suffrage while absent, battling for one of the best governments that ever existed; and loyal men of Otsego need have no fears but what the voice that will come from the 121st, will be all they could ask for.
As to that man that stopped his paper because Leonard Spicer was not willing the soldiers should vote, we would say to him and Leonard, depart ye into rebeldom, and there worship a government and ruler that nothing but fiends would approbate.
The regiment will soon be presented with a new stand of colors, on which will be inscribed the battles of Salem Chapel and Rappahannock Station, in which it will be remembered the regiment fought nobly.
We expect, soon, to be inspected by Lieut. Gen. Grant. The boys are all anxious to see the hero of Vicksburg.
More anon. Adieu, A PRIVATE.

From the Little Falls Journal.
From the 121st Regiment.
CAMP OF 121ST N. Y. V.,
It is some time since you have heard from us, who have left our firesides and friends to free our country of rebels and disgrace. I will give you a brief sketch of our battles and travels for fifteen days, under the care and command of Col. Upton, the hero of Rappahannock Station, the beloved of all in the corps, the idol of his command.
The first three days' fighting was most severe on both sides, but after a time the tide turned and we lay for three days in line of battle shifting from right to left, the rebels shelling us and pouring in canister shot like hail. But our men stood firm as a rock, taking it as it came and confident of ultimate victory. At the last hour of daylight the division of rebs, under the command of Gen. Johnson, made a flank movement on our right, the attack commencing about 7 o'clock P. M. With one grand rush they broke our lines on the right and came like yelling bloodhounds over the hills; but their fun was soon ended, for our gallant 2d brigade, with the 3d, rallied and drove them back with a heavy loss. Col. Upton fought here with unexampled bravery, and his regiment have received great praise for their action in the engagement.
We have traveled night and day, fighting every foot of the ground over, entrenching ourselves at every point to be prepared to meet them. On the morning of the 9th we did meet them. They rushed out upon 12 of our guns and lost about 300 men in about five minutes. After much fatigue and hard fighting, we have arrived at our present position near Spottsylvania Court House.
On the afternoon of the 10th we were ordered to fill our canteens and move out on a reconnoisssance, but it turned out to be a charge. Col. Upton commanded the move and at 7 and a half o'clock gave the command, "Attention!" The men rose up—"Forward, double quick!" and away we went, onward to victory. The ball opened before we got far in advance, and the bullets flew fast and thick around us. On we pressed and gained the three first rifle-pits, when our flankers failed to come up and we had to fall back in the face of a galling fire. We also took a battery of artillery but could not bring it off. We suffered greatly in this charge.
The next day, the 11th, we lay still under a shelling, and on the 12th were ordered to move to our left where the 2d corps had made their memorable charge, taking a whole division of prisoners. We marched up and into action in short order, standing and firing nearly all day at a point which, if lost, would compel our retreat back across the Rapidan. But thanks to our brave Colonel and his men, the point was saved. I hear that he was made Brigadier on the field for his distinguished bravery and coolness. On the 18th we moved up on what is now called "Upton's Height," across Po river. We were lying around, resting and enjoying ourselves as well as we could, with the thoughts of the scenes just past upon our minds and the anticipation of many more before us, when Gens. Wright and Meade came up and ordered an advance of our skirmish line. We moved forward but a few feet when a volley stopped our advance and the rebels rushed out and on us in numbers at least eleven to one. We fell back to the line of battle.
We have been fighting like fury for fourteen days, watching nights and fighting day-times and are now nearly worn out, as you may well imagine; but we keep up good cheer and feel "bully," confident of ultimate victory. We have captured many stand of colors, many prisoners and many pieces of artillery.
Out of 15 officers only 4 are left, Capt. Dowe commands the regiment, our Johnny Burrill the first company, Lieut. Redway the second, Lieut. Van Scoy, the third, Lieut. Weaver, the fourth. 
We have 144 men for duty. We started out with 400 muskets and 20 officers; but many of the missing and the slightly wounded will doubtless soon be with us again.
Truly yours, J. H. HEATH.

