145th New York Infantry Regiment's Civil War Newspaper Clippings

John Creed, Hubat Bidwell, hand, slightly. Patrick McCauliff, Michael McGratle, missing; John Moffat, finger lost; Thos. Jones, Phillip Redding, Thomas Fanall, Augustas Smith, missing; Lieutenant David Ellis, leg, slightly; Sergeant Nathan Lockwood, chest, slightly; Michael McTighe, Henry Doteblebeiss, Captain Samuel T. Allen, Lieutenant W. H. Poole, missing; Shady McMannar, side by shell, slightly; Alexander McCauley, left arm and side, slightly; James Clair, foot by shell, amputated; Thomas Nolin, right hip, Minie ball; Edward Brooks, leg; Eugene Murphy, hand; George Fenen, Bernard Torphy, Patrick Martin, James O'Reilly, James Lappen, Corporal James Vaughn, Corporal Wm. McKee, Corporal David Brady, John Myers, James Onderdonk, James Hamilton, missing; Sergeant Silas Hollis, thigh, flesh wound; Corporal Watt Bohen, foot and leg; John J. Matthews, wrist, flesh; Corporal George Taylor, Wm. H. Chandler, Husted Hubbard, George W. Hulse, missing; Corporal Antony Kelley, finger off; James T. Ackerson, thigh; Alfred Baneyte, finger; John Martin, arm, flesh; Wm. Conway, Peter Constantino, Wm. H. Culver, Harlan Faman, Wm. Fish, Edward Lane, Philip Mabler, Enoch Savill, missing; Sergeant William Marlow, finger; John C. Wallace, George Buckhalter, William Frawley, Hugh Donovan, George Knouse, missing; Ed. Mooney, thigh; Herman Strauss, missing; Samuel Whamby, right nates, ball; James Vanderbeck, missing; Fred. Leighler, contusion of left arm; Henry Sinclair, John Weight, missing; Sergeant Rorert Kirkpatrick, side, severely, shell; Sergeant Pat. Cunningham, Corporal Chas. Boker, Corp. Ang. Smick, John Folen, Hugh Walsh, missing; Sergeant Joseph Prouse, both cheeks (musket ball); Corporal Thomas McAvoy, thigh, flesh wound; Corporal Frederick Strieker, arm, flesh wound; Pat. Boyle, groin, severely; Frank Moffit, thigh, flesh wound; Federick Theuser, arm, flesh wound; Sergeant James H. Rogers, Corporal Horace Whitehead, Corporal Edward G. Winnegar, Dennis Brady, Luke Dunn, Chaless H. Gove, Hiram Henyon, Martin McGuire, Wm. O'Neill, James Reid, missing; Sergeant S. C. Hoff, left nates and thigh, ball; Sergeant Z. Hendrickson, left nates, severely, shell; Corporal C. Dissosway, Corporal Wm. McVeigh, missing; James Ellis, right leg, flesh; Wm. Walker, L. Vandevere, J. Powell, ... Weight, Wm. Golder, Assistant Surgeon E. K. La Due,

Sept. 1862
It will be remembered that some time since Mr. John McCaffery, military secretary of this command, was drummed out of camp summarily, and without trial or court martial, or opportunity to defend himself, on charges of improper conduct. All the charges have been withdrawn, and pronounced to be without any foundation, in a statement which we have seen, written and signed by the colonel commanding the Stanton legion, in the presence of the Inspector General of this State.

Military Movements in New York and Vicinity.
Brigadier General Busteed has received instructions from the Governor to make inspection of all the regiments at present organizing in this vicinity, and those not having the full number are to be consolidated with the others. In accordance with this regulation, the Fourth regiment of the Empire Brigade will be consolidated with the Second and Third. Colonel Allen's regiment—the One Hundred and Forty-fifth N. Y. S. V.—has also received marching orders, and will probably take its departure today.

There are now enlisted in the Stanton legion over four hundred and fifty able soldiers, and recruiting is found to be quite brisk. The average number of recruits per diem is about twenty, and there is every encouragement for believing that the regiment will be filled without having any aid from drafting. The following are the field, staff and line officers at present appointed:--Colonel, W. H. Allen; Lieutenant Colonel, ____; Major, Van Wagner; Quartermaster, U. S. Lowe; Adjutant, W. W. Horton; Surgeon, Dr. Rockwell; Captains, W. H. Jenner, D.Tumey, C. A. Du Moulin, J. W. Drummond, W. F. Penfield, W. H. Badger, ____ Le Gendre, U. Servatious, ____ Chappel, J. H. Brennan, G. Tucker; First Lieutenants, B. Marston, H. Morrison, W. H. Van Brunt, ____ Ferry, L. O. V. Ham, J. H. Connelly, J. Flynn, W. L. Lindsay, ____ Block; Second Lieutenants, ____ Henderson, ____ Thompson, W. H. Poole, ....

