122nd New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

THE 122D—PROMOTION OF A WORTHY SOLDIER, &c., &c.—A letter from the 122d dated the 11th inst., contains the gratifying intelligence that Orderly Sergeant Ostrander, of Company E, has been promoted to a Lieutenantcy, his commission dating back to May. He has earned it nobly. The first intimation Charley had of his promotion was the reading of the order at dress parade the day before.—Company E was holding a jubilication over the event.
— Lieut.-Col. Dwight was quite ill, and the other field officers being absent, Capt. Walpole, the senior line officer now with the regiment, was in command. Our correspondent highly commends the manner in which be puts the regiment through the battalion drill.
— The regiment was still at Warrenton, in general good health, but complaining much of the intense heat.

OFFICERS OF THE 122D DETAILED FOR SPECIAL SERVICE.—Col. Titus and Captains Brower and Lester, of the 122d regiment, are among the officers from the army of the Potomac detailed to take charge of drafted men in this State. Their headquarters will be at Elmira, where they arrived Saturday. Six privates from the 122d also accompany these officers. Col. Titus and Capt. Lester reached home in this city, the latter Saturday and the former yesterday morning, Capt. Brower is at Homer with his friends.

ALLOTMENTS FOB THE 122D REGIMENT.—The allotments for several companies of this regiment are received and will be paid as follows:
For Cos. B, D, G and K, have been received at the Onondaga County Savings Bank, and will be paid to-morrow, by D. P. Phelps, Esq., at that bank.
For Co. C, received and will be paid at the Bank of Fayetteville, in Fayetteville.
For Co. F, received and will be paid by Mr. D. Chafee, of Marcellus.
For Co. H, received and will be paid by Mr. D. A. Munro, of Camillus.

WOUNEED IN THE 122D AND 149TH.—The following additional wounded in the 122d are published:
William Hewett, Company B, in the abdomen.
Benjamin Houghkirk, Company D, slightly.
Abner Hubbard, slightly [sic].
Also the following in the 149th:
E. Button, and A. J . Snow, of Co. H.

CASUALTIES IN THE 122D.—We are endebted [sic] to Chaplain Nickerson, of the 122d, for a complete list of the casualties in that regiment. He states that Maj. J. B. Davis was severely but not dangerously wounded; his jaw is broken; he came near dying on the battle-field from loss of blood, but on the 5th instant was considered out of danger.—Mr. Nickerson adds that "the regiment behaved splendidly, nobly."

FUNERAL OF THE LATE LIEUT. WOOSTER.—The remains of Lieut. F. M. Wooster, of the 122d regiment, reached Tully this morning, and the funeral services will be held at that place to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon at two o'clock.

A NOBLE RESPONSE.—In response to Colonel Dwight's appeal for a supply of mittens for the 122d regiment, the children of one of the public schools in the town of Cicero have contributed money sufficient to purchase yarn for fifty pairs, and the patriotic women of that part of the town are engaged in knitting the mittens.

DESERVED PROMOTION.—Sergeant Charles B. Clark, of the 122d regiment, has been commissioned Second Lieutenant of Co. I in that regiment. This promotion has been richly earned by the recipient, who is a son of Mr. J. M. Clark, of the Baldwinsville Gazette.

MITTENS FOR SOLDIERS.—Yarn for mittens for the 122d and 149th regiments will be distributed to ladies willing to knit them, by Miss Gertrude Hillis, at No. 108 East Genesee street, (south side of Fayette Park). It being important that the mittens should be forwarded within a week or ten days, it is hoped that the ladies in the city and also in such of the towns as are not already engaged in getting up soldiers' mittens, will give a helping hand immediately.

MEMBERS OF THE 122D IN HOSPITAL.—An Alexandria correspondent of the Utica Herald gives the following list of members of the 122d regiment who had arrived from White House at the hospitals at Alexandria, Va.:
Lieut. T. L. Poole, Lieut. Dudley G. Shirley, Sergeant S. D. Cutcliffe, Serg't W J. Anderson, Jas. Powell, Barney Van Alstine, Aimer Thompson, J. Ortell, Alfred Worden, Alfred Houser, Ed. V. Baker, James R. Lawrence, S. C. Trowbridge, Charles Landphier, Lewis Smith, Hiram Wicks, Sidney Case, Serg't E. S. Barney, James B. Robinson, Corp. Lewis Amidon, Fred. A. Meade.

DETAILED FOR SPECIAL SERVICE.—Col. Titus and Capts. Brower and Lester, of the 122d regiment, are among the officers from the Army of the Potomac detailed to take charge of drafted men in this State. Their headquarters will be at Elmira, where they arrived on Saturday. Six privates from the 122d also accompany these officers. Col. Titus and Capt. Lester have reached home, and Capt. Brower is at Homer with friends.

Died in Hospital.—A letter to the Syracuse Courier, from Alexandria, Va., announces the death, from a wound through the neck, of HERBERT MERCANDOLLAR, of the 122d regiment. He was a son of Mr. JOHN MERCANDOLLAR, of Camden. His comrades pronounce him a good boy and a brave soldier.

FROM THE 122D.—A letter from Mr. William E. Ruggles, of Co. B, 122d regiment, to his father, dated June 28th, states that the regiment had retired from the rifle-pits near Petersburg and was then in camp in a pleasant woods, behind breastworks, near the scene of recent active operations, The men were enjoying a season of rest and recuperation.

LIEUT. COL. DWIGHT SICK.—Letters received from members of the 122d, state that Lieut. Col. Dwight was quite sick on Thursday last, and that Capt. Walpole was in command of the regiment

FROM THE 122D.—A letter from A. B. Perry, of the 122d, dated the 19th, says the regiment still occupies its old camp. They are, however, ready for a move at any time.
Several companies had just come in from a three days' picket. While on this duty they had considerable talk with the enemy. One of the rebel pickets claimed to have been formerly a Syracusean. He gave his name as John Griffin, and asked after many persons in Syracuse. He wanted to send a letter across to be forwarded to Mr. G. N. Harris, to whom he used to go to school, but he had no chance. He said he had a brother who was a Porter at the Globe Hotel. Griffin is a thorough rebel, and is confident of success.
A laughable incident occurred while the detachment was on picket duty. About two months ago, Oscar A. Penoyer lost his voice, and has not been able to speak aloud since, until yesterday. He was on duly at 2 o'clock A. M., and when Lieut. Pool, who was officer of the day, was going his rounds, he was at a loss now to halt him. However, he threw all of strength into his whisper, and out came his voice so loud that it was heard distinctly all along the lines. It scared Penoyer himself so that he jumped a rod, and frightened Pool out of six inches growth. Penoyer now has the use of his voice again.

A TRIBUTE TO A GALLANT SOLDIER.—We publish on the second page to day a feeling tribute from a friendly pen to the personal worth and patriotic services of the late George S. Parker, of Camillus, a member of the 122d N. Y. V., who fell at Gettysburg. It is a fact of interest in this connection, that this gallant young soldier was a grand-nephew of Silas Wright, formerly Governor and U. S. Senator for this State.

DEATH OF AN OTISCO VOLUNTEER.—Myron Hinman, of Co. F., 122d regiment, from Otisco, died on Tuesday in New York. He was on duty when Burnside fought at Fredericksburg, and there contracted the disease of which he died, while his friends were bringing him home. This is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Hinman, of Otisco, who has fallen in the country's service,—another having been killed while serving under Rosecrans. The funeral services will be held at Amber, Friday, 29th inst, at one o'clock in the afternoon.
The allotment money from members of Co. G, 122d regiment, can be had by proper persons applying at the store of Weed & Marvin, in Jordan, and A. Wood & Sons, Elbridge.

AT HOME.—Lieut. Clapp, of Baldwinsville, and Lieut. Marks, of Camillus,—both of the 122d,—are at home on short leaves of absence.

LIEUT. WILSON'S WOUND.—Mr. L. Wilson, ticket agent at Memphis, returned home Saturday evening, from a search after his wounded brother, Lieut. M. L. Wilson, of the 122d. He found him at Washington, on hoard a transport just from Fredericksburg. Lieut. Wilson has a bad wound in his right shoulder. He is now improving, and is expected to be able to come home in three or four weeks.

LETTER FROM LIEUT. OSTRANDER.—The ... Lieut. Chas. W. Ostrander has finally received a letter from him, thus settling beyond all doubt that he was not killed in the battle of the Wilderness. The letter is dated at New Orange Court House, Va., Monday, May 9th, and says:
" I was taken prisoner last Friday, and have lost my right leg, about four inches below the knee. * * The Confederates have been very kind to me. You must not worry, as I guess I shall get along. Robert Donahue died last Saturday morning; he was shot through the bowels. * * I am feeling very well this morning. It was very warm yesterday, and they furnished us ice for our wounds. The doctors tell me that my wound is doing well." [Standard.

DEATH OF LIEUT. WILSON.—Dr. S. M. Higgins, of Memphis, who returned last evening with the body of Mason Tyler, of that place, an old member of the 101st, who died at Fairfax Seminary Hospital on the 3d inst., of a wound received in the Wilderness, informs us that Lieut. M. D. Wilson of Co, A, 122d regiment, died in hospital in Georgetown, D. C., on the 19th inst., from wounds received in the Wilderness. His body is on the way to Memphis, for interment.

SUPPLIES FROM THE SANITARY COMMISSION.—A private of Co. E, 122d Regiment, in a letter home, writes as follows:
" We have received considerable from the Sanitary Commission, such as dried apples, tomatoes sour krout, chow-chow, pickles, lemons, potatoes, &c., so we manage to get along without much trouble. We have a very cool, nice camp in the woods, and we dug a well yesterday and have good water in the street and plenty of it. I must go now and draw a lot of provisions for the Company that the Sanitary Commission sent up. We have fresh bread every day."

LIEUT. POOLE AT HOME.—Lieut. T. L. Poole, of the 122d, reached home on Saturday evening. He was wounded twice at the battle of Cold Harbor, one ball passing through the left arm between the elbow and shoulder and another through his left side,—both severe flesh wounds. He is doing well.

DIED IN HOSPITAL.—Private John Wicks, of the 122d, died in hospital at Alexandria on the 13th, and was buried in the soldiers' cemetery on the 14th.

WOUNDED OFFICERS.—It is telegraphed to the New York papers that Lieut. T. L. Poole and Lieut. D. G. Shirley, of the 122d regiment, wounded at the Cold Harbor battle, arrived at Washington on Tuesday.

SHARP SHOOTERS.—The Baldwinsville Gazette has intelligence from the 122d regiment that Capt. A. H. Clapp has been detailed to command a company of Sharp shooters belonging to the brigade, and has made a requisition for the Spencer rifles, which the rebels say the Yanks load on Sunday and fire continually all the rest of the week.

FROM THE 122D.—A letter from A. B. P. with the 122d, dated Edwards Ferry, Maryland, June 27th, says: the regiment left Fairfax Court House on the 24th and marched five miles to Centerville and relieved the troops lying there in the fortifications, who immediately started for Thoroughfare Gap. The whole brigade to which the 122d is attached, went out on picket duty that night. On the 26th they received orders to march, and went nineteen miles through the mud and rain to Drainsville that day. On the 27th they marched fourteen miles to Edwards' Ferry and crossed into Maryland. They were to march north the next day after the "grey backs." Then men were all well and in the best of spirits.

AT AQUIA CREEK.—A letter from A. B. P. of the 122d regiment, thus recounts the adventures of himself and a comrade while on a visit to Aquia Creek:
Yesterday morning we took the lightning train at this station, and were whirled away towards the river at the rate of a mile an hour. In due course of time we arrived at the flourishing city of Aquia Creek. Our first visit then was to the famous Union Eating House, an oh, the good things there, were better to the hungry soldier than gold or silver. The tables fairly groaned under the load of good things. We were furnished with one "cold spud," one cup of slop, one poor sea biscuit, a bit of good butter, a small herring fried without dressing,—it was delicious, but we didn't think so—and all for only one dollar each. The next place was to the soda fountain, where we took two cups of the worst stuff ever made. Then we found a greasy colored gentleman with what he called "ice cold lemonade." We drank two dirty tumbler fulls each, and then went to the Sutler's. In fifteen minutes after we had to find a doctor. D—n Aquia Creek.

THE 122D.—Letters from the 122d to the 10th, and telegraphic news of Saturday, show that the regiment was in the post of honor and duty on the right of our lines across the river. News dispatches say that John Conner, of Co. E, Dwight Hall, of Co. K, and Chas. Everingham, of Co. C, were wounded on Wednesday, while going on picket duty. A letter of the 10th mentions that a Lieutenant had also been wounded, but the writer could not ascertain who.

THE FIRST LONG ISLAND REGIMENT AT GETTYSBURG.—The First Long Island Regiment, Colonel Cross, distinguished themselves greatly on Friday, in the battle at Gettysburg. In an attack to recover some rifle pits occupied by the enemy, the 122d N. Y. regiment led the way, and they had fired their sixty rounds of cartridges when the Long Islanders advanced to relieve them. The fire of the latter became so severe that the rebels soon displayed white flags from the pits, and finally surrendered to the regiment Col. Cross's command was entirely uninjured in this attack.

THE 122D IN MARYLAND.—We understand that a private telegram was received here this forenoon, which stated that the 122d regiment had reached Baltimore. If this be true, it indicates that a part and probably the whole of the Sixth Corps has been transferred from Grant's army to that Ssate [sic].

LIEUT. OSTRANDER EXCHANGED.—A telegram from Fortress Monroe states that Lieut. Charles W. Ostrander, of the 122d, has been exchanged and released. He was wounded in the Wilderness, losing one of his legs, and was taken prisoner by the rebels. He is expected home in a few days.

THE LOSSES OF THE 122D.—A special dispatch from Mr. S. C. Suydam, telegraph operator at Baldwinsville, states as follows: 
" A letter just received from Lieut. C. B. Clark to his father states that Lieut.-Col. Dwight, Capt. Marks, Lieut. Shirley and Sergeant Buck, of the 122d regiment, are wounded; Lieut. Sims killed. Lieut. Clark is himself seriously wounded in the thigh. He also adds: We have gained one of the greatest victories of the war."

THE VOICE OF A WAR DEMOCRAT.—Col. Silas Titus, of the 122d, made a rousing speech at the war meeting yesterday afternoon. He made a plain talk to the Peace Democrats, who in his eyes, as in those of all true soldiers, were loathsome objects of pity. The Colonel proclaimed that he had always been a Democrat, is now a Democrat and always will be a Democrat, and that Abraham Lincoln was as good a Democrat as there is in the land, and so good a one that he (Col. T.) as a Democrat could give him his most hearty and cordial support.

CASUALTIES IN THE 122D.—The 122d regiment was engaged in the Battle of Cold Harbor, near Richmond, on the afternoon of June 1st. The Tribune's list of casualties contains Lieut. F. M. Wooster, reported killed, and Lieut. T. M. Poole, wounded in the arm and side.

CASUALTIES IN THE 122D.—On the 13th inst., the 122d regiment was engaged in a reconnoisance near Berryville, Va. The rebels were found in force at Opequan, and a smart little fight took place, in which two men of the 122d were wounded,—Albert Monroe, Company C, left arm taken off by a shell; Charles Dean, Company I, contusion of right thigh, by shell, slight.

THE 122D IN MARYLAND.—A note from Lieut. Col. Dwight, dated "near Frederick, Md., July 28th," says:
" We are tramping through 'My Maryland.' Our Regiment was paid, off three days since. All as well as usual."

THE 122d.—On the 1st of August the 122d regiment was encamped five miles from Harper's Ferry, near the place where John Brown was hung. The force to which this regiment is at present attached, was twenty-four hours in crossing the Potomac at Harper's Ferry; the numbers are not stated.

DEATH OF SERGEANT CHARLES Y. FELTON.—Sergeant Charles T. Felton, of Co. K, 122d N. Y. V., died at Lincoln Hospital on Wednesday, the 22d inst., of wounds received in the battle at Gaines' Mill near Richmond. His remains will be brought home for interment, and notice of the funeral will be given hereafter.

The 122d.—It will be seen by today's telegraph dispatches that the 122d regiment occupies a very precarious position on the right front, where they are exposed to an enfilading fire from the rebel sharpshooters. On the 11th inst., while going on picket duty, privates John Conner, of Co. E, Dwight Hall, Co. K, and Charles Everingham, Co. C, of this regiment, were wounded, We are unable to state whether the wounds received by them are of a serious nature or otherwise.

THE ARREST OF THE DESERTER.—The arrest of John Jones, who has deserted several times from the 122d Regment [sic], was due to Special Provost Marshal John G. Meldram, and not the other officers whose names we gave in connection with the arrest, and who only aided him in securing the desperate character. Before taken he received a flesh wound in the hand from a bullet, which was removed on Wednesday by Surgeon Shipman. Colonel Titus sent him back to the regiment yesterday, and it would be surprising if he received a bullet that would put a quietus on his desertions.

A DETERMINED DESERTER ARRESTED.—John Jones, a member of the 122d regiment who deserted just before the battle of Gettysburg, was arrested near Amboy last evening by the agents of the Provost Marshall and several others who accompanied them. The fellow has evaded several previous attempts to catch him by hiding in the fields and woods. The party got track of him in the evening and followed him some distance, he learning they were after him and trying to escape. He was finally surrounded in a corn field. His hunters closing in on him he broke cover and ran and was escaping under a bridge when one of the party fired a pistol at him wounding him in the hand when he stopped. He is a hard case, brother of a notorious character who once broke jail in this city and once in Utica.

DEATH OF A CAMILLUS VOLUNTEER.—A very promising young man, George S. Parker, son of Mr. Isaac T. Parker, of Camillus, who enlisted in Co. H, 122d regiment, fell mortally wounded at Gettysburg. His father, learning from the papers of his being severely wounded, proceeded to the battlefield to render aid to him, but on reaching there found that his son had survived his wound but five days. The body was brought home, and the funeral took place at Camillus last Sunday. A funeral sermon will be preached by Rev. E. R. Davis, in the Presbyterian Church at Camillas, on Sunday morning next.

MERITED PROMOTION.—Our townsman, Andrew J. Smith, who left here a year ago as Adjutant of the 122d regiment, and was soon afterwards made Captain in that regiment, has recently been appointed Assistant Adjutant General in the Third Division of the Sixth Army Corps. This preferment of an excellent soldier will gratify his many friends at home.

CAPT. WALPOLE'S CAPTURE.—In a letter written by Henry Gee, Co. E, 122d regiment, we find the following in regard to Capt. Walpole:
" Capt. Walpole is probably a prisoner. He was taken on the 11th inst., I think, (we can hardly keep track of the days here.) He was sent on picket up very close to the rebels in a pine wood. After he was deployed, and got ourselves covered, there was an advance ordered to be made and Capt. Walpole being in command of the regiment, went in advance of the left wing. He went too far, and was taken prisoner."

CAPT. WALPOLE HEARD FROM.—A private letter was received here this morning from Capt. Horace H. Walpole, of the 122d regiment. It was dated Gordonsville, Va., May 20th, and was postmarked Old Point Comfort, June 4th. He states that he was a prisoner, unhurt, and on his way to Lynchburg. He had strong hope of soon being exchanged.
The last seen of Capt. Walpole by members of his regiment was on the afternoon of May 6th, when he was in command, and while inspecting the picket line he got within the enemy's line and was captured. It is a great relief to his friends to know that the uncertainty they have felt as to his fate is cleared up.

HEALTHFUL DIET FOR THE SOLDIERS.—A letter from Sergeant Philo E. Ruggles, to his father, Mr. Noble O. Ruggles, contains an interesting account of the exploits of the 123d regiment in the blackberry fields near Warrenton, Va., and all along the route of their recent march from the Potomac. At the time of writing, the regiment was encamped near a patch of fifty acres, from which for three days the men had picked all the blackberries they wanted to eat, and where a man could then pick a quart in ten minutes. This fruit, eaten freely, had an excellent effect on the sanitary condition of the regiment. Some of the army surgeons said that the free use of blackberries in the army of the Potomac since the return into Virginia, had saved the government a million of dollars in medicines and hospital expenses.

DEATH OF A BALDWINSVILLE VOLUNTEER.—Lieut. A. H. Clapp, of the 122d, writes home an account of the death of Corporal James G. Elliott, of that regiment. He died in the cars on Monday, the 9th inst., while being conveyed to Washington with the rest of the wounded, from the effects of wounds received on Saturday the 7th inst., while at the front engaged with the enemy at Rappahannock Station. He was wounded in the left side, the ball entering near the point of the hip, while he was lying down. The ball could not be found by the Surgeon. His canteen, haversack and knapsack bore evidence of the severity of the storm of leaden hail to which he was exposed. He was not considered to be dangerously wounded when he was placed in the cars to be taken to Washington.

FROM THE 122D.—A letter from A. B. P., of the 122d, dated near Warrenton the 30th ult., says: We have been lying here in the bush blackberrying, since last Saturday (the 25th.) The men are generally well. Frank Shaver of Company E, is very sick, I think of fever. George H. Parker, of Company H, who was wounded at Gettysburg, is dead; also Jack Cane and Dennis McCarthy, of Company K. Lieutenant Wilson, of Company A, who was wounded at Gettysburg, is back again doing duty with his company. Lieutenant-Colonel Dwight seems to stand the fatigue of the past few weeks better than any one else. He is a splendid officer and is well liked by the whole regiment. He is now in command, Col. Titus being absent.

DESERVED PROMOTION.—Sergeant Charles W. Ostrander, of Co. E, 122d regiment, has been made Second Lieutenant of that company,—his commission dating May last.

THE 122D ALLOTMENT.—The allotment money from the members of Co. G, 122d regiment can be had by proper persons applying at the store of Weed and Marivin, in Jordan, and A. Wood & Sons, Elbridge.

May 7th, 1863.
DEAR STANDARD:—The stirring events of the last week have been fully learned by you before this, I presume. Our regiment, on leaving camp on the 29th ultimo, went to help the pontoon trains to the river, and after dark a squad of seventy-five men took each boat, and carried it over a mile, and then launched it into the river; and at the first gray of daylight, sixty boats, filled with men, dashed across the river, and cleared the rifle-pits at the first crossing below the city, with a loss of one man killed, one officer and three men wounded.
The enemy were completely surprised; but lower down, and later in the day, another bridge was laid, in spite of a sharp resistance, in which our loss was nine killed and fifty-seven wounded."
We then remained there till April 2d, when our brigade crossed after dark, and drove in the enemy's pickets and skirmishers, and occupied the town. We were then joined by other troops, and at 11 A, M., our brigade and four other regiments stormed the heights and drove out the enemy, taking 17 guns and whipping Barksdale's Mississippi brigade, the prisoners from which told us that it was their ninth battle, and that they were never beaten before.
We lost Capt. Church severely, but as learn, not dangerously, wounded, and nine men wounded—two severely, the rest slightly. The two severely wounded were private Hubbard, of Co. E, and private Hewitt, of Co. H; but it is thought that both will recover.
After taking the heights, we pushed on, and came up with the enemy at Salem Heights, about four miles from the city, where he had been heavily reinforced. A heavy and terrible fight here took place, the enemy being very strongly posted, and we could not drive them from their position.
We fought till dark, when the fight ended, and began the next day, but not so heavy, till the afternoon, when the rebels attacked us on three sides, in very superior numbers, and were beaten back with tremendous loss.—They charged our left five times—twice with a single line of battle, and three times with treble lines of battle—and were mowed down and slaughtered like sheep each time. The First Massachusetts battery fired every round of ammunition in its possession, finishing up by throwing its last solid shot at the flying butternuts.
But it was plain that retreat was our only course, and at nightfall we were skillfully withdrawn. We are now near our former camp. Our escape as a regiment seems little short of miraculous. Though exposed to a tremendous fire in the city, and a hot fire of skirmishers on the heights, and in the centre of a surrounding fire at Salem heights, our whole loss has been but what I have given. 
The result has shown what we have always claimed, that we have a regiment composed of the most splendid material, and capable of being made equal to any in the service.

June 9th, 1863.
I have written you once before from this place, and nearly the same spot, on the 14th of December last.
We broke up camp on Friday last, and moved to the river at what is now called Franklin's Crossing—our old place. The bridges had been laid with a sharp resistance in which Capt, Cross, of the Engineers, Captain of a New Jersey regiment and several men were killed, and eighteen wounded; in all, a loss of about twenty-five. We then crossed and took position on the south bank and threw out our pickets. My own impression is that the move was made under the idea that the hights [sic] were abandoned, as the rebels had been moving, in large numbers, up to the right; but our demonstration soon showed that they were here, for in the afternoon of the 6th, the long, heavy columns of gray-backs, with nothing shining but their muskets, moved over the hills and into their works, and a heavy picket line on our front showed them on the qui vive. Johnny Butternut is not very good natured this time either. We hold a front of almost half a mile, while our picket line is fully a mile and a half long, the farthest part about three-fourths of a mile from the river. On the front and left everything is lovely; but on the right they are as waspish as a nest of bumble-bees after we have mowed over their nest in the old meadow at home. A fine old home and some out-buildings, just in range of our line there, and between it and Fredericksburg, furnish a den for their sharpshooters, and they have been pop, pop, poping [sic] at our pickets ever since we have been here, but our fellows understand the gamut and none of them have been hurt Until this morning the orders have been not to return the fire, but just now ten of the Berdan Sharp-shooters have been deployed, with long telescopic rifles, and the rebs have pretty much closed up the business. Yesterday and day before a battery opened on the houses, and made splendid shots, rattling the rebs out in fine style, but they would skulk back as soon as the fire was stopped.
The cause of this hostility is in all probability a disinclination to let us approach near Fredericksburg, and a fear that we might extend our lines in that direction, if not opened on, though it has something of a look of willful annoyance, as they sometimes fire in the evening, and indulge in guffaws of laughter, distinctly audible, alternately. Then they seem to have a "predjudice agin" mounted officers of the pickets, taking a pop at them every good chance, but have hurt none so far. It is amusing to watch them with a strong glass and see them manoeuvre to get up under cover, and to see all the time the "Berdan" watching them, and quite carelessly running his hat outside of the tree and magnanimously exposing himself to their sight, as if he did not see them. Pretty soon Johnny advances to take cover behind a tree or stump, when you see the bright, glancing glitter of the "Berdan's" rifle as he comes to an aim.—Johnny sees it too, for he either runs like a whitehead for the nearest thing that a heavy conical ball won't penetrate, or else drops upon the ground and hugs it close. If he shows, or don't get off, or don't happen to see the movement, the sharp crack of the rifle and the whistle of the ball, like a miniature shell, is very apt to be his requiem.—But yon reb is no fool or coward. Keep close, for if you don't fetch him, he won't jump or move for that ball within a foot of him, but he'll fetch you if you give him a chance. The heavy, long rifles of the "Berdans" are our advantage, and Johnny knows it, and he is playing it close and quiet. It may sometimes look like cowardice when three or four of them run at the pointing of a Berdan, but I've seen blue-jackets run under similar circumstances, at an elongated double quick, and men who were as brave as lions and as cool as cucumbers all the while. The only place where we are any better or braver than they is with the bayonet. The shock, rush, heat and excitement of firing agrees with the impetuous Southern blood exactly, but the cool, deliberate, de¬termined Northern blood drives a line of bayonets the farthest and bears down Johnny's flashing valor. Hence they always fight in the woods, if possible, and I verily believe that in the open field our men would feel sure of victory in every encounter with ten per cent of superior numbers on the part of the enemy. Nor is this without reason. Our men are stronger and more muscular, though not averaging any taller.—Many of the rebs are fierce-looking fellows, but I think the counterpoise of equal numbers on the average would be more than ten per cent in our favor. No doubt this is owing to the tendency of the Southern climate and Southern habits to make men thin and spare—the physique of almost all the Virginians, even, where white men labor considerably, and much more so further South, where idleness is the rule from childhood.—Still, this is by no means an invariable rule. Many of our prisoners at the storming of the heights, May 3d, were finely-formed, good-looking, frank fellows, but the very biggest I saw were foreigners impressed into the service.
But let us return to our muttons, (French you know.) On our left the pickets are all quiet and a little disposed to keep up their habits of last winter. Yesterday morning, after our regiment, the 23d Pennsylvania, and 67th New York, had been all night on picket, one of the rebs. cautiously showed some newspapers before him, and laid them down. One of the 67th coolly laid down his gun, walked over to the rebel lines and swapped papers. As he came back he was arrested, having been detected by an officer, and at the instant of his arrest another trade was seen going on between one of the 23d and a reb. He was also arrested, and at the same time a rebel corporal and file of men were seen arresting the reb who had made the trade. Where the line ran through a little hollow an officer yesterday missed two or three men, and going a little to the front found them engaged with about the same number of rebs very socially and amicably in pitching coppers. It seems one side had stumped the other, and promised "honor bright," and the "stump" had been accepted and the pledge violated neither. The officer would not break the word of his men, but rather savagely ordered the rebs back to their lime, and placed his own men at once under arrest. But you must not imagine that these men would not fight each other. Blass you, mi boi, I've seen 'em "going in," mad as hornets one inute, and the next minute almost, shaking hands with the prisoners, drinking from the same canteen, and aying, "Euchred you this time, old fellow. Bound to fetch you all before we get through with you. You done well though. Have a drink of water?" To which theme thus responding speaks ye jolly rebel, "Well, yes, I will. You fellows have done d--d well,—fight like the d—l after all. Never mind; we'll beat you some other time. You can't whip us." (The latter phrase is stereotyped, and I verily believe occupies the same place in their vocabulary that "scissors" did in that of the tailor's rebellious wife.)
My skirmishers took a young fellow May 3d, and when I told him to report to battalion in the rear, he looked very blue and down hearted, and reported in a state of corresponding despondency, but in two minutes was laughing and joking, completely reassured. 
We hold a strong position on the south bank and have the city right under the fire of our guns. It is hardly possible that the rebs will attack us, and if they do it is almost a dead certainty that they will get terribly defeated. The army is in good spirits, and the fighting Sixth Corps look on the frowning heights in the rear of the city as their peculiar property, and something they want to take once more to keep. Of the number of men here I, of course, can say nothing, nor ought I to make any guesses as to the object, though like all real Yankees, I have my own clear opinion, but F. J. Hooker is not the man to idle away his time, and if he is not down on 'em like a thunder-clap some fine morning, I am mistaken. Our regiment feel well, and are a set of bully boys, I tell you. The picket-firing has pretty ... dried up while I have been writing, ... I'll imitate. D.

Casualties in the 122d Regiment at Gettysburg.
Rev. L. M. Nickerson, Chaplain of the 122d regiment, sends us the record of the casualties in that regiment in the battles at Gettysburg, which he procured from the Hospital Record, as follows:

Corporal Hiram C. Hiltz, Co. C.
Patrick Fanning, Co. C.
James Wickham, Co. E.
John Sidney, Co. H.
Mike McHale, Co. H.
Corporal John Traverse, Co. G.
Daniel Casey, Co. G.
William Whitworth. Co. K.