Officers killed................................................................... 6
         "   wounded ………………………………………..9
         "  missing ………………………………………….1
Enlisted men killed..........................................................25
         "  wounded …………………………………...... 144
         "  missing ………………………………….......... 66

Otsego Republican.
SAURDAY MORNING, May 21, 1864.
PROBABLY KILLED.--A letter to Mr. R. Russell, of this village, from his son, reports Lieut. S. B. Kelley missing, (probably killed.) This announcement creates in us, and a host of others, a pang of deep regret. Young Kelley enlisted nearly two years ago, as a private in the 121st N. Y. Vol., and for bravery and good conduct had recently been promoted to Second Lieutenant. Entering his country's service from purely patriotic motives, we hoped that his life might have been spared to enjoy the blessings of a restored and happy country. Yet he may not be dead. God grant that he may be restored to us.
Lieut. Frank Foote, of the 121st, is reported killed. We regret this, as Frank was a noble fellow, a good soldier, and his death will create a void in a household already overburdened with sorrow. His brother Morris was a member of Gen. Wessell's Staff, and is now a prisoner in Richmond. We hope the sorrows of a fond mother, may be somewhat alleviated by the speedy release of the brave Morris.

121st.—Killed—Colonel Olcott, Capt. C. A. Butts, Wounded—V. J. Eune, A. Old, Maj. H. M. Galpin, A. A. Smith, Nelson Shutts, Louis Dupee, Capt. Kidder, Capt. Cronkhite, Banj. Gifford, Corp. W. G. Lobdel, Marcus Zoller, Corp. W. H. Barnes, Sergt. Augustus Gage, Sergt. Thos. Kana, Wm. McIntyre, W. H. Green, A D. Berry, G. W. Pierson, L. H. Rock, John Chrone, John Volkheart, 2d Lieut. S. Holden, 1st Lieut. J. C. Freeman, James Robinson, J . G. Bush, P. Hunt, O. C. Parsons, H. M. Timmerman, A. M. Jennings, Thos. Seth, Thos. Jenney, Corp. W. G. Lodell, W. F. Tanner, Edwin Oyer, James H. Smith, T. D. Savage, Corp. J. O. Pitchert, Chas. J. Downing, Corp. Simeon Smith, John Booth, Sergt. J. Edwards, Corp. James Hough, Geo. Crippen, Lyman Gadds, Antry Kurtz, A. M. Fellows, Chas. J. Metcalf, Captain Frank Gordon, 1st Lieut. Daniel D. Jackson, H. S. Higbee, P. C. Thorp, James Turnbull, George M. Boorn, H. D. Lewis, Leroy Hollister, Patrick Keenan, Burdett Ganung, John Tucker, Sergt. Warren  Jowker, Dan'l Foley, 1st Lieut. W. H. Tucker, Geo. C. Farrington, A. L. Miller, C. E. Price, H. Sherman, L. Smith, F. Helling, D. A. Pierce, W. W. Fennar, G. W. Stover, A. J. Eysaman, Corp. A. N. Palmer, Sergt. B. J. Hassett, Granville J. Quackenbush, Martin C. Ostrander, Wm. Seiler, John H. Tatem, Peter C. Sharp, F. D. Wing, C. B. Hutchinson, Geo. Farley, G. D. Tichenor, Henry Young, P. H. Hudson, Corp. T. H. Briggs.

Otsego Republican.
Soldier's Letter.
CAMP OF 121st N. Y. REGIMENT, NOV. 17, 1864.
MR. EDITOR—DEAR SIR:—The name of this Regiment is, doubtless, familiar to you. It was raised mostly in your county and those adjoining, and there are among your readers many household and neighborly ties, binding them closely to the officers and men of this regiment. Having for a long time been associated with the 2d Brigade, I have had ample opportunities to learn the character of the regiment; and it gives me great pleasure to bear testimony to its well-earned reputation for intelligence, bravery and soldierly bearing. You need not be reminded by me of its valorous deeds, prior to its campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah, but it has occurred to me that it might not be amiss for me to note some incidents for the last few weeks.