The non-commissioned officers lately attached to the One Hundred and Forty-fifth New York, desirous of testifying their regard for their old commander, serenaded him last evening at his residence in West Tenth street. The serenading party arrived at about twelve o'clock, preceded by Dodworth's Band. After several patriotic airs had been performed, the Colonel, surrounded by his personal friends, made his appearance and thanked his old comrades for their enthusiastic ovation. He alluded to the injustice done them by the disbandment of the One Hundred and Forty-fifth Regiment. The Government, he stated, in doing so had been acting under secret misrepresentations, and a gallant and noble regiment had been dishonored. He felt, however, the most confident assurance that they would soon again be mustered under their old war-worn flag, made sacred by the lives and blood of their comrades in the service of their country.
We have been unjustly stricken down (said the Colonel,) we have been unjustly dishonored, but "Truth is mighty, and will prevail." We were as efficient and numerically as strong as a large majority of the regiments in the army, and were broken up without and assigned cause; and I pledge you here to-night, that justice, ample justice shall be done every man of my old and honored command. No stain of dishonor can or shall attach to them or me. I will devote the balance of my life, if necessary, for the re-establishment of my old and honored regiment to its original basis and integrity. I cannot sufficiently express my heartfelt gratitude for this compliment, coming, as I am informed from my late non-commissioned officers—men whom I know, and who knew me; men whom I have drilled and disciplined; men who have received the highest praise from their general officers for their precision, order and soldierly bearing. To be the recipient of this complimentary visit from you, under the adverse circumstances which surround me, make my gratitude and thanks the more heartfelt. Such ovations are usually paid to men in power and in command, not to one suffering under false accusations and deprived of all authority. It can only be your sympathy for your Colonel, that bungs you here to-night, with your delightful music, to gladden and cheer his heart (for it cannot nerve it); but it will be one of the pleasantest recollections of my life, and I shall claim it as the strongest evidence that your conduct and my conduct, and the conduct of the 145th Regiment is unimpeachable. This demonstration will be a grateful tribute to the noble men of the regiment, who are now distributed in the grand Army of t h e Cumberland, every man of whom has petitioned, humbly petitioned, to be restored to his old officers and old and honored flag.

The above regiment, whose headquarters are at 174 Grand street, now offers a special bounty of three dollars each to recruits who join the corps. Colonel Allen is using the greatest exertions in order to have his regiment full by next week, which undoubtedly will be the case. On Friday next the Stanton Legion will arrive in this city, from Staten Island, at eleven o'clock, in order to take part in the reception of General Corcoran. That they will make a dashing appearance there is no doubt, as Colonel Allen's efficiency in drilling is well and favorably known. The Colonel has sent a request to General Van Vechten that he will furnish his command with arms, in order to make a proper appearance on that day. If it is not done, the regiment will have to turn out without them. Colonel Allen's son, Lieutenant W. Allen, who was wounded in the seven day's battle and taken prisoner, returned to his command a few days ago, although he lost all his clothes, sword, sash, pistol, &c. The rebel general, however, returned him his money. He is now in command of a company with General McClellan, although not quite recovered from his wounds.

Sept. 15, 1862.
It was with no little surprise that I read in the HERALD of the 14th inst. a card, under the signature of Colonel Wm. H. Allen, of the One Hundred and Forty-fifth regiment, in which he asks a contradiction of the "statement going the rounds of the papers," that his regiment is to be attached to the brigade under my command. I have no desire to engage in a controversy on so unimportant a subject; but, in dismissing this affair from my mind, I must, in justice to myself, state that Colonel Allen did, without any solicitation from me, apply to have his regiment is to be attached to the brigade under my command. I have no desire to engage in a controversy on so unimportant a subject; but, in dismissing that affair from my mind, I must, in justice to myself, state that Colonel Allen did, without any solicitation from me, apply to have his regiment attached to my brigade. I believe he visited Governor Morgan on this subject, and on his return gave me to understand that he was to report to me. Colonel Allen further states in his card:--"The first intimation I have received of the fact being the article in some of the papers in relation to the same." I will leave it to Colonel Allen and a discriminating public to harmonize the latter quotation and the following letter, which was sent to me by the officer on the 8th inst. Further comment is unnecessary.
Very respectfully,
MICHAEL CORCORAN, Brigadier General.

Headquarters, Corcoran's Irish Legion.
My Dear General--I must leave for the camp, to perfect my muster and pay rolls, by three P. M. It is now two P. M. I will not return before late on the 9th inst. I can raise two more regiments myself if you will consent. On consideration of this and some other minor matters I will devote to you my personal and military experience. After taking the first regiment into the field I will leave it in charge of the Lieutenant Colonel and Major, and return to organize the second, &c., &c., or act in any other way you may desire. I desire yourself and staff to come down to camp on Tuesday, the 9th inst., to be present at the presentation of colors, sword, &c., and at the same time be introduced to the command. 
Colonel One Hundred and Forty-fifth Regiment.

Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1862.
General Corcoran and Judge Daly will address a mass meeting on Wednesday morning, the 17th inst., at the City Hall.