Maj. J. B. Davis, face, jaw broken, severely but not dangerously wounded.
Lieut. LaRue, Co. E, thigh, severely.
C. H. Williams, Co. C, neck, slightly.
Nathan Johnson, Co. K, slightly in foot, severely in thigh.
Homer Peck, Co. H, head, slightly.
Carlton Sanders, Co. H, head and side, severely in both.
Geo. Edwards, Co. K, flesh wound, severe.
James H. Mills, Co, H, side, severely.
E. H. Pease, Co. G, breast, slightly.
Geo. S. Parker, Co. H, chest, severely.
Jack Cain, Co. K, face, severely.
Stephen B. Thorp, Co. F, right thumb shot off, accidental.
Sergeant C. W. Ostrander, thigh, slightly, not disabled.
Wm. Ashfield, Co. E, hand, not bad.
Charles Hickcot, Co, E, right cheek, severely.
Franklin Phillips, Co. E, right cheek, slight, buckshot.
Benj. Sharp, Co. H, right hand, slight.
George L. Loop, Co. B, left leg, gun shot, slight.
Stephen Lake, Co. B, chest, severe.
Corporal Hudson C. Marsh, Co. B, left thigh, gun shot, severe flesh wound.
Morris Harrington, Co. H, gun shot in forehead, slight.
Corporal C. W. Steele, Co. B, very severe gun shot wound in face and neck.
Hiram C. Agan, Co. C, left arm, slight.
Dennis McCarthy, Co. K, right arm, bone broken, amputated at the shoulder.
George Lathrop, Co. I, left hand, by shell, slight.
James H. Milles, Co. C, head, slight,

A Syracusan Among Bushwackers.
Mrs. Heath, residing on Church street, whose husband is in the army at Suffolk, Va., has just received the following letter from a companion of her husband, showing very conclusively that Mr. Heath is equal to almost any emergency. We think the rebel bushwhackers will give Mr. Heath a wide berth in future:
N. C., June 27, 1863.
MRS. H. A. HEATH:—By your husband's request I write you a few lines to inform you of his misfortune. We had an important and dangerous duty to perform, and I being almost entirely helpless I asked Mr. Heath to assist me in repelling an attack made upon us by bushwhackers, seven in number, against three of us. Mr. Heath saved us from total destruction. He killed five of the seven with his revolver, the sixth charge being out at the time we were attacked.—His injuries are not dangerous by any means, and I will see that he is cared for properly. I never saw better courage shown in any soldier than was shown by Mr. Heath in this action. I was wounded at the time Mr. H. came up with us, and my two men deserted me. I owe my life to Mr. Heath. May God bless him. He will be able to write in a few days.
Yours respectfully,
A. C. ASHHURST, 177th Pa. Reg't."

OUR REGIMENT IN THE FIGHT.—From the New York papers of yesterday we gather the following particulars of the action of our regiments, the 149th and the 122d in the battles in Pennsylvania:
In Saturday's fight the 122d and 149th were both under command of Gen. Geary of the 12th corps—General Shaler's brigade being assigned to his command for the day. It will be a satisfaction to all friends of both regiments to know that in this terrible fight their destinies were both cast with one General, and he, one in whom all have confidence that they were both together taking part and supporting each other in the same struggles and behind the same breast works, that together they made a name of glory.

The Herald's correspondent says:
During the night of Thursday Green's brigade of the 12th corps had fallen back from a line of rifle pits upon our right and upon attempting to occupy them again in the morning, found them in the possession of the rebels. To regain these works, Shaler's brigade, composed of the 122d New York, Col. Titus, 1st Long Island, Col. Cross; 65th New York, of 1st United States Chasseurs, Colonel Hamblin; 23d Pennsylvania, Lieutenant-Colonel Glenn, and 82d Pennsylvania, Col. Bassett, was sent to the front immediately upon its arrival.—The 122d New York took the lead, and troops never loaded or fired with greater rapidity or surer effect than the gallant soldiers of this regiment, cheered by their intrepid leaders.—Their sixty rounds of ammunition was exhausted upon the rebels, when the Long Island regiment advanced to relieve them. As the muskets of the latter were raised the entire body of the rebels in the pits rose up with white flags and surrendered. There were between three and four hundred of them in the breast works, and all preferred capture to a reptition [sic] of the regimental fire they had just received.
Among all the incidents of the battle mentioned in the full correspondence of the New York papers, we see none where the fire of a single regiment compelled the surrender of so large a body of rebels as that of the 122d mentioned in the above extract.
But their gallant deeds were not accomplished without heavy loss. The following partial list of causualties [sic] is published. It was forwarded by Adjutant Tracy and is complete:

Sergeant Hiram G. Hilts, Co. G.
Corporal John Travers, C. G.
Corporal Wm. Whitworth, Co. K.
Patrick Fanning, Co. C.
James Wickham, Co. E.
John Sidham, Co. H.

Major J. B. Davis, jaw broken.
Lieut. Wm. H. LaRue, hip.
Sergeant Hiram Agan, arm.
" Chas. W. Ostrander, Co. E, thigh, slightly.
" Chas. H. Eldridge, Co. E, chin.
Corporal Hudson C. Marsh, Co. B, thigh.
" Loriston Adkins, Co. B, hand, slightly.
" Chas. Williams, Co. C. neck.
" Daniel Casey, Co. B, head.
" Hiram G. Woolsey, Co. G, eye.
" Geo S. Parker, Co. H, breast.
" Morris Harrington, Co. H, badly.
Stephen Blake, Co. B, breast.
George L. Loof, Co. B, leg.
Wm. VanEtta, Co. B, foot.
James Miler, Co. C, head.
F. A. Phillips, Co. E, face.
Reno T. Griffin, Co. E, hand.
Chas. Hiccox, Co. E, eye.
Wm. N. Ashfield, Co. E, hand.
Chas. H. Weismore, Co. E, head.
Edward H. Pease, Co. G, hip.
Carlton Sanders, Co. H, abdomen.
James H. Mills, Co. H, shoulder.
Homer Peck, Co. H, cheek.
Darius Bowman, Co. H, cheek, slightly.
Benj. Sharp, Co. H, right hand.
George H. Lathrop, Co. I, hand.
Nathan Johnson, Co. K, hip.
Dennis McCarthy, Co. K, right arm.
John Cain Co. K, neck.
George Edwards, Co. K, right arm.
Simeon S. Button, Co. K, leg.
C. Wilson, Co. G, eye.

A letter from Adjutant O. V. Tracy to his mother has just been received, dated July 4th, from which we extract the following: 
We arrived at Manchester, Md., on the night of the 1st; laid still on the 2d, until about 5 o'clock when we received orders to march. We marched all night and the next day until about four P. M., making in all about thirty miles. During the night I was so sleepy I had to get off my horse and walk to keep awake. After our arrival near Gettysburg we laid quiet for about an hour and then were ordered up to the front and there remained all night. The next morning (Friday) our brigade was detached and ordered to report to General Slocum. We were put behind a breast work of logs, with the rebels behind a stone wall about 200 yards in front. I happened to be with the left wing when the 1st Maryland who were in front of us, got out of ammunition and came running in. As soon as we learned the state of the case, the left six companies advanced and took position behind the front breast works. I tell you the bullets whistled some. We kept our position and finally drove the rebels from theirs. Soon after we took possession of the works, a regiment came up and relieved the regiment on our left; and judge of our surprise and pleasure on finding it was the 149th. Was it not remarkable that the first time the two regiments from Onondaga met should be fighting behind the same breastworks?
Captain Doran was wounded near us, and Lieutenant Colonel Randall had but just left me when he was hit.
After the rebels were driven away we were exposed to quite a svere [sic] shelling. At 4 o'clock we were ordered to move back to the left to our present position. In making the charge we were also exposed to a sharp shelling.
Our wounded, have all been conveyed to hospitals some distance in the rear.
I have just heard from Major Davis, he is doing well. His jaw is believed to be broken. Lieutenant La Rue is also doing well.

122d N. Y. V. ON THE MARCH,
June 14th, 1863.
DEAR STANDARD:—On the 7th we moved from our camp at Frnaklin's [sic] old crossing, and the bridges having been laid and the crossing secured the day before, we crossed and took possession on the south bank. The crossing was effected without serious loss, and we took three officers and sixty-seven men prisoners. The advance of our brigade was quiet and peaceable, the enemy having retired to their stronghold at the foot and on the slopes of the hills.
As soon as we had thrown out our picket line it became evident that the harmony heretofore existing between them and the enemy was not to continue, for on the right half of our front and all the way around our right wing the rebels threw out sharpshooters that acted close up to Paddy's rule at a fair, "when you see a head hit it." For two days we stood this, hoping that the murderous practice of picket firing would be discontinued by them, if not replied to, but on the third day the patience of our General had "give out," and early in the morning a squad of Andrews' sharpshooters, a set of glorious true blue, cool-headed Bay State men, were deployed to commence the opening of the ball. It came, and the Sharp's rifles and long heavy telescopic rifles of fearful range and accuracy of our yankees' spoke in reply. Their orders were not to fire unless the enemy did, but the sharp ring of their rifles tolled the knell of many a foe. This continued for several days, but the morning of the 13th, the rebels had killed one man and wounded five of our men—none seriously, while we had killed and wounded thirty-eight of the enemy known to us and probably several others—one Colenel [sic], shot dead off his horse. Besides eighteen of the enemy were killed by a shell thrown to dislodge skirmishers but which burst in a column hidden beyond. On the morning of the 13th, one of the rebels boldly came up to our lines without arms, and his hands held up, and said "Boys, w'ell quit if you will." "Agreed" said our boys, and the sharp shooters did not go out.— But about 9 A. M., the crack of a rifle and the whizz of a bullet from an old barn, showed the value of rebel faith, and, also sent out the sharp-shooters. Two men seemed to be in the barn, and as they came up to shoot one after another, a ball was sent at each from a long deadly telescope rifle, and one of the riflemen soon after coming in, remarked very quietly, "they have shot none from there since." Those riflemen are a peculiar arm of the service. All of them are quiet, reserved men, gentlemanly in manner, and very unostentatious in regard to their own doings, though very obliging and communicative when approached on any other subject. Most of them are brawny, strong men, and some of them are very highly cultivated and educated. They go out in column but deploy each in his own way and select their positions with great care and skill. A keen-eyed man might pass within a few feet of one of their places and see nothing, so carefully and yet so naturally do they hide.
Their orders were not to fire unless the enemy did and then to return the fire as soon as practicable once or twice, and stop till the enemy fired again, thus giving him a hint that it was a game he could have stopped by simply stopping himself. Hence the sharp-shooters would frequently lie with a bead drawn on a reb for several minutes, to see if he fired. If he did not he was not harmed, but if he did, the unostentatious return crack generally stopped his firing.
On one occasion I had crawled as was necessary alone on the bosom of mother earth, to the point where two of them were lying hid¬den (they always hunt in couples) and took a look through one of the tubes at the grey-back cut-throats. They had not fired in some time and so the riflemen did not, though they could plainly see them. One of them was de¬scribing their position and said Iv'e got a dead bead on two men, but he made no movement to fire. Suddenly down they all popped, and crack! went a rifle at one of my men, a picket, a few feet off. The rifleman never stirred a muscle, but quietly said, I don't see 'em now, there now, an officer, now up: best to give it to him? He's of more consequence I reckon than the man that fired, at the same time cocking his piece. A close sight and man and gun lay still as carved marble; then, crack! but still no movement. The smoke cleared, and the marksman very quietly said, their ain't nobody on the horse now, he is going off by himself; and modestly added, may be he jumped off for fear some one else would shoot.
A man with a powerful glass on our earth¬works saw the man fall when the shot was fired, and a deserter that night reported a rebel Colonel killed from his horse at that hour, at the time the shot was fired.
The rebels had many hunting rifles, and made some very close shots, but can by no means equal ours, and the most of ours killed, and seriously wounded, received their injuries from chance shots.
One of those fellows fired at Colonel Titus and another officer, who were riding towards the picket line, the ball passing very closely above their heads and causing them instantly to duck, as every man does when a bullet whistles close to his cranium, albeit he well knows that when you hear the whistle the ball has got by.
By the way, the facile pen of my esteemed friend friend [sic], Mr. G. H. Osborne, Herald correspondent, made of this occurrence a "volley of English lead," he having been "stuffed" to that extent by a waggish aid at head-quarters—a shocking instance of the depravity of human nature, as the showman remarked on the hyena's habit of devouring defenceless children.
But a resume of our trip across. We lay in the work (a strong rifle-pit and entrenchment, half a mile long, the ends on the river,) from the 7th to the 13th constantly on duty, and never changing our clothes; sleeping on the ground, and ever ready for a call, and doing our share of the picket duty. The bullets from the enemy's picket line whizzed over the work and among us quite, freely, and yet struck but one of our men, Lieut. M. L. Wilson, of company A, receiving a slight wound on the knee; but very many, including your correspondent, had very close shaves. 
On the 10th inst. two hundred and fifty of our men went on picket, and as they deployed out the rebels rained a perfect torrent of bullets at them, severely but not dangerously wounding three men, as follows:
John F. Conner, Co. B, struck by a round ball from a hunting rifle, in the right thigh, the ball passing diagonally through and coming out just above the knee. A severe and painful but not dangerous flesh wound. 
Charles Everingham, Co. C, minnie ball through the right arm. Severe flesh wound, the ball curving by the elbow joint, and not breaking the bone. A singular and fortunate case.
Dwight S. Hall, Co. K, a round ball from a hunting rifle, in the outside of the right heel, in the hollow just above the ball, and coming out under the instep, on the inside of the foot. The bones, curiously enough, are uninjured. The wound is painful but by no means dangerous.
It is wonderful that no more casualties occurred, for a perfect rain of balls was kept up for several minutes, while they moved up and took cover. They are all doing well. 
All this time the pickets on the left half of the line—some three-fourths of a mile—were on the best terms with each other, and not a shot was fired. It was evident that our move was a mere reconnoisance, and the looked-for order to return came in the midst of a heavy rain, after dark, on the night of the 13th.— We got ready and quietly vamosed, and then our pickets came in so still that the enemy never knew of our departure till daylight.—Not a shot was fired, and our bridges were safely removed.
This morning we marched to Stafford Court House, where we are now encamped, but of our destination, plans or number, I, of course, know nothing, and make no guesses, though I have some pretty strong opinions.
The health of the regiment is very good. Capt. Walpole is off duty and somewhat ill,—moving in an ambulance,—but I think it is nothing serious.
It is gratifying that not an officer or a man has flinched or wavered during the arduous and dangerous duties of our several days across the river, and a matter of deep gratification that we escaped so cheaply. With forty guns bearing on us, and nearly or quite 100,000 men opposed to us, and a continued picket fire, the position of our troops there was trying, but the prestige of that locality was with the enemy, and I firmly believe that all felt relieved, when the crossing was effected. Truly yours,

THE ONONDAGAS IN BATTLE.—Our readers will feel anxious to know what part the Onondaga regiments took in the recent battles, and we are proud to have it in our power to present in their behalf so clear and honorable a record of bravery and daring. A letter has been received from the gallant Col. Silas Titus, commanding the 122d Regiment, which has been kindly placed at our disposal, and we take from it the following interesting extracts:
July 4, 1863.
Thank God we have overtaken the enemy and had a terrible battle, decidedly in our favor. My regiment had a hard fight, but behaved nobly. We captured a strong position, fired over 2,200 rounds, drove the enemy from our front, and received special thanks, from Generals Slocum, Newton, Geary, Shaler, Wheaton, and two others, names not remembered. Every officer and man did his duty in the most gallant manner; not one faltered or hesitated for a moment. The only difficulty of the field officers was to keep them from firing so fast, the guns getting so hot that many of them became useless, but were readily supplied from the great number of arms strewn over the field. I think at least one half of the Enfield rifles we took into action were left, and yet, when we mustered and inspected arms and ammunition on the field, every man had a first rate gun, embracing a great variety of manufactures. Each man went in with sixty rounds. I sent to Gen. Shaler for more ammunition; he offered to relieve us with a fresh regiment but the offer was declined. He could not immediately supply the ammunition, and we had recourse to the cartridge boxes of the dead and wounded scattered around us. We had worked our way up to a good and strong position, and to fall back would have cost us many lives, and like good soldiers we took the surest and safest course to stand fire, which proved our safety and success. The rapid and correct firing drove the rebels entirely out of sight and range at least. Five hundred to six hundred muskets were abandoned within twenty yards of our line. We opend [sic] fire at 9 a. m. after a rapid march of two miles from left to right. At 2 p. m., when all was quiet, we gave up to a fresh regiment to guard the spot, and we fell back and rested until 4. p. m., and then hurried back to the left to take part in a desperate assault there by Longstreet. On this march shot and shell screamed over and fell around us, but we fortunately escaped by taking advantage of the broken ground, but our work was done for the day, as Longstreet and the division he led was annihilated, as several of his officers now prisoners, assured us, that his division was all killed or captured. Please say to my friend C. T. Longstreet, that my promise for his donation of one thousand dollars to give to his namesake two thousand rounds, has been redeemed. I send you the mournful list of casualties, which we deeply deplore, but are truly grateful that we escaped so well—we sincerely mourn with the friends of the fallen brave. Every possible attention will be given to the wounded. In fact, I have been acting as surgeon all day to-day; many a wounded man has called me Doctor and begged my assistance, and vast numbers of rebels have been dressed and cared for by my officers and men with as hearty a good will as they yesterday fought their enemy. Many thanks they gave us, and are most grateful for the unexpected attention. We fought side by side with our brothers of the 149th, and in fact, Lieutenant Colonel Randal and Captain Doran were both wounded at the moment of recogni¬tion, in the midst of the fray. Old Onondaga may well be proud of her soldier sons. I will not attempt to give farther detail as the papers will be ahead of me in that. This is written in great haste in the loft of an old barn riddled by shot and shell, the floor covered with wounded, and in the midst of a heavy rain which al¬ways follows a heavy battle.
Col. Silas Titus, 122d Reg't. N. Y. Vols.

Serg't Hiram G. Hilts, Co. C. 
Corp. John Travers, Co. G.
" Wm. Whitworth, Co. K.
Private, Patrick Fannon, Co. C.
" John Sidnam, Co. H.
" Michael McHair, Co. H. 
" James Wicham, Co. E.

Corp. Hudson A. Marsh, thigh, badly. 
" Loriston Adkins, ham, slightly. 
Private, Stephen C. Blake, left breast, badly. 
" George L. Loop, leg, slightly.
" Wm. Van Etten, foot.
" Wm. C. Kennett, arm.

Company “C”.
Sergeant Hiram Agan, arm, badly. 
Private Chas. Williams, neck, " 
" James Miles, head.

Company “E.”
Sergeant Chas. W. Ostrander, thigh, slightly.
“ Charles Elridge, chin, slightly.
Private F. A. Phillips, face. 
" Chas. Hickox, eye. badly.
" Wm. H. Ashfield, right hand.
" Chas. H. Weismore, head.
" Zeno T. Griffin.

Corp. Daniel Carey, mortally, in head.
" Hiram G. Woolsey, left eye.
Edward H. Pierce, right hip, slightly.

Corp. Geo. S. Parker, breast, mortally.
" Morris Harrington, head.
Private Carlton Sander, abdomen, mortally.
" James II. Miller, shoulder, severely.
" Homer Peck, cheek, slightly.
" Darius Bowman, cheek, slightly.
" Benjamin Sharp, right hand, sev'rly.

Private George Lathrop, right hand, slightly.

Private Nathan Johnson, hip, badly.
" Dennis McCarthy, right arm, badly.
" John Cain, neck, "
" George Edwards, right arm "
" Simeon S. Button, leg.

July 9th, 1863.
DEAR STANDARD:—A brief stop just announced, enables me to write for the first time since the battle of Gettysburg. 
On the first of July, we marched at nine P. M., from Manchester, Maryland, and kept the road all night and all day of the second, arriving near Gettysburg at four P. M. After resting for almost two hours, our (division) moved over to the extreme left and front, and the Third brigade immediately moved into the fight to help the Third corps who were hotly engaged. We lay on our arms all that night, a stream of wounded being borne through our lines all the time. On the morning of the third, our brigade was sent to support the Twelfth corps, on the extreme right, who were hotly pressed, and who had lost a portion of breastwork early in the morning, 
About 8 1/2 A. M., we arrived on the ground, and our regiment was ordered to go in and retake the breastworks—marching for some distance under fire, we passed into a ravine and formed a line of battle, and there engaged the enemy. The four right companies were well protected behind a natural wall of rock and had a fine sweep at the right of the enemy but the left six companies pushed forward to a breastwork in front, and were more exposed (the ravine running out) but were in full sight of the enemy's whole line. The whole position was a good one, the best that could be got, but the rebs were in heavy force in front and making a vigorous attack.
Never did a regiment show more gallantry than ours. Early in the fight Major Davis was badly wounded, and the Lieutenant-Colonel took command of the right, the place of that officer being ordinarly [sic] on the right wing. For over an hour the fight was kept up with unabated vigor, when the one hundred and forty-ninth N. V. S. V., came dashing in on our left to relieve the First Maryland. You may be sure that the greetings and gripping were hearty and warm, while the fire was not slackened. 
Soon after Captain Doran was struck in the wrist, and in an instant after Lieutenant Colonel Randall in the side. Soon after this the cry of white flag was raised and the men were ordered to cease firing and about seventy rebels and two officers from the rebel right marched into our lines and surrendered. They did not dare to retreat under our murderous fire and were whipped. All this time the rebel left was blazing away, and as soon as our prisoners were safe we paid back with interest, the Lieutenant Colonel having ordered every piece to be re-loaded, and the route was soon reduced to the average rate. Our boys fired with a terrible range and piled the dead behind the rebel works, ceasing firing twice at command, to let squads of rebel prisoners come in. We got out of ammunition and sent back and got a fresh supply, fired it away and took all we could get from the boxes of the killed and wounded, and our muskets got so hot that the hand could not be borne upon them, and there was great danger of premature discharges, when the enemy precipitately fled or surrendered, and we had done the work we were sent to do.
The earthworks and positions were ours, not another regiment in our brigade had fired a shot but supported us, and we breathed long and asked who's hurt?
Seven of our gallant boys lay dead and twenty-eight were wounded. The lists have been given in the New York Herald and of course re-published in your paper. Corporal Steele, company B, not reported, was wounded in the face, but it is thought not mortally.—Later in the day, while moving to support the left, Charles Weismore was wounded in the scalp, and Oscar Penoyer, in the hand, by a piece of shell, neither fatally. Both of these are of company E. Simeon S. Button, of company K, was slightly wounded about the same time.
At 1 P. M. the grand action for the field and the campaign began on the left. The result you have given. The foe were whipped as they never were whipped before.
We moved across under a shower of shell to support our left, and as we took position, the long strings of rebel prisoners began to pour by, and the shouts of our boys as flag after flag and regiment after regiment went down and were taken or repulsed, told that the day was ours.
Our stretcher bearers worked all night bringing the wounded, and the next day, through a hard rain and the fire of the rebel pickets.
The rebel wounded were brought in as fast as found, and soon they were the only ones coming in. They numbered by thousands, and very many officers. Col. Fry, commanding an Alabama brigade, Col. Williams, commanding a Virginia brigade, Col. Magruder, a cousin of the General, and Lieut. Geo. H. Geiger, of Gen. Kemper's staff, all helped to take care of them, as well as many others. 
The details of our pursuit have been given much more fully than I can, in the New York papers.
Our regiment done nobly, none could do better, for they did all they were told to do, and not a man flinched.
We have since had some of the worst marching I ever saw, and are now at this place in the front line ready to do our duty.
A big supply of Standards and Journals came to-day, which gave us much pleasure. Truly yours,

Letter From the 122d Regiment.
Correspondence of the Journal.
July 13th, 1863.
I wrote you briefly to let you know of my continued unpunctured existence immediately after the skirmmage at Gettysburg. We moved on the 3d; and have progressed to this point, closely upon the heels of the enemy. Our parish is about two miles from Hagerstown, and six from Williamsport, a little south of east from the former place. Last night our brigade had a sharp skirmish with the rebel pickets, and drove them about half a mile. We had one man wounded (not in our regiment) and hit a number of the enemy, and took 150 men and two officers prisoners.
To-day all is pretty quiet and raining—just such a day as drives the chickens under an old cart and the cows under the trees at the corner of the pasture at home, and makes a lawyer wonder every time the door opens, if any client has strayed around through the moisture. We are making our lines strong and watching the enemy, who is very strongly posted. By this time you are posted as to the great fight. You will have seen maps of the ground in the Herald, which are very corrct [sic].
The fight was heavy, protracted and fierce. At our position the rebels tried three times to form for a charge on our line, but our fire was too heavy and they couldn't stand it. 
And, by the way, a close heavy fight is a queer mix, too. The troops get their position, and the command is given "Commence firing." A rattling volley ensues, and then every man loads and fires as fast as he can.—If well trained and cool, each man takes good aim. The officers shout their instructions, and the men yell and cheer as the enemy's fire slackens, or as they fall back.—Soon a man drops. "Where is he hit?" "Right through the head, sir!" "Pitch into them, my men." "Fire away, Jones."—"Can't, sir;" and he holds up a shattered arm. "Go to the rear, my brave fellow." "Tom, you load and I'll fire. I've got a good place to plug 'em." "Captain, this man is shot right through the heart; can we do anything for him?" "Put his knapsack under his head, and give him a drop of water if he can drink." "Captain, the lock is shot off my musket." "Pitch it away and take some wounded man's, and pop away lively, Pat" "Are you much hurt, Blake?" "Badly, through the hip, sir." "Two of you help Blake to the rear, and come back right off." Up steps a Captain, "Colonel, my cartridges are running low." "Just sent for a fresh supply, sir. Here they come." "White flag! white flag!" "Cease firing! cease firing! CEASE FIRING!!! Let those prisoners come in, and don't hurt them. Every man load his piece. Hurry up there, confederates; your misguided brethren keep up their fire on us on the right." "COMMENCE FIRING!" and away goes the fight again, to the end.
Some men and officers laugh—some knit their brows and look stern and earnest—some look pale and some flush up—and some of the worst men in the regiment step up and fight like heroes and cool as cucumbers, and respect themselves and are respected all the more for it. The fire dies away and stops. All look around, relieved, and the wounded are taken care of, the dead laid carefully side by side, and their names and regiments written on pieces of paper and pinned on their breasts, and the wounded of the army are looked alter, and orders awaited.
The ground is surveyed, ploughed by bullets—single trees bear the marks of dozens of balls right in the range of our line, and one thought strikes all, "how did any of us escape?" But of the thousands of bullets fired not more than fifty have taken effect, and you first begin to realize that it does take hundreds of bullets to kill a man.
Well, you perhaps have got a faint idea, but you want to see it. We are now in front of the Johnnys; the boys in fine spirits. I am well and hearty, and profoundly ignorant of the programme, as are all, I reckon, but the Commander-in-Chief.
Hope we shall smash 'em.
How are you and all old Syracusans?
Yours truly, D.

Wm. Howell, Co. G, was recovering from a fever.
James H. Mills, Co. H, had a ball pass through his shoulder. The wound is closing fast.
Wm. Abbott, Co. F, had been sun struck, but was nearly well.
James Miles, Co. C, was recovering from a considerable bruise over the eye.
Edward H. Pease, Co. G, had a contusion of the side and was getting along without trouble.
Chas. M. Williams, of Manlius, had a slight scratch on his neck made by a Minie ball, which afterwards struck Corporal Parker in the breast. Parker died on the 8th inst. Dennis McCarthy, Co. K, had his arm amputated at the shoulder joint and died on the 6th inst.
John Cain, Co. K, was shot through the face and neck and died on the 10th.
Carlton Sanders, Co. H, was shot through the left breast and died on the 6th.
We saw A. W. Hancock, the faithful and efficient Hospital Steward of the 122 d, Theodore R. Stevens, of Elbridge, and Charles M. Williams, of Manlius. They were well We learned from Homer Peck that Michael McCail. Co. H, was killed July 3d, by a ball which entered his breast. His name is not on the list furnished by the Adjutant, but Mr. Peck said he was standing by McCail's side and saw him fall. 
The remainder of the sick and wounded of the 122d have either gone home, to their regiments or to the general hospitals.

All the boys of both regiments were glad to see us. They had not seen a face, nor a letter, nor a newspaper from Syracuse since the battle. The general inquiry was, "what did they say at home about our fighting?"—Of course we assured them that everybody was proud of them, and that we knew all the time they would fight equal to the best soldiers in the world, if they were properly led. They all felt that for once at least, they had thoroughly whipped the enemy. One of the boys, who had lost a limb, was so delighted with the result of the fight, that he said he would have lost his other leg rather than have been kept out of the battle. Not a murmur did we hear from any one. In one tent where every soldier had lost an arm or a leg, we heard the boys discussing, in a friendly way, the comparative value of the missing limbs. Instead of whining and trying to elicit sympathy by magnifying their afflictions, each one argued that his loss was not equal to that of the others. The plucky, armless boys claimed that it was much worse to have a leg amputated than an upper extremity; while the brave fellows who could wear but one stocking contended stoutly that an arm is better than a leg anyhow. The only complaint we heard was concerning the enemy in the rear, who aid the more manly enemy in front, by opposing the war and the draft, and by inciting mobs to commit murder and robbery and arson. Everywhere we heard soldiers wishing they could be summoned to New York to aid in suppressing that fiendish riot. They said they thought it was tough for them to be down there exposing their lives to save a country which seems so little to appreciate their services.

The large box of clothing and delicacies prepared and collected by the Ladies' Loyal League, we divided into two equal parts and left one in each hospital. Col. Randall took charge of the portion left for the 149th, and Mr. Hancock, the good hospital steward of the 122d, consented to distribute the other part. The men expressed their gratitude in the warmest terms for being so kindly remembered by the ladies.
At present there is a liberal supply of comforts and delicacies, furnished by those excellent commissions, the Sanitary and the Christian.

The agents of these associations visited the battle field immediately after the fight, and furnished, with an unsparing hand, hospital stores and food for the wounded. Had it not been for their early and faithful and untiring labors and benefactions, hundreds of our soldiers must have died from neglect and starvation. Too much praise cannot be accorded to them for their work of love, and the L. L. L. and our citizens generally may rest assured that all contributions which are sent to them, are judiciously, as well as faithfully applied. Although there is an abundance at present, it should be remembered that there is still in the vicinity of Gettysburg an army of wounded Union and rebel soldiers, who are treated precisely alike, and who will continue to need help for weeks to come.

We met Col. Seymour, brother to the Governor, Mr. F. McClosky and Dr. Babcock, agents of the State to look after our soldiers. They were industriously searching out and caring for New York boys, and we are under obligations to them for many favors.
We brought some trophies from the field. Among others two rebel caps, canes and bullets from the tree against which Lieut. Col. Randall was leaning when wounded, pieces of shell, &c. But this letter is intolerably long already, and I close. 
Yours, H. D.