On the 19th of September we broke camp near Berryville, and in a few hours were engaged in the memorable battle of Winchester. The brigade was commanded by Gen. Emory Upton. He was formerly Colonel of the 121st, and has so far won the confidence of this regiment, that officers and men are willing to follow wherever he shall lead. At one point, his quick eye saw that the troops on his right were giving way. Without waiting for orders, the forces under him were marched double-quick, to fill up the gap and strengthen the line. This rapid movement saved the fortunes of the day—for, unable to break the line, the enemy were soon forced to retreat, and the victory, on our part, was complete. When Gen. Upton gave the order to advance, he seized the colors and said, "follow me, and I will tell you where to plant them." Soldiers are never loth to follow such a man. Shortly after this, the Gen. was wounded—but he would not be borne from the field until he was carried by the stretcher bearer to the crest of the hill, that he might see with his own eyes the retreat of the foe. Stretched at night on his pallet of straw, he said to me, "I would willingly give a leg for such a victory"—though his shattered limb was then giving him intense pain. I suppose you are aware that Gen. Upton is from Batavia, in your State. He graduated at West Point with honor, and was assigned to the Artillery, till he was appointed Colonel of the 121st. Temperate, moral and brave, he richly deserves his growing fame, and for his recent services at Winchester, has been made a Brevet Major-General. This is doing well for one only 24 years of age!
If the 121st did its part well at Winchester, on the 19th, so it did at Fisher's Hill, on the 22d. Whether on the skirmish line, or odered [sic] to charge, or to occupy the extreme picket, and its too often hard fighting and wearisome marches, it has been prompt to do its duty faithfully and without murmuring.
I need not give particulars of the march toward Staunton, nor of our subsequent return to Cedar Creek, near Strasburg. Had I time, it would afford me pleasure to describe the march­ing columns, as the three corps in parallel lines, with wagons and artillery in the center, were distinctly seen moving over the open country, while the mountain ridges were in relief on either side, with a clear sky, bracing air, and with no scanty rations, gleaned from the country. The men were in the best of spirits—for victory was perched upon their banners!
The quietness of our encampment was broken on the morning of the 19th of October, by the unexpected attack of Early on the 8th and 19th corps. The particulars of that day's fight, with the crowning victory in the afternoon are without doubt, familiar to you. These victories are always saddened by the thought that they are purchased by the blood and lives of brave men. Lieut. Tucker was killed while boldly following up a charge. He now rests in a quiet grave, on the brow of the hill where he fell, with a head-board denoting the place of buriel [sic]. Nine of the men were killed, and subsequently buried. Four officers and thirty-six men were wounded. Two of these officers have since died—Capt. J . D. P. Dow, of Albany, and Capt. Burrell, of Salisbury. Both of these were brave and honorable men; highly esteemed by officers and men, who deeply feel their loss. 
This Regiment is commanded by Lieut. Col. Egbert Olcutt, of Cherry Valley. Temporarily, he has been in command of the Brigade during the absence of superior officers who were wounded and are now absent. Though in the thickest of the fight, fortunately he escaped unharmed. With a keen and well-furnished mind, of polished manners, cool and sagacious, and of undaunted courage, well versed in the Manual, personally looking after the interests of his men and never leaving to subordinates the duties which devolve on himself, he is admirably fitted to command. Months ago he received his commission as Colonel, but during the existing orders cannot be mustered as such, without a special order from the War Department, till the regiment is raised to its maximum. It is hoped that a special order will be issued in his behalf, in view of his late gallant services. Will not the good people of your section see that the maximum is raised, so that our decimated ranks may be filled up by brave and valiant men!
While Col. Olcutt is in command of the Brigade, and during the absence of Major Galpin, who is again wounded, the regiment is temporarily in command of Captain D. D. Jackson, of Grrrattsville [sic]. The Adjutant of the regiment is Lieut, G. C. Weaver, of Laurens. Both of these officers entered the army as privates, but have won their distinction by their strict attention to duty, and by their bravery. In every battle, they have been at their post of danger without flinching, and have set an example that has not been powerless with their men. With garments pierced with balls they have escaped unharmed, except in one instance, when Capt. J. received a severe wound. 