The First regiment of the Stanton Legion, Colonel W. H. Allen, has been ordered to march for the seat of war on Saturday next; but will probably not get off before Monday, as uniforms are not yet furnished the men, and in all probability, will not be ready by the date ordered for their departure. The Quartermaster of the regiment, Mr. U. S. Lowe, has discharged his duties with unusual energy and ability, but thus far, so remiss have been the officials of the State Quartermaster's Department that new recruits have often been forced to remain in camp for days without necessary articles of clothing. Brigadier General Busteed visited the camp of the Stanton Legion, at New Dorp, S. I., on Sunday last, and witnessed the dress parade, inspection and other ceremonies of the day. He expressed himself highly pleased with the discipline and general character of the regiment, pronouncing them one of the very finest volunteer regiments he had ever seen. Colonel Alien went to Washington on Tuesday, on regimental business, and is expected to return to-day, with orders from the War Department which will greatly facilitate the departure of the First and the filling up of the Second and Third regiments of the Legion. On tomorrow (Friday) evening the field and line officers of the Legion give a grand ball at the camp at New Dorp, which will, no doubt, be largely attended by the fair belles of Staten Island, whose attractions have so often beautified the camp. Before the ball the regimental officers will present a magnificent horse with all the necessary equipments to Colonel Allen, as a token of their respect and friendship.

Military Movements in New York and Vicinity.
There was another slight disturbance in Spinola's Empire Brigade, at their camp, East New York, during yesterday and Thursday night. The causes seem to be the same as that which originated the first riot.--viz. the exhilirating effects of bad rum and want of sufficient strictures in giving passes, the former cause predominating. During Thursday night liquor was purchased to a large extent by the privates of the brigade themselves, who imbibed to somewhat of an extent not consonant with their ideas of equilibrium and good morals. This led to any quantity of private wrangling, and free fights were the order of the hour. Discussions of no very complimentary character were carried on between the soldiers, and it soon became evident that a general mob would be the result should not some force be resorted to in order to keep the unruly down. Things progressed in this manner during the whole of Thursday night. All the officers of the brigade, to their credit be it said, did all in their power to keep things from assuming a serious aspect.
Yesterday morning, however, to make assurance doubly sure, the Seventh regiment, National Guard, were ordered out to the camp—a request to that effect being made by Gen. Spinola himself—where they remained during the entire day. A number of policemen from the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Twenty-seventh precincts, under command of Capt. Squires, were also on the ground, and prepared to suppress any violence which might be resorted to by the men. The Seventh went out with their muskets loaded, and furnished with one day's rations. Everything was quiet up to a late hour last evening. Taking everything into consideration, the whole affair seems to have assumed the appearance of a tempest in a teapot. It would be well for the officers in charge of this brigade, however, to make the necessary provisions against allowing liquor in camp, and also to be more particular in enforcing the discipline so necessary for the proper organization of a military encampment. The men, it is said, get too much license, and go in and out of camp when they please. A dress parade and review will take place in the afternoon. The following order in relation to the matter has been issued:—
LAFAYETTE HALL, Sept. 11, 1862.
The different regiments composing this brigade are hereby ordered for parade, inspection and review on Sunday afternoon. September 14, at precisely four o'clock, when every officer, non-commissioned, staff and enlisted man of this brigade must be on the ground. Field and staff officers mounted. The line officers equipped. To this end all passes now in the hands of soldiers, whether on recruiting service or otherwise, expire on Saturday afternoon, September 13, at five o'clock. On and after the date of this order, every and each regiment of this brigade will form each day, at half-past three o'clock P. M. for battalion drill, until five o'clock, and at precisely half-past five o'clock P. M. each regiment will turn out for regimental dress parade. By command of Brigadier General F. B. SPINOLA.
P. J. CLAASSEN, Colonel and Inspector General, Empire Brigade.

It is said that Colonel Jourdan's regiment—the First of the brigade, which is now full—will take their departure for the seat of war on next Monday. The other regiments will follow in a few days should the proper arrangements be made and things set right in this organization. General Spinola will go out at the head of a splendid body of fighting men. It is but just that he should do so, for he has used the greatest exertions to forward the interests of his command. With proper military training the Empire Brigade will prove one of the best fighting organizations we could send to the war. Five companies of the Seventh are at the camp, under command of Lieutenant Colonel Price. Eighty of those will remain on guard at the camp each day.

The government advance pay was disbursed to the One Hundred and Forty-fifth regiment, Colonel W. H. Allen, at Camp New Dorp, on Thursday last, and at the same time formal muster was gone through with by Maj. Jones, United States Army. The regiment was found to have considerably over the minimum standard. The bounty payments will, it is expected, be concluded today, and by Monday the departure of the regiment will take place. Wives and families of soldiers wishing to see them before leaving should go down to camp to-day.

No. 82 BROADWAY, Sept. 12, 1862.
The officers of this regiment are hereby ordered to assemble at these headquarters on Saturday, the 13th inst., at twelve o'clock, noon, on business of the utmost importance to the regiment. By order of Colonel George A. Buckingham. HENRY F. LIEBENAU, Adjutant.

A meeting of citizens of the Ninth ward was held at the Bleecker Buildings, on Thursday evening, in order to make the preliminary arrangements for the organization of a Home Guard. An address was made by the Rev. Dr. Burchmer, an executive committee appointed, and seventy-five names inscribed upon the roll.