The Visit of the Agents of the Ladies' Loyal League to the Hospitals at Gettysburg.
WASHINGTON, July 22d, 1863.
Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
We reached Gettysburg on the 14th inst., at midnight, after a lengthy but gay ride on the cattle and freight cars. We found the hotels pretty well filled with visitors, but were furnished with an airy lodging place on the floor of the "Eagle" piazza. The next day we were joined by George A. P., and after much fruitless inquiry and search we found the Twelfth Corps Hospital, about four miles out of town, not far from the Baltimore turnpike. Here were the most severely wounded of the 149th; those with slight wounds haying been removed to Baltimore, Philadelphia, &c.

The first man we met was Lieut. Col. Randall, walking about very slowly, with his arm in a sling. He was wounded in the shoulder and arm. He is getting along finely. His wife arrived the next day after our visit, and they expect to leave soon for Massachusetts.
Capt. Doran was wounded in the right arm half way between the elbow and wrist while swinging his hand and cheering on the boys. The bones were extensively fractured. He exhibited five pieces of bone which had been driven through the flesh and which he found in his shirt-sleeve after the engagement. The wound is healing rapidly, and the Captain hopes to come home soon. 
Lieut. Westcott, Co. A, was very severely wounded. The ball entered about an inch below the left eye and came out back of the left angle of the right jaw below the ear.—The jaw was badly fractured and the wound has a very unpromising look. His recovery is doubtful. His brother had just arrived and is nursing him very attentively,
Wm. F. Hubbard, Co. D, had his right arm, below the elbow, shattered by a ball, which lodged in the right hip, where it still remains beyond the reach of the probe.—The ball was flattened when it struck the bone of the arm, and it made a very severe gash when it entered the hip. He will recover, but will be lame for some time. His father is taking care of him.
Lewis Nelty, Co. D, was struck on the head by a ball which produced a slight fracture of the skull and temporary paralysis of the left leg. He is improving rapidly and walks about the camp without difficulty.
After Root, Co. D, had his right thigh fractured just above the knee. The wound is quite painful, but is healing as rapidly as can be expected.
Wm. Sharp, Co. I, was wounded in the fleshy part of the right thigh. The ball had been extracted and he was doing well.
Charles Holmes, Co. K, had a hole made by a Minie through the left cheek to the right side of his neck. He is getting along nicely, although his drink still comes out through the cheek. He was going to the general hospital very soon.
Daniel McCord, Co. G, from Skaneateles, had his left thigh amputated. He was lying in the tent smoking his pipe when we entered. The wound is healing very rapidly. 
Lieut. Coville, Co. E, was quite ill with typhoid fever. He was able to converse, but was by no means out of danger. His nurse was George Birch, Co. E. 
Edward Hopkins, Co. E, was convalescent from typhoid fever.
Philip Pelton, Co. K, was walking about minus his right arm, which was amputated shortly after the battle. The wound is healing favorably.
Charles Bausinger, Co. B, was so severely wounded in the upper part of the arm as to require the removal of a portion of the bone. The flow of blood was very great and he was much weakened by it, but he is now picking up "right smart."
James M. Smith, Co. G, was wounded in the side near the left hip. The wound is nearly healed and he is able to walk around the camp.
John Gippard, Co. B, had his thigh so severely fractured as to make the operation of resection necessary and the removal of about six inches of the bone. He is doing well and will probably recover.
Michael McManus, Co. G, was wounded through the shoulder. He is in excellent spirits, and his wound has a favorable look 
Perry Norton, Co. I, was wounded in the right thigh. The ball still remains and can not be found. The wound is healing. He said that "the enemy flanked us ... turned around; gave them fits and drove them out."
Henry Moore, Co. I, of Cicero, was wounded in the right lung, died and was buried the day before our arrival. These were all the sick and wounded of the 149th remaining in the field hospital.—The rest, who were progressing finely, had been sent to the general hospitals. The Twelfth Corps hospital is under the care of Dr. Goodman, and is a model of neatness.—Dr. G. is an experienced, skillful and attentive Surgeon.

The Sixth Corps hospital, in which are the wounded of the 122d, is about a mile distant from that of the Twelfth. 
Here we found Stephen Blake, Co. B, 122d regiment, who received a gunshot wound through the lungs. He could not be prevented from talking to us, although every breath pained him. His respiration was rapid and difficult, and his face had a dusky look which was very unpromising. His recovery is more than doubtful.
Charles Steele, Co. B, had a ball strike his upper lip and pass through the jaw into his shoulder. He seems to be recovering speedily.
Hudson C. Marsh, Co. B, formerly a clerk at Wynkoops', had an ugly flesh wound through the middle of the right thigh. He has the best of pluck and spirits and his wound is healing.
Homer Peck, Co. H, of Van Buren, was walking about with a bandage over a wound of the scalp on the left side of his head. He looked as if he had been in a street fight and had come off second best, but he claimed to be all right.
Morris Harrington, Co. H, was wounded in the forehead. It was a loud call for Morris, but it did not cool his courage. The wound is healing nicely, and he is able to be about.
Thomas H. Scott, Co. B, had his knee bruised, but he was nearly well and expects to rejoin his regiment soon.
Aaron Gaylord, Co. F, was quite ill, but not dangerously so, with chronic diarrhea.

CAMP OF THE 122D N. Y. V.,
July 28, 1863.
Our progress to this point has not been marked with any startling occurrence, such as sometimes takes place, and as we used to think constantly happened to a soldier—so far as our regiment and brigade are concerned.
We crossed the Potomac on Monday, July 20th, at Berlin; the same place where we crossed last fall, after the rebels were driven out of "My Maryland" before, and took the same general course down the Cumberland Valley, though not by exactly the same route.
Last Thursday (23d) a sharp fight took place at Manassas Gap, and we pushed on to support the troops engaged; but after a tedious march we arrived there the next morning, to find the enemy beaten and gone. We encamped at the beginning of the Gap, and saw our troops returning. The columns came, worn, tired, dirty and battle-stained, but firm and cheerful, colors flying, every face resolute, as troops are apt to feel after a victory,
As they moved past, a long gap of dim butternut color varied the dark blue of the column, and the word "there go the prisoners," was passed from mouth to mouth, as several hundred captured rebels passed by, with dejected air; but not a soul cheered, for brave men respect misfortune in such devils to fight as they are, though it is in the worst cause under heaven.
A few of them walked straight, with defiant look, but almost all looked guilty and ashamed of their position, and it reminded me of a mortally wounded rebel at Gettysburg, who, after he was told by the Surgeon that nothing could be done for him, kept moaning, "Oh, God! let me live, and I'll never fight against the Union no more!" till death sealed his lips.
From Manassas Gap we came to this point, about two miles northwest of Warrenton, reaching here on Saturday last, and we have remained here ever since. What, where, or how, next, of course, no one but the commander and authorities know, and it is not probable they would tell if I should ask them.
The whole army has been somewhat chagrined and pretty well enraged at the active co-operation in the city of New York with the rebels in their kind efforts to cut our throats or lodge us in the Hotel de Libby, and I heard the wish expressed scores of times that Shaler's Brigade and Butler's Battery of six light twelves could be allowed to reason with the mob after their peculiar manner awhile, on the subject of rebellion against the laws of the land.
From the impressive style in which they lectured on this subject to a party of gentlemen at Antietam, Williamsport, Fredericksburg, Marie's Heights, Salem Heights, Gettysburg, and several other places within my observation, I think they would have made a telling impression on the mob; but happily the necessity or desirability is now removed.
The one feeble taper of hope for the rebels which they saw in the New York mob, has vanished.
Vicksburg has fallen on the heel of the prediction in the Thunderer that it could not fall. Port Hudson has followed. Lee goes reeling and shattered back towards Richmond; Rosecrans has smashed Bragg;—Sherman has routed his enemy; Morgan's marauder's are bagged, and the rebel papers confess that the knees of the Confederacy are knocking in fear of the fall of Charleston, and an anxious search seems to be going on again for the "last ditch."
We feel a great deal encouraged. Now is the time to redouble our efforts, and to fill up our ranks and finish the war. Give us the men. Let the people see and feel and act that the right to enjoy the blessings and emunities of a government, and the duty to maintain it are coequal and concurrent, and we shall not be very long in returning peace to our borders and prosperity to our land.
Our boys are in good spirits and health.—Till the next time.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Daily Journal.
July 29th, 1863.
When we used to read in Charles O'Malley, of the serried line of steel, the tramp of the men, the slow winding column, the rumble of the artillery, the rattle of the wagons, the shouts of the drivers, the hoarse orders of the officers, the glittering General and Staff sweeping by, the curvetting cavalryman, the champing of the bit, the clank of the sabre and the pretty vivandiere dealing out wine to the men, did not our hearts tingle with admiration of the life, and aspiration to share in it? Well, we have had it all with some slight variation, for which we have not been very thankful, for the last six weeks, and to our heart's content. Still the variations have not been entirely unpleasant, or devoid of fun.
The column and rumble spoken of have been in constant attendance, and so has been an internal cloud of dust, when it did not rain, which was nearly a third of the time. The serried steel has been along too, in the shape of the boy's muskets and sundry frying pans and coffee pots slung on to them for ease of carriage, while some ill-natured people might make the remark that something sounding very much like steel might be recognized in occasional strings of chickens, onions, &c., dangling from the aforesaid muskets as they were carried at a "right shoulder shift."
We have also the shouts of the drivers, but the less said on that head the better, for if a Neophyte were to answer the question from observation, "What is the motive power of army trains?" he would at once answer "Profanity and black whip." Then we have "clank," "clank," "sabre" and all that ad nauseam, and we have our vivandiere too—not the time-booted, pretty Minette, who broke her heart with love for a Colonel, and broke the heart of the biggest grenadier of France with love for her, but a modernized pattern of Virginia mould, in the shape of a big nigger wench at every cabin door, selling corn cakes made without yeast or salt, at twenty-five cents a piece. Plenty of flags waving, and music too, some of it peculiar. For instance, one morning we formed line early after a hard march the day before, and pushed into the road. It was raining, and dark, and the boys' rations had nearly run out, and the necessity of great celerity was imminent. They understood it all, and as they filed out and started, they struck up in full chorus, to an old familiar camp-meeting tune, as follows:

"We are going down;
We are going down;
We are going down to Harrisburg.
If you get there before I do,
Just tell Old Abe I'm coming too;
We are going down," &c.

We passed our division General sitting silent, thoughtful and troubled, but as the words and melody (?) struck his ear, he grinned audibly till he came near falling from his horse.
But there is one thing we have, not in the bills spoken of—i.e., a Virginia yield of blackberries. I never saw such a profusion of this delicious fruit. Acres after acres and field after field are literally covered with the two kinds—the trailing blackberry, and the high bush blackberry. The other day our brigade had the lead, and while the men were not allowed to straggle out to pick berries, Gen. Shaler always found that the men needed rest where the berries were the thickest. The brigade would halt, stack arms and the command "rest" would be followed by somebody bawling out, "Pick blackberries," which would be right speedily obeyed. I have often seen two quarts gathered in a rest of fifteen minutes by a single individual.—They have exerted a most salutary influence upon the men in the prevailing diseases in the army, and are still doing so.
I am entirely ignorant as to our future movement, as usual. Our boys are in fine condition and spirits. 

The 122d at Warrenton—Guerrilla Warfare.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal,
NEAR WARRENTON, VA., Aug. 6th, 1863.
The mercury is up near 100, skirmishing around and causing a pretty lively circulation, Hot weather, guerrillas and blackberries are the three principal points of production hereabouts. The blackberries are going, the hot weather coming, and the guerrillas fast occupying a sort of intermediate snspensatory [sic] condition. You see that these last are a sort of "honest farmers" who have taken the oath of allegiance a few times and got passes and safeguards from the Government.—Well, they start out and arm themselves with anything that comes handy—pistols, sabres, carbines, shotguns, &c., and being mounted and in citizen's clothes, proceed to lay in wait for some poor devil of a blue jacket.—If they can catch a few after berries, without arms, their valor shines—they take 'em and kill them on the spot, or run them off and wait for a fresh lot. Sometimes they get one or two men that are armed by cutting off a retreat. But if a body of troops come upon them they plunge into a piece of woods, hide their arms, and "dig" for some house, dismount and turn out the horses and go to work putting up fence, picking up stone, or something of that kind, the biggest kind of "honest" farmers, ready to mount and after you as soon as you leave and pop at you from behind a tree. Ask them any questions and out comes a safeguard, and "whoever shall force a safeguard shall suffer death," saith the articles of war.
Day before yesterday a detachment of cavalry was sent to scour the country for guerrillas, and the order was given not to bring in any prisoners of that sort. Well, soon they came slap upon a squad of them, and they ran, of course, but a fleet fellow cut through and headed them off, and before they could take a fresh departure the Philistines were upon them, and six of them surrendered, because resistance was certain death. The Captain thought of his orders,—he is a stern, stiff-necked chap,—and he said to the six gray-backed cut-throats, "Boys, I'll have to leave you where you are; it's against orders to take you along." Secesh began to prick up their ears; "but," turning to his own men, "boys, for fear they will hurt themselves thrashing around, we'll put their feet a few inches from the ground;" and in five minutes they hung dangling where they were the next morning, when some fellows benevolently dug a hole, cut the ropes and let them tumble into it, and delivered 'em up.
Warrenton is a pretty place—very pretty at a distance, and the best I ever saw in Virginia, anyhow; but the women are secesh all over. Over half of them are in mourning for somebody killed in the war, and the rest for the dilapidated state of the Southern Confederacy. They are the most venomous little she rebels you ever saw. At first they could hardly keep their faces from scowling when they looked at us, but now they are some better. One of them the other day came to our Adjutant-General and said, "Colonel, can't I get a pass to go to Richmond?" "Oh, certainly," quoth he. "When do you think I can get it?" "Oh, we are going there in a few days, and I'll take you right along." "No," yelped the lady, "you ain't going."
Warrenton is a very old place, the newest thing being a grave yard of large dimensions, and filled very closely with graves from the first and second Bull Run and other fights around here. 

JUST IN TIME TO DO GOOD SERVICE.—Capt. J. M. Dwight, of the 122d, reached Washington the other day just in time to be of excellent service in the defence of the Capital. He had been at home for several weeks on account of the wound he received in the Wilderness, and was on his way to rejoin his regiment. He had scarcely registered his name at a hotel in Washington, when he was waited upon by an officer of the Provost Guard. With orders to take command of a company of the Veteran Reserve troops, for the defence of the city. He was speedily at the head of a company of one hundred and fourteen veterans, and he and his command did first-rate service in the repulse given the rebel assailants. Capt. Dwight was not fully recovered from his wound, and this episode has served somewhat to retard his recovery. But he had the pleasure of contributing to the handsome repulse of the rebel attacking forces, and this is full compensation for his personal discomfiture.

CAPTURED MEMBERS OF THE 122D TAKEN SOUTH.—Col. Titus writes to the Standard that Sergeant Manzer, who arrived in Washington last
Friday direct from the rebel hospital in the Wilderness, informs him that two weeks ago the rebs removed about four hundred of the Union prisoners from the Wilderness to Lynchburg, or some other place further South, and that Lieuts. Ostrander and Luther, Serg't F. E. Whaley, Isaac Clements, Holland Twinnam, Corporal Hubbs, John Rosehbaum, Jackson (of Co. E,) Corporal Goodale, Jake Houser, and Corporal Smith and Peter Pilger, all of the 122d, were sent off South. He says Ostrander and Luther were both looking well and in good spirits, and all the others were doing well, and were considered out of danger from their wounds. The Soldiers' Thanksgiving Present to Father Waldo.

From the Syracuse Journal.
We yesterday briefly referred to the Thanksgiving present of one hundred dollars to Father Waldo by the officers of the 122d regiment. The following is the correspondence on this occasion, between Lieut. Col. Dwight, commanding that regiment and Father Waldo:—

Lieut. Colonel Dwight's Letter.
Rev. Daniel Waldo, Syracuse, N. Y.:
My DEAR SIR—I have this day sent to Washington, for transmission thence by Express to Syracuse, a package containing a little Thanksgiving present to you from the officers of this regiment, of which they respectfully ask your acceptance.
The amount ($100) is an appropriate index of your venerable years, and is a slight token of our esteem for the crowning glory they are to you, through a century of life, as a Christian, a man, and a gentleman.
In behalf of the officers, I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
A. W. DWIGHT, Lieut. Col. Com'g.

Father Waldo's Response.
SYRACUSE, NOV. 27, 1863.
My Dear Respected Friend and Officers of the One Hundred and Twenty-second Regiment: Permit me through my amanuensis to tender to you my most sincere gratitude for your noble and generous "Thanksgiving present," which reached me last evening—not the less acceptable because so unexpected. May the hands never lack the means of gratifying the desires of such noble and generous hearts. May you and your associates in arms be successful in perpetuating that liberty for which I hazarded my life more than eighty years ago. There was then left a sprig of ivy at the root of the tree of liberty which nearly covered it, when its tendrils burst at Fort Sumter. May your arms speedily put an end to that prayer which Gov. Berkly, of Virginia, made in 1671, viz: That he thanked God that they had no free schools nor printing presses to publish scandal, and that they might not have for one hundred years to come.
Again let me thank you for the happiness you have given me, and be assured that my prayers daily and hourly ascend to God that the lives of our gallant sons may not all be sacrificed upon the battle-field, and that this terrible conflict may soon end victoriously. I trust that my life may be spared to see its close. Nevertheless not my will, but Thine be done, O God.
Please accept, my dear Sir, the enclosed "semblance" of your aged friend,

The 122d Regiment, Col. TITUS, from Onondaga, arrived last evening at 6 o'clock—a sturdy, stalwart body of men. They partook of refreshments, and proceeded to New York on the Hudson River Rail Road. The following is the
Colonel— Silas Titus.
Lieut. Colonel—A. W. Dwight.
Major—J. B. Davis.
Adjutant—Andrew J. Smith.
Quartermaster—Frank Lester.
Surgeon—Dr. N. R. Tefft.
Chaplain—L. M. Nickerson.
Sergeant Major— Osgood V. Tracy.
Quartermaster Sergeant—Theodore L. Poole.
Commissary Sergeant—G. J. Goetches.
Company A.—Captain, J. M. Brower; First
Lieutenant, A. H. Clapp; Second Lieutenant, H. S. Wells.
Company B.—Captain, W. R. Chamberlin; First Lieutenant, Charles G. Nye; Second Lieutenant, Wm. J. Webb.
Company C.—Captain, Alfred Nims; First Lieutenant, Joseph C. Cameron; Second Lieutenant, Arthur J. Mead.
Company D.—Captain, Cornell Crysler; First Lieutenant, Davis Cossit; Second Lieutenant, Edward P. Luther.
Company E.—Captain, Horace H. Walpole; First Lieutenant, Jacob Brand; Second Lieutenant, Henry H. Hoyt.
Company F.—Captain, Lucius Moses; First Lieutenant, Geo. W. Platt; Second Lieutenant, James Burton.
Company G.—Captain, Harrison Gilson; First Lieutenant, Drayton Eno; Second Lieutenant, Peter Blossom.
Company H.—Captain, James M. Gere; First Lieutenant, Morton L. Marks; Second Lieutenant, Oscar F. Swift.
Company I.—Captain, J. M. Dwight; First Lieutenant, M. H. Church; Second Lieutenant, L. A. Dillingham.
Company K.—Captain, N. B. Kent; First Lieutenant, Justin Howard; Second Lieutenant, F. M. Wooster.

Albany, August 31, 1862. 
Editors Albany Evening Journal:
Through the columns of your widely circulated paper, I desire to express to the citizens of Albany my sincere thanks and the hearty gratitude of my command for the substantial and most acceptable collation served to the 122d Regiment N. Y. V., on their arrival at this place this afternoon.
Very respectfully, yours,
Col. Commanding 122d Regiment N. Y. V.

The 122d in the Battle of Rappahannock Station.
Our correspondent D, writes us from the Camp of the 122d regiment, at Camp Sedgwick, near Brandy Station, under date of the 17th inst., as follows:
" We engaged the enemy about 2 P. M. Cos. "A," Lieut. Clapp, "G," Lieut. Wooster, and "I," Capt. J. M. Dwight, being engaged as skirmishers, and the rest in close support. Our skirmishers drove in the enemy's in the most gallant style, firing one volley at them and charging with the bayonet, and each of the above officers distinguished himself very highly. Our skirmishers took a position within close rifle shot of the rebel works and held it through the above fight, under a heavy fire, inflicting severe damage on the enemy. The rest of the regiment supported Ayre's Battery, and the whole regiment behaved with the most determined bravery.
" While we were lying close down behind the battery, a shell struck right in our ranks and exploded, killing Sergt. Philo E. Ruggles, Sergt. James B. Spurlock, and private Patrick Kelly, of Co. 'B,' and mortally wounding private Michael Cooney, and slightly wounding Lieut. G. H. Gilbert, and private Peter Brott, also of Co. 'B.' It was a percussion shell, and several more followed in close succession, a little higher, but our brave ambulance helpers curried off our wounded, assisted by some of our own men, who came right back, under a heavy fire, all except George S. Goodrich, of Co. 'K,' who basely deserted at the time, in spite of his obligations and a promise he gave the Lieutenant Colonel to come right back, when sent to the hospital with our helpless brave fellows.—With this exception, every man in the regiment behaved in the finest possible manner.
" Our Paymaster paid us off yesterday, (the 16th,) and the allotments will soon be along."

The 122d Regiment at Sandusky, O.
There are now fifteen hundred troops from the Army of the Potomac,—embracing the whole of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Sixth Corps, under command of Brig.-Gen. H. D. Terry,—at Sandusky City and Johnson's Island, near that city. Among these troops are several of the best regiments from the Empire State, including the 65th (First U. S. Chasseurs,) Col. Jos. E. Hamblin; 67th (First Long Island,) under command of Major Belden; 122d, cammonded [sic] by Lieut.-Col. Dwight, with the 23d and 82d Pennsylvania Volunteers. (Jan. 23, 1864.)
A Sandusky correspondent writes as follows of the reception of these veteran troops: 
" The ladies of Sandusky, who had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of the veterans several days, were on hand to extend a cordial and most hospitable greeting, and it was a beautiful picture of woman's nobleness and gratitude to witness their exertions to supply with their generous hands the wants of each soldier. The troops were marched into comfortable halls, where bevies of beautiful bright-eyed ladies dispensed hot coffee, tea and other substantial refreshments.—Such a gathering of lovely Florence Nightingales I have seldom beheld. Each one endeavored to surpass each other in attending to the hungry and fatigued men, whose bronzed countenanced and service-worn uniforms presented a strong contrast to the delicate but roseate creatures dispensing the luxuries in the various halls. The men were grateful and somewhat astonished at the reception, for the whole affair was a complete surprise."
A general order issued by Gen. Terry, states that he assumes command of Sandusky and Johnson's Island; he assigns the 122d N. Y. V.'s to quarters in Sandusky, and the other regiments to quarters on the Island; and he prescribes the regulations necessary to the present situations of the troops.
Among the incidents of the stay of the 122d in Sandusky, is the entertainment given to Co. G, (the Elbridge part of the regiment,) by Mr. John T. Woolsey, formerly of Jordan. They were escorted to his house by martial music, were most cordially welcomed, and partook of a most bountiful supper, prepared expressly for them. Everything was in the most perfect order and admirably conducted. The company were greatly pleased with this agreeable occurrence.

Letter from a Soldier of the 122d Regiment.
March 29, 1864.
EDITORS STANDARD:—It is a long time since I wrote to you, for the very good reason that I have had no news to write, but now business begins to look more brisk, and perhaps we shall have something to write; I hope so at least. Everything looks like a hard summer's work; the army is reorganized, and everything is nearly ready for business, and you can bet that Uncle Sam
Grant will do it right up to the handle. The army has unbounded confidence in him, and you as well as we, know that ho is no idler.
The 3d brigade, from Harper's Ferry, returned here yesterday, with the exception of the 13th and 62d New York, they being home on furlough. We are expecting our brigade back in a few days; our brigade is assigned to the 1st division—so is the 4th brigade. The troops are in excellent condition, and ready for the fray; you never saw a better feeling lot of men than those who compose this army; the old vets are nearly all back, waiting for Uncle Sam Grant to give the order forward, to the tune of the Union as it ought to be—not as it was. Old Abe stands A, No. 1 with the army, and if your street and parlor soldiers will do for him as much as the field soldiers, he will be elected the next President by the largest majority since Harrison's time. We shall wipe out this rebellion this summer, and then Old Abe will have four years of peace, which the soldiers mean he shall have.
While writing this the cannon have commenced belching forth thunder a few miles to our left, but I expect it is saluting Uncle Sam Grant. Look out for stirring news soon.
For God's sake put forth every exertion to fill up the 122d and 149th regiments; don't let them be consolidated into any other organization for the want of numbers; take right hold of the business at once; let every man, woman and child in Syracuse and Onondaga county get a recruit for these two regiments, and then when their time is out they can come home a distinct organization, without a blemish on their banners or name, and come back, too, with honors won which old Onondaga will be proud to boast of for all coming time.
Yours for the Union, A. B. P.

The 122d Regiment. (April 20, 1864)
A private letter from Mr. Clarence A. Robertson, to his father, Mr. John A. Robertson, gives us the whereabouts of the 122d regiment. The regiment left Sandusky, O., on the afternoon of the 13th inst., just three months from the day it reached there. The extreme kindness and marked hospitality of the people of that city, manifested on every occasion, made the departure a sad affair for the soldiers, who from an experience of a year and a half in the more active service of the field knew what was involved in the sundering of these pleasant relations and the return to the Army of the Potomac, now about to enter upon its grandest and most important campaign.
The regiment reached Washington on the evening of the 16th, and the following morning (Sunday last) was sent to Alexandria, from which place it was understood it would move to the front in twenty-four hours.
The 122d is to take its place in the Fourth Brigade of the First Division of the Sixth Corps, which is understood to be at Culpepper, engaged in the construction of fortifications necessary to the making of that place a secure depot for army supplies.
Two Pennsylvania regiments were left on Johnson's Island, to look after the rebel prisoners confined there. It was understood that they would soon be ordered back to the field, a part of the Reserve Corps being assigned to the discharge of guard duty at that post.

The 122d in the Battle of the Wilderness.
Col. Titus, who was at Washington on Wednesday, writes to the Standard what he could learn there of the part taken by the 122d in the severe battle of Friday, the 6th inst. The regiment was on the extreme right, greatly exposed and suffered severely. Our boys were surrounded on three sides by the rebels, and in falling back they made a strudy [sic] resistance to the enemy who crowded in upon them. Of the officers, Lieut. Col. Dwight, Capts. H. H. Walpole and A. H. Clapp, and Lieuts. Wells, Hall, Wooster, Pool, Sims, Wilkins and Q. M. Lieut. J. S. Corne, were alone left for duty. These, together with the remnant of the regiment, joined the advance of our army against Spotsylvania Court House.
Maj. Brower, Capts. Smith, Lester, Cossitt and Marks, were on Wednesday at Washington, waiting for an opportunity to go to the front.
Col. Titus sends the Standard a partial list of the casualties in the 122d, procured from Lieuts. Willman and Clark, who had reached Washington. This list contains less than two-thirds of the names published by us yesterday. The list sent to us by Chaplain Nickerson was made up by himself and Col. Dwight on the night after the battle, and so far as it goes may be considered reliable. 
Col. Titus reports the following among the killed and missing:
Killed—Sergeants Trusdall, Co. K; Robert J. Donahue, Co. I; Michael Donavan, Co. A; Jas. Traganza, Co. E; Oscar Austin, Co. D; Frank E. Whaley, Co. D.
Missing—Lieuts. H. H. Hoyt, C. W. Ostrander, E. P. Luther; Orderly Sergeants S. S. Northway, David Donaldson; Privates John Drindle, Peter Pilger.
The following wounded are also reported, in addition to our list of yesterday: Capt. G. W. Platt, in leg, slight; Corp. Richard Nichols, Co. D, in back; Corp. Frank Putnam, Co. D, in back; Privates Cook, Co. D, in arm, George Lusk, Co. A, in neck, Philip Crysler, Co. F, in head, David Barnhard, Co. G, in hand, John Killer, Co, G, in leg, and Leonard Gensiver, Co. F, slight.

Wounded of the 122d in Hospital.
Col. Titus writes to the Standard from Washington, under date of the 14th, that he has found the following members of the 122d regiment, in the hospitals at that city: (May 1864) 
Elias L. Sloat, Co. B, slight wound, buckshot through right hand, and bruise by a shell. James H. Noble, Co. I, slight wound in leg, but walking about.
George H. Lusk, Co. A, slight wound in neck, doing well.
James Kelly, Co. K, second finger right hand shot off in the action on Wednesday, the 10th.

Norman Brooks, Co. I, minie ball in shoulder, bad but not dangerous.
George B. Chandler, not wounded but sick, getting over varioloid.
Michael O'Brvan, Co. C, first finger right hand shot off, sick and much worn.
Frank Patterson, Co. D, ball in right side, bad and probably fatal, although quite cheerful and hopeful. His father lives at Borodino.

The following, having but slight wounds, were sent to Philadelphia:
B. Walker, Co. C.
Geo. W. Chase, Co. C, son of the old color-bearer.
William Sheldon, Co. C.
D. English, Co. C.
George Loope, Co. A.
E. Northrup and Wm, Breese, of Co. C, had also arrived and probably went on to Philadelphia; slight wounds.

Casualties in the 122d Regiment.
Complete list of Killed, Wounded and Missing.
Letters from Lieut. Col. Dwight and
Chaplain Nelson.
List of Casualties in the 122d N. Y. Vols.,
May 6th, 1864.
Camp of 122d N. Y. Vols.,
May 7, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
I send you a complete list of the casualties in the 122d regiment, in the most severe and desperate action of yesterday.
The mail is a hurried one, and having devoted all my time to the preparation of the enclosed lists, for the information of the people at home, I have no time to write further particulars. 
Truly yours, A. W. DWIGHT,
Lieut. Col. Commanding.

Co. B—Private Haggles, supposed.
Co. D—William Lee.
Co. E—Sergeant James D. Traganza, mortally wounded and since died.
Co. G—Sergeant R. J, Donahue, severely wounded and supposed dead. Private Charles H. Holman.
Co. K—Sergeants. N. Truesdell.
Total, six.

Lieut. Wilson, shoulder, severe.
Private J. Failing, leg, seriously.
Private Charles Perine, side, seriously.
Private A. Pitcher, knee, seriously.
Private H. Twinam, leg, seriously, prisoner.
Private Patrick Hurdly, leg, seriously.
Private Geo. Loop, head, seriously.
Private Geo. Lusk, breast, seriously.
Commissioned officers, one; Privates, seven.—
Total, eight.