Several Sergeants have received honorable promotion of late. Sergeants Deuroe, Burton, Barr, Armstrong, Post and Oakes, have been appointed Lieutenants since the late battle of the 19th ult. The standard of morality is high with the officers of this regiment. I was recently present when an official, though verbal message was sent to notify the officers of the 121st that they could obtain whiskey of the Commissary. The answer was, "None of the officers of this Regiment use whiskey." 
The men of this regiment have been of a superior class. There has been an unusual degree of intelligence among them, with a becoming self-respect, and with very many a devout regard for the precepts of the religion they learned by the firesides and in the churches of their distant homes. There are frequent meetings for social prayer, while the respectful attention observed at the Regimental Service on the Sabbath, and which all are required to attend, unless specially excused, shows that the soldier in the field does not forget the customs or instructions of his earlier home. So it should ever be! Men should ever honor, in a cause like ours, the God who ruleth the Heavens and the Earth! To perfect our National prosperity, we need his Divine blessing. 
While referring to the present officers of this regiment we have a tearful memory of Captains Fish and Butts, and Lieut. Pierce, who fell at their posts and now sleep in their unfrequented graves in the "Wilderness." It was there, too, that Captains Gordon and Kidder, and Lieut. Van Scoy received wounds which have compelled one of them to be "honorably discharged," and the others to be absent from active service since May last. Neither do we forget your townsman, Lieut. Foote, who was wounded and taken prisoner, and who, for a time, was reported dead. His amputated limb shows his zeal for his country's service—but we rejoice that his widowed mother and loving friends, who had mourned for him as dead, can change the habiliments of grief into "garments of praise," when they embraced him anew as the living son and brother.
Capt. Paine, with his manly and dignified form, is missed from our circle, for he is still a prisoner of war—and so is Lieut. Kelley. Well do we remember the sweet songs of the latter, and deeply do we pity him if any ill usage in Rebeldom should change the melodies of his voice to the Minor Key! But he has the right ring, and we have no doubt that he has still a voice and a heart for the "Star Spangled Banner."
I have failed to mention that Capt. Cronkhite is on the Division Staff, as Provost Marshal where the qualities of a good soldier are called into requisition. With this sketch of the Regiment, believe me very respectfully yours, 
J. R. A.

Returning Veterans.
THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIRST REGIMENT arrived at 8 o'clock last evening, via Hudson River Railroad, and was received at the ferry by the Citizens' Committee, who made ample provision for their wants at the Stanwix, Mansion, Blake's and Brayton's, after which it marched to the Troy Barracks, where it will remain until paid off.
The Regiment was recruited principally in Otsego and Herkimer counties, and was mustered in at Camp Schuyler, Mohawk, Herkimer county, on the 23d of August, 1862. It went out with 1016 men and returns with 358. It had 750 men added to its ranks while on the field, and was the only regiment from this State that was filled up with drafted men. It left in the field 445 men, who were transferred to the Sixty-fifth New York.
It was engaged in the following battles:—Crampton Gap, first and second Fredericksburg, Salem Heights, Gettysburg, Funktown, Rappahannock Station, Locust Grove, Mine Run, Wilderness, May 5 and 6, 1864, Spottsylvania Court House (three days), Cold Harbor, Petersburg, July, 1864, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Hatcher's Run, Petersburg, March 25th; charged the enemy's work, near Fort Fisher, April 2d, Sailor's Creek. The regiment captured four Rebel flags at Rappahannock Station and two at Sailor's Creek. These trophies are borne in their ranks. It has been in the Sixth Corps ever since it went into service. It lost in killed 250, and in wounded between 600 and 700. Less than 40 men were taken prisoners. But two of the officers that went out return with the regiment. Sixteen officers were killed and twenty-six wounded.
The regiment went out under command of Col. Richard Franchot, member of Congress from the district. Col. Upton next commanded it. He now holds the rank of Brevet Major-General. He was succeeded by Col. E Olcott, nephew of Thomas W. Olcott, Esq., of this city. Col. O. entered the service as a private in Co. C, Forty-fourth Regiment; was subsequently commissioned as a Captain in the Twenty-fifth N. Y. S. V., and afterwards was promoted to the Majority of the One Hundred and Twenty-first.