Corporal J. Potter, hand, slight.
Corporal E. Sloat, hand, slight.
Private J. Brownell, arm, severe.
Private Ethan Bennett, arm, severe.
Private Daniel Bowley, shoulder, seriously.
Private Charles Carlile, breast, seriously.
Private Geo. Maxson, groin, severe.
Private Lorenzo Scott, shoulder, severe.
Total, eight.

Corporal G. W. Chase, arm, severe.
Private William Bruce, arm, severe.
Private E. Northrup, shoulder, severe.
Private Wm, Sheldon, arm, severe.
Private Benj. Walker, shoulder, severe.
Total, five.

First Lieutenant E. P. Luther, leg, severe.
Corporal O. Nichols, breast, severe.
Corporal Horace Russell, hand, slight.
Corporal Joseph Coons, hand, slight.
Corporal Francis Patterson, arm, slight.
Private Patrick Kinsley, hand, slight.
Private Henry Korb, arm, slight,
Private W. H. Moss, hip, slight.
Private George A. Patten, leg, slight.
Private John Shepard, back, seriously.
Private George Shelby, unknown.
Private John H. Smith, hand, slight.
Private John H. Roberts, arm, slight.
Commissioned officer, one; enlisted men, twelve. 
Total, thirteen.

Private Joseph Dunn, foot, severe.
Private J. H. Eggleston, leg, severe.
Private M. Hollenbeck, hand, slight.
Private L. Newpert, thigh, slight.
Private Joseph R. Richardson, shoulder, severe.
Private S. Seager, side, severe.
Private Truman A. Jackson, shoulder, severe.
Private William Whatman, leg, slight.
Private William Read, contusion on stomach, slight.
Private Winney, supposed to be dead.
Total, ten.

Captain George W. Platt, leg, flesh wound.
Second Lieutenant A. Willman, hand, slight.
Corporal James Black, hand, slight.
Private William Abbott, face, slight.
Private P. Crysler, hand, slight.
Private Joseph Jones, leg, serious.
Private Anthony Kine, both legs, serious.
Private Henry Lamb, wrist, severe.
Private Anthony Raymond, leg, severe.
Private Orrin J. Smith, leg, severe.
Commissioned officers, two; enlisted men, eight.
Total, ten.

Second Lieutenant C. B. Clark, leg, slight.
Total—Commissioned officer, one.

Sergeant H. Maryer, leg severe.
Sergeant G. H. Casler, head, severe, supposed prisoner.
Corporal D. English, chest, slight.
Private George H. Chapman, arm, severe.
Private George B. Fisk, thigh and arm, serious.
Total, five.

Captain J. M. Dwight, leg, severe.
Sergeant Billings, leg, severe, and prisoner.
Private Norman D. Brooks, shoulder, severe.
Private Isaac Howard, arm and side, severe.
Private Peter Pigler, unknown, supposed prisoner.
Commissioned officer, 1; enlisted men, four.
Total, five.

Corporal F. B. Goodell, thigh, severe.
Private John Alderman, wrist, slight.
Private Orren W. Hines, arm, slight.
Total, three.

Adjutant O. V. Tracy, wounded and supposed
prisoner, one, and Line Officers, six.—Total, Officers, seven. Enlisted men, sixty-two.—Total wounded officers and men, sixty-nine.

Private John Talmadge.
Private Scott Fellows, supposed prisoner.
Total, two.
Sergeant William Anderson, supposed prisoner.
Sergeant L. Atkin, supposed prisoner.
Corporal James McKinly, supposed prisoner.
Corporal A. Hubbs, supposed prisoner.
Private J. Bingham, supposed prisoner.
Private J. Crampton, supposed prisoner.
Private H. Knight, supposed prisoner.
Private Clarence A. Robertson, supposed wounded and prisoner.
Private Thomas Scott, supposed wounded and prisoner.
Private Caius Weaver, supposed prisoner.
Private William Herrick, supposed prisoner.
Private William Fairfield, supposed prisoner.
Total, twelve.

Private D. Cummings, supposed prisoner.
Private J. Hauser, supposed prisoner.
Private J. Kennedy, supposed prisoner.
Private Francis Monroe, supposed prisoner.
Private L. Ostrander, supposed prisoner.
Private M. O'Brien, supposed prisoner.
Private Henry J. Russ, supposed prisoner.
Private George Richardson, supposed prisoner.
Private John Sanderson, supposed prisoner.
Private Edwin Smith, supposed prisoner.
Second Lieutenant C. W. Ostrander, supposed wounded and prisoner.
Total, eleven.

Sergeant O. Austin, supposed prisoner. 
Sergeant F. A. Whaley, supposed prisoner.
Corporal Henry F. Amidon, supposed prisoner.
Private W. H. Amidon, hand, slight, supposed to be in hospital.
Private William C. Barron, supposed prisoner.
Private Charles Brown, supposed prisoner.
Private Sidney Case, supposed prisoner.
Private J. H. Noble, supposed prisoner.
Private Eli Perry, since heard from in hospital, wounded in thumb.
Private William Buckly, supposed prisoner.
Total, ten.

Private Zeno T. Griffin, supposed prisoner.
Private C. H. McAllister, supposed killed.
Private John Orr, supposed prisoner.
Private William Rickart, supposed prisoner.
Private Thomas Donnelly, supposed prisoner.
Private John Corbatt, supposed prisoner.
Private E. Weeks, supposed prisoner.
Private M. McMillan, supposed prisoner,
Private C. W. Murray, supposed prisoner.
Private C. Coburn, supposed prisoner.
Total, ten.

Sergeant D. Donaldson, supposed prisoner.
Corporal E. H. Wormwood, supposed prisoner.
Corporal P. Richards, supposed prisoner.
Corporal E D. Spaulding, supposed prisoner,
Private J. N. Clements, supposed prisoner.
Private Porter Davis, supposed prisoner.
Private L. Ganziver, supposed prisoner.
Private J. R. Lawrence, supposed prisoner.
Private U. D. Moore, supposed prisoner.
Private Lorenzo Smith, supposed prisoner.
Total, ten.

Corporal D. Stevens, supposed prisoner.
Corporal Chester D. Youngs, supposed to be at hospital.
Private Niles Rogers, supposed prisoner.
Private Edmund Pease, supposed prisoner.
Private Peter McQuade, supposed prisoner.
Private Thomas Kelly, supposed prisoner.
Private John Kittler, supposed prisoner.
Private John Henderson, supposed prisoner.
Private J. Farmer, supposed prisoner.
Private David Barnard, supposed prisoner.
Total, ten.
Captain James M. Gere, supposed prisoner.
Corporal H. Chappel, supposed prisoner.
Private Merrill P. Dow, supposed prisoner.
Private H. L. Barnes, unknown; supposed to be safe.
Total, four.

First Sergeant S. Northway, supposed prisoner.
Corporal Lewis Loomis, supposed prisoner and wounded.
Private H. L. Tripp, supposed prisoner.
Private J. Dindle, supposed prisoner.
Private Jacob Sax, supposed to be safe.
Private John Preston, supposed to be safe.
Total, six.

Corporal T. Northway, supposed prisoner.
Private John Bugatt, supposed prisoner.
Private Frank Earll, supposed prisoner.
Private Justus Fox, supposed prisoner.
Private Frederick Leitche, supposed prisoner.
Private Phineas Stebbins, supposed prisoner.
Private Peter Liebert, supposed to be in hospital wounded, severe.
Sergeant James Terwilliger, supposed prisoner. 
Total, eight.

Officers—Wounded, seven; missing, two. Total, nine.
Enlisted men—Killed, six; wounded, sixty-two; missing, eighty-one. Total, one hundred and forty-nine.
Grand total killed, wounded and missing, one hundred and fifty-eight.

Letter from Chaplain Nickerson.
SPOTSYLVANIA C. H., Va., Mar 10, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
I sent a few days since a hasty and imperfect list of our killed, wounded and missing. I have not been able to complete the list. I then reported Sergeant Samuel Trowbridge, of Co. K, killed. I was so told by several who said they saw him fall. It was a mistake; he is alive and well.—Sergeant Oscar Austin and Sergeant Whaley, of Co. D, are missing; Capt. Gere not yet heard from, supposed to be a prisoner; the same of Adjutant Tracy; Lieut. Luther was wounded in the leg and missing, he is probably alive and a prisoner; Lieut. Charles W. Ostrander not yet heard from. Our loss in killed and wounded will probably foot up about seventy, and nearly or quite double that in killed, wounded and missing. The Lieutenant Colonel is safe but is not well; he will recover with care and rest. Capt. Walpole is in command of the regiment just now. The Surgeon says that Col. Dwight will be all right in a day or two. Both officers and men are worn out with constant marching, fighting and watching. I think we shall take Richmond, but at a great sacrifice. The only chance we have of sending out letters is when our wounded are sent off.—
They go by way of Fredericksburg. When we shall move from this point we cannot tell. Our hearts are sad on account of the loss of Gen. Sedgwick and our beloved comrades.
Yours truly, L. M. NICKERSON,
Chaplain 122d N. Y. V.

Private Letter from Lieut. Col. Dwight.
May 7, 1864.
Mrs. James G. Tracy, Syracuse:
DEAR MADAM:—I am obliged to discharge the painful duty of informing you that your son Osgood is, without doubt, a prisoner of war, taken at the same time as Gen. Alexander Shaler, yesterday. 
He distinguished himself most highly and gallantly, and was taken after having helped to rally a line of battle after we were surrounded on three sides.
I do not think there is any doubt that he is a prisoner, as he was last seen close to the line of the enemy, who held a road where many of our men, including the General, tried to retreat and were taken.
Our loss was heavy, as you will see by the papers, I sympathize with you in the misfortune to your son, but hope he may soon be restored to you and us.
Very truly yours,
A. W. DWIGHT, Lieut. Col. Commanding.

The 122d Regiment in Friday's Battle.
We are indebted to Chaplain L. M. Nickerson, of the 122d regiment, for the following list of casualties in that regiment in the terrible Battle of the Wilderness, fought on Friday of last week. He writes us that the list is necessarily incomplete, as it was hurriedly prepared under circumstances that rendered it impossible to procure a full record. He thinks the total loss of the regiment in killed, wounded and missing is not far from one hundred and twenty-five, and perhaps it is more. Lieut. Col. Dwight, the commandant, was safe. The regiment was completely surrounded by the rebels, and suffered severely.
The following is the record forwarded by Chaplain Nickerson:

J. H. Hawkins, Co. B.
William Lee, Co. D.
Phillip Vroman, Co. E.
Charles Holman, Co. G.
Louis L. Loomis, Co. I.
Serg't. Sam'l. Trowbridge, Co. K.

Adjutant Tracy, wounded and a prisoner.
Capt. James M. Gere, supposed to be captured.
Frank Goodell, wounded and supposed to be captured.

Lieut. M. L. Wilson, severely in right shoulder.
George W. Guernsey, flesh wound in right leg.
George Loop, slight wound in forehead.
Charles W. Perine, slight wound in back.
Patrick Hurdly, slight flesh wound in leg.
Abijah Pitcher, severe wound in left knee.
Josiah Failing, in knee.

Lorenzo Scott, in right elbow joint.
Serg't. Martin Ryan, rather severe in right eye.
J. J. Brownell, in left elbow joint.
Daniel Bowley, severely in right shoulder.
Charles F. Carlisle.

Michael O'Brien, hand, slight.
Ebenezer Northrop, left arm, severe.
Benjamin Walker, linger shot off.
William Sheldon, left hand.
Wm. H. Bruce, arm.

Patrick Kensley, thumb shot off.
George Patton, flesh wound in thigh.
John Smith, slightly.
John Shepherd, slightly.
Henry Korbe.
Willard Moss.
Corp. H. Russell, wrist, severe.
W. H. Amidon, slightly.
Joseph Coons, slightly.
W. H. Hamilton, slightly.
Michael Carlow, in foot.

C. H. McAllister, severe in foot.
Serg't Traganza, severely, if not fatally.
Wm. Read.
Lorenzo Newport.

Lieut. Willman, slight.
James Black.
Anthony Kine.
Wm. Abbott, slight.
Phillip L. Crisler, in hand.
Henry H. Lamb, slight.
Joseph Jones.
H. Lyon, in arm.

Lieut. C. Clark, slight.
D. W. Stephens, a fracture of arm.

Capt. J. M. Dwight, flesh wound in leg.
Norman D. Brooks.
Isaac Howard.
W. D. Brooks.

George Fisk.
Corp. D. English.

Peter Subert, severe in knee.
John Alderman, arm.
Frank Goodell, wounded and not seen since.

MEMBERS OF THE 122D IN THE WILDERNESS.—The New York Times publishes a list of the wounded belonging to New York regiments remaining in the rebel hospital at Locust Grove, near Robinson's Tavern, in the Wilderness. The hospital is in charge of Surgeon Donnelly, of the Second Pennsylvania Reserves. We find the following record of officers and men of the 122d regiment in this list: Lieut. C. W. Ostrander, Co. E; Lieut. A. P. Luther, Co. D; Sergeant F. E. Whaley, Co. D; Sergeant H. Manzer, Co. H; Corporal E. D. Spaulding, Co. F; Corporal A. H. Hubbs, Co. B; Corporal F. B. Goodell, Co. K; Private J. A. Clements, Co. F; Private J. G. Rosebaum, Co. D; Private T. A, Jackson, Co. E; Private Jacob Houser, Co. C; Private H. Twinam, Co. A; Private Sereno Smith, Co. F, (since escaped;) Private Scott Fellows; Co. A (who died May 29th.)

Letter from Dr. Knapp, Assistant Surgeon on o... the 122d Regiment.
Dr. N. R. Tefft—Dear Sir:—We have just found one day of rest up to noon, which is the first in eleven days, and every day save two or three have equalled [sic] anything in the way of fighting since we came into the service, while three days have far exceeded anything except the cannonade at Gettysburg. The musketry has quite outdone anything we have ever seen. The dead lay in heaps the whole length of the line. Antietam and Gettysburg will not compare. The fighting on both sides has been principally done by charges, and that over breast-works.—For a whole day charges were made by the rebels on one line of our works at least ten or twelve times. The slaughter was terrible. I saw bodies that I dare say had one hundred bullets through them, being shot, no doubt, many times after death, as they lay on the ground. The rebel loss has been the greatest, but our has been enormous. The Sanitary Commission agent at Belle Plain says 23,000 have passed that point. We have captured at last accounts 11,000 prisoners and twenty-eight guns. We have lost two guns and, I suppose, about 2,000 prisoners, among which are General Shaler, Gen. Seymour, (of Florida fame,) Capt. Gere, Adjutant Tracy and Lieut. Luther, all wounded and prisoners. Dr. Adams and Dr. Knapp just escaped, and the brigade was flanked. Lieut. Ostrander is thought to be killed, as he was seen to fall. I do not know how many are killed, but over seventy are missing. We have the names of over one hundred wounded, amongst whom are Capts. Platt and Dwight, Lieuts. Willman, Clark and Wilson. The three first not severely, the latter, quite severely, the ball going in just below the point of the shoulder and coming out in front, fracturing the clavicle badly. Col. Dwight is all right as yet. He was fairly captured with the rest, but got away. 
I cannot, of course, give you particulars now, but will say that Shaler's brigade, or the three regiments of it here, only numbers 303 men for duty this morning, our regiment being over half of the brigade. We have 160 men for duty. Many of our men are wounded slightly. Every man in the army that I have heard say anything about it, express themselves as being thankful that life has been spared them. If I ever felt to thank kind Providence it is now. I have not, as you are well aware, been exposed as those in line have, but many times within the past eleven days it has seemed like an impossibility that I could get out alive. We have had to stand and take it, for there was no use of looking for a better place. Last Friday, for instance, as two Massachusetts Surgeons were dressing a wounded man as he lay on the stretcher, a cannon shot came square under it, tearing the ground up fearfully. I will, if I live through this, write again.
Yours truly. E. A. KNAPP,
Assistant Surgeon 122d Regiment N. Y. V.

The Casualties in the 122d Regiment—Revised and Complete Lists.
Headquarters 122d N. Y. V., Near
Spotsylvania Court House, Va., May 17th, 1864. 
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
I send you a list of casualties up to date, as cor¬rect as we can make it. Most of the missing were lost in the rout of the right on the 6th, and some of them are probably wounded and per-haps killed, but we have given the best informa¬tion we could gather. We now number eleven officers and two hundred and five present muskets, in good health and spirits, though very tired, but getting a little rest at present.
At the time if the rout the regiment held their place till the regiments on the right and left had both broken and given way, and then only fell back when compelled to do so.
Truly Yours, A. W. DWIGHT.

In the Battles of the Wilderness and Spotsylvania
Court House, from May 6th to
May 12th, Inclusive.
Sergt. S. N. Truesdell, K.
" James D. Traganza, E.
Private William Lee, D.

Capt. J. M. Dwight, I, in leg, severe.
" G. W. Platt, F, " "
First Lieut. M. L. Wilson, A, shoulder, severe.
" " E. P. Luther, D, leg, severe, supposed prisoner.
Second Lieut. C. B. Clark, 1, leg, slight.
" " Charles W. Ostrander, C, severe, supposed prisoner.
" " A. Wilman, F, hand, very slight.
Corporal Peter Sharp, A, face, slight.
" Geo. W. Guernsey, A, leg, slight.
Private Josiah Failing, A, leg amputated.
" Patrick Hurdly, A, severe.
" George Loop, A, forehead, slight.
" George Lusk, A, neck.
" Charles W. Perine, A, side, slight.
" Abijah Pitcher, jr., A, leg, severe.
" Holland Twinem, A, leg, supposed prisoner.
" James B. Robinson, A, toot, slight.
" George Howard, A, hand, severe.
" Ephraim Loop, A, foot, slight.
1st Sergt. Martin Ryan, B, eye, severe.
Corporal Elias L. Sloat, B, hand, severe.
" John J. Potter, B, hand, slight.
Private Charles F. Carlyle, B, breast, severe.
" Jonathan J. Brownell, B, arm, severe.
" Jonathan J. Bingham, B, foot, slight.
" George T. Maxon, B, abdomen, "
" Lorenzo Scott, B, arm, severe.
" Daniel W. Bowley, B, shoulder, sevare [sic].
" Jerome Howe, B, hand, slight.
" Wm. Breese, C, arm, slight.
" George W. Chase, C, wrist, severe.
" Ebenezer Northrup, C, shoulder, severe.
" Michael O'Brien, C, hand, slight.
" William Sheldon, C, loss of finger.
" Benjamin Walker, C, loss of finger.
Corporal Oliver Nichols, D, shoulder, slight.
" Horace Russell, D, hand, slight.
" Joseph Coon, D, loss of finger.
" Francis Patterson, D, arm, slight.
Private William H. Amidon, D, loss of finger.
" Patrick Kinsley, D, loss of finger.
" Henry Korb, D, arm, severe.
" Willard H. Moss, D, hip and arm.
" James H. Noble, D, leg, slight.
" George A. Patten, D, leg, slight.
" Eli Perry, D, loss of thumb.
" John A. Sheperd, D, hip, slight.
" George Sheely, D, wounded, supposed prisoner.
" John H. Smith, D, foot, slight.
" Willard Geurnsey, D, slight.
" Charles H. Manwaring, D, chest, severe.
" Charles Goodrich, D, loss of finger.
" Valentine Denick, D, arm, severe.
Corporal David Fountain, E, breast and arm, slight.
Private Joseph Dunn, E, foot.
" James Gallager, E, slight.
" John H. Eggleston, E, leg, slight.
" Clark H. McAllister, E, foot.
" Lorenzo Newpert, E, thigh.
" Joseph R. Richardson, E, shoulder, severe.
" Schuyler Seager, E, side, severe, supposed prisoner.
" Truman A. Jackson, E, shoulder, slight.
" William Reed, E, contusion, slight.
" Charles Winney, E, wounded severe, supposed prisoner.
" S. McFeeters, E, loss of finger.
" Ellis M. Williams, E, foot, severe.
Corporal James Black, F, loss of finger.
" Eugene Spaulding, F, wounded in leg, supposed prisoner.
Private William Abbott, F, face, slight.
" L. E. Gansiver, F, wrist, severe.
" Joseph Jones, F, leg, serious.
" Anthony Kine, F, leg, severe.
" Henry Lamb, F, wrist, slight.
" Orren J. Smith, F, head, supposed mortally, and a prisoner.
" Philip L. Crysler, F, hand, slight.
" William L. Buxton, F, foot, severe.
1st Sergeant Robert Donahue, F, groin, probably fatal, in hands of the enemy.
Corporal Delos W. Stevens, G, wrist, severe.
Private Charles H. Holman, G, bowels, probably fatal, prisoner.
" David Barnard, G, hand, slight.
" John Kittler, G, thigh, "
" Asa Rich, G, hand,
Sergeant Hubbard Manyer, H, thigh, severe, prisoner.
" George H. Casler, H, head, prisoner.
Corporal Dominick English, H, breast, slight.
" F. M. Potter, H, hand, slight.
Private George H. Chapman, H, arm, slight.
" George B. Fish, H, thigh, severe.
" Benjamin Saunders, H, foot, slight.
Sergeant L. H. Billings, I, leg, serious, prisoner.
Private N. D. Brooks, I, shoulder, severe.
" Isaac H. Howard, I, arm and side, severe.
" Peter Pilger, I, wounded and prisoner.
'' Jacob Sax, I, wounded and prisoner.
" Frederick Fickies, I, hand, slight.
1st Sergeant S. C. Trowbridge, K, arm, slight.
Sergeant William Wooster, K, hand, slight.
Corporal Frank B. Goodell, K, thigh, supposed prisoner.
Private John Alderman, K, arm, severe.
" Orren W. Hines, K, arm, slight.
" Daniel F. Earll, K, hand, severe.
" Justus Fox, K, back, "
" Peter Leibert, K, leg, "
" G. A. Wait, K, arm amputated.
" Charles Darling, K, loss of finger.
" James Kelly, K, loss of finger.
" G. G. Bates, C, contusion, slight.
" Norman Garlock, K, head, "

Captain Horace H. Walpole, E, supposed prisoner, unhurt.
" James M. Gere, H, supposed prisoner.
Adjutant O. V. Tracy, supposed prisoner.
Private Scott Fellows, A, supposed prisoner.
" George H. Penfield, A, supposed prisoner.
" John H. Talmadge, A, supposed prisoner.
Corporal Alexander H. Hubbs, Co. B, supposed prisoner.
Private Clarence A. Robertson, Co. B, supposed prisoner.
" James Crampton, B, supposed prisoner.
" Horatio Knight, B, supposed prisoner.
" Jacob Howser, C, supposed prisoner.
" Henry J. Remington, G, supposed prisoner.
Sergeant Oscar Austin, D, supposed prisoner.
" Francis E. Whaley, D, supposed prisoner.
Private Wm. Buckley, D, supposed prisoner.
" Edward Burdick, D, missing in action.
Sergeant Fergus Madden, E, supposed prisoner.
Private Zeno T. Griffin, E, missing in action.
" Wm. Rickart, E, supposed prisoner.
" Thos. J. Donnelly, E, supposed prisoner.
" John Corbett, E, supposed prisoner.
" Emanuel Weeks, E, supposed prisoner.
" Charles Coburn, E, supposed prisoner.
1st Sergeant David Donaldson, F, supposed prisoner.
Corporal Isaac Richards, F, supposed prisoner.
Private Uriah D. Moore, F, supposed prisoner.
" Sereno S. Smith, F, supposed prisoner.
" Isaac N. Clement, F, supposed prisoner.
" John Henderson, F, supposed prisoner.
" Peter McQuade, G, supposed prisoner.
" Edmund H. Pease, G, supposed prisoner.
" Niles Rogers, G, supposed prisoner.
Corporal Henry Chappel, H, supposed prisoner.
Private Merrill P. Dow, H, supposed prisoner.
" Henry L. Barnes, H, supposed prisoner.
1st Sergeant S. S. Northway, I, supposed prisoner.
Corporal L. S. Loomis, I, supposed prisoner.
Private John Dwindle, I, supposed prisoner.
" H. L. Tripp, I, supposed prisoner.
Corporal Thomas Northway, K, supposed prisoner.
Private John Bogatt, K, missing in action.
" Frederick Leitche, K, missing in action.
Total killed,..................................................3
" wounded,…....................................108
" missing,...........................................42
Aggregate killed, wounded and missing, 153.

FROM THE 122D.—The following letter from an officer of the 122d has been handed us, and although it contains no particular item of news as to the wounded and missing of the regiment, still its style is so free and straightforward as to make it interesting to all who have friends in the regiment, though not intended for publication:
DEAR FATHER:—Although our regiment has been almost continually in the front, still for five or six days back we have enjoyed a season of comparative rest and quietness.—For ten days we were under fire every day, and lost some men every day, but since then there have been no general engagements.—Night before last, however, Ewell's corps passed entirely outside the right flank of our army, and made an attack on our wagon train coming from Fredericksburg, laden with rations for the troops. They got possession of the road for a short distance and captured about sixty of our wagons, all the mules and a lot of cattle. There were no troops to oppose their progress but about $3,000 of heavy artillery men. They, however, held the enemy in check for some time, fighting bravely, although losing very heavily, until the arrival of reinforcements, when the enemy were driven back. We recaptured the wagons, but the rations had been taken out; and we also took back part of the cattle. The same night two divisions of our corps were sent out to relieve a part of the second corps, who had repulsed the enemy, and we are here now.—The conduct of these heavy artillery-men is worthy of a great deal of praise, as they have never been in action before; and as they all enlisted to serve as heavy artillery in the defenses of Washington, many of them were very much dissatisfied at being made to shoulder a rifle. They were complimented in the highest terms by Gen. Meade in an order published yesterday, and they truly deserve it.
I promised in my last to give you an account of our battle in the Wilderness on the morning of the 6th, and also of our defeat on the night of the same day, when the Rebels turned our right flank, but I see that Col. Titus has given a tolerably reliable account in the papers, so it will be unnecessary for me to say much about it. * * * *
The Rebs attacked us in front of our regiment, and at the same time a heavy force drove in our skirmishers on the right, while still another body went farther round and came up in our rear. Thus we were completely surrounded. I was just relieving our skirmishers with a body of about 60 men when the attack was made. We fell back gradually, and just as we got back where our regiment was, the rebs had opened a fire on their rear as well as front, and then turned and fired directly to the rear, and we skirmishers were thus exposed to the fire of our regiment and the rebs on one side, and of the rebs on our rear and the other side. It is a miracle that any of us ever lived to tell the story. I send you a diagram of the affair that may help you to understadd [sic] it. 
Col. Titus in his statement said that the colors of our regiment were saved by Lt. Poole. This is a mistake, and in justice ought to be corrected, and I wish you would see that it is. The colors were saved by one of the Color Guard, Corp. Webster Vosseler, of Co. H.—Lieut. Poole is entitled to a great deal of credit for his courage in the fight that night, and also in the morning; but he did not save the colors, but merely carried them a short distance for Vosseler, who was tired but, until they found Col. Dwight. Col. Dwight and all officers present at the time, as well as the men, give Vosseler the credit, and justice ought to be done him by the papers. 
We have been present in several severe fights since then, but have not lost so heavily, although the other regiments of our brigade were terribly cut up. Our brigade (three regiments) when we left Brandy Station, was over 1,000 strong, and we now number but about 350 effective men. Gen. Shaler was taken prisoner on the night of the 6th, and Col. Cross, of the 67th N. Y., commands the Brigade.
It is sad to think of the loss our army has suffered, and yet I fear this is but the beginning. God has mercifully spared my life thus far, and I hope I shall come out of this fiery ordeal unscathed, but in case the worst should come, I hope at least that I am better prepared than ever before to meet my fate. If any one need the prayers of friends at home it is the soldier who, although every moment surrounded by danger, is too apt to forget the duty he owes to his Maker first, and then to himself.
May God give success to our armies everywhere, that we may soon crush out this ungodly Rebellion, and once more enjoy a firm peace.

Latest from the 122d Regiment. 
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
We have not been engaged since I last wrote, and no casualties have occurred since that time, or since I sent you the second and amended list of our losses. That was correct, or as near as we can make it.
You must put little faith in the rumors that float home, as they are derived from winding channels.
We are well and confident, though much in need of a month's quiet rest.
Yours truly, A. W. DWIGHT.
Lieut.-Col. Commanding.

Letter from the 122d.
May 31, 1864.
DEAR STANDARD.—The 21st at night we marched off by the enemy's right flank, and have had some very heavy marching and counter-marching since, but not much fighting, which the boys like full as well, although they are always ready for a fight. But it is better to march than fight, when we are thus getting towards Richmond faster, which we are bound to have at all hazards, and bag Lee with his army if possible, which is not improbable. We are having very hot weather, but the men stand it well; they are in good spirits, and constantly joking each other about what they will do in Richmond. They are all confident that General Grant will take Richmond, and are all determined to do their whole duty towards its accomplishment. The confidence of the men in Gen. Grant is unabated—they believe he is capable of accomplishing all that he has undertaken.
We shall have some very hard fighting now —probably the hardest the world ever knew—but we shall succeed, without a doubt. 
Two men that I gave you in the list of missing, are now with their company, unhurt:—Thomas Donelly and Charles Winnie, of Co. E. Our skirmishers are out one half mile ahead, firing some this morning. I have a chance to send this now, and must close. A. B. P.

The Journal has the following from Lt. Col. Dwight:
To the Editor of Syracuse Journal:
We have not been engaged since I last wrote, and no casualties have occurred since that time, or since I sent you the second and amended list of our losses. Thas [sic] was correct or as near as we can make it.
You must put little faith in the rumors that float at home, as they are derived from winding channels.
We are well and confident, though much in need of a month's quiet rest.
Yours truly, A. W. DWIGHT.
Lieut. Col. Commanding.

The 122d in the Battle of Cold Harbor, Va.
COLD HARBOR, VA., June 2, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
Yesterday was a sad day for our regiment. It was under a terrible fire, and made a splendid charge, but suffered severely. Our loss in killed, wounded and missing will probably reach eighty. The list I send you is quite perfect, but not complete. There are several others missing, supposed to be killed. Lieut. F. M. Wooster was shot through the head and killed instantly. Lieut. Poole is suffering considerably from his wounds, but with a good deal of fortitude and cheerfulness. All the other officers are said to be safe. In a day or two I will send a full list.
Yours truly, L. M. NICKERSON,
Chaplain 122d N. Y. V.
[The full list forwarded by Chaplain Nickerson was published in the JOURNAL yesterday.]

Virginia, June 5th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
On the 1st inst. this regiment participated in a terrific and bloody battle at this point.
We charged the rebel works, ours being the third line of battle. The other columns broke, and ours was thrown right under the rebel works, where we were beaten to a stand still, but held our ground, or very nearly, and threw up earthworks under a heavy fire, and we still hold them, about thirty rods from the enemy's works, both sides being under a heavy skirmish fire. We had but one man hit while building the works.
Our loss was heavy on the 1st inst., and is severely felt by us. Lieut. Wooster was a most promising officer and most deeply beloved. He fell instantly killed within a few feet of me. His remains have been buried in a marked spot, so that they can be removed when opportunity affords. 
Our regiment and county have again been smitten. My deepest condolence to those afflicted. 
No regiment ever behaved more gallantly. After the fight was over our general officers said of us, and two little regiments with us, "The only line of battle preserved in the charge." We advanced about a mile, through woods and over obstacles, and under a heavy fire of shell and cannister.
I send a list of all casualties up to date; it is correct, I think.
Capt. Marks and Lieut. Wells have not left the regiment, but are on duty.
It is raining and I write in the open air. Excuse all want of finish.
Yours truly, A. W. DWIGHT,
Lieut. Col. Commanding 122d N. Y. V.

Lieut. Col. Dwight encloses a list of the casualties in the 122d, which was prepared on the 4th inst. by Sergeant-Major Moses. It is mainly the same as that sent by Chaplain Nickerson, but contains the following additional:
Private Roselle E. Luce, Co. B, shoulder, slight.
" William C. Barron, Co. D, dangerous.
" William R. Johnson, Co. E, leg, slight.
" Henry W. North, Co. E, shoulder, slight.
" Gotleib Sterner, Co. E, head, serious.
" William Whortman, Co. E, groin, serious.
Corporal Eugene H. Wormhood, Co. F, neck, serious.
Sergeant Philo Olmsted, Co. G, neck, severe.
Private William Bateman, Co. G, thigh, flesh wound.
Private William H. Hammond, Co. G, leg and ankle, severe.
Sergeant Charles Felton, Co. K, arm and neck, dangerous.
Corporal Martin Hackett, Co. K, breast, slight.

Col. Titus writes to the Standard, under date of Washington the 7th inst., as follows: Private Seneca Smith, (of Camillus,) Co. F, 122d regiment, wounded and taken prisoner in the Wilderness May 6th, has just arrived, with Peter McQuade, of Co. G, 67th N. Y., and eight others, who made their escape June 2d, from the Hospital one and a half miles east of Robertson's Tavern, (Locust Grove,) fifteen miles from Fredericksburg. He reports the following members of the 122d there:
Lieut. Charles W. Ostrander, leg amputated midway between the knee and ankle—not otherwise hurt—doing well.
Lieut. Luther, badly wounded, but doing well.
Sergt. H. Manzer, Co. H, Sergt. Frank E. Whaley, Co. D, and Eugene Spalding, Co. F, each badly wounded, but may recover.
Isaac Clemens, Co. F, leg off, and doing well. Holland Twineham, Co. A, leg off, but doing well.
Scott Fellows, Co. A, died the last of May.
John Rosebaum, Co. D, finger off, and wounded bad in leg.
Corp. F. B. Goodall, Co. K, of color guard, bad in leg.
Jacob Houser, Co. C, in arm, not bad.
Dan Bryan, State Agent at Alexandria, has about fifteen of our boys who arrived yesterday. He will take the best care of them.

The 122d in Battle at Cold Harbor, Va.
The 149th at Dallas, Ga.
The 122d at Cold Harbor, Va.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
I enclose you a list of the killed, missing and wounded in the 122d regiment in the battle here yesterday, which is as complete as I am able to make it. I have seen and examined nearly all the wounded. The wounds are generally quite severe, from the fact that the fighting was mostly done at short range. I learn that a few of our wounded have been sent to the Division Hospital, whose names I will get at the earliest moment and send you. All speak in the highest terms of praise of the conduct of our regiment in the last engagement. The fighting has been of the most obstiate [sic] character on both sides, though the advantage has been with us. Our regiment has lain for forty-eight hours within a short distance of the rebel fortifications. At present they can neither safely advance nor retreat. Our lines, however, cannot be easily broken or driven back. Reports come in that we are pressing back the rebel right and left, and expect to be thus able to compel them to fall back from their centre. I can not learn of any more casualties in our regiment, at present.
Yours truly, L. M. NICKERSON,
Chaplain 122d N. Y. V.

Lieut. Frank M. Wooster, Co. G, killed.
Benj. Breed, Co. G, killed.
Franklin Phillips, Co, E, killed.
Charles Brown, Co. D, killed.
Corporal Jas. E. Ross, Co. D, killed.
Gerrit Kelley, Co. K, killed.
Patrick O'Harra, Co. K, killed.
Norman Garlock, Co. K, killed.
Leander Day, Co. I, wounded and missing.
Hiram Cole, Co. I, wounded and died in hospital.

Sergt. Samuel Carrington, over left eye, slight.
Jas. B. Robinson, left elbow, severe.
Uriah Trapp, left hand.
Thomas Riley, left arm.
Corp. Philo Olmstead, neck, severe.

Capt. M. L.Marks, right arm, slight.
Sergt. S. D. Cutcliffe, head, severe.
Ephraim Bennett, right leg, severe.
Sergt. W. J. Anderson, jaw, fractured.
Wm. C. Barroun, left breast, severe.

Ed. L. Wright, right thigh, severe.
Colonel J. McLyman, right hand.
Orville T. Graves, right thigh, flesh wound, severe.
Alfred Worden, right ankle, severe.
Alfred Houser, right hand thumb.
George Richardson, leg.
Stephen Thompson, left leg, slight.

Sidney Case, left hand, slight.
Geo. Amidon, left leg, left foot, left shoulder, severe.
Sergt. D. Shirley, right hand.
Lewis Amidon, right thigh, flesh wound, severe.

John Oertel, left arm and right hip, flesh wound, severe.
Wm. Westman, right hip, severe.
John Pfeifer, left thigh, flesh wound,
James Powell, left arm, fracture.
F. A. Meade, left arm.
John Orr, hand, slight.
Corp. Thos. Templeton, shoulder, slight contusion.

John Savage, right thigh, flesh wound, severe.
Sergeant J. M. Burlington, left foot, severe.
Benjamin Burlington, shoulder, slight.
Edward Baker, left arm, severe.
Corp. E. H. Woodward, left shoulder, severe.
Robert Humphreys, abdomen, severe.
James R. Lawrence, leg, flesh wound.
Serg't Irving Davey, head, severe.

Wm. H. Zellers, left hip, severe, flesh wound.
Miles B. Goram, right thigh, slight.
Chester C. Young, right hand, slight.
Chas. R. Landphier, left arm, flesh wound.
Hiram Weeks, head.
Johiel Landphier, right arm, shell bruise.

Wm. Behan, hip, shell bruise.
Barney Van Alstine, right arm, slight.
Alma Thompson, right arm, fracture.
Chas. E. Durant, left hip, slight.

Lieut. T. L. Peole, left elbow and side.
Sergt. Thos. Dallman, left side, ribs fractured.
E. S. Barney, five wounds, severe.
H. P. Merchandallar, left shoulder, severe.
John Penn, arm and foot, severe
John A. Uncles, right side, severe.
Patrick Keiley, wrist, jaw fractured, severe.

Sergt. Saml. Trowbridge, right side, slight.
Sergt. Chas. T. Telton, right arm fractured near shoulder, and jaw fractured, very severe if not fatal.
Geo. C. Bates, left side, slight.
Phineas Stebbins, thigh, slight.
Nathan Johnson, right thigh and left shoulder, severe.
Sergt. Merrick Smith, leg, flesh wound. 
Corp. Luther Holcomb, leg, slight.

LT. OSTRANDER HEARD FROM.—We are rejoiced to know that Lt. Charles W. Ostrander, of the 122d, who has been several times reported dead, is living and although a prisoner and wounded, is doing well. His
brother-in-law, Mr. Moulter, yesterday received the following telegram from Col. Titus. The feelings of the wife and children who have been pining under the report of his death, can be better appreciated than described at the receipt of the welcome tidings:
To H. P. Moulter, Syracuse:
Lieut. Charles W. Ostrander, of the 122d, is heard from in the Wilderness, and doing well. I have written by the mail.
[Signed,] S. TITUS.

Interesting from the 122d Regiment.
A note from Lieut. Col. Dwight, dated Headquarters of 122d N. Y. V., near Cold Harbor, Va., June 8th, informs us that the regiment had not been engaged since our previous advices, and had suffered no casualties since he last wrote us on the 5th inst. The remarkable escape of Adjutant Tracy was known in the regiment, and the news of the safety of some members of the regiment, who were supposed to be killed, and were reported as prisoners by him, was received with great joy.

Washington, June 12, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
Having spent the day in looking after my sick and wounded boys, I take the liberty to forward to you this, as it will interest many of your readers in Onondaga:
George Colburn, Co. D, sick since Nov. 23d, '63.
Corporal Jno. J. Potter, Co. B, transferred to Philadelphia May 28th.
Eli Perry, Co. D, furloughed June 9th, '64.
Lemuel Ginsever, Co. F, transferred to Baltimore May 16th.
Lorenzo Scott, Co. B, transferred to Baltimore May 16th.
Sergeant Martin Ryan, Co. B, transferred to Philadelphia May 28th.
Willard Moss, Co. D, furloughed May 17th.
Patrick Kinsel, Co. D, transferred to Baltimore May 16th.
Samuel Bowers, Co. B, transferred to Philadelphia June 6th.
Daniel Bowley, Co. B, doing well, in Lincoln Hospital.
C. J. McLyman, Co. C, wounded at Cold Harbor June 1st, and transferred to New York June 10th.
Jno. Pfeifer, Co. E, slight wound in side and hand, doing well.
G. Steiner, Co. E, bad in head, in Lincoln Hospital.
Sergeant S. P. Carington, Co. A, head, not bad, walking about, in Lincoln Hospital.
Patrcik Keiley, Co. I, head and hand, not dangerous, in Lincoln Hospital.
Wm. H. Zeller, Co. G, in hip, doing well, in Lincoln Hospital.
Sergeant Chas. Felton, Co. K, in head and shoulder, bad, in Lincoln Hospital.
Ethen Bennett, Co. B, flesh wound in right thigh, and in Lincoln Hospital.
Corporal E. H. Wormwood, Co. F, in shoulder, transferred to New York Jan. 11th, '64.
Corporal P. Olmstead, Co. G, neck, doing well, in Lincoln Hospital.
Sergeant E. W. Davey, Co. F, slight in head, walking about, in Lincoln Hospital.
Uriah Trap, Co. A, in hand, doing well, in Lincoln Hospital.
Sergeant R. B. Davis, Co. G, in ankle, doing well, in Lincoln Hospital.

Lieut. Poole says that in one of the late battles our regiment cut their way to the outside of the rebel entrenchments and planted their banner within ten feet of that of a Virginia regiment, and thus continued the fight until evening, when a call was made for volunteers to scale the bank, which was very high. Little Sammey Cutcliffe was the first to volunteer, and led the way with two others, into the midst of a score of Confederates, fired two shots, and returned in safety.—He was afterwards hit in the head, but is doing well.
It is impossible to record the many acts of individual bravery of the veterans of this regiment, who have done more hard fighting than any other regiment of its date, and will long be remembered by our enemies, if not by our friends at home. It has suffered severely in officers and men; has had but little aid from home to recruit, but I hope it will be remembered and recruited, by conscription or otherwise, the reinforcements to be sent on now, as it is no time to delay.
Yours truly, SILAS TITUS.

The 122d Regiment Across James River.
June 14th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
We left our position at Cold Harbor, on the night of the 12th, and crossed the Chickahominy at Jones' Bridge, yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock, and encamped about three miles this side, having marched twenty-four miles in twenty-one hours. This morning we moved to this place, and bivouacked here. The march was made without interruption, nor have any casualties occurred in the Regiment since I last wrote.
Yours truly,
Lieut.-Col. Commanding.

The 122d Regiment—Its Position, Condition and Numbers.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
POINT, VA., June 16, 1864—10 A. M.
We are still on the north bank of the James, but the trains and army are rapidly moving across. The Sixth Corps is in line of battle, and forms the rear guard of the army at this crossing, as it did the advance at the Pamunkey; though no fight is expected here, as the enemy would have to come too far. Our Division (First) is the galloping division. We left Cold Harbor at 9 P. M. of the 12th and arrived here at 12 M. of the 14th. A corps that left by another road at 3 P. M. of the 12th came in at dark of the 14th, and stared some to learn that we had been eight hours in position here.
We have not been engaged nor suffered any casualties since I last wrote. Our present number, including officers, musicians hospital nurses, pioneers and all men, sick and well, for whom we draw rations with the regiment, is 224. This does not include the Quartermaster, Quarter master's and Commissary's Sergeants and teamsters, who are with the trains. Of the former number, twelve are officers, as follows: One Lieut. Colonel, one Major, three Captains, four First Lieutenants and one Second Lieutenant, one Chaplain and one Surgeon, which last two are nominally present, though of course they are noncombatants. Of this number Capt. Marks and Lieut. Wells have been wounded, but are getting all right, and have not left their commands, though officers have gone to Washington for less severe wounds, or else some of the medical department are much mistaken, and I do not think they are.
We have heard from the Colonel now and then through his letters from Washington to the papers home, but several of the men reported killed are alive and unhurt, as you will see by the list of casualties I sent you the other day, if you got it. In fact I have sent you two, but have not got the papers containing them.
Our pioneers number ten, our musicians nine, our hospital nurses six. Add to these, twelve officers and eight men sick with us, who are excused by the Surgeon from duty, and you have an aggregate of forty-three to deduct from the total of two hundred and twenty-four, which brings our number of muskets considerably below two hundred.
When it is remembered that we started out with over four hundred men, one field, one staff and nineteen line officers, and that one field, two line officers and fifteen men have joined us on the march, it will be seen that nearly two-thirds of our men, and nearly three-fourths of our line officers, and our only staff officers who is a combatant have been killed, wounded or taken prisoners. Some idea of the severity of our duties and labors may thus be formed.
The other four regiments in this brigade are each commanded by a full Colonel, every one of whom has been made so since this regiment joined the brigade. Two of them were Majors, and one was a Captain, third in rank, the other being Lieutenant Colonel, when we were brigaded here. From our peculiar position the field officers of our regiment are compelled to do double duties and assume double responsibilities, while the line offices from other regiments quietly climb over their heads and outrank them in position,—something which has but very little to do, it must be owned, with one's duty to the country and to the regiment, but which, nevertheless, it is hardly human to bear with the most entire equanimity, in a general relative comparison of duties performed.
The weather here is warm but not unpleasant, as a breeze along the river fans us. The marches are dusty, but all these things have dwindled into trifles on this campaign.
The papers have come semi-spasmodically, or now and then sometimes, but now that we are on the James, and in regular communication with our transports and mail-boats, we hope to get our mails regularly. Write to the boys, friends at home. Let us all hear from you. Your letters are the bright spots in our fighting pilgrimage.
Yours truly, D.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
July 19th, 1864.
DEAR STANDARD:—The casualties of the 122d, on 12th, in front of Fort Stephens, near Washington, does not vary much of any from the list which I then sent you. The 13th and 6th Corps, with several squads of cavalry, started in pursuit of the enemy, which were making for Edward's Ferry with their plunder. We came up to them on the 14th, and succeeded in re-capturing about one hundred head of cattle, they having safely crossed into Virginia with the rest. It is said they had some six thousand head of cattle, and a large and valuable lot of horses. We lay near Poolsville, Maryland, two nights and one day, then marched for the River, which we forded at White's crossing; we marched up by Leesburrg, passing about three miles beyond Leesburg, towards Snicker's Gap, where we camped until yesterday, then marched here. Our cavalry captured and destroyed seventy-three of the enemys [sic] waggons [sic] before they got through the Gap. Hunter had a sharp fight with them yesterday, and got rather severely handled. He followed them too close across the Shenandoah river; they drove him back across the river, destroying quite a number of his men. But now the old 6th Corps is here to back him, we will pay them off with interest. The enemy has a strong position, and it will take a heavy fight to drive them from it. Our regiment will most likely be in the fight before night. The weather is very hot. We have just received orders to march to the front, it is no 9 o'clock, we may have a heavy fight before night. We have no regular mail communication; we have to send letters by carriers when we can get a chance. I am in hopes to send this to-day. Lieut. Col. Dwight. Major Brower, Adjutant Tracy. Doctor Knapp, Chaplain Nickerson, Capt. Clapp, Capt. Marks, Lieut. Wilkins, Lieut. Sims, Lieut. Clark, Lieut. Wells, Lieut. Hall, are all the commissioned officers we have with the regiment, and they are all well. The health of the regiment is good, the officers and men are in good spirits. Orders countermanded we may say here all day. Two o'clock, we are laying here yet very quiet. But artillery and ammunition are constantly going to the front, our pioneers are cutting a new road through the woods to the river. There has been quite a number of the 15th Cavalry here to see us today; 8 o'clock, evening—orders to march, packed up, lay until ten, then orders countermanded camp for the night.
20th, Marched across the Shenandoah river, about one mile from the river, we camped side of the road, had a heavy shower, all got wet to the skin; 8 o'clock, orders to cross the river, marched all night.
21st, Marched all last night, and until one o'clock to-day, camped near Drainsville on the Leesburg and Alexandria Pike. The sun is very hot, the boys are all foot sore from fording the river twice in one day, and marching all night and part of to-day.
22d, 8 o'clock, we are laying here yet very quiet, but expect to resume our march for Washington every moment, we shall most likely cross Chain Bridge some time to-night, it is twenty-two miles from here. Just received orders to pack up, we shall in a few minutes be on the road to Washington. Marched through Drainsviile, camped eight miles from Chain Bridge. Mosby was here yesterday. 
23d, Marched at 8 o'clock, crossed Chain Bridge, camped about two and a half miles from Georgetown, near old camp. Onondaga boys all well, but pretty well tired out. Where we shall go next, and when, is more than your humble servant knows. Our march to the Shenandoah and back has been a hard one, but the boys have kept up with the regiment well. Thanks to Dr. Knapp, Major Brower and Adjutant Tracy, who have let the men ride their horses full one half the time, they going a foot them selves.
We are in hopes to get paid here now, before we leave, we all sincerely hope so. There seems to be some fear from the rebs again, but I hardly think that they will try Maryland again this season. It is very hot to-day.
Yours for Subjugation, A. B. P.

Letters from the 122d Regiment.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
Va., June 21, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal: 
Since my last we have moved about five miles to our present place. We are now in works similar to those at Cold Harbor, but not so near the enemy; close to the town, but not in possession of it, all reports to that effect notwithstanding, though our guns command the place, and we can burn or destroy it at any time.
We have not been engaged except in skirmishing, since my last, but we day before yesterday lost one of our bravest and best men, Sergeant Seymour H. Glass, of "A" Co. He was killed by a chance shot, which struck him in the neck, as he was stooping forward, out of sight of the man who fired the shot; the ball passing down into his body, and caused his death in a few minutes. He had greatly endeared himself to all by his prompt and cheerful performance of his duties, and he is deeply lamented. There is no further news. Lieut. Clark returned yesterday. We hear a rumor that a brigade of cavalry recaptured our wounded at Robinson's Tavern, in the Wilderness, and hope that ours may be among them. 
Truly yours, D.

The following letter from Thomas B. Scott, of Co. B, though not of a late date, portrays some of the scenes through which the 122d has passed since the opening of the Virginia campaign:
Agreeably to my promise, I send you a few lines, telling you of my whereabouts and the present condition of the 122d regiment. We have lost 229 men in this campaign and are sadly reduced in numbers, but, I am glad to say, are plucky still. The rebel riflemen having become very annoying to us, it has become necessary to organize a company of sharpshooters for each brigade. A day or two ago I was detailed as one of the members, and am now waiting for our Sharp's rifles, the best weapon in the service. I do not think it is right in ordinary times to resort to sharp-shooting during a battle, but as the rebels seem determined to murder our wounded and those who are carrying them from the field, there is no other way left for our commanders but to do as they do. I think that I can avenge some of our fallen boys for their wounds and death. Hence I am willing to enter this most dangerous branch of the service. Roselle E. Luce, of Cicero, was badly wounded by one of the enemy's sharpshooters on the afternoon of the 6th inst. His wounds are both bad ones, but he will doubtless recover.
We are on the same ground now where the fight of the 1st inst. took place. Our fortifications are up to within fifty yards of the enemy's strong redoubts and breastworks. Today there is no firing of any account. Both sides are burying their dead and preparing for a desperate action to-morrow. We expect our rifles to-day. I will not attempt a description of the fighting of our Corps at this point. I will only say that it has been fighting and digging for eight days and nights, and has lost one-fourth of its men. No pen-description can do the boys justice. The 122d charged alone on the enemy's works over an open plain of 1,200 yards, and got up to within twenty rods of the enemy's breastworks, but the enemy having an enfilading fire, we could go no farther, but with our bayonets and hands dug up earth to protect us from their fire, and thus held the ground all night. It was a foolish attempt to do what 2,000 men could not do. We had only 300 men on the line charging, and nearly ninety of them were of the 65th N. Y. V. 
12 o'clock—Having a few moments leisure I resume my pen, but it is under a heavy cannonading which almost deafens me. The shells and schrapnel are bursting all around us, but having got used to such scenes, we are not inclined to move into the pits and leave the shade of our tents. Our position is three-quarters of a mile from the rebel batteries, but in easy range. It is a splendid sight when our batteries open on theirs, and along the entire lines sheets of fire burst forth as if from the earth. Not a man on our side can show himself but a half-dozen bullets are sent after him from the rebel works. Every night we have a fight of about one hour in duration. How long this will last I don't know, but yet I am inclined to think that the seige of Richmond will last six months or a year. The rebels have nearly all their army here, and fight most desperately, and the true course for the Government to pursue is to concentrate 500,000 troops here, around Richmond, and besiege them out. Reinforcements are still coming up, and they are needed too, I assure you. We have taken many prisoners, and those with whom I have conversed say that Grant fights like a bull-dog. The people on the route from Bowling Green here say that Davis has lied to them. He told them that Grant was defeated and retreating across the Rappahannock. They could hardly realize that the Yankees had flanked Lee and was pushing him back toward Richmond. We are eleven miles north-east of Richmond, and to-night I think that the Fifth Corps will go to Bottom's Bridge. The men who fought under McClellan say that this is the only fighting they ever saw. McClellan did not fight his entire army, and fight thirty-live days, more or less, every day.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
June 26th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
No changes since my last. Major Brown and Chaplain Nickerson have been under the weather for some days, but are well again now.
Dr. Slocum, of the 121st, and formerly of ours, has been unwearied in his efforts in behalf of our sick and wounded. He has worked early and late, and has rendered the most invaluable service; and were I competent, I should like to write a letter upon those two institutions—the Sanitary and Christian Commissions; but I cannot do it. The prayers and thanks of thousands whose lives they have saved are their best pangyric.
Clean clothes, lemons, ice, jellies, wines, liquors, stationery, stamps, towels, soap—everything—without money and without price; and the best of care, worth more than all else. The two Commissions have saved thousands of lives. They never sell anything. I never knew a cent's worth sold by them; but a sick or wounded man has only to come under their notice, and he is supplied instanter.
Weather very warm.
Yours truly, D.

FROM THE 122D.—We have another letter from our correspondent, 
A. B. P. of the 122d, dated, "Camp in the woods, about five miles to the left of Petersburg, June 29th," which has been longer coming than usual, and of course its news, which is by no means startling, has been anticipated. He says, "we are lying here quiet in Camp, taking all the rest we can; add there seems to be a general lull in the storm of battle all along our lines. We have some artillery duelling [sic] every day and night—just enough to keep our ears used to the sound. The general health of the regiment is good—there are but very few cases of sickness, and they are dysentery, which will be cured now we are lying still. We are having a feast of good things from the Christian Commission, in the shape of pickles, pickled cabbage, sourkrout, lemons, tomatoes, potatoes, dried apples, can milk, beets, and syrups, all of which the men needed very much. They also sent us a lot of tobacco and pipes, and if those noble hearted ladies and gentlemen who help furnish them, could hear the hearty "God bless them," from the lips of the thousands of soldiers whom they have made glad, I know they would be amply paid for all their generous kindness to the soldier." 
Further on in the letter, the writer speaks of the numerical condition of the regiment, and expresses strong fears that it will loose its number and identity as an Onondaga county organization, unless something shall be done by friends at home to replenish its sadly depleted ranks. The boys cannot bear the thought of consolidation, and look with wishful eyes for the needed relief in the way of recruits. They are ready to fight on, fight ever, in the good cause, unil [sic] the rebellion shall be wiped out, but have a natural love for the old organization under which they left their homes, and under which they have won glorious laurels for themselves and the county from which they went. We have again and again given our views as to the duty of this people towards the gallant men of the 122d, and 149th, that there was a great moral obligation resting upon us to bend every nerve to filling up their ranks. That obligation has only become the stronger and more solemn by the glorious deeds of both those regiments during the last three months—their heroism and sacrifices are for the country—their fame our special pride.

122d Regiment Helps to Destroy the Petersburg and Weldon Railroad.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
Day before yesterday we broke camp and moved about six miles south to the Weldon Railroad, which we immediately proceeded to destroy.
As usual, Salt Point got ahead. We and one other small regiment got on the track, all took hold on one side, and at the word of command from our senior officer, who had command of the working party of the Brigade, over went the track. It was the "U" rail, and the rails all coupled by connecting bars, and a very little force kept it going over for some two hundred and fifty yards, when it broke at a weak place. We then took off the ties, broke the rails at the connections, piled up the ties, put the rails on the top so that the burning of the ties would heat the rails in the middle and let the ends bend down by their weight, and so become useless until re-rolled.—Then a breastwork was cut in the grade of the road, and so that was spoiled. Although we expected a fight, we were happily disappointed, and last night we came back to the point where we now remain.
No casualties have occurred in our regiment since my last. Capt. Clapp, who was absent sick, has returned, much improved. By the way, I saw that he was detailed in command of a company of sharp-shooters. He was so detailed at Cold Harbor, but the organization was not ready, and he is with the regiment.
Major Brower has the chills and fever, though not very severely, but he is obliged to remain a few days at the Division Hospital, where the efficient and fatherly care of Dr. Slocum will soon bring him around. Dr. Slocum has never forgotten our regiment, but has been as assiduous in his care of our wounded as if he still belonged to us. Almost all of ours have been treated by him, and in the most careful and skillful manner.
The JOURNAL and Standard come along with commendable regularity, and are greeted like the faces of old friends.
Yours truly, D.

Letter from Lieut. Col. Dwight.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal;
We have not been engaged nor have we suffered any casualties since I last wrote, except the deaths in General Hospital, which you have noticed. 
Much anxiety is felt as to getting bodies home from here. A General Order prohibits the exhumation of bodies till after October 1st. Were the friends of deceased officers and men to come on, provided with a metalic coffin, and everything to prevent difficulty, it might be that special leave could be procured in some cases, but I cannot vouch for even this. Some officers have been embalmed and sent home immediately after their decease, though not from this Department (Gen. Butler's) that I am aware. Every assistance in our power will be cheerfully given. I state the facts thus plainly, to apprise the friends of our dead of the existing state of orders on the subject.
We are having a little rest just now, and the health of the regiment is much improved. 
Major Brower is pretty well, and Capt. Clapp has returned much better. Most of the officers are in good health, and I am nearly as well as ever.
Truly yours, A. W. DWIGHT, Lieut. Col. Commanding.

The 122d Regiment—The Raid on the Petersburg and Weldon R. R.—How the Fourth was Observed. Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
We are encamped as when and where I last wrote, and nothing has disturbed the harmony of the scene or the state of affairs. While the enemy is about three miles in our immediate front, and our pickets more than half-way, and close to his, on our right our lines and those of the enemy are in close contiguity, as we were at Cold Harbor. Here a shot is now and then exchanged—there it is a continual pop—pop—pop—zip—zip—zip—whiz—bang; and every now and then the deep-mouthed roar of a gun puts in a most thoroughly bass diapas on to the concert.
The musketry is distinctly audible here, and the guns still more so; and when along with the three-inch Parrotts, the 32's and siege guns put in their occasional roar, we are fully satisfied that "our flag is still there"—and the rebels, too.
Since our raid at Ream's Station, on the 2d, we have not bad any matter of startling importance just here. We came near having a hot time of it there, for the rebels started eighteen regiments of infantry down parallel with us to whip us off the route. Whether they could have handled the old Sixth or not, could have been told by trying us on. We have whipped more than that, and perhaps could again; but as soon as they started our Eighteenth Corps got up and charged the place they had just weakened, and took the line of pits—drove the Johnnies half a mile, when the valiant eighteen came back on a double-quick to the rescue and to the demolition of the Eighteenth Corps, which they did not accomplish, for they couldn't drive them a foot, and the Eighteenth Corps hold their position now while we went on and tore up their railroads without molestation.
The Fourth was celebrated yesterday in very quiet style. Mysterious rumors were afloat that a mine was run under the main rebel battery, and that at sunrise the redan was to go up, as an offering to the American Eagle; that Grant was going to open at sunrise with ever so many guns on Petersburg, &c., &c., but the morning came, and save the pop—pop—of the skirmishers, and the occasional bang! of a gnu, all was quiet; in fact every thing was as usual. The sun was warm—ice was scarce, and the procession did not pass this way, so we kept as still as we could. A few of the men put in motion the unknown and incomprehensible machinery they have for getting hold of a few canteens of whiskey of the "busthead" variety, and got somewhat celebratory, and some of the staff officers got out their white gloves, perfumery and narrow neck-ties, and such other nice things as had withstood "the wreck of matter and the crash of worlds" in this campaign, and the wreck of champaign and the crash of gingerbread in Sandusky, and went visiting. But one department of the army was in full blast and heavy movement,—the army bands. From every quarter they began early, and for want of other excitement, kept up pretty much all day, and well into the night.
" Hear me, Norma," came softly swelling up from some shady grove to meet with "Go to the Devil and Shake Yourself," from another.—"Come where My Love lies Dreaming" was informed that "My Johnny was a Shoemaker."—"Hallelujah Chorus" marched side by side with "Away down South in Dixie." "Bully Boy with a Glass Eye," waltzed through the front with "Hail Columbia." An inquiry after the prosperity of the "Star Spangled Banner" was assured that "No Irish need apply," and "Old Hundred," with its majestic peal, ushered in "Linkum's Gunboats" or the "Day of Jubilo." "Flow gently sweet Afton," was responded to by "Where did you come from, Knock a nigger down," and "Yankee Doodle" rode without saddle or bridle on the "Carnival of Venice." "Gen. Grant's Grand March" was pronounced "Bully for you," and "Do they think of me at home" was responded to by an admonition to "Get out of the Wilderness." The "Prison Song" rolled out plaintive and sweet, and "Home, sweet home" illustrated the locality. "Softly they slumber," told of some one's heart ache, and the "Devil's Dream" kept it company. As the gleams of night fell around us and "Sleep on thy pillow, happy and light," rose, we were also advised to "Stop dat knockin." "When the swallows homeward flying'' fled in dismay before "St. Patrick's Day in the Morning." "Rally Round the Flag, Boys," was chorussed "In a Hog's eye," and "Auld Lang Syne" ran into a grand snarl among an imitation of the sounds of a Scotch bagpipe. 
Night fell, and the "shank of the evening" came, and as the bands died away the chorus of the "bust-head" demonstrations rolled out amid the most vociferous cheers for McClellan, but not even "bust-head" could get up a cheer on the "Fourth" for John C. Fremont, and when the valiant few, who had got rid of their money at an awful figure, and their superfluous patriotism by getting drunk with the mercury at 110 deg. Were dragged off and laid down to gentle slumbers and a woful [sic] headache for this morning, quiet dwelt without, and as Artemus Ward says, "nary zeffer disturbed the cam silens of the seen."
Our status is not changed. The Lieutenant Colonel is on a General Court Martial, of which he is President, and Major Brower is in command, and right well he does it.
We to-day got a large lot of anti-scorbutics and little traps from the Sanitary Commission, which are most acceptable. Our mails come regularly. Let all our friends write often to all the boys in the regiment. A letter is the shortest link between here and home.
Truly yours, D.