The following are the officers returned with the regiment:—
Colonel—E. Olcott,
Lieutenant-Colonel—James S. Kidder; went out as Captain.
Major—James Cronkett; went out as First Sergeant.
Adjutant—F. W. Low; went out as private in the Thirty-Second New York Volunteers.
Quartermaster—Theodore Sternbergh; went out as First Lieutenant.
Surgeon—John Slocum.
Chaplain—Rev. Dr. Adams.
Captains—Company G, Hiram H. Van Schaack; Company A, W. K. Redway; Company C, John Johnson—all went out as privates.
Lieutenants—Company K, First Lieutenant Heath; Company E, First Lieutenant Burton; Company F, First Lieutenant Barr; Company G, First Lieutenant Bartlett; Company B, First Lieutenant Morse; Company A, First Lieutenant Snell; Company I, First Lieutenant Woodcock—went out as privates. 
Second Lieutenants—Piper, Armstrong, Post, Craft and Smith.

(Alb. Journal, June 29, 1865)
ARRIVAL AND RECEPTION OF THE 121ST N. Y. S. V.—The 121st Regiment, N. Y. S. V., arrived at 8 o'clock last evening, via Hudson River Railroad, and was received at the ferry by the attentive Citizens Committee. The regiment was mustered in at Camp Schuyler, Mohawk, Herkimer county, on the 23d of August, 1862, 1016 men, under command of Col. Richard Franchot, member of Congress from the district. It returns with 358 men, under command of Col. E. Olcott, nephew of Thomas W. Olcott, Esq., of this city. He entered the service as a private in Co. C, 44th Regiment; was subsequently commissioned as a Captain in the 25th N. Y. S. V., and afterwards was promoted to the Majority of the 121st. The regiment had 750 men added to its ranks while on the field and was the only regiment from this State that was filled up with drafted men. 
It was engaged in the following battles: Crampton Gap, first Fredericksburg, second Fredericksburg, Salem Heights, Gettysburg, Funktown,  Rappahannock Station, Locust Grove, Mine Run, Wilderness, May 5 and 6, 1864, Spottsylvania C. H., (three days,) Cold Harbor, Petersburg, July, 1864, Winchester, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Hatcher's Run, Petersburg, March 25; charged the enemy's work, near Fort Fisher April 2d, Sailor's Creek.
The regiment captured four Rebel flags at Rappahannock Station and two at Sailor's Creek. These trophies are borne in their ranks.
The regiment has been in the Sixth Corps ever since it went into service. It lost in killed 250, and in wounded between 600 and 700. Less than 40 men were taken prisoners. There were left in the field 445 men, transferred to the 65th New York. But two of the officers that went out return with the regiment. Sixteen officers were killed and twenty-six wounded. 
Col. Upton succeeded Col. Fanchot in command, and now holds the rank of Brevet Major-General. 
The following are the officers returned with the regiment:
Colonel—E. Olcott.
Lieutenant-Colonel—James S. Kidder; went out as Captain.
Major—James Cronkett; went out as First Sergeant.
Adjutant—F. W. Low; went out as private in the 32d N. Y. V.
Quartermaster—Theodore Sternbergh; went out as First Lieut.
Surgeon—John Slocum.
Chaplain—Rev. Dr. Adams.
Captains—Co. G, Hiram H. Van Sehaack; Co. A, W. K. Redway; Co. C, John S. Johnson—all went out as privates.
Lieutenants—Co. K, First Lieut. Heath; Co. E, First Lieut. Burton; Co. F, First Lieut. Barr; Co. G, First Lieut. Bartlett; Co. B, First Lieut. Morse; Co. A, First Lieut. Snell; Co. I, First Lieut. Woodcock—went out as privates.
Second Lieutenants—Piper, Armstrong, Post, Paft and Smith.
The regiment was fed at the Stanwix, Mansion, Blake's and Brayton's, after which it marched to the Troy Road Barracks, where it will remain until mustered out and paid off.
(Alb. Express, June 29, 1865)