The 122d Regiment Transferred to Col. Bidwell's Brigade—The Old Brigade Scattered.
July 7th, 1864.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
We have not been engaged or suffered any casualties since my last. But a military dispensation has fallen upon us that has been met with much regret. Our Old Brigade, (the oldest in the Army of the Potomac,) has been broken up, by an order breaking up all the fourth brigades, and our old associations are gone to the winds. The 65th N. Y. have gone to the Brigade of Gen. Upton (2d Brigade, 1st Division;) the 23d and 82d to Col. Edwards', 3d Brigade, ist Division;) while the 122d have gone to the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, Col. Bidwell. We reported this morning, and are among strangers. You can hardly understand our position. It is much like getting dismissed by an old sweetheart, and having the whole thing to go through with a new one. But the service would demand some such thing before long, for all the regiments in our old Brigade go out of the service in the course of two months, except ours. The expiration of the term of service of many of the old regiments will render necessary a general consolidation of fragments, and a reorganization. Yours, truly, D.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
CAMP 122D REGT. N. Y. V.
JULY 8th, 1864.
DEAR STANDARD:—We have been making some changes since I wrote you last, and the old 4th Brigade of the 1st Division has been broken up. The 123d regiment is assigned to the 3d Brigade of the 2d Division; so yon see we still belong to the glorious old 6th Corps. 
We shall have a very pleasant camp when we get fixed up a little more, if we stay here long enough. But above all we have plenty of water here in our camp, and that the very best, which is a perfect God-send to both officers and men.
The general health of the regiment was never better. It is remarkable how well the men stand the almost constant duty through this terrible hot weather. I have nothing more of interest to write this time.
It will be well for those who have friends in the 123d, to direct their letters for the future to "122d Regt. N. Y. V., 3d Brigade, 2d Division, 6th Corps."
Yours, &c., A. B. P.

The 122d Regiment—Change of Brigade—Incidents in Camp.*
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
July 9, 1864.
We have been dissoluted—not become dissolute, and a late edict of George the Meade has filled us with disgust in a quiet way, though we of course cheerfully acquiesce.
It has been deemed proper to break up all the fourth brigades in the various divisions, and hence our 4th Brigade, 1st Division, has gone asunder. The 65th and remnants of the 67th have gone to the 2d Brigade, 1st Division, the 82d and 23d Pa. have gone to the 3d Brigade, 1st Division, and the 122d has gone to the 3d Brigade, 2d Division, so that we now wear the white cross of the 2d Division, having in succession worn the blue and red. We do not like the change much, it breaks up all our old associations, and we must form them anew, as far as it may be done. 
Our commander now is Col. Bidwell, of the 49th N. Y. V., which was raised in Buffalo. He has been in command of the brigade by seniority for some time, and is a fine general officer. 
Capts. Smith and Lester still remain on the staff: the first as commissary of musters of the 3d Division, and the second as ordnance officer of the 1st Division, but the change gives us a few of our detailed men back to the regiment. 
There is very little change here. The weather is quite warm, painfully so; and yet not so insupportable as in the very first of the month. The drought still hangs on, and the bosom of the sacred soil, anywhere out of the woods, is a sea of powder, which by the slightest agitation is converted into a cloud of dust. If a man rides at full gallop, when no air is stirring, you can generally see him ahead of the dust he kicks up. If he goes slowly, you can discern something moving in the inside of a tremendous smudge. If he rides towards the wind, very well, provided nobody is within half a mile to leeward; but if he rides with the wind, you see a huge column of dust going somewhere, that seems to mizzle about as if animated. 
We are in the woods, and it is more pleasant, except that the utmost care must be taken that fire does not spread and get going, for it runs through these pine woods and over the parched ground like a whirlwind.
The health of the regiment is very good. The anti-scorbutics so freely given by the Sanitary and Christian Commissions and sent out by the Commissary Department, have helped the army wonderfully, and but little of the prevailing camp difficulty now exists.
Yours truly, D.
*This letter was held at Washington several days, while mail communication with the North was interrupted, which accounts for its late publication.

The 122d Regiment Transferred from Before Petersburg to Maryland.
Fifty Miles South of Washington, July 11.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
The Sixth Corps are en route for Washington, and thence most likely to Harper's Ferry. What for? I don't know, but perhaps you do, by the rattling among the dry bones we have heard from the Potomac border. Regiment all on board, and well and comfortable, except one man, tied up for stealing.
We left City Point yesterday morning, and shall probably go to Washington in about four hours, or two o'clock P. M.
I see you had me killed in the Syracuse papers. Much obliged, or rather I should be if the usual discovery had been made that I was a "taurine youth with a vitreous optic." But as the boy reported Webster's last words, " I ain't dead yet," and I hope not to be till "this cruel war is over," the rebellion smashed, and the Copperheads looking for the hole the tories of the revolution crawled into and pulled in after them. Yours truly, D.

The Battle Near Washington—Casualties in the 122d Regiment.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
JULY 13th, 1864.
In an engagement with the enemy yesterday, our regiment lost in killed and wounded as follows:
David Hogeboom, Co. K, John Kennedy, Co. C, Henry P. B. Chandler, Co. C.

Capt. Davis Cossitt, Co. D, in side of foot, not serious.
Sergt. James Goodfellow, Co. C, flesh wound, right thigh, severe.
Sergt. Ruel P. Buzzel, Co. C, ball went in at the lower jaw, and came out near shoulder, jaw fractured, very severe if not dangerous.
James Davidson, Co. K, right shoulder, not severe.
Sergt. L. Adklns, Co. B, severe, in left side, but not dangerous.
Sergt. M. C. Smith, Co. K, in nose, severe but not dangerous.
Caius Weaver, Co. B, right arm fractured and amputated.
Peter Stebbins, Co. H, right hand, rather servere.
Thomas H. Scott, Co. B, slight contusion of right elbow.
John Laupenthall, Co. C, contusion of shoulder, slight.
John Preston, Co. I, in right hip, very severe.
Miles J. McGough, Co. G, left shoulder, slight.
Alonzo Traydenburg, Co. A, left ankle, slight.
Wm. Thompson, Co. K, flesh wound in right thigh.
Sergt. T. G. Dallman, Co. I, in left shoulder, severe.
Sergt. Wm. Swartz, Co. I, in left shoulder, not severe.
Charles Snediker, Co. F, in leg, severe.
Geo. H. Richardson, Co. C, through neck and right shoulder, very severe.
Thomas Thornton, Co. D, contusion of right wrist, slight.
Alanson Hosier, Co. C.
Charles Landphier, Co. G, contusion in abdomen, slight.

Albert Dickey, Co. A; Edward Mehan.
The regiment and brigade did splendidly. I have no time to write details.
Yours truly, L. M. NICKERSON, Chaplain.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
July 12th, 1864.
DEAR STANDARD:—We left the breastworks of Petersburg the night of the 9th, marched to City Point, took steamer the morning of the 10th, and arrived in Washington at two o'clock yesterday—disembarked and marched direct for the enemy, about four miles distant, near Forts Massachusetts and Stephens, where the fight was going on. The First Brigade of the 2d Division (that is our Division), were out in the skirmishing line when we arrived. Our Brigade, the 3d, camped in the rear of the 1st Brigade, where we lay now, at half-past six.
We may be engaged before noon, as there is every indication of a big fight to-day.—There is very brisk picket firing now while I am writing,
The Forts are throwing shell at the rebs at short intervals.
We have sufficient force here now to whip the Johnnys, and we shall do it, too.
I saw Sydney Ketchum last night—he was out to our camp. He looks well, and just as natural as ever.
The health of our regiment is good. The boys are in the best of spirits, and ready for the fight. The Rebs will get enough of it this time, I think.
Capt. Dwight was here last night to see us; also, Col. Titus. We had a light shower of rain yesterday, but it was very hot after it.—The four miles march out here was the hardest we have had—it was so hot.
Yours, for subjugation, A. B. P.

The Attack on Washington—The Defence—Part Taken by the 122d.
JULY 15th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
I wrote you a short note on board the steam transport Guide. We arrived in Washington at 2 P. M. of the 11th, and marched immediately through the city, on Seventh street, and out on the Seventh street road. At Fort Stevens, at least four miles from Pennsylvania avenue, we found the front, and troops of citizens in greater or less degrees of "demoralization," were getting to the rear as rapidly as possible. The rebels were said to be "just out thar," and the skirmish line within five hundred yards of Fort Stevens, the zip! of rebel bullets into, and over the Fort, and the wounded going back, showed that they were indeed "thar."
Washington was beleaguered by Early's Corps, within rifled cannon shot of the Capital, and the whole town was in a huge sweat. Had there been any mode of egress a grand hegira would probably have taken place, but the rumors flew thick and fast that the rebels were between Washington and Baltimore, and had been between Baltimore and Philadelphia.
The elongated visages of the Union people shortened up some, and many of them grinned very heartily, and suggested the propriety of "takink sometbink," as the Sixth swept through, with their bands playing, and the old tattered, riddled flags thrown out to the breeze, while the physiognomies of the rebs underwent a corresponding change from grinatorial to scowlatorial Union women smiled their sweetest smiles, offered us water, and said, "we are glad to see you." Secesh women scowled through their curtained windows like very disappoointed [sic] people. Well, we reached the front and laid down. The next day our brigade was sent up to advance the skirmish line and feel the enemy.
We formed about 6 P.M., and after a few shots to clear the rebels from some houses, charged their line. The fight was sharp and severe, but the enemy were driven about a third of a mile, and the crest they had held was gained. They brought a brigade down and made a furious and determined charge on our lines, but could not move it an inch, and were repulsed with heavy loss. Some firing was kept up for two hours, when it died away, except an occasional shot.—Our loss was somewhat severe—five men killed, one officer and nineteen men wounded. The Chaplain has sent you a complete list.
The regiment deployed forward on the centre as skirmishers, and held a very important point. At one time they got out of ammunition, and had to wait a few minutes for it to come up, but they held their place in the line with fixed bayonets, and when the ammunition came, very soon sent the enemy back, as they had begun to be a little too familiar. Our Lieutenant-Colonel was in command of the entire picket line of our Corps' front at the time, and Maj. Brower fought the regiment, and splendidly he did it.
During the fight the President, Mrs. Lincoln, and a number of other notables, were looking on from Fort Stevens, and report saith that Abraham remarked, when our brigade sent them flying, "Bully for the Third Brigade." We are expecting very soon to each receive a commission as "Gigadier Brindle," and to be transferred to the "Mackarel Brigade" of Orpheus C. Kerr.
At daylight of the 13th it was evident that the enemy were gone. Their dead lay thickly in their position of the night before, and many of their wounded had been left. Our cavalry went out, and all day squads of prisoners kept coming in, while of course Washington took a long breath, came cut in all variety of vehicles and anxiously enquired if it was perfectly safe to go out on the road.
We moved at 3 P. M. of the 13th through Tenallytown to Orfutt's Cross Roads—the place where we were brigaded when we first entered the service, and encamped on precisely the same spot.
Yesterday, at 4:30 A. M., we were under weigh, and we reached this place about 5 P. M., after a hard march.
Our regiment and the 61st Pennsylvania volunteers were sent, under command of our senior officer, on a reconnoisance towards the river to co-operate with some cavalry and artillery; and we got up to their rear and shelled them, but they ran like white-heads and got across the river, and we got back at 11 o'clock last night very tired, and bunked gladly on the ground.
The invasion seems to be over, but no one can tell positively. That Washington could have been taken by them had they assaulted it on the morning of the 11th, is the opinion of very many, but they let slip the golden opportunity, and at night it was too late. Their prisoners say they did not intend to attack it, but this may be believed by those who like.
Their other purposes were to raise the siege of Richmond and to steal horses. In the first they have failed; in the second they have been eminently successful, for they drove them off by ...nds.
Truly yours, D.

The 122d Regiment in the Fight at Fort Stevens.
The following is a copy of a private letter from a member of Co. E, 122d regiment, giving an account of the defence of Washington against the late rebel attack, written under date of the 13th inst.:
Saturday afternoon we were ordered out with the rest of the brigade, as we supposed, to relieve the first brigade, that were on picket, but we had a different work to do. We advanced along the 7th avenue road, and massed the brigade on the right of the road, just behind the picket-line.—The Seventh Maine was ordered to charge up the hill, and take some houses that were occupied by the rebs. They piled their knapsacks, and started in splendid order. As soon as they came in sight of the rebel skirmishers, the latter "skedaddled" as fast as they could, leaving everything in the pits. We were ordered up immediately after, on the double quick, and deployed as skirmishers.—As we advanced our Company (E) was the first company on the right of the road, (their place always being on the right,) and the rest of the regiment deployed on the left. When we got up on the hill we found the Seventh had taken the houses, and we were advanced further than any other part of the line. The firing now became very heavy and the rest of the regiment moved to the left and got separated from us.—They halted before they got to the houses, but we kept on, not knowing that they had stopped, passed the houses, and over an open field, to a wood, twenty rods from the houses.—There we got shelter behind the fence and stumps, halted and looked around to see the condition of things, and it was there we found we were far in advance of the rest of the line, but the rebs did not seem to be in much force in front of us. We remained there some time, until we feared they had a cross-fire on both flanks, then the First Sergeant ordered us to fall back to the house (we have no commissioned officers.) We did go, and we found they had a cross-fire on us still, but we laid low and held our ground until we were relieved. We had one man shot. 
The rest of the regiment had more lively times. When they got to the top of the hill, they found the enemy in heavy force, so they could not advance as far as we did, but got behind a fence and opened on the enemy a destructive fire. In a short time the rebs moved to the left to try to flank us, but we moved after them. Other regiments coming up prolonged the line. In a short time the rebs formed in two lines of battle, and charged us but it was "no go;" such destructive vollies were poured into them, they could not stand it.
They broke and ran, but rallied again and came up as before. Our regiment (122d) got out of ammunition, but held their ground for twenty minutes. We then fell back, rallied again, charged them without ammunition and drove them back again. We were then supplied, and we gave them all they wanted. The fire was kept up until nine o'clock, when the rebs fell back, and this morning were not to be found, but but the field is strewn with dead and wounded.—We had no light artillery with us, only the heavy guns in the fort, and they were miserably worked. The President was in one of the forts, watching the progress of the battle, and every hill-top that could be reached by the citizens was crowded. I suppose they think it was a splendid sight, but we poor fellows could not see much fun it.—The regiment lost four killed, one captain and two privates wounded—twenty-five in all. 
Yours, G.

Promotions in the 122d Regiment.
BALDWINSVILLE, Aug. 13, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
Will you allow me to call your attention to a mistake that occurred in your issue of last evening? In referring to the recent promotions which have taken place in the 122d regiment, you state that C. B. Clark and John Sims received commissions as Second Lieutenants. I presume your information was derived from the Daily Standard of Friday morning, in which was the following paragraph: 
Robert Moses, our Sergeant-Major, received his commission last night as 1st Lieutenant; also, 2d Lieuts. C. B. Clark and John Sims.
As Mr. Clark has held a Second Lieutenant's commission nearly a year, I think the design of the above paragraph was to state that he had received in connection with Mr. Moses and Mr. Sims a First Lieutenant's commission—at least, such seems to be the natural inference from the language.
Yours &c., J. M. CLARK.

The 122d in Shenandoah Valley—Under Artillery Fire—Two Men Wounded—Promotions.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
August 23, 1864.
We have been up the Valley of the Shenandoah as far as Strasburg and have returned to this point. The regiment has not been engaged in a musketry fight, though it was under a heavy artillery fire near Charlestown for several hours. Two of our boys among the sharpshooters were wounded.
Cornelius Mahair, "G" Co., severely in the abdomen. Charles Hickox, "E" Co., slightly, in the head.
They are two of our bravest and best men. Hickox was Severely wounded at Gettysburg. I hear Mahair will not recover.
The general health of the regiment is good, and it is in fine condition when the labors of the summer are considered.
I see that you have misunderstood the late promotions among us. Second Lieutenants Clark, Sims and Shirley were promoted to First Lieutenants. Sergeant-Major R. H. Moses was promoted to First Lieutenant for "gallant and meritorious conduct and distinguished bravery on the battle-fields of the wilderness."
These promotions, like all others here, were regimental; that is the senior officer of one grade has the first vacancy in the next higher grade. The only exception was that of Sargeant [sic] Major Moses, who was promoted over one Second Lieutenant, whose record requires clearing up before he can be conscientiously recommended for advancement, and who will be promptly advanced when it is so cleared up.
Lieut. Shirley joined us last night and was duly mustered in to-day. He is looking finely. 
You may want some guesses as to our future, but the only man whose guesses are worth anything won't tell. Meantime the 122sters will try to do their duty. The papers come regularly and are next to "Love's young dream," the sweetest thing in army life.
Yours, D.

The 122d in the Shenandoah Valley—The Sixth Corps Confronts the Stone-
Wall Brigade.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
Camp of the 122d N. Y. V.
NEAR CHARLESTOWN, VA., Aug. 31, 1864.
We broke camp at Halltown on the morning of the 28th, and followed up the rebels, who were reported falling hack, proceeding to our old position here, that we occupied before we withdrew. Yesterday about noon the cavalry in our front began to fall back before a heavy line of rebels, afterwards learned to be Rhodes's and Gordon's divisions, and some light guns. The seven-shooters of our dismounted cavalry made many of them bite the dust, but a line of bayonets drives any cavalry, and they retired, losing somewhat heavily, as they fought obstinately. As they crossed our picket lines, our guns opened on the John Henrys, and the fighting Sixth moved out to give them a fight, if they were after one. But they were not; they left on the elongated double-quick when they found our main lines were moving for them, and the cavalry, sent right out, only saw glimpses of horizontal grey coat-tails. They were sound in this, for we very much outnumbered them, and they could not expect to win the fight, if they made one. 
We have the old Corps of Stonewall Jackson before us, the same that we fought at Salem Heights, Gettysburg and the Wilderness, and there is no discount on their fighting qualities or courage, but they fight carefully up here, for the men lost cannot be replaced.
We have got into our third year of service. The boys feel joyous over it and so would any one who has done as much as they have. The health of our men is splendid and pluck ditto. Yours truly, D.

The 122d Regiment—Letter from Lieut. Col. Dwight.
NEAR BERRYVILLE, VA., Sept.8, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
We are still in the Valley of the Shenandoah, and have not been engaged since my last. Our wounded of the Wilderness and the campaign following, begin to return, so that our numbers are a little on the increase. The regiment is in good health and spirits. We have lost Adjutant Tracy. He has been detailed as Division Inspector of the Third Division. He has richly won all the advancement that can come to him.
I am often applied to for certificates of death or disability in an official form, by friends of the regiment or person. General orders from the War Department peremptorily forbid any officer to give any certificate or other paper, upon which a claim can be founded. Any information or aid that can be given consistently with existing orders, will be gladly and cheerfully forwarded. Of course it is well known that the accounts of every man deceased or discharged are made up at the War Department, and that his legal representatives will have no trouble in obtaining whatever may be due.
The newspapers come along with regular irregularity, that is, we get them all, but in lots now and then, as our mail is as uncertain, as constantly changing and one Moseby can make it. We are glad enough to get them at any time. Very truly yours, A. W. DWIGHT,
Lieut.-Col. Com. 122d N. Y. V.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
Sept. 14th, 1864.
DEAR STANDARD:—The Second Division of the Sixth Corps made a reconnoisance yesterday, out as far as the Opequan, in order to see if there was any considerable force of the enemy here yet. We found them at the Opequan in strong force; we had a right smart, lively time for an hour or so.
Capt. Cowen, of Cowen's Battery, was wounded through the right thigh by a Minie ball, while sighting one of his pieces. 
Two men of the 122d were wounded. Albert Monroe, Company C, left arm off by shell; Charles Dean, Company I, contusion of right thigh, by shell, slight. A. B. P.

The Late Affair on the Opequan—The 122d Engaged—Capture of a Whole South Carolina Regiment—How it was Done—Mosby's Movements.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
BERRYVILLE, VA., Sept. 19, 1864.
We are encamped where we have been for some two days, but our experience has been increased by a brush with the enemy. On the 13th inst. we moved at 6 o'clock A. M., leaving the drum corps and unarmed men, with those good men who had worn the bottoms out of their shoes, and hence were not considered fit for the roads hereabouts, as camp-guard, and our Division (the 2d) struck across the country on a "reconnoissance in force."
We moved about four miles and went into line about three quarters of a mile from the Opequan Creek, the rebel skirmishers having shown themselves. They soon fell back across the creek, and our skirmish line pushed them back close to their main line. The Division massed in a piece of woods out of sight of the enemy, and a brigade of cavalry was sent on our left flank, when Cowan's Battery, (1st N. Y. Independent,) took position and opened. For some time no reply was elicited, and some curiosity was entertained as to the whereabouts of the John Henries. But about 2 P. M. our fire got so annoying that the enemy put twelve guns rapidly into position and opened upon us with shell and spherical case. Their shots went over our guns, but we happened to be in range, and it was a pretty warm section of the country for a few minutes. They soon got the range of our battery, and it limbered up and went to the left on a gallop, the enemy training their guns on it, but giving us the benefit of their fire, as the range became high the instant it was changed. In this way their lire swept from the right to the left of our whole division, cutting great antics, and raining fragments of shell, case, splinters and limbs among us. The losses were, however, very slight, when the severity of the fire is considered. In our regiment they were as follows:
Albert C. Monroe, "C" Co., right arm shattered by a fragment of shell, and amputated above the elbow—doing well.
Charles Drew, "I" Co., bruised on the hip by a splinter thrown from a tree in which a shell bursted—not dangerous, and doing well. 
Meantime our sharp-shooters had been thrown across the creek, and had deployed and were troubling the enemy severely. A detachment of grey-backs was sent on their flank, and they charged our fellows, causing a very rapid rally of our chaps on our side of the stream. This was effected without loss, and the rattle of the skirmishers was kept steadily going. Soon after the Orderly Sergeant of the sharp-shooters was struck through the breast and instantly killed. He was from the 98th Pennsylvania.
The enemy now conceived the brilliant idea of sending a regiment out on the flank of our skirmish line and charging it, and as we formed the arc of a circle, this move would bring the charging party back nearer to their own side, but they went, and the commander of our cavalry on the flank, seeing the move, let them go on, keeping his command massed and hidden in some woods. Just before they got all ready, he quietly swept around them in column, and dashed up, coolly ordering their commander to "Surrender if you please." The rebel Colonel started and looked for a place to make a dash, but he only saw a double line of seven-shooters ready to open all around him, and he did what any sensible man would do under the circumstances, he handed over his sword and command. They proved to be the 8th South Carolina regiment, and were taken entire, colors, field-staff and all. The regiment was an old one and only numbered 250 men—about the size of ours, you will see. Our cavalry on the right also took some prisoners. I do not know how many. At dark we withdrew, having fully accomplished all we were sent out for. The rebels followed our skirmishers as soon as they left, but if the Johnnies are not governed by Scripture in their treatment of prisoners, they imitate Peter in one respect—they follow afar off—when they chase the fighting Sixth; they did not come within range nor fire a shot, and we had no trouble with them, but reached camp about nine P. M. Our loss in the Division was one man killed, two officers and six men wounded, and the battery had one officer wounded—Captain Cowan, a sharp-shooter hitting him through the point of the hip at a distance of about three-fourths of a mile, but inflicting only a flesh wound, not at all dangerous. The rebel Colonel of the regiment taken said he was sorry to be taken, "But," said he, "I'll tell you, gentlemen, this Southern Confederacy is about played out. We have got our last man into the field, and there seems to be no end of yours." 
Matters are much the same in the Valley. The guerrillas hang around, and the gallant Chevalier Bayard of Southern Maidens, Mosby, continues to dash out upon sutlers, when he can find them unguarded or broken down, and he generally takes them without the loss of a man. Now and then an ambulance or two, full of sick men, is taken by him without loss, and he has been known to surround a load of hats and boots, and a nigger driving the team, and storm the position with all the bravery and recklessness of a Knight-errant of the olden time, storming the enchanted castle in which dwelt the imprisoned form of his "ladye-fayre." But with such vulgar things as infantry escorts and squadrons of Union cavalry the chevalier disdains to meddle. His retainers, too, are the "honest farmers " of this and other vicinities, who come to you with such dolorous complaints, and want a "ge-ui-ard," (I can't spell guard as they pronounce it, but that is a little like it) the moment your lines are established, produce their certified oath of allegiance; and swear they are Union men; and who produce an old shot-gun, or a carbine the moment you leave, and stand ready to rob trains and murder stragglers at the nod of their high-toned leader. The north part of Loudon county, and parts of this Valley, have been exempted from the rebel conscription, because the men are "Mosby's men," and the results are that a party cannot be sent a mile away for forage without an escort, unless with danger of capture by the very men who claim your protection and swear allegiance. Still this has no bad effect—we simply look out for them, and take proper precautions against them. The government is certainly long-suffering and slow to anger in their cases, but then a sweeping course would involve women (who are just as bad rebels,) and little children who are innocent, in much suffering and misery; so that the merciful way is the true way.
The recent political news, taken with the military and naval successes at the South, is very gratifying and encouraging. To any man of reflection it must be evident that the only way to end the war, suppress the rebellion, and restore the country to a peace which will amount to anything but a renewal of the war with tenfold vigor and bitterness, is to continue the present administration and suppress the rebels.
The rebel prisoners say that Early is going to invade Pennsylvania before our election "at all hazards." Perhaps he will, but if he does, fewer will go back than come over, or I am mistaken.
We are much cheered by the signs of the time and the readiness with which the late call for troops has been filled. The rebels can hardly believe or understand that we are not going to have a draft at all at the North, upon which they have counted for a row and a general demonstration on the part of their allies there.
Fill up the ranks and put the rebellion where Winslow put the Alabama.
Yours truly, D.

The Battle Near Winchester—An All Day's Fight and a Glorious Victory
Casualties in the 122d—Condition of Wounded.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
WINCHESTER, Sept. 20, 1864.
We have been again engaged. Yesterday morning we attacked the enemy in their position, and after a hard fight, lasting all day, he was defeated at all points and driven in the greatest confusion from the field. We took all his wounded, six guns, and several thousand prisoners. About 4,000 prisoners are here, and I hear we have taken several thousand others, but do not know.
The enemy fled in the utmost confusion, throwing away everything in very many cases. Our army is in hot pursuit, and is near Strasburg, as I hear, with no enemy in front. The regiment behaved in the most magnificent manner, and lost very heavily. I write from the hospital and cannot give a correct list, as the regiment is up the Valley with the Corps, and our Surgeon and Chaplain are with it. I append the list of casualties so far as I know:

First Lieut. John V. Simms.
George Loop, A, Co.
John Geisel, B, Co.
Charles L. Hiltz, C, Co.
Morris Harrington, H, Co.
William Hazel, I, Co.
Corporal—Ostrander, K, Co.

First Lieut. Charles B. Clark, severe flesh wound in thigh—not dangerous.
Captain M. L. Marks, scalp wound—not dangerous.
First Lieut. Dudley G. Shirley, left arm fractured—not dangerous.
Lieut.-Col. A. W. Dwight, severe contusion of right thigh—not dangerous.
Sergeant Nathan Buck, flesh wound in thigh—not dangerous.
Corporal George Fisher, bullet through the nose—not dangerous.
Christ Henry, left arm fractured—not dangerous.
Daniel W. Smith, thigh—slight.
Charles Lathrop, arm, not bad.
Benjamin Sanders, breast, probably mortal.
Sergeant David A. Munro, right leg, in calf, flesh wound, not dangerous.
Sergeant Webster Vosseller, in thigh, very severe.
Sergeant Isaac B. Merriam, arm fractured, not dangerous.
Benjamin F. Bingham, arm, not dangerous.
Leander Nelson, arm, slight.
Thomas Edds, shoulder, not dangerous.
Stephen Rogers, slight. 
Corporal Philip Drake, head, not dangerous.
Corporal Christie A. Youngs, leg, slight.
Corporal Asa Rich, leg, severe.
Miles McGraw, shoulder, not dangerous.
Chas. H. Siman, leg, not dangerous.
Norman Fox, not dangerous.
John Twinam, shoulder, severe.
Edward Mehan, hand, slight.
Albert S. Smith, leg, slight.
Menzies Stebbins, slight.
Albert Thompson, bruised on breast, not severe.
I remember no others, but think there are some wounded. Will send a complete list at the first possible moment.
We fought the enemy's whole force—and they had a fine position—on the centre, and oft we had to charge more than half a mile across an open field, in the face of a heavy line of troops in the edge of the woods beyond, and about thirty guns playing on us from earthworks in the rear. We forced their centre and the cavalry charged at the same time on both their flanks, our infantry and artillery at the same time pressing forward. They fought stubbornly, but about five P. M. our whole army charged and scattered them like a whirlwind. 
We lost Gen. Russell, killed, and Gen. Upton, wounded—not dangerous. Gen. Mcintosh was also killed.
The rebel Gen. Rhodes was killed, and Gens. Gordon and Ransom were both wounded. 
Gen. Sheridan fought the army splendidly, going in with the line on the charge. In spite of their advantage in our front, their losses were three or four to our one, and their loss was very heavy throughout.
The total loss of our army must be between 3,000 and 4,000, I think; but, though it is severe, we have gained a decisive victory and struck a vital blow into the internal rebellion, on the right road to paece [sic].
Our wounded are being cared for, as far and as well as possible.
Lieut.-Col. Dwight and Capt. Marks hope to be on duty again in a few days; the other officers and most of the men wounded will go North very soon.
I need not say that we are jubilant over the result, while sad for those who have fallen. Gen. Early said, a few days ago, (so his men say,) that he wanted to fight the Sixth Corps in an open field. He has had his wish, and the "fighting Sixth" has sustained its old reputation. But all did well.
Yours truly, D.

The Battle Near Winchester—An All Day's Fight and a Glorious Victory—
Casualties in the 122d—Condition of Wounded.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
Winchester, Sept. 20, 1864.
We have been again engaged. Yesterday morning we attacked the enemy in their position, and after a hard fight, lasting all day, he was defeated at all points and driven in the greatest confusion from the field. We took all his wounded, six guns, and several thousand prisoners. About 4,000 prisoners are here, and I hear we have taken several thousand others, but do not know.
The enemy fled in the utmost confusion, throwing away everything in very many cases. Our army is in hot pursuit, and is near Strasburg, as I hear, with no enemy in front. The regiment behaved in the most magnificent manner, and lost very heavily. I write from the hospital and cannot give a correct list, as the regiment is up the Valley with the Corps, and our Surgeon and Chaplain are with it. I append the list of casualties so far as I know:

First Lieut. John V. Simms.
George Loop, A, Co.
John Geisel, B, Co.
Charles L. Hiltz, C, Co.
Morris Harrington, H, Co.
William Hazel, I, Co.
Corporal ___ Ostrander, K, Co.

First Lieut. Charles B. Clark, severe flesh wound in thigh—not dangerous.
Captain M. L. Marks, scalp wound—not dangerous.
First Lieut. Dudley G. Shirley, left arm fractured—not dangerous.
Lieut.-Col. A. W. Dwight, severe contusion of right thigh—not dangerous.
Sergeant Nathan Buck, flesh wound in thigh—not dangerous.
Corporal George Fisher, bullet through the nose—not dangerous.
Christ Henry, left arm fractured—not dangerous.
Daniel W. Smith, thigh—slight.
Charles Lathrop, arm, not bad.
Benjamin Sanders, breast, probably mortal.
Sergeant David A. Munro, right leg, in calf, flesh wound, not dangerous.
Sergeant Webster Vosseller, in thigh, very severe.
Sergeant Isaac B. Merriam, arm fractured, not dangerous.
Benjamin F. Bingham, arm, not dangerous.
Leander Nelson, arm, slight.
Thomas Edds, shoulder, not dangerous.
Stephen Rogers, slight.
Corporal Philip Drake, head, not dangerous.
Corporal Christie A. Youngs, leg, slight.
Corporal Asa Rich, leg, severe.
Miles McGraw, shoulder, not dangerous.
Chas. H. Sidman, leg, not dangerous.
Norman Fox, not dangerous.
John Twinam, shoulder, severe.
Edward Mehan, hand, slight.
Albert S. Smith, leg, slight.
Menzies Stebbins, slight.
Albert Thompson, bruised on breast, not severe.
I remember no others, but think there are some wounded. Will send a complete list at the first possible moment.
We fought the enemy's whole force—and they had a fine position—on the centre, and oft we had to charge more than half a mile across an open field, in the face of a heavy line of troops in the edge of the woods beyond, and about thirty guns playing on us from earthworks in the rear. We forced their centre and the cavalry charged at the same time on both their flanks, our infantry and artillery at the same time pressing forward. They fought stubbornly, but about five P. M. our whole army charged and scattered them like a whirlwind.
We lost Gen. Russell, killed, and Gen. Upton, wounded—not dangerous. Gen. Mcintosh was also killed. The rebel Gen. Rhodes was killed, and Gens. Gordon and Ransom were both wounded.
Gen. Sheridan fought the army splendidly, go¬ing in with the line on the charge. In spite of their advantage in our front, their losses were three or four to our one, and their loss was very heavy throughout.
The total loss of our army must be between 3,000 and 4,000, I think; but, though it is severe, we have gained a decisive victory and struck a vital blow into the internal rebellion, on the right road to paece [sic].
Our wounded are being cared for, as far and as well as possible.
Lieut.-Col. Dwight and Capt. Marks hope to be on duty again in a few days; the other officers and most of the men wounded will go North very soon.
I need not say that we are jubilant over the result, while sad for those who have fallen. Gen. Early said, a few days ago, (so his men say,) that he wanted to fight the Sixth Corps in an open field. He has had his wish, and the "fighting Sixth" has sustained its old reputation. But all did well.
Yours truly, D.

The Death of Lieut. Sims—Letter from Lieut.-Col. Dwight.
The following is the letter of Lieut.-Col. Dwight, of the 122d regiment, to Jacob Sims, Esq., of Belleisle, informing him of the death of his son, Lieut. John V. Sims, of that regiment:—
Sept. 23d. 1864.
Jacob Sims, Esq., Belleisle, N. Y.
DEAR SIR:—You have no doubt heard the sad news of the death of your son, Lieut. John V. Sims. He was instantly killed on the morning of the 19th inst., while most gallantly doing his duty and engaging the enemy. A minnie ball passed entirely through his head, from one side to the other. His effects have all been saved, and will be sent home whenever opportunity offers. I made an effort to send his body to Harper's Ferry and have it embalmed and sent home, but all conveyances were so occupied with transportation of the wounded that it was impossible. He was, however, buried and his grave marked in a spot where it can readily be found, when any who are prepared to take it, shall wish his disinterment.
Lieut. Sims was a most valuable officer, and his loss is severely felt in a military and personal view.
I know I cannot alleviate the severity of the calamity to you, but beg you to accept my deepest sympathies in your affliction, and believe me.
Truly yours, A. W. DWIGHT,

Letter From the 122d. Lieut. Col. 122d N. Y. V.
Mr. P. L. Perine, of Baldwinsville, sends us the following extracts from a private letter received by him yesterday from Capt. Clapp. The vein in which it runs distinctly marks the feelings of our gallant soldiers when marching to victory. They rise in pride as the enemies of the Union flee. And well may the men of our own gallant 122d be proud of the part they have borne in this bloody conflict—their friends at home sympathize in their afflictions, and glory in their deeds of valor.
Sept. 23, 1864.
FRIEND PERINE:—We had a fight on the 19th at Winchester, and won a glorious victory. You have of course seen the particulars. Our regiment was engaged all day and did splendidly. We lost 43 including six killed, Lieut. Sims, was killed, Lieut's. Clark and Shirley, severely, and Capt. Marks and Lieut. Col. Dwight, slightly wounded. On the 20th, we went to Strasburg, on the 21st were on the skirmish line, and had six men wounded. Yesterday we attacked the rebels at Strasburg, and how we did rout them. I don't know how many prisoners we captured, or how many we killed or wounded. We got eighteen guns at least, and utterly demoralized all of Early's army. We followed them to this place, where we arrived at daylight and met no opposition; they abandoned and burnt part of their train along the road. We expect to move every moment. Prisoners are coming in all the time. I doubt whether Early has so much as one regiment organized and in good shape to fight. Prisoners do not think he will make a stand till he gets help from Richmond. The 122d has taken prominent and active part in each day's work, and it never did better. Yesterday our flag was the first on the rebel works at their strongest point. Our men took several guns. The whole thing is too glorious to be described. Uriah Turner and Lewis Banning are both severely wounded.—Both distinguished themselves, Banning losing a leg by one of our shells. He was one of the first in the works, following the rebs so closely that our artillerists did not know that our men were there. I wish you could experience for a moment the feelings of our men, when five minutes after we gained the works, we looked down on the plain below and saw 10,000 or 15,000 routed rebels in utter confusion, running like sheep without the least order, guns and caisons [sic] overturning on the mountain side, entangling horses and riders. Down the hill we went and captured a large number of prisoners, but most of them were too fleet to be caught, as they had abandoned their arms and every thing that would impede their flight. 
In haste, yours, R. CLAPP.

Letter from the 122d.
Sept. 24, 1864.
DEHR [sic] STANDARD: We have had another battle, in which the 122d participated. We moved out of camp near Burr Mills on the 19th, and went on the double-quick towards Winchester, until we crossed the Opequan, about two miles, where we found our cavalry. Passed by the enemy on the right. The 122d led the army. We arrived on the field about 6 o'clock, and immediately formed in line and engaged the enemy, under a severe shelling.
Lieut. John V. Sims was killed before we got in line, while gallantly leading his men up.
Lieut.-Col. Dwight was wounded early in the fight, and refused to leave the field until his wound became too painful to bear. He then went to the field hospital and had it dressed, and soon returned to his command, and remained with it until the final charge—about 4 o'clock in the afternoon—when he was unable to keep up with the regiment, and was compelled to go back to the hospital.
It was a hard fought battle, lasting from six o'clock in the morning until eight o'clock in the evening. The 122d suffered severly [sic], but she sustained her reputation for bravery. General Bidwell, our brigade commander, complimented the 122d very highly. The officers and men all did nobly.
Our cavalry pursued the fleeing foe all night. our infantry keeping as close to them as possible, the enemy blowing up their cassions [sic] along the road to keep them from falling into our hands. We pursued them to Strasburg, where they have strong fortifications. We arrived in front of their fortified works at Strasburg about 2 o'clock the 20th. The troops were given time to rest through the night. On the 21st we attacked them again. There is a sharp skirmish fight now going on. The 122d is on the skirmish line; some three or four of our boys wounded. 122d relieved in the night of 21st.

Sept. 22d.
Some heavy skirmish firing this morning, and severe cannonading on the right and left.
Every one is confident we shall whip them here, if not capture their whole force. 
I will now give you a list of the casualties of the 122d on the 19th, at or near Winchester:

First Lieut. John V. Simms, Co. H.
George Loop, Co. A.
John Geisel, Co. B.
Charles L. Hiltz, Co. C.
Morris Harrington, Co. H.
William Hazel, Co. I.
Corporal John H. Ostrander, Co. K.

Lieut. Col. A. W. Dwight, severe contusion of right thigh—not dangerous.
Co. A.
Sergeant Nathan Buck, flesh wound in thigh—not dangerous.
Corporal George Fisher, bullet through the nose—not dangerous.
John Twinam, shoulder—severe.
Edward Mehan, hand—slight.
Stephen Rogers, slight.
Co. B.
Captain M. L. Marks, scalp wound—not dangerous.
Christ. Henry, left arm fractured not dangerous.
Co. D.
First Lieut. Charles B. Clark, severe flesh wound in thigh—not dangerous.
Co. E.
First Lieut. Dudley G. Shirley, left arm fractured—not dangerous.
Charles G. Lathrop, arm—not bad.
Phillip Vrooman, severe.
Co. F.
Thomas Edds, shoulder—not dangerous.
Corporal Christie A. Youngs, leg—slight.
Co. G.
Corporal Philip Brake, head—not dangerous.
Miles J. McGough, shoulder—not dangerous.
Corporal Asa Rich, leg—severe.
Co. H.
Benjamin F. Bingham, arm—not dangerous.
Chas. H. Sidman, leg—not dangerous.
Benjamin Sanders, breast—probably mortal.
Sergeant David A. Munro, right leg, in calf, flesh wound—not dangerous.
Sergeant Webster Vosseller, in thigh—very severe.
Co. I.
Sergeant Isaac B. Merriam, arm fractured—not dangerous.
Co. K.
Menzies Stebbins, slight.
Miles Thompson, bruised on breast—not severe.
Albert I. Smith, leg—slight.
Norman Fox, not dangerous.
Leander Nelson, arm—slight.
Daniel W. Smith, thigh—slight.
Wounded on the 21st: Uriah Turner. Co. A, severe: George Sheely, Co. B, severe; Lyman Suin, Co. G, slight; Frederick Leach, Co. K, slight. 
Yours, &c. A. B. P.

Casualties in the Battles Near Fisher's Hill.
Sept. 28, 1864.
My last was written from the hospital in Winchester. On the 24th I started after the regiment and came up yesterday at this point. The regiment lost at Fisher's Hill, near Strasburg, on the skirmish line, on the 21st, and in the charge upon and capture of the enemy's works, on the 23d, as follows:

Luther D. Hale, "D" Co.

Lewis Banning, "A," leg amputated above the knee; doing well.
Uriah Turner, "A," neck and shoulder; severe, but not dangerous.
Lorenzo Scott, "B," hip and lower part of abdomen; dangerous,
James Butler, "I," right knee and foot; severe, but not dangerous.
George Sherly, arm and side; severe, but will probably recover.
Cassius W. Murray, badly burned on face and hands by explosion of one of the enemy's caissons after we had taken the guns.
Edward Baker, "F," slight in foot; on duty.
William Moss, "F," slight in hand; on duty.
Lyman Swain, "G," leg, flesh wound, not dangerous.
Frederick Leitch, "K," slight, in hand.
Justus Fox, "K," finger, slight.
Phineas Stebbins, arm, severe but not dangerous.
Yours truly, D.

A private letter from George C. Bates, of the 122d, to S. N. Holmes, Esq., dated "Near Harrisonburg, Sept. 27th," states as follows:—
" On the morning of the 19th we broke camp, at Berryville, and marched to Winchester, where we found the rebels. We formed in line-of-battle and attacked them. We made two charges that day and drove the Johnnies out of Winchester that night. They retreated to Strasburg and we followed them the next day. On the 21st the 122d was sent on the skirmish line, where we had quite a brush. At night we were relieved. On the 22d the whole line was ordered to make a charge, and our regiment was in the second line-of- battle. As soon as we got near the rebel works, our men made a grand rush, and the flag of the 122d was the first that mounted the works. The rebel line broke, and every man of them took to his heels, each one for himself, and they have not stopped running yet."

From the 122d Regiment.
October 13, 1864.
DEAR STANDARD,—I wrote you last from Harrisonburg. We left that place several days ago, on our way back to Strasburg, after accomplishing all that was necessary. The night before we reached Edenburg the enemy had burned the bridge that spanned the Shenandoah River at that place. While burning it the guerrilla chief, McNeil, was wounded by one of our cavalry, and died while we were crossing the river the next day; so you see he got his just deserts. The enemy intended to capture our train, but Gen. Custer was too smart by half—to be caught. He laid a trap for them, which they ran right into, and Custer captured eleven guns and five hundred prisoners,—so much for Johnnies capture of our train. 
On the 10th the Sixth Corps marched from Strasburg to this place where we now lie encamped, watching what is called Brown's Gap, near Front Royal. It is said the 6th Corps will be stationed here. A part of the Corps are at work on the Rail Road; they expect soon to have it in running order from Washington to this point.
In regard to that scurrilous article in the Courier about Col. Dwight, I have to say there is not a word of truth in it. Col. Dwight never has been arrested for the abuse of whiskey, or power. All there was of the affair grew out of red-tape. Every petty officer of the Regular Army considers it his privilege to insult a Volunteer, and because Col. Dwight would not submit to be insulted by a little fop of a Lieutenant in the Regular Army, but acting Colonel of Volunteers, he was put under arrest. The day will soon come when you will know the whole truth in regard to it. Col. Dwight was not to blame in the matter—whiskey had nothing to do with it. The article was written by a miserable "dead beat," who was never in a fight, and one of those miserable Peace-at-any-Price Copperheads, who would sooner sell his birth-right, country and all, than have another battle. He is well known here, and goes by the name of "dead-beat."
As for the yarn about the soldiers being down on the Administration, it is false. The great majority of the soldiers are for "Old Abe."—The tickets came to the regiment the 9th, and you will see a goodly number sent home for "Old Abe."
We are having lots of good things to eat just now, for the boys forage every day. We have butter, honey, sweet potatoes, appels [sic], peaches, pears, plums, mutton, fresh pork, turkey, chickens, geese, ducks, and all the goodies that we wish for.
I saw Capt. H. S. Ketchum on the 9th; he was a little unwell; also David King. They will both be right in a few days. The general health of the regiment is good. 
Yours, for Subjugation, A. B. P.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
Oct. 15, 1864.
DEAR STANDARD: —The morning of the 13th we received orders to report to Alexandria as soon as possible, and take steamboat for City Point. At 6 o'clock we started and marched to within three miles of Ashby's Gap, where we received orders to report back to Newtown as soon as possible; so turned about, and here we are back, ready for Longstreet or any other General that Lee feels disposed to send against us. It is reported that Longstreet confronts us with 60,000 veterans. Let him come—we are ready for him—he will find it the hardest job that he ever undertook to get into Maryland or Pennsylvania. 
The general health of the regiment is good. I saw Capt. Ketchum and David King to-day; they are in good spirits and feeling well physically. Gov. Seymour is sending tickets to every officer he has commissioned, but I don't think very many of them will be used. There are no items with which our regiment is connected, since my last, of importance.
Yours, for subjugation, A. B. P.

Monday Morning, Oct. 31, 1864.
FUNERAL OF MAJ. BROWER.—At two o'clock yesterday afternoon, the appointed hour for the funeral services of the late Major J. Mosher Brower, of the 122d Regiment, at St. James' Church, a large crowd had gathered there, only a portion of whom could gain admittance. The seats bordering on the centre aisle were kept clear for the bearers, relatives and military, but the balance of the church was densely packed.
The funeral procession left the residence of Mr. Geo. Babcock, on West Washington street, promptly on time, and arrived at the church at about half-past 2, Ghem's Band playing an appropriate dirge on the route. The military in line, under command of Maj. A. G. Cook, was the Union Guards, Capt. Bennett, McClellan Guards, Capt. Randall, the Comstock Guards, Capt Simons, and Davis Light Guard, Capt. Hamilton, as escort, and the Citizens' Corps, Lt. J. W. Sherman, as guard of honor. The Hearse containing the remains, was appropriately adorned, and the coffin was covered with the National Flag. Following came the riderless horse led by a groom, and surrounding was the guard of honor. Then came in carriages the relatives, military officers, Mayor and Common Council, and citizens, making a large and imposing spectacle.
As the bearers, (old comrades of deceased belonging to the Citizens' Corps) came to the church door with the coffin, it was met by the Rector of the church, Rev. Joseph M. Clarke, who proceeded up the aisle repeating the solemn sentences in the Episcopal burial service, commencing, " I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord." The coffin was deposited in front of the chancel, and upon it a beautiful cross of evergreens and white flowers and the sword and sash of the fallen Major. The relatives and immediate friends, and the Mayor and Council were seated on one side of the centre aisle; the bearers on the other side, and behind these Col. Hawley and staff, Lt. Col. Fellows, and Major Welch, of the 51st Regiment; army officers and ex-officers, among whom we recognized Capt. Andrew J. Smith, and Lt. C. W. Ostrander (with but one leg,) of the 122d, Capts. Estes and Drake, of the old 12th, (with which Major B. first went out), Capt. Church, of both the 12th and 122d, and now of the Invalid Corps; then Brig. Gen. Green and staff,—in full uniform. Every seat was full, and the aisles.
When the audience was settled, the choir chanted in minor strain and very effectively the Psalm beginning, "Lord let me know my end, and the number of my days," and the Rector read a portion of scripture from 1st Cor., 15th chap. and 20th v.: "Now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first fruits of them that slept." He then proceeded In a short, touching and beautifully appropriate address. Any attempted synopsis would, we fear, give no adequate idea of it as a whole, or in part, hence we prefer not to mar it to the general reader by an attempt. After the address, and singing four verses of the 125th hymn in the plaintive tune of Naomi, and the reading of appropriate prayers, the audience left the church, the procession was again formed, and proceeded to Oakwood by way of Lock to Water street, thence to Salina street. The streets were ankle deep with mud, except the pavements, and even these had a very thick coating, but the band and military kept up a good line through it all. The walks all along the route were covered with citizens, and flags were at half-mast. Bad as the weather and walking were, there must have been over two thousand people at the cemetery grounds. 
At the grave, the services of the Church were concluded by Rev. Mr. Clarke; the battalion in line fired the three salutes, and the last sad duty of honor to the fallen patriot being concluded, the cortege returned, not reaching the starting point till after dark.
The military companies out are deserving of much credit for their soldierly bearing, and the alacrity with which they tramped through the mud; as also Ghem's Band. The Battalion was under command of Maj. Abel G. Cook, who is a very ready and competent officer, and hence all went off easy and without jarring or confusion.

This regiment is in the Third Brigade, Second Division, Sixth Corps. Lieut. Col. Dwight, commanding this regiment in the usual absence of Col. Titus, was severely wounded in the wrist in the battle of Cedar Creek on the 19th of October. This writer heard Gen. Getty, Division Commander, compliment Lieut.-Col. Dwight very highly for the splendid manner he handled his regiment on the day of the battle. Lieut.-Col. Dwight has the confidence of his men as an able and gallant officer. Maj. Brower was instantly killed at the time the Lieut.-Col. was wounded. He was an officer everybody respected, and his death is deeply and universally lamented by all who knew him. Since the battle of the 19th of October, the command of the regiment has devolved upon Capt. Clapp, highly esteemed as an efficient soldier and an exemplary man. After the battle only two line officers remained, Capt. Clapp, and Lieut. Wilkin, of our city, a young man of acknowledged ability, always at his post, and never flinching in the hour of danger. He has earned and deserves promotion, and it is hoped he will receive it. Lieut. Wells has lately been promoted to a Captaincy, and Mr. Moses to Adjutant. Surgeon Knapp has been with the regiment through all its service, of whom it is enough to say, he is the right man in the right place. Too much cannot be said of this regiment. It has been tried and never found wanting.
Its losses since the 1st of May have been—
Officers killed ……………………. 4
Privates " ……………………...27
Prisoners …………………………49
Officers removed………………….4
Of the wounded many have died in hospitals. This regiment has been in seventeen general engagements, and under fire more than fifty times. At Coal Harbor it lost in killed and wounded seventy-eight men in three minutes, all of which goes to show it has been in the thickest of the fights.
In the last battle this regiment alone captured five pieces of artillery. While engaged in assaulting and taking one, John Quinlan, a bold son of Erin, rushed up, crying out, "Be Jabers, this is my gun," and jumped astride it, but he quickly bounded off, with an "Och, it's too hot to ride."
This regiment, now reduced to one hundred and fifty or less effective men, shows the stern and destructive effect of marches, battles and sieges. All of the men are heroes. Onondaga county has no reason to be ashamed of her representatives and defenders.
Lieutenant O. V. Tracy, formerly of this regiment, now Capt. Tracy, on Gen. Seymour's staff, is a fine young officer, courteous as he is brave. He had a horse shot under him in the battle of the 19th, but fortunately escaped injury himself, and lives to be an honor to his country and to his friends. 
I. O. F.

To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:—The "gallant officer," to whom you alluded in your paper of yesterday, and who signed himself "One of the 122d," in a brief note professes to correct some mistakes which he alleges appeared in an article of your correspondent, " I . O. F." In the same note he says, "unintentional injustice was done to the 122d regiment." As to the errors, it will be enough to say, that the writer of the article signed "I. O. F." was sitting near a good fire on the 13th of November, 1864, in the camp of the 122d. Noticing the reduced numbers of the regiment, he, as was natural, expressed his surprise. In the course of the conversation which followed, one of the officers who had been with the regiment in all its service, in the presence of Capt. Clapp, the commanding officer, gave the statistics of casualties in the regiment from the 1st of May to that time, just as they appeared in the article of your correspondent. There was but small probability of mistake in the correspondent, as he took the items as they were given him, and wrote them in a book (or diary) on the spot.
Then as to the "injustice," if any, it was most certainly "unintentional." But it would be difficult to extract any injustice from a notice of the regiment which was very flattering in every particular, even though there had been one or two mistakes. Still it is claimed that no mistake occurred, and on this ground, an officer on the spot well posted in the affairs of the regiment, and acquainted with its history from the beginning, would be more likely to know the facts, than one absent from it.

THE 122D REGIMENT—THE ROLL OF HONOR.—The following note from a gallant officer of the 122d regiment, makes correction of several unintentional errors of one of our correspondents: 
December 7th, 1804.
To the Editors of the Syracuse Journal:
I see a correspondence, signed "I. O. F.," published in your paper a short time since, which in some respects is incorrect, and does our regiment injustice, which is, probably, unintentional no doubt. We have had five officers killed since this summer's campaign commenced; he says four. He does not give the number of officers wounded and prisoners. The regiment has had twelve wounded, of whom five are crippled for life; five taken prisoners, of whom one has escaped; two paroled and two yet in the hands of the enemy. He also says the regiment has had four officers removed, whereas we have had none removed. We have had two discharged for disability, caused from wounds. I think the number of enlisted men killed, and died from wounds, will reach 150. My own company ("C") has had nine killed, some of the other companies have had even more. 
The names of the officers killed, are as follows: Major J. M. Brower, Lieutenant F. M. Wooster, Lieutenant M. G. Wilson, Lieutenant H. H. Hoyt, Lieutenant J. N. Sims.
The names of the officers wounded are as follows:—Lieut. Col. A. W. Dwight, Captain G. W. Platt, Lieutenant E. P. Luther, (and prisoner,) Captain J. M. Dwight, Captain M. L. Marks, Captain D. Cossitt, Captain H. Wells, Lieutenant C. W. Ostrander, (and prisoner,) Lieutenant T. L. Poole, Lieutenant D. G. Shirley, Lieutenant C. P. Clark, Lieutenant A. Wilman.
The names of officers taken prisoner are as follows:—Captain J. M. Gere, Captain H. H. Walpole, Adjutant O. V. Tracy, (escaped) 
Truly yours, ONE OF THE 122D.

From the Shenandoah Valley to Before Petersburg—New Position—Personal Mention.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
Camp of the 122d Regiment, near
Petersburg, Va., Dec. 14, 1864.
Our mail has just come for the first time in ten days, bringing with it a flood of letters and papers. We are all glad to hear from home once more. When I last wrote you we were in a state of uncertainty whether the Sixth Corps would be left in the Valley to enjoy a winter's rest and quiet, which their valor had earned them or be sent to Petersburg to re-enforce the army of the Potomac.
But all our doubts were dispelled one week ago to-night, by an order to leave for Washington on the morrow. We reached Washington Sunday morning, and were immediately put on board the steamer "Mary Washington," which was ordered to take us to City Point. We arrived at City Point Tuesday noon, and were hurried off by railroad to our present camp. We are now some sixteen or eighteen miles from City Point, and on the left of Gen. Grant's long line of magnificent fortifications. As we have been here but one day, we have made but little progress as yet in building our camp.
We were all glad to welcome Capt. Marks again to our regiment, though sorry not to see him in the full enjoyment of his former health and strength. Capt. Marks is an officer of merit. The men were also pleased to see the plucky little Orderly Sergeant of Co. C again in our midst, looking healthful and vigorous. So severe was the wound which he received in battle, that we never expected that he would again join his regiment.
We are glad to learn that the remains of the brave and lamented Lieut. Hoyt have reached home, and now repose where the tread of the war horse and the thunder of the cannon are not heard. Green be his memory, sweet be his rest.
Yours truly, C.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
December 16th, 1864.
Dear Standard.—The 122d is again at Petersburg. We left the Valley on the 9th, and arrived here the 14th, all well and in good spirits,
To-day is the first mail we have received in ten days, I see by the Standard of the 9th that you had the 122d already here, but you were mistaken.
We are same ten or twelve miles to the left and rear of Petersburg, and can hear occasional cannonading at a distance. We have not been here long enough to tell our exact position. The army has swung around several miles to the rear of Petersburg since we left it in July, and since then there has been miles upon miles of dense forests cleared.
The 185th boys were here to see us to-day. I saw Lt. Barber and Henry Kingsley; they were both looking well. The 135th lies about four miles from us.
The weather has been extremely cold for several days. We suffered greatly coming from the Valley here, but, thank God, the weather is moderating considerably, and it is now comparatively warm to what it has been. I saw Gen. Grant last night, but he did not tell me any of his plans, so I am unable to let you know of them. It was a great oversight of the General's not to tell me; though I think he knows perfectly well what he is about.
Yours, for subjugation, A. B. P.

Our correspondent relates an incident that happened to the 122d at the Relay House, Md., on the route from the Valley to Petersburg, in which Brigadier Gen. Tyler figures rather ostentatiously and to his own discredit; but there is not sufficient home interest in the affair to demand its publication, nor do we consider it prudent, for more reasons than one, to publish it.—On mature reflection the writer will, we doubt not, agree with our views.

Greetings of the Season—Winter Quarters—Line Promotions—Mittens.
CAMP 122D N. Y. V.,
Dec. 25th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:—
If you were here I would wish you a "Merry Christmas," but as you are not, and this will not reach yon until Christmas is over, I will compromise the matter and wish you a "Happy New Year." Please not only accept this for yourself and all associated with you in publishing the JOURNAL, but pass it along to your patrons.
We are making ourselves quite comfortable in our new quarters. Our houses are not as stylish or as commodious and well furnished as those we left in Onondaga, but they answer our purpose just as well. There is but little picket firing on our immediate front, each party being satisfied to let the other alone.
Sergeant Smith, of Company A, has been made Sergeant-Major. He is evidently well fitted for the position. First Sergeant Colahan, of Company H, received a commission as First Lieutenant a few days since. It is no flattery or disparagement to others to say that he has shown himself on every battle-field to be the "bravest of the brave." The mittens sent to our regiment have not yet reached us, but are expected soon.

Health of the Regiment—Return of Lieut. Col. Dwight—Lieut. Poole.
February 17, 1865.
DEAR STANDARD—The 122d are lying here yet, in camp, doing the usual amount of picket and fatigue duty. The general health of the regiment is good. The boys are all enjoying themselves as best they can. The weather is cold and rainy most of the time. Deserters continue to come in, from twenty to one hundred every night since the bursting of the "peace bubble." That does not set good on their stomachs.
Lieut. Col. Dwight has returned and taken command of the regiment. The boys were all glad to see him again. His wrist is doing well. Lieut. Poole has had to have his arm amputated at the shoulder, and he is doing well. Captain Wilkin has returned to the regiment—looking well.
There is not much news about here just now. We have some cannonading every day in front of Petersburg. Report has just come into camp that Petersburg is being evacuated—don't believe it—but if so, we shall soon be on the move. For a wonder, the 122d did not have a hand in the Hatcher Run fight, although we lay only about three miles from it.
Yours, for subjugation,
A. B. P.

Letters from Capt. Gere.—Yesterday two letters were received from Capt. James M. Gere, of the 122d, by his wife at Belleisle, dated at the Military Prison, Macon, Ga. We give extracts from these brief letters, which are limited each to a small single page, and which are devoted mainly to personal matters.
Capt. Gere, under date of May 25th, writes as follows:
" I was taken prisoner just at dark of Friday, May 6th. We had been engaged nearly all day. Capts. Platt and Dwight and Lieuts. Luther, Wilson, Clark, Willman and Ostrander were wounded. George Casler, Henry Chappell, Henry Barnes and Merrill Dorr were taken prisoners a little before I was. The enemy turned and surrounded our right flank. Some of our troops were obliged to break. Gen. Shaler and others rallied them in a line faced to our right and ordered a charge. In riding for help, he rode into their lines and was taken. We made the charge and kept up the fight for twenty minutes afterwards, all the while surrounded, to give time for the right of our army to re-form and restore the line of battle. We were thus taken, instead of escaping when we could."
His other letter, received at the same time, is dated June 5th, in which he says:
" I have to write very briefly and cannot tell you the whole particulars of anything until I see you. I do not know when that will be, but it will be in God's own good time. Meanwhile I am patient and no more despondent than ever. I am pretty well, and fare pretty well, considering. It is Sunday and we have just had a sermon from one of our Chaplains."
Capt. Gere speaks of the arrival of Capt. Walpole on the Monday before his letter was written, and states some facts concerning members of the 122d, which have already been published.

DEATH of CAPT. JOHN M. DWIGHT.—The announcement came by telegraph this morning of the death of Capt. John M. Dwight, Co. I, 122d Regiment N. Y. Volunteers. No particulars are given, but the cause is supposed to be over-exertion on the day of the attack of Ewell's Corps upon the defences of Washington about ten days since.
The deceased is a son of Mr. John Dwight, of the town of Salina. He studied law with L. W. Hall, Esq., of this city, and afterwards admitted to the Bar in the Spring of 1861, he continued in Mr. Hall's office until the month of August, 1862, when he took an active part in raising the 122d Regiment, and was made Captain of Co. I. He has served most faithfully with the regiment from that time, and has often been commended for his great gallantry and good behavior on the battlefield. 
He was wounded at the battle of the Wilderness, in the leg below the knee, was taken to Washington, and soon alter came home on a furlough. His wound, though not dangerous, was a troublesome one for a time, but about the middle of June he began to recover rapidly. His impatience to join his command was so great that he refused to apply for an extension of his leave of absence, and he hastened on to Washington as soon as he heard of the invasion of Maryland, and reported himself for duty. He was immediately placed in command of a company of over a hundred men, all veterans, and went out to meet the enemy. His friends here had a letter from him a day or two ago, in which he stated that the exertion of that day's fight had caused his wound to re-open, and that his condition was nearly as bad as when first wounded. This morning comes the sad announcement of his death. Thus full of courage, animation and hope, in the flush of his young manhood, he falls a victim in the defence of his country. He will long be remembered by those who knew him, and esteemed him for his unobtusive [sic] worth, his manly and generous qualities.

The Funeral of Lieut. Wilson.
MEMPHIS, June 27, 1864.
Editor of the Journal:
The funeral of Lieut. Martin L. Wilson, of the 122d regiment, was held here yesterday at 10 o'clock A. M. The church being quite too small to accommodate the immense concourse that came together to pay their last respects to the brave, patriotic soldier, that warm friend of the soldier, widow Laughlin, proffered the use of the ground in front of her residence for that purpose. 
The exercises were deeply interesting and impressive throughout. The military escort, consisting of Co. G, 75th regiment, National Guards, but for one thing would have been regarded as well conceived and appropriate, and that was, that there were many who composed this escort who were well known to be open and avowed sympathizers with Jeff. Davis, and bitter and unscrupulous enemies of the Government. Prominent among these was one, who but a short time since gave the following toast at the hotel of N.
Foster: "Here is hoping that every man who enters under old A be Lincoln may get killed." Another one, an officer and a leading spirit among them, has frequently declared his preference for Jeff. Davis, brazenly avowing his determination to fight under him if required to fight at all. Others among them are in the habit of uttering sentiments as treasonable as these. Such being the spirit that actuates and controlls [sic] the majority of these would-be military heroes, it was a matter of much chagrin and regret often and forcibly expressed that should it become necessary to employ such men to escort the honored remains of a brave and loyal soldier to his final rest among the glorious dead. If there was one man in the army who despised these enemies of the government more than another it was Lieut. Martin L, Wilson. Capt. J. M. Dwight, Lieut. George Gilbert, Lieut. F. W. Poole, and others of the 122d, were present, and they desired me to say that as members of that regiment and companions and friends of Lieut. Wilson, under the circumstances they took part in the exercises with the greatest reluctance.
Rev. J. B. McFarland, of Camillus, delivered a very able and impressive discourse from Numbers, xxiii, 10. The duty of every loyal man to the government, and to those who were perilling [sic] their lives in its defence, were enforced in earnest and eloquent words, and a keen and scathing rebuke administered to those who are giving aid and comfort to the rebels, placing party above patriotism, and who seemed determined to rule the country, or failing in that, to ruin it.
He was followed by Major Davis, who spoke in eloquent and fitting terms of the nobleness of character, devoted patriotism and sterling qualities as a soldier of Lieut. Wilson. He also paid a just and deserved tribute to the courage and patriotism of the Union soldiers everywhere, earnestly asking that they might be heartily sustained until this wicked rebellion is finally and effectually crushed. A procession nearly a mile in length accompanied the body to the burial ground. Dr. S. W. Higgins acted as chief manager, and performed his part with his usual skill and judgment.
Thus another of those brave, noble and unsullied spirits, to whom future generations will yet do homage, has gone to his long home, having fought his last battle and given all he possessed,—his life,—to his country's honor and interests. 

Handsome Presentation to Meritorious Officers.
On the eve of the departure of Adjutant Tracy and Lieut. Birdseye, to resume their places in their respective regiments, several of their personal friends united in presenting to each of them a handsome sword and belt, bearing appropriate inscriptions. These officers, it will be remembered, are the young men who were captured in the first and second days' engagements in the Wilderness, taken to the rebel prison at Lynchburg, Va., from which, alter nine days' confinement, they together effected their escape, and making an eighteen days' journey across the country to Harper's Ferry, arrived safe within the Union lines. Their leaves of absence expired yesterday, when they left here to rejoin their respective regiments in the field. The following very neat correspondence was interchanged on the occasion of the presentation of these highly appropriate gifts to these very worthy young officers:

SYRACUSE, June 18, 1864. 
To Lieut. O. V. Tracy, Adjutant 122d Regiment N. Y.
S. Volunteers, and Lieut. M. E. Birdseye, 2d Regiment
N. Y. Cavalry.
GENTS:—A few of your friends have united in procuring for each of you a sword and belt, upon which are appropriate inscriptions, to present to you, as you are about to return to your positions in the army.
You left your homes at the call of the country, and entered the ranks as citizen soldiers to aid in the suppression of treason.
By your meritorious services you have each been promoted to command in your respective regiments. Participating as you have done in the remarkable campaign now progressing in Virginia, under the leadership of Gen. Grant, you were made prisoners and taken to Lynchburg, on your way to a rebel dungeon,—a fate worse almost than death.
The sagacity, courage and resolution which you each exhibited in your remarkable escape, are a complete vindication of the confidence hitherto reposed in you.
We tender to each of you the sword and belt, as appropriate to your present positions, and while we fervently hope that peace may soon enable you to return to your homes, we believe that you will worthily bear your part in this most gigantic struggle to maintain the Government and Constitution of our country, and the liberties of ourselves and our posterity.
Your friends,
SYRACUSE, N. Y., June 20th, 1864.
Messrs. Chas. Andrews, J. F. Wilkinson, Hamilton White, and others:
GENTLEMEN—I tender you my most sincere thanks for your elegant present and kind expression of regard—doubly valuable, coming as they do from citizens of my native place.
Unfortunately taken prisoner so early in the campaign, I have been debarred the honor of participating with the regiment in the severe trials through which they have passed; but thanks to the plans and skill of my friend Birdseye, I am once more enabled to rejoin them, and trust that nothing in my future conduct will cause my friends to regret the confidence they have reposed in me.
I am, gentlemen, very respectfully your ob't serv't, 

SYRACUSE, N. Y., June 18th, 1864.
Messrs. C. Andrews, J. F. Wilkinson, D. P. Phelps, and others:
GENTLEMEN—Allow me to return you my sincere thanks for the splendid gift I have this day received at your hands, as an expression of your friendship and regard.
I not only value this beautiful weapon for its simple cost, but for the expression of your approval and confidence, of which I shall ever strive to prove myself worthy.
Very respectfully yours,
1st Lieut. 2d N. Y. Cav.

Adj. Tracy's Arrival Home—Members of the 122d Prisoners at Lynchburg.
Adj. O. V. Tracy, of the 122d regiment, reached here at two o'clock this afternoon. He gives a highly interesting account of the escape of Lieut.
Birdseye and himself from the rebel prison at Lynchburg, Va., and states that he owes his own escape entirely to the ingenuity and adroitness of Lieut. B., who devised the plan, invited him to join it, and carried it out.
Adj. Tracy furnishes us with the following list of members of the 122d, who were prisoners at Lynchburg. Capt. Gere was still there when he escaped, and the others were removed to Danville, N. C., on the 10th. He states that Lieut. Ostrander was severely wounded in the thigh, and Lieut. Luther in three places—both were left on the field in the Wilderness.
The following is the list of members of the 122d who were captured and taken to Lynchburg,—all well and unharmed, except those designated as otherwise:
Capt. J. M. Gere, Co. H.
Private J. H. Talmadge, Co. A.
Private C. A. Robertson, Co. B.
Private J. Houser, Co. C, wounded, slightly.
Sergeant Oscar Austin, Co. D.
Sergeant Frank Whaley, Co. D, wounded, severely.
Private Wm. Buckley, Co. D.
Sergeant Fergus Madden, Co. E.
Corporal Isaac Richards, Co. F.
Private Uriah D. Moore, Co. F.
Private Edmund H. Pease, Co. G.
Corporal Henry Chappell, Co. H.
Sergeant George H. Casler, Co. H.
Private Merrill P. Dow, Co. H.
Private Henry L. Barnes, Co. H.
Private John Diendle, Co. I.
Private John Bugatt, Co. K.
Private Holland Twinem, Co. A
Private T. A. Jackson, Co. E, wounded, slightly.
There were three others whose names Adj. Tracy does not recall—twenty-one in all.

Further Particulars of the Escape from Lynchburg, Va.
Lieut. Birdseye was captured in the Wilderness on the 5th of May, and Adj. Tracy on the 6th.—They were immediately conveyed to Lynchburg, and remained there till the 14th, when they made their escape. They reached Harper's Ferry on the morning of June 1st, having been eighteen days on the road, traveling by night, and resting and sleeping in the woods by day. They met probably twenty-five of the men belonging to Mosby's and White's rebel commands, and were stopped by them as deserters from the rebel service. They claimed to belong to the Second North Carolina Cavalry, with the organization and officers of which they had made themselves familiar while at Lynchburg. They were able to satisfy these rebels, after a close examination and rigid interrogation, and were allowed to proceed.
Adjutant Tracy (who is on his way home,) has a list of about twenty of the men of the 122d who were prisoners at Lynchburg. Capt. J. M. Gere was there unharmed. Also, several Sergeants of the regiment. Lieut. Ostrander was wounded severely in the thigh, and left on the field in the Wilderness.
Lieut. Birdseye states that there are one hundred and twelve Union officers and about three thousand privates in the prisons at Lynchburg. Gens. Seymour and Shaler are there. He re members seeing Lieut. Call, of Fabius, and Lieut. Buchanan, of Cortland,—both of the 76th N. Y. V.

FILL UP OUR OWN REGIMENTS.—Although a good part of the quota of Onondaga county under the call for two hundred thousand more men is already raised, there is an opportunity still to furnish a goodly number of needed recruits for the 122d and 149th regiments. We hope that an organized movement will be immediately made, under which the depleted ranks of these regiments may receive substantial reinforcement. If this be not done, there is danger that within six months, Onondaga will not have a regimental organization from her limits in the National service. If the 122d and 149th are not filled up, it is quite likely that they will be absorbed into other regiments by consolidation. This unpleasant result may be averted by the taking of measures to fill these regiments with recruits to be raised here during the ensuing four weeks. Let the move be made at once.

122d N. Y. Volunteers.
New Recruits …………$677
Veterans ………………$852.
THIS SPLENDID REGIMENT NOW LOCATED at the city of Sandusky, Ohio, on duty as Guard over the Rebel Prisoners of War, and is likely to remain during its term, at that point.
in one of the finest organizations in the service.
Apply to
Capt. H. H. WALPOLE, or
Lieut. F. M. WOOSTER,
At Office No. 2 Townsend Block, in rear of Davis and Leach's office, or at recruiting station, near the City Flag Staff. 
mar14 d2w

How the Soldiers of our Home Regiments Fell.—We publish this morning a letter from a member of the 122d, who is at present on service detached from his regiment. He appeals earnestly to the people of this city and county to fill up the 122d and 149th, that they may be able to retain their distinctive organizations, and come home as they left, bearing the proud title of Onondaga regiments. And he only expresses the sentiment of every member of those regiments, as spoken by word of mouth, or written to friends.
We have labored unceasingly to accomplish this result; we long ago insisted that there should be a marked distinction made in their favor as to local bounty—but the fear of failure to fill the quotas prevented that course being taken until quite recently, and even when taken, in our judgment, the discrimination was far too slight.
On Wednesday we published a table prepared by the Provost Marshal, showing that on the 28th ult., the quota of the county under the calls for five hundred thousand men was full—that on that day every town and ward but two had a surplus, and that there was a general surplus of 756 for the county, to apply on the last call for two hundred thousand men. Taking the given quotas on the 500,000 as a basis for that under the 200,000 call, and Onondaga county would have to furnish 957 men, or 201 more than was credited in the Provost Marshal's office on the 28th. The Provost Marshal is confident that when all the credits to the 1st of April are in, the quota of the county will be full, and more than full; this is also the opinion of the late local bounty committee. If this be so, then certainly there is nothing to be feared from a draft, and no obligation existing to continue the enlistment of men and pay them the local bounty, other than the great moral obligation to sustain the Government in putting down the rebellion. In fulfilling this we can well pause, and consider whether there are not collateral obligations, the fulfillment of which demand our earnest efforts.
We understand that there yet remains about $76,000 of the local bounty fund unexpended. This should be appropriated exclusively to the work of filling up our home regiments—not a dollar of it should be paid to a volunteer in any other—the causes that have heretofore weighed against such a course no longer exist, and there should be no hesitancy on the part of the bounty committee. There is nothing in the resolution authorizing the payment of bounties to prevent such a course. It is entirely competent for the committee to take such action as it shall deem advisable; to stop, and save the money to the county, or proceed to the extent of the funds at their disposal in providing against a future call.—If they proceed, it should be only to help fill up the ranks of the gallant 122d and 149th regiments.

A Visit to the 122d Regiment at Sandusky.
To the Editor of the Syracuse Journal:
Hearing of the sickness of my son, a member of the 122d regiment, I started on the 28th ult., arrived at Sandusky on the 29th, went to the quarters of Co. B, to look for him, and was told that a lady had invited him to her house, that she might care for him. I found him at the house of Mrs. Barney, who was doing for him all that a mother could do for a child; my son said "God bless
Mrs. Barney;" and let me say here she is not the only one in Sandusky that is doing these kind acts to our boys. Hundreds are doing the same thing to all who stand in used of help, and we owe the citizens a lasting debt of gratitude for their many kind deeds. There is not a day passes that they do not look to the wants of our soldiers in their midst.
The people of this county may truly feel proud of the 122d Regiment, for they are held in high estimation by the people of Sandusky. Lieut. Col. Dwight is much beloved by his regiment, and the people there, and so are all the officers of the regiment. Col. Dwight told me that a braver set of boys could not be found. At the battle of Gettysburg they faced the enemy without flinching, firing eighty rounds of ammunition, and doing great execution among the enemy. He says all the credit must be given to the boys, but I think from what the boys say, that he is entitled to his share of the glory, for he led them bravely.
Lieut.-Col. Dwight says if the citizens here will present them with new colors, he will present their war-worn and tattered ones to the Historical Society. I trust it will be done. Let us honor the 122d, who have done so much for us. 
Let me say to those who are enlisting, put your names down for this regiment. They wished to know of me if there were any of the new volunteers who would like to share with them the honors they have gained. It would do any one good to visit them. Such a grip of the hand is enough to pay the expense. I said "any one;" I will except the Copperheads, who had better keep away. There was one in Sandusky who showed his head; they run him into his hole, and he has not been seen since.
On Sunday, Gen. Alex. Shaler, Brigade commander, visited the regiment in the quarters at Sandusky. He was heartily received, and seemed much pleased to be again with his old command Permit me to close by urging the people of Onondaga to fill up the ranks of the 122d. The regiment is entitled to a fair share of the men to be recruited here this month, and their ranks is the best place in which our new volunteers can be placed.
There have been two deaths in the Brigade since they have been at Sandusky,—two members of the 122d, Privates Lathrop, of Co. A, from Baldwinsville, and Colgrove, of Co. C. from Cazenovia.
J. R. R.

THE BATTLE FLAG OF THE 122D.—Lieut. Col. Dwight, commanding the 122d regiment, has sent to Col. Hawley, of the 51st regiment, the Battle Flag of his regiment, for safe keeping. This flag was presented to the 122d on leaving the State, by the ladies of New York; it was then a beautiful and costly silk banner,—it is now faded and riddled in a hundred places by rebel balls. It may be seen for a few days at the store of Messrs. Willard & Hawley.

The 122d in the Battle of the Wilderness.
SAVED THE COLORS.—The Baldwinsville Gazette, whose editor has just returned from an errand of mercy to the wounded members of the 122d regiment at Fredericksburg and Washington, states that in the Battle of the Wilderness the colors of the regiment were saved and brought off the field by Corporal W. Voseller, whose courage and bravery were shown to be of the highest order. 
The Gazette also contains the following:
A TRUE HERO.—Among those probably killed of the 122d N. Y. V. may be found the name of Sergeant H. Manser, of Co. H. He was detailed on recruiting service, and was at home during the fore part of the past winter, but rejoining his company at the opening campaign he fell in the first day's fight of the regiment to which he belonged. A comrade who staid with him after he was wounded until the rebels were close upon them came very near being taken prisoner. Manzer entreated him to go and leave him, saying he could not live, and there was no need of any one to take care of him. On the rebs came, and the dying hero's comrade taking his last message—"Tell my friends not to mourn for me. I die in a just cause; tell the boys to do their duty"—was turning to leave him to his fate, when he heard the voice of his friend in that glorious old song—
" Rally round the Flag, boys,
Rally once again."
This was the last that was seen or heard of Sergeant Hubbard Manzer, Co. H, 122d N. Y. V.

DEAD ON THE FIELD.—There seems to be an appropriate description in the above words, of those brave men of the 122d N. Y. Volunteers who have fallen in battle since the opening of the Spring campaign. Many of them our intimate acquaintances, and all of them our friends, we cannot forbear expressing an humble tribute to their daring bravery, and cool courage. They died with the harness on, bravely fighting, as some of them expressed it, "in a just cause."—The ground over which the terrible conflict raged in the Wilderness, on Friday, May 6th, has never been in the possession of our forces since; and their bodies probably lay exposed to view unless buried by the hands of the Rebels and Traitors whom they fought. Dead on the field! "Brave boys are they. Gone at their Country's call, And yet and yet, we cannot forget That many brave boys must fall."
When the war is over, let their sacred dust be gathered together, and a monument reared over their remains, which shall commemorate their virtues, and forever mark the place where the heroes fell—martyrs to the glorious cause of Liberty. The soil of Virginia, heretofore called sacred, is now really so, because it is made the receptacle of loyal blood.

NEW FLAG FOR THE 122D.—The handsome new silk flag for the 122d regiment, purchased by the fund contributed for the purpose by our citizens, has reached here. It was procured in New York by Messrs. Willard & Hawley, and is in material and form the counterpart of that recently procured for the 149th. It bears a neat inscription, "Presented to the 122d N. Y. V., by the citizens of Syracuse." Less than a fortnight ago the subscription for this flag was started by Mr. John R. Robertson, and now it is ready to be passed into the keeping of the gallant regiment for which it is intended. It will be forwarded to the regiment at Sandusky, and be formally presented next week.

The 122d Regiment.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Journal.
SANDUSLY, O., March 13, 1864.
My letters have ceased in frequency because our absence from the front has relieved the minds of our friends as to our safety, and because so many of them have been to see us that writing for our press at home is almost like carrying coals to New Castle. Our arrival, condition and progress I have noticed duly chronicled in the papers at home, and but little more remained.
For our new stand of colors we are indeed obliged. They are beautiful and tasteful. We prize them not more than the old ones, but we prize the givers none the less, and when they, (the colors, not the givers) have been baptized [sic] and riddled by rebel bullets a few times they will be as dear to us as the old tattered rag we sent home by Mr. Robertson.
The health of our regiment is very good indeed. We have had a regular run of the measles through the regiment, but through the skill of our doctors, have not lost a case. They have disappeared now. .
Two deaths have occurred lately, private Broom, of "F" Co., and private Wilson, of "B" Co.—Broom died of inflammation of the brain, and Wilson died of typhoid fever and debility. His death could probably have been averted by resolution and determination on his own part, but he gave up to the disease from the first. It is astonishing to see what pluck will do in sickness. Little Jimmy Butler, one of our young boys, was sick with typhoid fever and nigh to death, "Doctor," said Jimmy, "I am very sick, but I ain't going to die. I'm going to get well and go with the boys." The fever left and diphtheria set in. "Well, Jimmy," said the doctor, "have you any notion of dying of this?" Poor Jimmy could not speak, but he grinned a ghastly smile and shook his head.—The diphtheria was got under, and erysipelas set in, and they had to blacken his face with nitrate of silver. "Well, doctor," said Jimmy, "they've made a nigger of me, but I'll live through that too." That was got along with, and a large ulcer formed and broke back of his ear. "Oh, well," said Jimmy, "them roses won't kill any one if they do keep a fellow awake some at night."—Poor Jimmy is now convalescent, and as he never flinched or faltered on the field of battle, so he has shown the benefit of the clear grit on a sick bed.
We had nine recruits come on the other day—the first we have ever had. We hope for more soon, that we may have a line of battle something like our old one, when we go to the front to help carry out the programme of Unconditional Surrender Grant.
The kindness of the people here to our boys is unabated, and the boys enjoy it much. We were paid off the other day up to Dec. 31st, 1863, and hope to see the paymaster along soon with the pay up to Feb. 29th, 1884, for which we are mustered! Many of the boys are trying to get home, but as the same rule is applied by the Department, as in front, it is the fault of no one here because more do not come. We keep our full number away.
Yours, D.

Dec. 29, 1864.
DEAR STANDARD:—We are lying here at Park's Station, doing the usual amount of picket and fatigue duty. There is a good deal of picket firing every night, with some considerable cannonading both night and day. Fort Hell lies about a mile to our right, and it is rightly named, for it is a perfect hell to both our folks and the rebs, for there is not an hour in twenty-four but what the loud mouthed cannon are belching forth Hell from their brazen throats.—We have a succession of breast works for miles, so that if the enemy should succeed in driving us from our line we have but to fall back to a stronger one. There is good strong forts about every half mile, but there is no use in my attempting to tell how the lines run. Tall Sam and Slim Frank have received their commissions, and were mustered to-day as First Lieutenants—Samuel Carrington, Co. A. and Frank Colhan, Co. H,—they were both deserving, and will make good officers. 
There is a rumor that the 6th Corps is going back to the Valley,—don't believe it,—but if we do, Early will find us ready to take tea. The weather is quite cold,—we are having a good deal of cold wind most of the time. 
The health of the regiment is good—the boys are all well, and in the best of spirits. We had lots of nothing good to eat for Christmas, and expect the same for New Year's. H. Wiard and John Whitney have been over to see me—they are looking well—I calculate to return the visit soon. Dr. Knapp arrived here the 21st, all right, and feeling well.
There was another deserter hung near our camp to-day; and thirty-three more are to be before long—from one to three of them "swing" every Friday. Good enough for them. Three cheers for the Union and subjugation,
A. B. P.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
Camp Near Burn's Station, Va.,
April 16, 1865.
Dear Standard:—I last wrote you from Clover Hill, when Lee surrendered,—it was about thirty miles from Lynchburg. The morning of the 11th we started back towards this place, the 6th corps leading off—the 122d in the advance acting as Provost Guard, leaving from two to three men at each house until the next corps came along to relieve them. The roads all the way back to this place are the worst I ever saw—it was almost impossible to get the trains along; but we finally succeeded in reaching this place on the 13th. The 6th corps, and one division of the 9th corps are camped here. A part of Sheridan's cavalry left here yesterday. Report says that the troops are to lay here a week or two, waiting to see what will turn up.
The 122d are all well, and in the best of spirits. There are a thousand and one rumors afloat. Some think we are to be mustered out immediately—some that we will stay our time out. As for myself, I have no doubt but you will see us when we come home, and not much before.
There was a great gloom cast over the camps last night on the receipt of President Lincoln's attempted assassination. Vengeance, strong and deep, is in the hearts, and found utterance throughout the army, and woe unto the Johnny's that fall into the hands of the Union soldiers hereafter. Nothing but annihilation will satisfy now, and the sooner we begin the better for the country. The miscreants are not fit to live north or south—they ought to be exterminated root and branch.
We have a pleasant camp, and the boys are all improving their time in "washing up" after the last twelve days hard fighting and marching. The head-quarter wagons are up, and the officers have up their wall-tents. The camp begins to have a pleasant appearance. Yesterday was a terrible rainy day,—it rained hard all day and the night before,—an immense quantity of water fell, and mud!—well pudding is the best name for it; but the sun comes out bright and warm this morning, and it will soon be dried up. 
Yours, for extermination—unless sooner disposed of, A. B. P.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
April 15th, 1865.
DEAR STANDARD:—We are laying here yet very quietly in camp doing the usual amount of camp duty except drilling. The boys have not been called on to drill any since we arrived here on the 13th, but we are expecting it every day. The health of the regiment is good; the boys are all getting rested after a two weeks campaign, and one that will long be remembered on account of its glorious results. The weather is splendid—warm as a June at home. The roads are getting quite passable after the late heavy rains. To-day is very generally observed in the army on account of President Lincoln's funeral. The most of the army are encamped about here. The 2d, 5th, 6th, 24th and a portion of the 9th corps, are here waiting for further orders. All
the captured cannon and small arms have been brought here to be shipped to Washington. The artillery, 86 pieces in all, is the most mixed collection of guns we ever saw,—some of them must have been in use when Adam was a boy—some are of the best English make. There are several cords of small arms, of all kinds and descriptions, from a small pistol up to the best Sharp's Rifle. Rations are scarce. It is impossible to transport a sufficient quantity over this road for the wants of the army; but everything is being done that can be to overcome this difficulty, and in a very few days everything will be in abundance. Officers can buy nothing but hard tack, coffee, sugar, and pork; and such pork! it wants codfish to cook it, for two thirds of it will not cook itself. But who cares—the rebellion is busted and we all hope soon to enjoy the comforts of home. There are a thousand rumors afloat in camp about what is to be done. The prevailing opinion is that we shall all be home by the 1st of July; perhaps sooner. It depends on the other rebel chieftains very much. A large portion of the army will most likely be mustered out soon. Happy day—God speed it along. Some of the boys that were taken prisoners in the Wilderness in 1864, arrived here last night. One of them, John Bushay, brings the news of the death of Sergt. Fergus Madden, of Co. E. Bushay tented with Madden all last summer in a Georgia prison. Madden died of fever and scurvy. 
Yours in subjugation, A. B. P.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
DANVILLE, Va., April 28, 1865.
DEAR STANDARD:—The 6th Corps is at Danville; we arrieed [sic] here yesterday at 10 o'clock, and had a paper issued at 5 o'clock, called "The 6th Corps." If I can get one to-day, I will send it to you. We have had a hard march here from Burk's Station. We marched the way we came, 110 miles in less than 4 1/2 days; the last 18 miles was made by our Brigade, the 3d, 2d Division, in 5 hours. You can bet it was pretty tall traveling. We found the town all quiet, and anxious to receive us. Col. Hyde, commanding the 3d Brigade, is military Governor here. The 122d, 1st Maine, and 49th N. Y. are detailed for Provost duty. The boys expect a good time, and they deserve it. This is quite a lively place of about 6,000 inhabitants. I should judge about 4,000 out of the 6,000 were blacks. I should judge by the number of rebel officers here, that the most of Lee's army was officered from this place. The 122d are all in good health and in the best of spirits. Many of them are quite foot-sore, but who cares; the rebellion is dead, so is Booth and more will be the hurrah for the Union and the death to traitors, North and South. The mail is going.
Yours in subjugation, A. B. P.

Letter from the 122d Regiment.
Fredericksburg, Va., May 25, 1865.
Dear Standard:—The 6th Corps is at this place. We expect to leave here to-morrow morning. We shall be three days going to Washington, if nothing happens to hinder us, as the rain did coming here from Richmond; we had to lay two days and a half about twenty miles from here, it being impossible to get along. The 122d is ordered to new York as soon as we can get there, so you may expect to see us in Syracuse by the 10th of June certain. The health of the regiment is good; the boys are all anxious to get home. Sarg. Major Michael Donovan has been promoted to 1st Lieutenant, and been mustered. He says he don’t feel proud and will let me slide on their cellar door as much as I please. The weather is very hot, but not so hot as it was at Danville. The 122d is in camp to-day in Marie's Heights, where they charged two years ago next Saturday, the 3d of June. The old works look natural. A good many of the boys are going this afternoon to see the grave of Mary Washington, General Washington's mother; she is buried about one mile from our camp.
Yours for a United Country, A. B. P.


Letter From the 122d Regiment.
CAMP OF THE 122D N. Y. S. V.,
Near Ball's Gross Roads, Va., June 5, 1865.
DEAR STANDARD:—The 122d are lying here in camp, the officers all very busy in making out their final papers preparatory to going home. It will be from six to ten days before we shall be able to get away.
There was some of the 149th here yesterday, visiting our boys. I think the 149th will get home before the 122d, but probably not more than two or three days ahead of us. It would be very pleasant for these two glorious old regiments to meet together in Syracuse, but it cannot be, so there is no use wishing. But the friends of both regiments may expect to see them soon—wait a little longer.
The weather is very hot here; the boys suffer a good deal with the heat, but they enjoy good health which is above all else. The health of the regiment was never better than now. The boys are all anxious to get home as soon as possible. I will let you know the day we start for Syracuse if I can.
Yours for the united country, A. B. P.

The Funeral of the Late Maj. Brower.—The funeral services of the late Maj. J. Mosher Brower, of the 122d N. Y. V., will be held at St. James church to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon at two o'clock. The Rev. J. M. Clarke, Chaplain of the 51st regiment, will officiate. The remains will be interred at Oakwood with military honors. The Citizens' Corps will form the guard of honor, and four other companies of the 51st regiment have been detailed as an escort by Col. Hawley—the Comstock Guard, the McClellan Guard, the Davis Light Guard and the Union Guard.
The Mayor and Common Council will meet at the City Hall at one o'clock, and all the officers of the old twelfth and of the 122d, and other Onondaga regiments, who are in the city, are invited to meet there at the same hour, to attend the funeral in a body. Carriages will be provided by the Committee.
The officers of the 12th and 122d Regiments N. Y. State Volunteers; comrades of the late Maj. J. M. Brower, together with all officers of the army temporarily sojourning in our city, are respectfully invited to meet at the Mayor's room tomorrow at one o'clock, to make the necessary arrangements to attend the funeral of their deceased brother-in-arms. The members of the Common Council are also requested to meet at the same time and place. 
A. C. POWELL, Mayor.